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Prepared by:
Jaicille Mae L. Raña
Ecclesiastical Latin:

•fides (n: faith, faithfulness)

•fidelis (adj: faithful, reliable)
•credere (v: to believe)
Biblical Greek:
•pistis (n: faith, trust)
•pistos (adj: faithful, trustworthy)
•pisteuein (v: to believe, trust)
Illustrations of Faith

“Faith” defined in Epistle to the Hebrews

Heb. 11:1 – “Now faith is…

the assurance of things
hoped for,
and the conviction of
things not seen.”

“Faith” defined in Epistle to the Hebrews

Gk. hypostasis (“substance,
nature, essence”)
Gk. elenchos (“verification,

“Faith” defined in Epistle to the Hebrews

“things hoped for” = future
“things not seen” = spiritual

What is faith?

Faith is
Faith is NOT:

1. Mere belief
– it begins with
belief, but it goes
much further.
James 2:14-18
– Faith without
works is dead.
Faith is NOT:

2. Blind
– We have evidence that
God exists and that He can
do what He promises.
Romans 1:20
Faith is NOT:

3. Merely a feeling
– while faith involves
feelings, it is not
purely emotional.
Feelings are
subjective and can
be wrong.
(Acts 26:9)
Faith is NOT:

4. Given through
the direct
operation of the
Holy Spirit
We are “free will”
agents. We CAN
understand God’s word .
Romans 10:17
Faith is NOT:

5. Exclusive in
our salvation
Grace, blood, mercy, love,
Jesus, the Holy Spirit,
obedience, confession,
baptism, the word, must
obey, etc.
Faith is NOT (Summary)

•Mere belief
•Merely a feeling
•Given through the direct
operation of the Holy Spirit
•Exclusive in our salvation
Faith – Hebrews 11:1

• “Faith means being sure of

the things we hope for and
knowing that something is real
even if we do not see it.”
Faith – Hebrews 11:1

1. Substance of things hoped for

by faith we know that God is

true and will keep His
(cf. Heb. 11:8, 13-16)
Faith – Hebrews 11:1

We remain
faithful in a world
filled with doubt
and rejection.
Faith – Hebrews 11:1

2. Evidence of
things not seen
Faith – Hebrews 11:1

While we have not

seen God, there is
proof He exists!
(Heb. 11:3)
Faith – Hebrews 11:1

We live our lives

demonstrating our faith.
Our lives are PROOF
to others of OUR faith.
Faith in the Bible

3. Personal belief
(John 20:29)
This is the attitude that
causes us to follow Him.
Faith in the Bible

4. Conduct based upon trust

(Matt. 9:2)
This is the obedience
associated with our faith.
Faith in the Bible

5. Trustworthiness
(Matt. 24:45)
This is the result of
our faith.
Faith in the Bible

6. A system of doctrine
Faith in the Bible

(Jude 3, Gal. 1:23)

This is the whole
process – God’s part,
man’s part, etc. What
we know and do is
based upon “the faith”.
Faith in the Bible

7. A Divine Revelation
Faith in the Bible

communication of
Himself and his
Faith in the Bible (Summary)

•Substance of things hoped for

•Evidence of things not seen
•Personal belief
•Conduct based upon trust
•A system of doctrine
•A Divine Revelation
Faith & our salvation

• We are saved by faith.

Ephesians 2:8
“the answer of a good
conscience toward God”
Faith & our salvation

•Faith comes by hearing.

(Romans 10:17)
“be aware of their
Faith & our salvation

• Faith is obedient.
Romans 1:5,
NOTE: Obedience does
not set aside our faith, it
demonstrates faith!
Faith & our salvation

•Faith keeps us saved.

Romans 1:17
Are we
saved by
“faith only”?
•Yes or No?
Are we saved by “faith only”?

Are we saved by “faith
only”? NO
•James 2:24
“a person is justified
by works and not by
faith alone.
Are we saved by “faith
only”? NO
James 2:19,
“Even the
demons believe
and tremble.”
Are we saved by
“faith only”? NO

Not enough to
merely believe
(John 7:12-13)
Are we saved by
“faith only”? NO

Faith works.
(Gal. 5:6)

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