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RACE FOR TUNIS – errata and modifications

2.1 The Game Map/2.2 Charts and Tables

Amongst the units set up in hex 1210 is shown the
The symbol for sand in the TEC is not the same as the Support Marker for the Italian 2CM (0-1-5) artillery
sand representation on the map. unit, not the unit itself.
Terrain in effect for movement is the most restrictive in In this group is listed the 3/136/XC (1-1-7) SPAT
the hex; terrain in effect for combat is the most company; it is also listed as a Convoy unit. Remove
favourable in the hex for the defender. this unit from the game.
On the TEC, delete the ‘+’ sign for secondary roads and There is no set up information for 3+/91/S (1-1-4)
single railways. Also, delete the +1 combat die roll infantry company; set up with the Superga divisional
modifier for woods. HQ unit.
There is no Air Interdiction Box on the map. Players may make as many remnant counters as
required; the detachment counters are limited to those
2.3 The Playing Pieces/Set-up Table
OoB corrections
References to the East Edge and West Edge of the game
Allies map are inconsistent. It should always be interpreted
that the West Edge is friendly to the Allies and the East
HQs: 11 Bde and 36 Bde counters are green; they
Edge to the Axis, and the relevant edge derived there
should be red as displayed on the Set up Table.
A/P, B/P and C/P: on the Set up Table are displayed as
4.23 (optional rule is recommended) See case 4.27
green counters; they are in fact red, which is correct.
4.27 (addition) Motorized infantry may be moved as
On the OoB Chart: non-motorized infantry with a movement allowance of
5. As in case 4.23, motorized infantry may not in these
1CM/XC (0-1-5) should be yellow.
circumstances move again as a motorized unit until a
2CM/XC (0-1-5) should be yellow.
path of hexes free of Enemy units or Enemy ZOC can
1CA/XC (0-1-8) should be yellow.
be traced from the unit to a Friendly map edge
2/136/XC (1-1-7) should be yellow.
traversable by motorized movement. Players may find
11/2a/Prov (0-1-5) should be grey.
it useful to create markers to signify this.
There are two 7/7/10 Pz (3-3-10) armoured companies
4.31 (change) On Game Turns preceded by a Game
listed; one in Tunis at start, and one is listed on the
Turn in which the weather was Rain, a die roll of 1-3
Convoy row. There is an 8/7/10Pz (5-4-10) armoured
results in Clear, a die roll of 4-5 results in Cloudy, and a
company not listed anywhere. Both companies should
die roll of 6 results in Rain.
be set up on the Convoy row.
9.24 b. (clarification) In these circumstances the
The German I/86/10Pz and II/86/10Pz (5-6-11)
movement point cost for crossing a major river hex side
motorised infantry battalions have no stacking value
is two additional (rather than four), and for a minor
displayed; they should have a stacking value of 3,
river hex side is one additional (rather than two).
including when reduced.
10.14 (change) An Allied unit can trace supply directly
The German 49(-)/10Pz (3-3-10) should have wheels
to any map edge hex adjacent to an Allied supply source
under the type symbol on the reverse, as should the
irrespective of the presence of roads.
motorized engineer remnant (1-1-10).
10.31 (clarification) In order to place or retain units in
The Italian 101/S (1-2-8) artillery battalion should have
reserve a motorized movement Supply Point must be
a stacking value of 1 out of battery.
In the Airlift reinforcement row there is a 2-2-12
10.42 (clarification) This does not allow motorized
motorcycle detachment listed; the 10/10Pz (5-5-12)
units to move into or across prohibited terrain
motorcycle battalion is not listed anywhere. Set up the
(exceptions: cases 4.23 and 4.27).
5-5-12 in the airlift row on its reverse 3-3-12 side. A
10/10Pz (2-1-12) detachment is on the map; this unit 10.43 (change) Units retain fractional combat strengths.
can be recombined with the 3-3-12 to create the 5-5-12.
11.11 (correction) No Jewish labour can be used during
Game Turn 1 of Scenario 1.
11.12 (clarification) The additional defence strength of Detachments C & D are part of 10B for activation.
1 is the only effect of Jewish labour fortifications.
18.11 (correction) There are twelve Game Turns.
13.34 (addition) The Allied player may not receive
airborne reinforcements on Cloudy or Rain Game
13.42 (change) On a die-roll of 4-6 Free French units’ Incorporating notes previously available on the
movement allowances are halved, they may not enter an internet.
Enemy ZOC and they may not attack unless required to
T.R. Alanthwaite – 1.1 – April 2016
do so as a result of being unable to withdraw from an
Enemy ZOC.
13.62 (clarification) The Brandenburger recall must be
successful for the German player to forfeit the loss level
penalty referred to.
13.71 (correction) The reference to Commando
Supremo should be case 15.3.
14.21 (addition) Unsupplied Allied units on or east of
the 1600 hex row do not prevent a German Strategic
Victory, unless those units are in Tunis and/or Bizerte.
15.5 (correction) Change all references to defence
strength points. Change Tunis airfield to 5 defence
strength points.
15.6 (addition) A player is entitled to enquire whether
there is an Enemy ZOC projected into a hex.
16.2 (addition) Units arriving as Convoy reinforcements
spend half their movement allowance (rounded up) to
land. They require supply, including the expenditure of
Supply Points, for the Game Turn they arrive.
18.0 (clarification) Artillery units can start a scenario
set up In Battery and can place FPF markers as normal
at no cost to the initial Supply Point totals.
Axis units cannot be set up in Reserve in Scenario 1.
Group Koch are the units that are based around
Massicault and Medjez el Bab (two groups); per case
13.71, only units from Group Koch can move on Game
Turn 1 unless the Allies attack units in any other
formation. Group Koch units that move on Game Turn
1 can only move into a hex that is adjacent to the
Medjerda River or any hex south of the Medjerda River.
To move the mechanised units of Group Koch on Game
Turn 1 requires the expenditure of one Supply Point.
To attack on Game Turn 1 requires the expenditure of
one Supply Point. Group Koch ceases to exist as a
formation after Game Turn 1.
Axis formations after Game Turn 1 are:
XC Corps 10 Panzer 1st Superga Von Broich
XC units 10 Pz units S units 10B units
SM units
Dets A & B
Dets C & D
Detachments A & B are part of SM for activation.

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