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DESCRIPTION: Use of English 1 MARK:

You are going to read a text about the rights of a shopper. Some words are missing. Use the words
in brackets to form a word that fits into each gap.

Know Your Rights !

If you are a regular ___________________ (SHOP) , you ought to make sure you know your
____________________ (CONSUME) rights. For example, did you know that TV, radio and
newspaper _______________________ (ADVERTISE) have to tell the truth ? If they say something
about a _____________________ (PRODUCE) that isn’t true, they can be taken to court. Also, if
you order something and you are promised ___________________ (DELIVER) before a certain
date, you should get some money back if it doesn’t arrive in time. The general rule is : don’t be afraid
to make a ___________________ (COMPLAIN). And if a shop ________________________
(ASSIST) is _____________________ (HELPFUL) or rude, always insist on speaking to the
___________________ (MANAGE). The shop certainly doesn’t want to lose one of its
____________________ (CUSTOM) . Now that more and more people are buying things online ,
shops have to do more for the __________________ (HAPPY) of the buyers.

You are going to read a text about meetings. Some words are missing. Use the words in brackets
to form a new word for each gap!

Should we stop flying on holiday?

One of the problems with comparing the _____________________ (CONTRIBUTE) of different

forms of transport is that they all take different routes. We looked at a hypothetical journey from
London to Naples in Italy and calculated the carbon __________________ (EMIT) released into the
atmosphere by making the journey by air, land and sea. We also considered some more
_____________________ (USUAL) options. Would travelling by horse actually be carbon neutral,
for example? A horse emits about 18 kg of methane a year. This is equivalent to 378 carbon units
because methane is 21 times more _____________________ (POWER) a greenhouse gas than
carbon dioxide. We can calculate the total contribution by _____________________ (WORK) out
the number of days it would take to make this journey and _____________________ (MULTIPLY)
this by the methane emitted each day. Going on holiday by horse may appeal to cowboys, but our
trip to Italy would take two months each way. _____________________ (SURPRISE), the car is the
next best _____________________ (CHOOSE), assuming there are three people
_____________________ (SHARE) it. But for a single trip the train would be the
_____________________ (GREEN) option.

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