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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Table of Contents
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Status of ESA Budget and Schedule ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Highlights .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Active Construction Contracts Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Active Projects Manhattan .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 CM009 Manhattan Tunnels Excavation.................................................................................................................................... 9 CM019 Manhattan Structures Part 1...................................................................................................................................... 11 FMM19 Manhattan Structures Part 1 MNR Direct F/A ...................................................................................................... 13 CM008A Madison Yard Site Clearance .................................................................................................................................. 14 CM004 44th St. Demolition & Construct Fan Plant Structure & 245 Park Ave. Entrance ..................................................... 16 CM013 50th St. Vent Facility.................................................................................................................................................. 18 CS790 GCT Protection Works ................................................................................................................................................ 20 VM014 Vertical Circulation (Escalators & Elevators) ........................................................................................................... 21 Active Projects Queens .............................................................................................................................................................. 23 CS810 Queens Instrumentation .............................................................................................................................................. 23 CQ031 Queens Bored Tunnels and Structures ....................................................................................................................... 24 CQ039 Northern Boulevard Crossing .................................................................................................................................... 26 CH053 Harold Structure Part 1 and GO2 Substation ............................................................................................................ 28 CH054A Harold Structures Part 2A .................................................................................................................................... 30 FHA01 Harold Stage 1 Amtrak Direct Force Account ........................................................................................................ 32 FHA02 Harold Early Stage 2 Amtrak Direct F/A ................................................................................................................ 34 FHL01 Harold Stage 1 LIRR Direct Force Account ............................................................................................................ 36 FHL02 Harold Early Stage 2 LIRR Direct F/A ................................................................................................................... 38 FHA62 F Interlocking CIH ..................................................................................................................................................... 40 VHA/L02 Procure Harold Materials Stage 2 ....................................................................................................................... 42 CS099 Advanced Procurement of 3rd Party Materials........................................................................................................... 43 VH051 (Part 1) Harold and Point CILs.................................................................................................................................. 44 VH051 (Part 2) Harold Tower Supervisory Control System................................................................................................... 46 Projects To Be Awarded ............................................................................................................................................................ 48 Summary of Completed Contracts .............................................................................................................................................. 49 Schedule and Packaging Plan ...................................................................................................................................................... 50 Summary Program Schedule ..................................................................................................................................................... 50 Contract Packaging Plan Rev. 9.0 .......................................................................................................................................... 52 Funding and Budget ..................................................................................................................................................................... 53 Project Budget Summary (As of Sep 30, 2010) ($ in thousands) ............................................................................................... 53 Federal Funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act....................................................................................... 54 Project Funding Status (As of September 30, 2010) .................................................................................................................. 55 Status of Project Contingency.................................................................................................................................................... 56 Force Account Construction Budget (As of Sep 30, 2010)......................................................................................................... 57 Force Account 2010 Commitment Summary (As of Sep 30, 2010) ............................................................................................ 57 Changes from Last Quarter ....................................................................................................................................................... 57 Fourth Quarter 10 Look Ahead............................................................................................................................................... 58 Design ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 58 Grand Central Terminal ............................................................................................................................................................ 58 Railroad Systems ....................................................................................................................................................................... 59 Operational Readiness/LIRR Start Up ....................................................................................................................................... 59 Construction .............................................................................................................................................................................. 59 Budget and Finance ................................................................................................................................................................... 60 Executive Level Project Execution Plan .................................................................................................................................... 60 Quality ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 60 Methods and Procedures ........................................................................................................................................................... 61 Safety ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 61 Site and Systems Security........................................................................................................................................................... 61 Real Estate ................................................................................................................................................................................. 61
Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access (PM 3.2.80881) 1

Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Public Outreach......................................................................................................................................................................... 61

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)

Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Executive Summary Status of ESA Budget and Schedule

BUDGET TOTAL (millions) Budget $ 7,328.0 Awards $ 3,946.2 54% Invoiced $ 2,607.7 36% 66% Invoiced $ 1,592.0 28% 55%



Note: The budget and schedule reflect the September 2009 rebaseline as approved by the MTA Board

Budget $ 5,595.5

Awards* $ 2,878.7 51%

% Budget % Awards
*Awards reflect current contract values.

CONTINGENCY (millions) FFGA Baseline Sept 09 Baseline Current Contingency COMPLETED CONTRACTS
Contracts Completed This Quarter

Contingency $ 855 $ 424 $ 494 Twenty one contracts valued at $393.1 million

Contracts Awarded This Quarter

Twenty three contracts valued at $ 2.579 billion VM014 Vertical Circulation Elements There is no other major award planned for 2010. Planned awards for 2011 include: Plaza Substations & Queens Structures (CQ032) GCT Expansion Joint Replacement & Structural Closures (CM002) Manhattan Structures 2 & Facilities Fit-Out (CM012) 55th St Ventilation Facility (CM013A) GCT Concourse & Facilities Fit-Out (CM014) Harold Structures Part 3A (CH057) System Package 1 Facilities System (CS079 )


PROJECT PROGRESS Total Project Percent Complete Design Percent Complete 4TH QTR 10 DESIGN WORK PLAN INCLUDES:

31.6% 92.6% 2 contracts achieving 30% submittal FHA03, FHL03 3 contracts achieving 60% submittal FHA02, FHA03, FHL03 2 contracts achieving 90% submittal VQ065, CH057 8 contracts achieving 100% submittal CM002, CM012, CM014, CS078, CS079, CS081, CS084, CS086
(PM 3.2.80881) 3

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Project Progress
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Planned Actual

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Planned Actual






30% 20% 10% 0%





Status of Project Funding


TotalFederalFunding Received

$2,699 $1,563 $1,278

$0 $500 $1,000 $1,500 Millions $2,000 $2,500 $3,000


0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 Millions 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000


East Side Access Budget & Schedule

$ Billions
9 8 7 6 5

8.013 7.244
w/o risk reserve

7.220 7.328

Completion Feb-2015

Completion Mar-2016

Completion Sep-2016

Completion Jan-2017

Completion Apr-2017

4 3 2 1 0

Completion Dec-2013


Low Budget High

MTA Mar-08 Estimate

MTA Jul-09 Estimates

Note: July 2009 values exclude $463M in rolling stock costs, now budgeted elsewhere.

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)

Completion Apr-2017

Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Received additional Federal Funding, Grant Amendment NY-03-0344-11 in the amount of $207,527,659 and the FTA executed an $11 million Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Grant on 09/23/10 Funds from the Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA) released early under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) have been fully expended. See page 54 for a list of the projects advanced with these funds. Awarded Phases I and II of the Vertical Circulation Elements (VM014) contract to Schindler Elevator Corporation for $24.1 million in September 10 Soft ground tunnel boring machines for Queens (TBMs S-558 and S-559) arrived from Germany and were transported to Astoria, Queens. On-site delivery and assembly is anticipated in Dec 10 under contract Queens Bored Tunnels and Structures (CQ031) Completed concrete plug at GCT 4 Crossover under contract Manhattan Tunnels Excavation (CM009) Completed drill and blast excavation at Shaft #2 under contract Manhattan Structures Part 1 (CM019) Completed demolition of four of five buildings on 50th and 49th Streets under contract 50th St. Vent Facility (CM013) Completed demolition of the top 18 feet of the demising wall between the Early Access Chamber and the Open-Cut under contract Northern Boulevard Crossing (CQ039) Completed utility relocation including 60HZ power feeder and communication lines at Three Tunnel Emergency Exit Area under contract Harold Structure Part 1 and GO2 Substation (CH053). The area was turned over to CQ031 contractor for construction of the Emergency Exit secant piles. Completed drilling steel casings, setting soldier piles and timber lagging for retaining walls THOM-S1/S2 under contract Harold Structures Part 2A (CH054A) Completed Catenary wires relocation for five Catenary structures at Tri-vent area and completed installation of 68 Spur Track (Lead 4) under contract Harold Stage 1- Amtrak (FHA01) Installed five communication poles at Harold Tower Area, completed installation of communication cable along Skillman Ave. and completed installation of 823 switch under contract Harold Stage 1- LIRR (FHL01)

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)

Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Active Construction Contracts Summary

Substantial Completion Plan NTP Orig Revised Forecast Plan* Actual Cost Expenditure % Complete Current Budget ($M) Budget at Award ($M) Original Contract Award ($M) Current Approved Contract ($M) Estimate at Completion ($M) Remarks

MANHATTAN / BRONX CM009 Manhattan Tunnels Excavations

7/10/06 04/01/08 04/01/08 07/10 03/12 03/12 03/12 03/12 03/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 71.8/77.9% 48.6/54.2% N/A 74.6% 40.7% 61.0% 455.0 781.0 31.4 449.3 756.0 33.1 427.9 499.9 31.8 447.9 530.2 29.9 455.0 781.0** 31.4

DJ to submit recovery schedule.

CM019 Manhattan Structures 1 FMM19 Manhattan Force Account Support MNR CM008A Madison Yard Site Clearance
03/09/09 06/10 02/11 th 02/11 87.3/92.5% 90.3 41.9 40.9 39.0 41.8 42.7

DJ to submit recovery schedule.

MNR Direct Force Account

Force Account support for Manhattan construction.

Gramercy Group, Inc.

On schedule based upon re-baseline schedule with additional scope of work.

CM004 44 St. Demolition & Construct Fan Plan Structure & 245 Park Ave. Entrance
09/16/09 09/11 09/11 09/11 21.5/30.8% 16.7% 42.8 44.3 40.8 40.8 42.8

Yonkers Contracting Company, Inc.

Progressing behind schedule due to unforeseen foundation conditions. Contractor is working extra shifts to recover schedule.

CM013 50th St. Vent Facility

01/4/10 10/23/08 09/27/10 06/12 10/09 04/15 06/12 09/10 04/15 06/12 10/10 04/15 11.8/13.1% 100.0% 0.0% 10.3% 98.0% 0.0% 99.1 13.0 51.4 99.1 12.8 51.4 94.4 10.3 24.1 94.0 12.4 24.1 99.1 13.0 51.4

CCA Civil-Hilmar International

Progressing on schedule.

CS790 GCT Protection Works VM014 Vertical Circulation (Escalators & Elevators) QUEENS CS810 Queens Instrumentation
05/06/09 05/09 05/10 01/11 100% 59.0% 2.7 3.0 2.7 2.6 2.7

Ad Tech Enterprises
Reach Substantial Completion in October.

Schindler Elevator Corporation

Contract awarded in September.

Wang Technology
Railroad resources have been redirected to other contracts. The scope of work is being adjusted to accommodate TBM schedule priority.

CQ031 Queens Bored Tunnels and Structures

09/28/09 09/12 09/12 10/12 43.8/48.2% 29.0% 766.8 756.8 659.2 723.9 766.8

Granite-Traylor-Frontier Joint Venture

A re-sequencing at Three Tunnel Emergency Exit brings the TBM mining schedule back to the original schedule.

CQ039 Northern Boulevard Crossing

02/03/10 10/11 10/11 01/12 38.8/41.8% 7.9% 89.2 89.2 84.9 84.7 89.2

Schiavone/ Kiewit, a Joint Venture

Behind schedule since the slurry wall repairs by CQ031 limits construction access. The contractor continues to develop a recovery plan with increase in crew size and shifts.

*Late/ Early Plan **EAC assumes contract options will be exercised

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)

Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Cost Expenditure % Complete Plan* Actual

Substantial Completion NTP Plan Orig Revised Forecast

Current Budget ($M)

Budget at Award ($M)

Original Contract Award ($M)

Current Approved Contract ($M)

Estimate at Completion ($M)


HAROLD INTERLOCKING CH053 Harold Structures Part 1 and GO2 Substation

01/02/08 05/10 01/12 06/12 46.4/62.1% 44.9% 179.7 144.1 137.3 160.0 179.7

Perini Corp.
Progressing slightly behind schedule according to the rebaseline schedule. Modification for 12KV civil work package was issued to Perini for construction. The 12KV electrical portion is under design review and approval by Amtrak.

CH054A Harold Structures Part 2A

08/24/09 12/10 12/10 09/11 61.4/76.1% 29.1% 27.1 27.1 21.8 21.8 27.1

Perini Corp.
Delay in 12KV re-design controls the project critical path. The change order is to be issued in Dec 2010.

FHA01 Harold Stage 1 Amtrak

06/01/07 09/09 01/12 06/12 64.9/71.8% 63.2% 16.8 9.5 9.5 13.9 16.8

Amtrak Direct Force Account

Schedule is revised based upon CH053 re-baseline schedule. It has slipped due to the delay in design of catenary in CH053.

FHA02 Harold Early Stage 2 Amtrak

12/15/08 12/10 12/10 03/11 51.4/65.6% 66.0% 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8

Amtrak Direct Force Account

Progressing on schedule (early stage 2 - partial budget).

FHL01 Harold Stage 1 LIRR

06/29/07 10/11 10/11 01/12 58.8/70.6% 60.6% 22.0 28.8 28.8 20.8 22.0

LIRR Direct Force Account

Schedule has slipped due to the delay of 48 St. bridge construction (CH053).

FHL02 Harold Early Stage 2 LIRR

08/17/09 12/10 01/11 01/11 35.4/62.4% 36.8% 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8

LIRR Direct Force Account

Progressing on schedule (early stage 2 - partial budget).

FHA62 F Interlocking CIH

09/11/08 08/10 07/11 07/11 53.0/82.0% 77.0% 8.2 8.2 6.9 6.9 8.2

Amtrak Direct Force Account

Schedules have been revised to reflect delivery schedule changes. No impact to follow-on contracts.

VHA02 Procure Harold Material Stage 2 Amtrak

01/09 01/09 01/09 01/12 08/13 12/10 05/12 08/13 12/10 07/12 08/13 12/10 60% 38% 54.0% 60% 38% 54.0% 13.2 26.2 37.8 13.2 26.2 37.8 6.0 6.0 17.2 6.0 12.3 17.2 13.2 20.6 31.5

Amtrak Procurement
Progressing on schedule.

VHL02 Procure Harold Material Stage 2 LIRR

CS099 Advanced Procurement of Third Party Materials VH051 (Part 1) Harold and Point CILs
05/11/09 06/12 06/12 11/13 8.3/19.2% 10.0% 30.8 30.9 25.8 25.8 30.8

LIRR Procurement
Progressing on schedule.

Third Party Procurement

Progressing on schedule.

Ansaldo STS USA, Inc

Deliveries of CILs have slipped but will not impact ESA project end date.

VH051 (Part 2) Harold Tower Supervisory Control System

02/03/09 08/10 08/10 12/10 90.0/90.0% 75.0% 7.1 7.1 5.4 5.4 7.1
*Late/ Early Plan

Progressing behind schedule. No impact on revenue service date is anticipated. 7

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)

Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Manhattan Active Contracts

Manhattan Tunnels & Structures CM009/19 50th St. Ventilation Facility CM013 Madison Yard Site Clearance CM008A Manhattan Tunnels Excavation (CM009 ) The Manhattan tunnels excavation contract includes procurement of two 22 foot diameter rock tunnel boring machines (TBM), installation of temporary utilities, excavation of chambers and wyes, TBM (4 drives) excavation of approximately 25,000 linear feet (lf) of tunnels and final concrete lining of 11,600 lf of the running tunnels. Manhattan Structures (CM019 ) Excavation and lining of four tunnel drives, shafts, escalator well-ways, air plenums, cross-passages, and caverns mainly under Grand Central Terminal (GCT). Manhattan Structures Part 1 MNR (FMM19) MNR Railroad resources in support of the contracts CM019, CM008A, CM004 and General Conditions contracts in the vicinity of GCT. These resources include both direct and indirect labor, worktrain support, and rack outages. Madison Yard Site Clearance (CM008A) Dismantle rail, ballast, concrete slab, crash walls, two platforms, and miscellaneous buildings; Demolish elevators and remove accompanying mechanical/electrical equipment. Duct removal and installation and fan work, and all other mechanical/electrical systems. Construct new MNR Commissary. 44th St. Demolition & Construct Fan Plant Structure & 245 Park Ave. Entrance (CM004) 47 E. 44th Street: Demolish existing building, perform soil and rock excavation. Construct shell of new building. 245 Park Avenue Entrance: Conduct environmental abatement and demolition; construct new foundations, walls and supports, furnish and install escalator. Install architectural finishes, plumbing, fire protection, HVAC, lighting, power, fire alarm, and communication systems. 50th St. Ventilation Facility (CM013) Construction of new ventilation building structure and vertical utility shaft form building foundation at 50th St. GCT Protection Works (CS790) Make all necessary concrete repairs to roof slabs, columns and beams and install protective netting in GCT from 42nd thru 51 Streets ( Upper Level Tracks 32 thru 42, Lower Level Tracks 113 thru 115). Vertical Circulation - Escalators & Elevators (VM014) Install 17 elevators, 45 escalators and compactor lift as base scope with option for additional 5 elevators and 2 escalators in Concourse, Caverns, 44th and 50th St. Ventilation Facilities, MNR facilities and the 48th St. entrance.

44th St. Demolition & Construct Fan Plant Structure & 245 Park Ave. Entrance CM004 Vertical Circulation (Escalators & Elevators) VM014

GCT Protection Works CS790

Manhattan Structures part 1 - MNR FMM19

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)

Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Active Projects Manhattan

CM009 Manhattan Tunnels Excavation
Contractor: Dragados/Judlau Construction Manager: Mike Pujdak LONP#:: 8 FTA Grant: NY-03-0344

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


Description: The Manhattan tunnels excavation contract includes procurement of two 22 foot diameter rock tunnel boring machines (TBM), installation of temporary utilities, excavation of chambers and wyes, TBM (4 drives) excavation of approximately 25,000 linear feet (lf) of tunnels and final concrete lining of 11,600 lf of the running tunnels.

Chipping on Sump Pit in Bellmouth.

Excavation at Tail Track #1.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: TBM Mining Data (Active Drives)
Length (lf) Start Date EAST WEST 4,005* 1,620** 3/5/2010* 04/13/2010 3rd Qtr 10 lf Cum lf 1,832 0 3,489 1,620 % Complete 87.1 100.0

* Actual start date of mining rock is 3/5 although mining started at GCT 5 plug on 2/24/10 ** Length includes GCT 1/2 excavation by Robbins TBM

1. Continued SELI TBM mining at Lower Level Drive #3 2. Continued Excavation in Bellmouth sump Schedule: Global modifications 30 (CM009) and 24 (CM019) have revised the milestones dates in conjunction with settlement of various changes, claims and VEs. The latest approved update (#20) which did not incorporate all of these changes shows approximately 3 months delay on both Milestones 5A and 6A. The Contractor is currently developing a recovery schedule and is re-planning the project to incorporate these modifications and to mitigate the delays. Early indications are that the Milestones dates will not be fully recovered and will still trend behind. ESA continue monitor the critical activities including cavern mucking and excavation progress. Cost: The project is trending within budget. Monthly forecast projections indicate contingency values are sufficient. Contract Modifications: As of 9/30/10, twenty seven modifications, for a total of $ 19,922,322 have been executed including the scope transfer for 38th St. Vent Plant (CM013B). Critical Issues: 1. DJ to submit recovery schedule
Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access (PM 3.2.80881)

Milestones CM009* Current Approved Plan Milestones Description Advertise (RFP) 01/06 NTP 07/10/06 Start Tunnel Mining 09/25/07 Complete Final Drive at 06/04/10 Lower Level (Robbins) Complete Final Drive #4 05/27/11 (SELI) Substantial Completion 03/31/12 Close-Out 08/26/12 Schedule Progress Cost Expenditure Percent Complete 3rd Qtr Plan** Actual 1.9/1.9 3.8

Actual /Forecast 01/06 (A) 07/10/06 (A) 09/25/07 (A) 06/02/10 (A) 04/29/11 10/09/12 01/16/13

Cumulative Plan** Actual 71.8/77.9 74.6

* Milestones reflects combine CM009/CM019 Rebaseline schedule * * Late/ Early Plan

Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 Budget at Award Current Budget Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion CM009 F/A Support 449,351 4,041 454,998 427,954 19,922 447,876 333,918 454,998 4,120 3,924 0 3,924 1,227 4,120 Total 453,392 459,118 431,878 19,922 451,800 335,145 459,118

Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Coordination Required
Real Estate: All properties and easements are secured for tunnel construction. MTA sent mailings to owners regarding contract NTP, zones of influence, pre-construction survey, instrumentation, and monitoring. Railroad Agencies: Flagging and access protection are being provided by MNR and NYCT. MOU: N/A Permits: The contractor is responsible for securing the following: Blasting Permit FDNY: Permit received Water Discharge Permit NYCDEP: Permit received but contractor is seeking a variance Lane Closure Permits NYCDOT: Permit received for 2nd Ave. and Northern Blvd.

Progress (CM009)
100% 90% 80% 70%
Actual Early Late

60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Jul-06 Nov-06 Mar-07 Jul-07 Nov-07 Mar-08 Jul-08 Nov-08 Mar-09 Jul-09 Nov-09 Mar-10 Jul-10 Nov-10 Mar-11 Jul-11 Nov-11 Mar-12 Jul-12

Continued ongoing safety walk-thru of sites and reinforced best practices with supervision Conducted accident investigation training and have seen improvements in investigation reports Safety Statistics* (Cumulative Incidents per 200,000 work-hours)
Project Contract BLS**(10)

Lost Time Accidents




*The project performance statistics are based on construction hours only **Bureau of Labor Statistics/National Industry Average

Site Map

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access (PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

CM019 Manhattan Structures Part 1

Contractor: Dragados-Judlau Construction Manager: Mike Pujdak FTA Grant: NY-03-0344

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


Description: Excavation and lining of four tunnel drives, shafts, escalator well-ways, air plenums, cross-passages, and caverns mainly under Grand Central Terminal (GCT).

Removing Muck from Wellway #3.

Installing Shotcrete in West Cavern.

Schedule and Cost

Total Top Heading Bench I Bench II Bench III 1 & 1A 2 & 2A 3 4 & 4A 5 6 7

Cut #

WB GCT Main Cavern Excavation Total (CY) 3rd Qtr 10 (CY) Cum (CY)
95,832 9,098 9,098 12,830 12,098 16,058 16,058 20,592 4,788 422 1,074 2,372 920 0 0 0 29,188 9,098 8,876 6,536 4,677 0 0 0

% Complete
30.4 100.0 97.5 50.9 38.7 0.0 0.0 0.0

Total Top Heading Bench I Bench II Bench III
CY - Cubic Yard

Cut #
1 & 1A 2 & 2A 3 4 & 4A 5 6 7

EB GCT Main Cavern Excavation Total (CY) 3rd Qtr 10 (CY Cum (CY)
95,832 9,098 9,098 12,830 12,098 16,058 16,058 20,592 6,924 0 1,129 4,918 877 0 0 0 26,201 5,607 7,914 8,836 3,845 0 0 0

% Complete
27.3 62.0 87.0 68.8 31.7 0.0 0.0 0.0

Milestones CM019* Current Milestones Description Approved Plan Advertise (RFP) 02/07 NTP 04/01/08 Complete WW2 Load Transfer 04/11/10 Complete West Cavern Top Heading 12/29/10 Substantial Completion 03/31/12 Close-Out 08/26/12 Schedule Progress Cost Expenditure Percent Complete 3rd Qtr Actual Plan** 6.3/10.1 5.2

Actual/ Forecast 02/07 (A) 04/01/08 (A) 04/11/10 (A) 12/30/10 10/09/12 01/16/13

Cumulative Actual Plan** 48.6/54.2 40.7

* Milestones reflects combine CM009/CM019 Rebaseline schedule **Late/ Early Plan

Shaft 5 Shaft 4 Access tunnel # 4 Shaft 3 Access tunnel # 3 Shaft 2 Access tunnel # 2 WW 4 & Slope WW 3 & Slope WW 2 & Slope

Shafts & Escalators Excavation Total (CY) 3rd Qtr 10 (CY) Cum (CY)
1,695 4,389 536 3,533 920 1,424 1,091 4,138 4,857 4,851 0 0 0 0 0 342 214 0 668 250 1,334 4,389 476 3,533 784 1,424 214 1,343 1,336 250

% Complete
78.7 100.0 89.0 100.0 85.0 100.0 19.6 32.0 27.5 5.0

Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 CM019 F/A Support* Budget at Award 756,020 Current Budget 781,021 Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 499,987 30,261 530,248 311,242 781,021

Total 756,020 781,021 499,987 30,261 530,248 311,242 781,021

1. Completed waterproofing at Shaft #4 2. Completed drill and blast excavation at Shaft #2 and continued concrete operation at Shaft #3 3. Continued mucking in main caverns 4. Began concrete plug removal and GCT 4 crossover excavation Schedule: Global modifications 30 (CM009) and 24 (CM019) have revised the milestones dates in conjunction with settlement of various changes, claims and VEs. The latest approved update (#20) which did not incorporate all of these changes shows approximately 3 months delay on both Milestones 5A and 6A. The Contractor is currently developing a recovery schedule and is re-planning the project to incorporate these modifications and to mitigate the delays. Early indications are that the Milestones dates will not be fully recovered and will still trend behind. ESA continue monitor the critical activities including cavern mucking and excavation progress.
Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

* Force Account costs are reported on the FMM19 summary page.

Cost: The contract was awarded for $499 million. An option exists that when exercised will increase the contract value to $734 million. The project is trending within budget. Monthly forecast projections indicate contingency values are sufficient after adding potential changes. Current Budget increased due to tunnel liner flat invert transfer from contract Track, Third Rail & Tunnel Bench Walk (CS078) Contract Modifications: As of 9/30/10, twenty one modifications for a total of $30,261,666 have been executed. Critical Issues: 1. Continue to implement reduced vibration criteria to minimize impact to MNR operations and Con-Ed steam pipes during blasting 2. Currently DJ is supplementing the crusher with muck cars to recover schedule
(PM 3.2.80881) 11

Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Coordination Required
Real Estate: All properties and easements are secured. Railroad Agencies: Flagging and access and protection are being provided by MNR and NYCT. MOU: N/A. Permits: The contractor is responsible for securing the following: Blasting Permit FDNY: Permit received. Lane Closure Permits NYCDOT: Permit received for Park Ave utility work.

Progress (CM019)
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
Apr-08 Jul-08 Oct-08 Jan-09 Apr-09 Jul-09 Oct-09 Jan-10 Apr-10 Jul-10 Oct-10 Jan-11 Apr-11 Jul-11 Oct-11 Jan-12 Apr-12 Jul-12

Early Late Actual

Ongoing safety walk-thru of sites continues The contractor continues to maintain appropriate ventilation Conducted Accident Investigation training which has improved contractors reports Safety Statistics* (Cumulative Incidents per 200,000 work-hours)
Project Contract BLS**(07)

Lost Time Accidents




*The project performance statistics are based on construction hours only **Bureau of Labor Statistics/National Industry Average

Site Map

Shafts are for elevators Wellways are for escalators

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

FMM19 Manhattan Structures Part 1 MNR Direct F/A

Contractor: Metro-North Railroad Construction Manager: Fred Atiles FTA Grant: NY-03-0344

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


Description: MNR Railroad resources in support of the Manhattan contracts CM019, CM008A, CM004, FM216, CS780, CS790, and CS800. These resources include both direct and indirect labor, flagging, project management, work train support, load inspection, rail cars inspection and repair, and track outages.

Flag Protection in GCT.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: 1. MNR continues to provide flagman protection outside of Madison Yard envelope during the day and at night shifts. Currently there are three flagmen during the day and seven during the night time shift. MNR is providing flagman protection during the weekend to Yonkers at Track #38 thru #40 to perform the water and sewer tie-in at the Yale Club MNR continues to provide flagman protection to TC Electric to complete FM216 Punch-list items outside of Madison Yard MNR is providing flagman protection at Track #115 to Gramercy to complete the Concrete Arch Work and angle iron of east perimeter wall Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 FMM19 F/A Support Budget at Award 33,124 Current Budget 31,424 Original Award* Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 31,819 (1,891) 29,928 12,938 31,424 -


Total 33,124 31,424 31,819 (1,891) 29,928 12,938 31,424



*Funds will be obligated to meet cash needs on an annual basis. Current obligation total $13.6 million.

Schedule: Schedule to support CM019, CM008A, CM004, FM216, and General Conditions contracts. Cost: Project is trending under budget. However, no change to EAC is being made at this time. Further review will take place upon final completion of CM008A and FM216. Contract Modification: As of 9/30/10, three modifications for a total of ($-1,891,374) have been executed. Critical Issues: None

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

CM008A Madison Yard Site Clearance

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


Contractor: Gramercy Group, Inc. Construction Manager: Daniel Connor FTA Grant: ARRA Stimulus Fund NY-36-0002 Description: Dismantle rail, ballast, concrete slab, crash walls, two platforms, and miscellaneous buildings; Demolish elevators and remove accompanying mechanical/electrical equipment; Remove 45th St. cross passage walls and floor for shaft 2; Relocate 46th St. out of Wellway 2 excavation footprint; Plumbing: Above and below slab pipe removals and relocations and new pipe installations, HVAC: Duct removal and installation and fan work, and all other mechanical/electrical systems. Construct new MNR Commissary.

Saw Cutting of Crash Walls at Madison Yard.

Installation of Ceiling Tiles at Commissary Zone 1.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: 1. Completed painting and fireproofing along east perimeter wall 2. Completed mechanical, electrical and plumbing rough-ins within Commissary Zone 1 3. Completed track drain testing from track 38 to 42 4. Continued demolition of crash walls and track slabs at Madison Yard. 75% of the work complete. (Scope transfer from CM014) 5. Continued installation of structural expansion joints & steel support angles along east & west perimeter wall 6. Continued 46th St. sewer and overhead drainage work 7. Started MEP and interior finishes in Commissary Zone 1 8. Started installation of slabs at express level for elevators openings on 43rd St. Schedule: As per the latest contractors update, the work is scheduled to meet all the contractual milestones. The additional tiling and drainage (by MNR) in Commissary zone 1 has a potential of delaying the project. Cost: Estimate at Completion increased due to scope transfer for saw cut and demolition of crash walls from GCT Concourse and Facilities Fit-Out (CM014) and other modifications for unforeseen conditions in Madison Yard and Commissary. Contract Modification: As of 9/30/10, 48 modifications, for a total of $2,852,375 have been executed including the scope transfer for crash walls. Critical Issue: 1. The additional tiling and drainage (by MNR) in Commissary zone 1 has a potential of delaying the project. Milestones CM008A Current Milestones Description Approved Plan Advertise (IFB) 08/25/08 NTP 03/09/09 Commissary Zone 1 & Madison 11/29/10 Yard Completion Substantial Completion 02/02/11 Close-Out 05/03/11 Schedule Progress Cost Expenditure Percent Complete
*Late/ Early Plan

Actual/ Forecast 08/25/08 (A) 03/09/09 (A) 11/29/10 02/02/11 05/03/11

3rd Qtr Plan* Actual 2.7/3.5 3.2

Cumulative Plan* Actual 87.3/92.5 90.3

Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 F/A CM008A Support* Budget at Award 40,932 Current Budget 41,912 Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 38,983 2,852 41,835 37,797 42,676

Total 40,932 41,912 38,983 2,852 41,835 37,797 42,676

* Force Account costs are reported on the FMM19 summary page.

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Coordination Issues
Real Estate: N/A Railroad Agencies: MNR MOU: Permits: Demolition permit received. Construction permit received

Progress (CM008A)
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11

Early Late Actual

Zero Lost Time Accidents Continued ongoing safety walk-thru of sites Lost Time Accidents Safety Statistics* (Cumulative Incidents per 200,000 work-hours)
Project Contract BLS**(10)




*The project performance statistics are based on construction hours only **Bureau of Labor Statistics/National Industry Average

Site Map

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

CM004 44th St. Demolition & Construct Fan Plant Structure & 245 Park Ave. Entrance
Contractor: Yonkers Contracting Company, Inc. (YCC) Construction Manager: Daniel Connor

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


FTA Grant: ARRA Stimulus Funds NY-36-0002

Description: 47 E. 44 Street: Remove hazardous material, demolish existing building, perform soil and rock excavation. Construct shell of new building. Frame and partially fit out new building. 245 Park Avenue Entrance: Conduct environmental abatement and demolition; construct new foundations, walls and supports, furnish and install escalator. Install architectural finishes, plumbing, fire protection, HVAC, lighting, power, fire alarm, and communication systems.

On-Going Line/Production Drilling at 47 E44th St.

Slab Demolition at 245 Park Ave. Ground Floor.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: 44th Street Vent Plant 1. Completed 64% of production drilling 2. Investigation of unforeseen foundation conditions by ESA and YCC continued at 44th St. 3. Continued excavation of street/sidewalk to install new utilities 4. Completed support of excavation at 47 E. 44th St. 5. Continued relocation of utilities for Yale Club 6. Continued monitoring of noise and vibration Progress: 245 Park Avenue Entrance 1. Continued re-construction of south end of platform E 2. Continued demolition of cross passageway head-house foundation walls and excavation for escalator pit at north end of platform E. 3. Continued demolition of floor slab at 245 Park Ave. 4. Continued installation of structural steel in MNR lunch room/electrical closet Schedule: The latest contractor update maintains the contractual completion dates. Time impact for unforeseen foundation conditions at 47 E 44th St. building is being analyzed. Delay in the start of perimeter drilling can delay the schedule. YCC is currently working extra shifts to recover schedule. Cost: Project is within budget. Contract Modifications: As of 9/30/10, three modifications have been executed with no dollar value. Critical Issues: 1. Unforeseen foundation conditions at building footprint and adjacent structures are being analyzed by GEC. Milestones CM004 Current Approved Milestone Description Plan Advertise (IFB) 12/11/08 NTP 09/16/09 Complete Rock Excavation at 44th St. 03/05/11 Complete Shaft Construction at 44th St. 7/21/11 Complete 44th St. Vent Plant 09/16/11 Building & 245 Park Ave. Entrance Substantial Completion 09/19/11 Close-Out 12/16/11 Schedule Progress Cost Expenditure Percent Complete
*Late/ Early Plan

Actual/ Forecast 12/11/08 (A) 09/16/09 (A) 12/22/10 06/02/11 09/16/11 09/19/11 12/16/11

3rd Qtr Plan* Actual 8.6/10.4 5.4

Cumulative Plan* Actual 21.5/30.8 16.7

Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 CM004 FA Support* Budget at Award 44,259 Current Budget 42,803 Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 40,765 40,765 6,787 42,803

Total 44,259 42,803 40,765 40,765 6,787 42,803

* Force Account costs are reported on the FMM19 summary page.

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Coordination Required
Real Estate: 47 E.44th St. acquired and vacated; NYC Planning Commission approved 245 Park Ave. change of use in Plaza area. Railroad Agencies: MNR and LIRR. Permits: Contractor acquired all demolition, construction, sidewalk and MPT (lane closing -DOT) permits. MOU: MOU with MNR executed.

Progress (CM004)
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Sep-09

Early Late Actual














The LTA rate is declining as job hours increase and as work increases Continued ongoing safety walk-thru of sites Lost Time Accidents Safety Statistics* (Cumulative Incidents per 200,000 work-hours)
Project Contract BLS**(10)




*The project performance statistics are based on construction hours only **Bureau of Labor Statistics/National Industry Average

Site Map
42nd st. 43rd st. 44th st. 45th st. 46th st. 47th st. 48th st.

44th St. Vent Plant Facility

Park Avenue

245 Park Ave. Entrance

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

CM013 50th St. Vent Facility

Contractor: CCA Civil-Halmar International Construction Manager: Vincent Monaco

Jul, Aug, Sep 10

Construction FTA Grant: NY-03-0344

Description: Construct 50th St. Ventilation Facility. Work includes: building demolition including environmental abatement, termination of utility connections; foundation excavation and lining; shaft and tunnel excavation and lining; and construction of new ventilation building structure and vertical utility shaft

Demolition of 50 E 50th St. Building.

Drilling of Piles on 50th St. to Support Temporary Street Deck Structure.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: 1. Completed demolition of four of five buildings on 50th and 49th Sts. Demolition of last building 50 E. 50th St. is ongoing 2. 3. 4. 5. Completed drilling of 17 piles to support the temporary deck structure on 50th St. Completed 70% of faade and 50% of temporary demising wall work for 300 Park Ave. as scheduled Completed construction of permanent independent wall for 437 Madison Ave. building Completed gas and steam utilities relocation and installation work on 50th St. The water, electric and communications works are ongoing Milestones CM013 Current Actual/ Milestone Description Approved Plan Forecast Advertise (IFB) 07/09 07/09 (A) NTP 01/04/10 01/04/10 (A) 300 Park Ave. Independent Wall 12/14/10 12/14/10 and Site Access Installation of Street Decking 11/19/10 11/19/10 Substantial Completion 06/01/12 06/01/12 Close-Out 09/04/12 09/04/12 Schedule Progress 3rd Qtr Cumulative Cost Expenditure Plan* Actual Plan* Actual Percent Complete 1.9/3.5 2.4 11.8/13.1 10.3
*Late/ Early Plan

Schedule: Contractor expedited the building demolition work and drilling work according to the submitted recovery plan to be able to meet the project milestones. Cost: As of 06/30/10, three modifications for a total of $-325,640 have been executed. Critical Issues: Delay in securing demolition permit for 300 Park Ave party wall by contractor has affected demolition of 50 E. 50th St. This can potentially impact milestone 1 and 2 of project. CM and contractor are closely monitoring the work. To mitigate this risk, the contractor revised the work plan to continue working on street decking without conflicting and having to wait for building and party wall demo.

Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 F/A CM013 CMR13*** Support Budget at Award 99,073 24,000 Current Budget 99,073 24,000 Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value** Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 94,355 -326 94,029 9,620 99,073 24,000 24,000 10,395 24,000 -

Total 123,073 123,073 118,355 -326 118,029 20,015 123,073

**A modification of $841,083 for Roosevelt Island Ventilation Building funded by Homeland Security is not included in the Current Contract Value ***Work performed by Property Owner (Tishman Speyer Properties LP)

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Coordination Required
Real Estate: All properties and easements are secured/evacuated; currently awaiting a tax lot merger Railroad Agencies: MNR MOU: NYCDOT MOA executed, 437 Madison MOU executed, 300 Park MOU executed, NYCDEP / MNR executed. Permits: The contractor is responsible for securing the following: Blasting Permit FDNY, Lane Closure Permits (secured) NYCDOT, Building Permits NYC Buildings and Asbestos permits (secured) 300 Park Ave demo permit DOB.

Progress (CM013)
100% 90% 80% 70%
Early Late Actual


60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

Jan-10 Mar-10 May-10 Jul-10 Sep-10 Nov-10 Jan-11 Mar-11 May-11 Jul-11 Sep-11 Nov-11 Jan-12 Mar-12 May-12 Jul-12 Sep-12

Continued ongoing safety walk-thru of sites Demolition and road utility works are ongoing with no major safety issues or injuries reported for this month The LTA rate is declining as job hours increase and as work increases Lost Time Accidents Safety Statistics* (Cumulative Incidents per 200,000 work-hours)
Project Contract BLS**(10)




*The project performance statistics are based on construction hours only **Bureau of Labor Statistics/National Industry Average

Site Map

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

CS790 GCT Protection Works

Contractor: Ad-Tech Enterprises Construction Manager: Larry Nigro FTA Grant: N/A

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


Description: Make all necessary concrete repairs to roof slabs, columns and beams and install protective netting in GCT from 42nd thru 51 Streets (Upper Level Tracks 32 through 42, Lower Level Tracks 113 through 115).

Installation of Anti-sag Cable at Track 40.

Net Installation at Platform Q.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: 1. Completed Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) pipe insulation abatement in the Upper Level 2. Completed approximately 100% of netting installation 3. Completed approximately 95% of concrete repairs Schedule: Reach Substantial Completion in October. Cost: The budget was increased to reflect a change order to abate drain line. Contract Modifications: As of 9/30/10, five modifications for a total of $ 1,910,949 have been executed. Safety: No recorded lost time incidents. Critical Issues: None. Milestones CS790 Current Approved Milestones Description Plan Advertise (RFP) 06/08 NTP 10/22/08 Substantial Completion 09/30/10 10/30/10 Close-Out Schedule Progress Cost Expenditure Percent Complete 3rd Qtr Plan Actual 8.0 5.0 Actual/ Forecast 08/08 (A) 10/22/08 (A) 10/30/10 01/30/11 Cumulative Plan Actual 100.0 98.0

Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 F/A CS790 Support* Budget at Award 12,841 N/A Current Budget 12,960 N/A Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 10,329 1,911 12,240 11,250 12,960 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Total 12,841 12,960 10,329 1,911 12,240 11,250 12,960

* Force Account costs are reported on the FMM19 summary page.

Coordination Required
Real Estate: N/A Railroad Agencies: MNR Permits: Issued MOU: This contract is covered by existing MNR MOU.
(PM 3.2.80881)

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

VM014 Vertical Circulation (Escalators & Elevators)

Contractor: Schindler Elevator Corporation Construction Manager: Doug Tilden Description: Install 17 elevators, 45 escalators and compactor lift as base scope with option for additional 5 elevators and 2 escalators in Concourse, Caverns, 44th and 50th St. Ventilation Facilities, MNR facilities and the 48th St. entrance. FTA Grant: NY-03-0344

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


Schedule and Cost

Progress: 1. Request for Proposals (RFP) issued January 10 2. Proposals received on Mar 10 3. Evaluation of Proposals began on March 29th 4. MTA Board approved the award to Schindler Elevator Corp in August 10 5. Notice of Award in September 10 Milestones VM014 Current Milestones Description Approved Plan Advertise (IFB) 12/09 Notice of Award 09/27/10 NTP 09/27/10 Substantial Completion 04/29/15 Close-Out 07/29/15 Schedule Progress Schedule: Meeting with contractor and schedule is under development. Cost: Contract was awarded under budget. Cost Expenditure Percent Complete Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 VM014 F/A Support Budget at Award Critical Issues: None. Current Budget Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 51,406 51,406 51,406 51,406 24,078 24,078 Total 51,406 51,406 24,078 24,078 3rd Qtr Plan Actual Actual/ Forecast 01/10 (A) 09/27/10 (A) 09/27/10 (A) 04/29/15 07/29/15 Cumulative Plan Actual

Coordination Required
Real Estate: N/A Railroad Agencies: MNR and LIRR Permits: N/A MOU: N/A

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Queens/Harold Active Contracts

Queens Instrumentation (CS810) Procurement, installation and establishment of initial readings for structural instrumentation, geotechnical instrumentation, and data acquisition systems to support Queens tunnel excavation. Queens Bored Tunnels (CQ031) Construct three revenue tunnels and one non-revenue tunnel beneath Sunnyside Yard and Harold Interlocking. Northern Boulevard Crossing (CQ039) Construct mined tunnel under Northern Boulevard, the IND underground subway and the BMT elevated subway. Harold Structures 1 and GO2 Substation (CH053) Construct various civil infrastructure elements at Harold Interlocking and expand the existing LIRR Amtrak Right of Way for the future TBM tunnels and Mainline track diversions including the design, and installation of a pre-fabricated substation. Harold Structures 2 (CH054A) Construct various civil infrastructure elements at Harold Interlocking and expand the existing LIRR and Amtrak Right of Way for the future TBM tunnels and Main-line track diversions. Harold Stage 1-2 Amtrak/LIRR Force Account (FHA/L01-2) Installation of track/switches by LIRR and Amtrak. Installation of new microprocessor based signal system. Construction of traction power substation. Modified catenary system. F Interlocking CIH (FHA62) Amtrak manufacture and delivery of Central Instrumentation Houses (CIHs) and cases for the F2 and F1 Signal Interlockings. Procure Harold Materials Stage 2 (VHA/L02) Procure LIRR and Amtrak Force Account material in support of Stage 2 construction. Harold & Point CILs (VH051 Part 1) This is the procurement of seven Harold Interlocking Central Instrument Locations (CILs) and one Point Interlocking Central Instrument Location and the purchase of a fully operational Vital Microprocessor-Based Interlocking Control System for the referenced interlockings. Harold Tower Supervisory (VH051 Part 2) This procurement contract requires purchase of a fully operational Supervisory Control System for control of signals at Harold and Point Interlocks.

Queens Instrumentation CS810

Northern Boulevard Crossing CQ039

Queens Bored Tunnels CQ031

Harold Tower Supervisory VH051 (Pt. 2) Harold Stage 1 -2 Retaining Walls Amtrak/LIRR F/A Bridges FHA/L01-2

Harold & Point CILs VH051 (Pt. 1) F Interlocking CIH FHA62

Harold Structures 1 and GO2 Substation CH053

Harold Structures 2 CH054A

Substation Tunnel Approach Procure Harold Materials

Stage 2 VHA/L02

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Active Projects Queens

CS810 Queens Instrumentation
Contractor: Wang Technology, LLC Construction Manager: John Annoni FTA Grant: N/A

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


Description: Procurement, installation and establishment of initial readings for structural instrumentation, geotechnical instrumentation, and data acquisition systems in Sunnyside Yard and Harold Interlocking to support Queens tunnel excavation. The instrumentation will monitor on existing ground and structure settlement during the TBM operation.

Drilling Inclinometer IS-6.

Piezometer PO-002 in Sunnyside Yard.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: 1. 2. Completed installing additional surface monitoring points in Sunnyside Yard in lieu of liquid levels Installed Extensometers BX-3 and BX-8, Piezometer PO1, 2, 4, 5 and 6, Inclinometer IS-1 and IS-2. Installed Piezometer PO-004 and continued drilling for instrumentation in Sunnyside Yard and Harold Interlocking. Conducted manual survey in Sunnyside Yard, loop tracks and mainline tracks for baseline reading Installed Automatic Motorized Total Stations (AMTS) test unit on 39th St bridge pier Milestones CS810 Current Actual/ Milestones Description Approved Plan Forecast NTP 05/06/09 05/06/09 (A) Complete prisms at 43rd St Bridge Instrumentation at Yard lead area Instrumentation near three tunnel exits Substantial Completion Schedule Progress Cost Expenditure Percent Complete
*Late/ Early Plan

09/01/09 12/01/09 02/04/10 05/05/10

09/01/10 (A) 12/16/10 12/16/10 01/06/11

3. 4.

Schedule: Not able to complete the work as planned due to deployment of railroad resources to other ESA contracts based on overall program priorities. A revised schedule has been submitted. An adjustment to the scope of work will be made to conform to the current TBM schedule. Cost: Costs are within budget and it is expected that the contract will be completed within or below budget. Contract Modifications: As of 9/30/10, three modifications for a total of ($138,821) have been executed. The current contract value has been reduced to $2,598,441. Critical Issues: Limitation in Amtrak Electrical Traction resources delays the planned drilling schedule. This will not impact mining.

3rd Qtr Plan* Actual 7.3

Cumulative Plan* Actual 100/100 59.0

Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 CS810 F/A Support* Budget at Award Current Budget Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 3,007 2,737 2,737 (138) 2,599 1,534 2,737 -

Total 3,007 2,737 2,737 (138) 2,599 1,534 2,737

* Force Account Access and protection costs are reported with CH053.

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

CQ031 Queens Bored Tunnels and Structures

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


Contractor: Granite-Traylor-Frontier Joint Venture FTA Grant: NY-03-0344/ARRA Stimulus Funds NY-36Construction Manager: Mike Piepenburg 0002 Description: Construct three revenue tunnels and one non-revenue tunnel beneath Sunnyside Yard and Harold Interlocking. Construction includes the following; complete main open-cut excavation (from CQ028), procurement and assembly of two pressurized face tunnel-boring machines and ancillary equipment, tunnel excavation, installation of a one-pass pre-cast concrete tunnel liner, installation of ground treatment along the alignment to support tunnel construction, underpinning bridge piers and LIRR mainline structures, construction of an Amtrak access road, and construction of exit/ventilation structures (below-ground) and TBM reception pit, environmental monitoring, water quality sampling and elevation.

Construction of Yard Lead Trench and Guide Wall Forms in Q-Tip.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: 1. The temporary substation was energized and is ready to supply power to TBMs 2. TBMs (designated S-558 and S-559) arrived on time and have been transported to Astoria, Queens 3. Completed installation of soil nails and began mobilizing secant pile equipment for construction of Yard Lead Emergency Exit 4. Continued installation of the tank farms, desanding unit, slurry plant and silos needed to support mining operations 5. Continued rock blasting and mechanical excavation at Q-tip area and the Yard Lead trench. Continued soil excavation and tie-back installation in the western part of the open-cut excavation 6. Mobilized to the Three Tunnel Emergency Exit area and began installation of guide walls for secant pile construction 7. Began testing program for mini-pile installation, beneath the 43rd St Bridge West abutments. Utility relocation (sewer and waterline) are underway. 8. Mobilized and began installation of soldier piles at Yard Lead Approach Structure Schedule: The contractor follows the workaround scheme at Three Tunnel Emergency Exit (3 TEE) area. The secant piles for the 3TEE commences ahead of the installation of Westbound Bypass soldier piles. The recovery schedule is being finalized by the contractor. Current progress supports launching the TBM to begin mining the Yard Lead tunnel on 2/15/11, approximately two weeks ahead of the baseline schedule date. The 3TEE structure is critical because a portion of the work must be in place by the time the TBM reaches the construction site and start mining. Cost: As of 9/30/10, eighteen modifications for a total of $64,731,659 have been executed. This includes the option work of $58,400,000 for the construction of the Yard Lead Approach and other structures. The budget was increased by $10 million for the cost of the modifications to the slurry wall and the water cutoff.
Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

Milestones CQ031 Current Approved Plan Milestones Description NTP Temporary Substation for TBM Begin Yard Lead Mining Complete Tunnels Substantial Completion Close-Out Schedule Progress Cost Expenditure Percent Complete
*Late/ Early Plan

Actual/ Forecast 09/28/09 (A) 09/26/10(A) 02/15/11 03/27/12 10/24/12 02/20/13

09/28/09 09/27/10 02/24/11 03/04/12 09/26/12 01/24/13

3rd Qtr Plan* Actual 11.1/8.9 6.86

Cumulative Plan* Actual 43.8/48.2 29.0

Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 Regional F/A CQ031 Investment** Support Budget at Award 756,763 358 22,677 Current Budget 766,763 358 22,677 Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 659,201 64,731 723,932 210,211 766,763 324 324 323 358 9,825 9,825 3,397 22,677

Total 779,798 789,798 669,026 65,055 734,081 213,931 789,798

**Not included as part of the FFGA Budget. Work must be built concurrently with ESA construction pursuant to an agreement with Amtrak.

Critical Issues: 1. Complete TBM Launch Shaft and TBM assembly controls the critical path of the TBM mining. Construction of Three Emergency Exit secant piles is near critical. 2. Coordinate limited Amtrak ET resources with adjacent contractors
(PM 3.2.80881) 24

Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Coordination Required
Real Estate: All Real Estate has been acquired and tenants Permits: A FDNY blasting permit is obtained. The water discharge permit is required. Long Island Well Permit has been obtained (from CQ028). are being relocated. Railroad Agencies: Amtrak, LIRR, NYAR. MOU: Amtrak Project Initiative and Permit to Enter obtained.

Progress Curve (CQ031)

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Aug-09 Oct-09 Dec-09 Feb-10 Apr-10 Jun-10 Aug-10 Oct-10 Dec-10 Feb-11 Apr-11 Jun-11 Aug-11 Oct-11 Dec-11 Feb-12 Apr-12 Jun-12 Aug-12
Early Late Actual

Continue ongoing safety walk-thru of sites Picking and setting of the electrical sub-station components to power the TBMs was safely accomplished by mobile crane The construction of the slurry plant that will feed the pressurized heads of the TBMs was safely accomplished Lost Time Accidents Safety Statistics* (Cumulative Incidents per 200,000 work-hours)
Project Contract BLS**(10)




*The project performance statistics are based on construction hours only **Bureau of Labor Statistics/National Industry Average

Site Map

Northern Blvd. Crossing

Queens TBM Launch Area

Main Open-Cut

Queens Tunnels

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

CQ039 Northern Boulevard Crossing

Contractor: Schiavone/ Kiewit, a Joint Venture Construction Manager: Philip Stummvoll FTA Grant: NY-03-0344

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


Description: Construct mined tunnel under Northern Boulevard, the IND underground subway and the BMT elevated subway. The work includes: 1) Ground improvement/freezing; 2) Underpinning BMT foundations; 3) Complete excavation and support existing slurry walls; 4) Geotechnical instrumentation/monitoring; 5) Sequential tunnel excavation and initial support; and 6) Final structural lining and invert.

Relocation of Walers and Braces for Beam Installation.

Trench Crew Grouting.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: 1. Completed Early Access Chamber support of excavation Level 2 and excavated to Level 3 2. Started trial grouting program for compensation and void grouting. Work includes drilling under the IND subway in preparation to fill voids and establish a homogenous soil layer as well as determine the suitability of grout materials 3. Continued excavation and installation of steel frame for Underpinning of Elevated BMT (East). Began preparation of the underpinning of the Elevated BMT (West) 4. Procurted the ground freeze system and it is being transported to the site Schedule: The schedule update reflects a delay due to slurry wall repair around the Early Access Chamber (EAC). The contractor continues to develop a recovery plan. The recovery plan will increase crew size and shifts for EAC excavation and bracing completion, installation of BMT elevated subway underpinning and drilling for the compensation grouting under the IND subway box. Ground freezing of the soil to create a protective frozen arch is anticipated in Jan 11. The sequential tunnel excavation works are targeted to begin after the ground freeze is in place at which point the actual progress will be near the planned curve. The design of the final lining has been completed and its design development suggests schedule savings of 1-2 months. Cost: As of 9/30/10, one modification for a total of ($300,000) has been executed. Critical Issues: CQ031 Contractor performs slurry wall repairs within the Early Access Chamber. The successful repair will allow CQ039 to continue re-bracing and excavation for Early Access Chamber.
Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access (PM 3.2.80881) 26

Milestones CQ039 Current Approved Plan Milestones Description NTP Complete BMT Underpinning Completion of Access Chamber Begin Ground Freezing Substantial Completion Close-Out Schedule Progress Cost Expenditure Percent Complete 02/03/10 09/26/10 10/28/10 10/28/10 10/05/11 02/04/12

Actual/ Forecast 02/03/10 (A) 11/25/10 01/18/11 01/18/11 01/18/12 05/02/12

3rd Qtr Plan Actual 24.6/21.4

Cumulative Plan Actual 38.8/41.8 7.9 Total 90,490 90,433 84,950 (300) 84,650 6,676 90,433


Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 CQ039 F/A Support Budget at Award 89,245 1,245 Current Budget 89,245 1,188 Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 84,950 (300) 84,650 6,676 89,245 0 0 0 0 1,188

Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Coordination Required
Real Estate: N/A Railroad Agencies: The preliminary design is already approved by NYCT. The final design will be performed by GEC. Instrumentation and monitoring are being coordinated with NYCT. Permits: Lane closure (DOT) and water discharge (DEP) permits will be obtained by contractor. MOU: N/A

Progress Curve (CQ039)

100% 90% Early 80% Late 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Actual

Continue ongoing safety walk-thru of sites The crane was successfully staged on the matting system and the demising wall between the Early Access Chamber and CQ 031s open cut was lifted out, section by section with no incidents Safety Statistics* (Cumulative Incidents per 200,000 work-hours)
Project Contract BLS**(10)

Lost Time Accidents




*The project performance statistics are based on construction hours only **Bureau of Labor Statistics/National Industry Average

Site Map

QueensAccessto ManhattanTunnels

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

CH053 Harold Structure Part 1 and GO2 Substation

Contractor: Perini Corp. Construction Manager: Ray Busch FTA Grant: NY-03-0344/ NY-95-X025

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


Description: Construct various civil infrastructure elements at Harold Interlocking and expand the existing LIRR Amtrak Right of Way for the future TBM tunnels and Mainline track diversions including the design, and installation of a pre-fabricated substation, relocated signal towers, and catenary structures.

Concreting of Harold Access Bridge.

Construction of G02 Substation.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: 1. Completed utility relocation including 60HZ power feeder and communication lines at Three Tunnel Emergency Exit Area. The area was turned over to CQ031 contractor for construction of the Emergency Exit secant piles. 2. Installed steel rebar and concrete at Harold Access Bridge (HAB) slab and continued installation of concrete parapet walls 3. Continued construction of G02 Substation lower and upper vault. Installation of modular wall to support the fabricated substation is underway. 4. Re-commenced construction of 12KV ductbank civil work; Installation of concreted ductbank and man holes are in progress, approximately 50% completed 5. Continued construction of Tunnel A Approach Structure, began sheeting support of excavation and welding steel struts 6. Began construction on the Q-Tower aerial structure for foundations and pole fabrication Schedule: 1. Delays were experienced due to late issuance of the Amtrak Project Initiative and Amtrak entry permit. Time impact has been negotiated and associated costs are under negotiation. 2. An additional delay was experienced due to design of catenary, signal tower foundations and structures and 12KV system 3. The re-baseline schedule has been conditionally accepted. See forecast milestone table. Contractor is considering progressing ahead of the re-baseline sequence to mitigate schedule delay. Cost: Initial delays accessing the work site, scope transfers and changes to design have impacted cost. The EAC was increased by $35 million to reflect these changes. The option work funded by LIRR of $2 million for the Thompson Ave. micro-tunnel was exercised. Contract Modifications: As of 9/30/10, thirty seven modifications for a total of $22,712,121 have been executed. Milestones CH053 Current Approved Plan Milestones Description NTP 01/01/08 Beneficial Occupancy Harold 01/01/11 Access Bridge (HAB) New G02 Substation Complete 04/15/11 Substantial Completion 01/16/12 04/15/12 Close-Out Schedule Progress Cost Expenditure Percent Complete** 3rd Qtr Plan* Actual 15.0/12.2 4.6 Actual/ Forecast 01/01/08 (A) 10/29/10 10/04/11 06/22/12 09/20/12

Cumulative Plan* Actual 46.4/62.1 44.9

*Late/ Early Plan ** Re-baseline schedule is conditionally approved assuming a substantial completion date of January 2012. Substantial completion revision to Oct. 2011 is possible for next month.

Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 LIRR F/A CH053 Costs Support Budget at Award 144,144 2,000 18,212 Current Budget 179,708 2,000 20,560 Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 137,280 22,712 159,992 72,706 179,708 2,000 0 2,000 0 2,000 20,560 0 20,560 16,494 20,560

Total 164,356 202,268 159,840 22,712 182,552 89,200 202,268

Critical Issues: 1. Finalize Amtrak electrical traction and 12KV ductbank design issues to complete these work activities. 2. Complete catenary and signal tower design packages. The relocation of these structures is critical to construction interfaces with CQ031 contract. Mitigation plans are being developed.
(PM 3.2.80881) 28

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Coordination Required
Real Estate: All easements have been secured. Railroad Agencies: LIRR and Amtrak will provide flagging protection and perform required support work. Permits: Pre-award reviews and approvals have been obtained from NYCDOT and NYCDEP. Relevant permit have been obtained by the contractor. Amtrak Entry Permit approved. MOU: Amtrak labor clearance was obtained. LIRR and Amtrak force account agreements were signed. Project Initiative (PI) with Amtrak signed.

Progress Curve (CH053)

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Jan-08 Apr-08 Jul-08 Oct-08 Jan-09 Apr-09 Jul-09 Oct-09 Jan-10 Apr-10 Jul-10 Oct-10 Jan-11 Apr-11 Jul-11 Oct-11 Jan-12

Early Late Actual

Perini is removing the buildings at 43rd St. northeast of the railroad loop tracks without incident. This area will be leveled and filled to be turned over to the CQ031 contract. The Harold Access Bridge (HAB) and GO2 substation have also progressed without incident. Safety Statistics* (Cumulative Incidents per 200,000 work-hours)
Project Contract BLS**(10)

Lost Time Accidents




*The project performance statistics are based on construction hours only **Bureau of Labor Statistics/National Industry Average

Site Map

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

CH054A Harold Structures Part 2A

Contractor: Perini Corp. Construction Manager: Ray Busch

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


FTA Grant: NY-03-0344/ARRA Stimulus Funds NY-36-0002

Description: Construct various civil infrastructure elements at Harold Interlocking and expand the existing LIRR and Amtrak Right of Way for the future TBM tunnels and Main-line track diversions including: 1) the construction of retaining walls, 2) Track D TBM reception pit, 3) AC traction power duct bank, 4) access road work, 5) demolition of existing Catenary Foundations, 6) procurement of two signal bridges, and 7) other utility relocations and adjustments.

Concrete Pad for ConEd Power Supply.

Constructing Storm Sewer Line.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: 1. Completed drilling steel casings, setting soldier piles and timber lagging for retaining wallsTHOM-S1 and THOM-S2 2. Installed precast panel and cap, started grouting between joints for retaining wall 43-S1 at the GM Access Road 3. Completed concrete pads for ConEd cabinets 4. Continued sheeting and excavation for the storm sewer line along LP1A track. 5. Continued demolition of the F-Switch House 6. Began installation of the 18 Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) storm sewer line Schedule: The project anticipates delays due to the re-design of the new 12KV feeder ductbank which controls the critical path of the project and delayed relocation of the CH053 catenary structures. A Change Proposal Request has been issued to contractor pertaining to the 12KV ductbank. The contractor plans to mitigate the schedule impact by increasing manpower and number of crew. Weekday night shift is also considered as means to reduce overall construction time since the contractor assumed in the baseline only weekend work where the track outages are required. Cost: The budget includes funds for changes to the 12KV ductbank which is to be issued as a change order. Contract Modifications: As of 9/30/10, one contract modification has been executed with no cost impact. Critical Issues: Resolve Amtrak electrical traction 12KV ductbank design to issue change order and commence work. Milestones CH054A Current Milestones Description Approved Plan NTP 08/24/09 Retaining Wall THOM 05/26/10 S1/S2 Substantial Completion 12/21/10 Closeout 03/21/11 Schedule Progress Cost Expenditure Percent Complete 3rd Qtr Plan 24.9/21.9 Actual/ Forecast 08/24/09 (A) 11/27/10 09/22/11 12/22/11 Cumulative Actual 29.1

Actual Plan 8.6 61.4/76.1

Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 Budget at Award Current Budget Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion CH054A F/A Support 27,067 3,199 27,067 21,778 0 21,778 6,326 27,067 3,199 3,199 0 3,199 884 3,199 Total 30,266 30,266 24,977 0 24,977 7,210 30,266

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Coordination Required
Real Estate: All work on railroad property or in city streets. Railroad Agencies: Amtrak and LIRR. Permits: NYCDOT permits needed. Water discharge permit (DEP) needed. MOU: Obtained Project Initiative and Permit to Enter from Amtrak.

Progress Curve (CH054A)

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Early Late Actual

Because one Lost Time Accident occurred this early in the contract the safety statistics are skewed. However, the LTA rate is declining as job hours accumulate and as work progresses without incidents. Continue on-going safety walk-throughs of work sites Safety Statistics* (Cumulative Incidents per 200,000 work-hours)
Project Contract BLS**(10)

Lost Time Accidents




*The project performance statistics are based on construction hours only **Bureau of Labor Statistics/National Industry Average

Site Map

12KV ductbank line Retaining Wall 43-S1 Sewer Line Retaining Walls THOM-S1 and THOM-S2

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

FHA01 Harold Stage 1 Amtrak Direct Force Account

Contractor: Amtrak Construction Manager: Peter Malvese FTA Grant: N/A

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


Description: Install one track crossover (723); Relocate catenary and signal power at several locations, perform modifications and removal of poles; Third-rail installation; Signal infrastructure installation, cable pulls, tie-ins, testing and cut-over of the 723 crossover incorporating changes to F Interlocking and software and hardware modification for the Penn Station Central Control (PSCC); Clear debris, materials and other incidentals from the Amtrak Maintenance-of-Way Yard; electrical traction relocations in support of the CH053 civil work.

Remove Existing Lead 5 Track at Honeywell St.

Re-Grading Catenary Wires at Loop Track.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: 1. Completed Catenary wires relocation for five Catenary structures at Tri-vent area(Subset F) 2. Completed Catenary wires relocation for Catenary structures at 43rd street and Loop track (subset J and K) 3. Removed Catenary bracket on B-925MM structure 4. Completed static wire relocation at B935 structure and old guy wire removal at B-926W 5. Completed installation of 68 Spur Track (Lead 4) 6. Completed terminating communication cable between Q Tower and Harold Tower as part of a temporary relocation 7. Completed miscellaneous utility relocation at the Tri-vent structure Schedule: The schedule was revised based upon the CH053 rebaseline schedule. The catenary work drives the substantial completion date. Cost: The budget increased due to the scope transfer of the signal trough installation from Harold Stage 2 to Harold Stage 1 plus the addition of the 68 spur track and 51 Switch. Critical Issues: Completion of final design for electric traction and subsequent Amtrak approval. CH053 work has not progressed as planned because of electrical traction design issues. This issue directly impacts the FHA01 substantial completion date. GEC continues to have meetings with Amtrak to expedite the design approval. Milestones FHA01 Current Actual/ Milestones Description Approved Plan* Forecast 100% Design 11/19/07 11/19/07 (A) Commence Stage 1 06/30/07 06/30/07 (A) Cutover Switch O1/O2 08/10/08 10/05/08 (A) Compl. 68 Spur Track 05/01/10 09/06/10(A) Compl. Signal Power Cable 07/20/10 04/10/11 Substantial Completion 01/03/12 06/22/12 Schedule Progress Cost Expenditure Percent Complete 3rd Qtr Plan** Actual 5.1/5.2 3.9 Cumulative Actual Plan** 64.9/71.8 63.2

* Milestone dates are changed to rebaseline schedule **Late/ Early Plan

Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 F/A Stage 1 Support Total Budget at Award 9,500 9,500 Current Budget Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 16,825 9,500 4,448 13,948 12,374 16,825 16,825 9,500 4,448 13,948 12,374 16,825

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Progress Curve (FHA01)

100% 90%
Early Late Actual








* The plan curve is revised based upon CH053 rebasline schedule.

0% Apr-08























Coordination Required
Real Estate: None required. Railroad Agencies: LIRR and Amtrak. Permits: None required. MOU: Amtrak Force Account Agreement has been signed.

Site Map

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

FHA02 Harold Early Stage 2 Amtrak Direct F/A

Contractor: Amtrak Construction Manager: Peter Malvese FTA Grant: N/A

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


Description: Convert air switches 735, 737, 741, and 743 from air to electric; Install new electric switch machines; Install temporary signal case, cable pulls, tie-ins, testing and cut-over switches; Install signal troughs, pull boxes, 9-ways/conduits, and case foundations for F1 and F2 Central Instrument Houses.

Unload Signal Huts Delivered to Queens Warehouse.

Tie Removal at Line 1 Track at Thomson Ave.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: 1. Continued preparation for relocating the existing trough at Y/L Emergency Exit Area 2. Continued installation of pull boxes, troughs, conduits and 9-way ducts for F1/F2 Central Instrument House 3. Continued to revise Stage 2 estimate and schedule based on the 100% design 4. Continued tie removals for Line 1 and Line 3 track alignment work Project Initiative (P.I.) Status: P.I. for Early Stage 2 Signal Work Completed P.I. for the remaining Stage 2 Work In progress Schedule: Schedule will be revised once the P.I. for the remaining Stage 2 work is approved. Cost: The value of the PI (labor and equipment only) for early work increased to $7,845K to progress Stage 2. The cost will be revised once the P.I. for remaining Stage 2 work is approved. Critical Issues: None Milestones Early FHA02 Current Milestones Description Approved Plan Commence Early Stage 2 12/15/08 Cutover Switch Machine-741 06/13/09 Cutover Switch Machine-743 06/21/09 Cutover Switch Machine-735 07/11/09 Cutover Switch Machine-737 07/18/09 Track Alignment Line 1 & 3 08/15/10 Install F2 CIH 10/15/10 Complete Early Stage 2 12/30/10 Schedule Progress Cost Expenditure Percent Complete
*Late/ Early Plan ** Progress percentage reduced to reflect the increased budget for early work

Actual/ Forecast 12/15/08 (A) 06/06/09 (A) 06/20/09 (A) 05/30/09 (A) 06/14/09 (A) 02/20/11 01/15/11 03/15/11

3rd Qtr Plan* Actual 11.5/13.0 3.7

Cumulative Actual Plan* 51.4/65.6 66.0

Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 Early F/A Stage 2 Support Total Budget at Award** 7,845 7,845 Current Budget** Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 7,845 7,845 7,845 5,339 7,845 7,845 7,845 7,845 5,339 7,845

**Note: Stage 2 partial budget (early work only)

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Progress Curve (FHA02)

100% 90%











Nov-08 Dec-08


Feb-09 Mar-09

Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09


Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09

Nov-09 Dec-09


Feb-10 Mar-10

Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10


Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10

Nov-10 Dec-10

Coordination Required
Real Estate: None required. Railroad Agencies: LIRR and Amtrak. Permits: None required. MOU: Amtrak Force Account Agreement has been signed.

Site Map

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

FHL01 Harold Stage 1 LIRR Direct Force Account

Contractor: LIRR Construction Manager: Peter Malvese FTA Grant: NY-03-0344

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


Description: Install eight track switches into the existing signal system; remove two switches; Install signal infrastructure in preparation of Stage 2 (Harold and Point CILs); Reroute signal power cables: Install third rail for new switches & track. Pull traction power cables from G02 Substation final manholes to Harold Main Line tracks; Energize and commission the relocated G02 Substation installed by CH053. Install and relocate signal and communications cables. Cut and throw Main Line 4 and relocated Main Line 2 upon CH053 expanding the South ROW East of 43rd Street.

Boutet Welding on 823 Switch at Honeywell St.

Building Panel for 865 Switch at Harold Interlocking.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: 1. Installed five communication poles at Harold Tower Area and completed installation of communication cable along Skillman Ave. 2. Completed conduit installation for utility relocation at Tri-vent Area 3. Completed installation of 3rd rail ductwork for 865 switches 4. Completed installation of 823 switch in Aug 10 5. Continued circuit revision for 865 switch Schedule: The schedule is revised based upon CH053 rebaseline schedule. Cost: Approved changes reflect the scope transfer of the M2 switch installation from Stage 1 to Stage 3. Critical Issues: Completion of final design for electric traction and subsequent Amtrak approval. CH053 work has not progressed as planned because of electrical traction design issues. This work impacts the FHL01 substantial completion date. GEC continues to have meetings with Amtrak to expedite the design approval. Milestones FHL01 Current Approved Milestones Description Plan* 100% Design 07/07 (A) Begin Stage 1 06/29/07 Install 823 Switches 03/20/10 Compl. Signal Power Cable 09/20/10 Cutover 821 & 823 Switches 03/05/11 Cutover 865 Switch 10/16/10 Substantial Completion 10/10/11 Schedule Progress Cost Expenditure Percent Complete 3rd Qtr
Plan** 2.9/5.6 Actual 6.2

Actual/ Forecast 07/07 (A) 06/29/07 (A) 08/21/10 (A) 03/30/11 06/30/11 10/16/10 01/30/12 Cumulative
Actual 60.6

Plan** 58.8/70.6

* Milestone dates are changed to rebaseline schedule **Late/Early Plan

Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 F/A Stage 1 Support Total Budget at Award 28,781 28,781 Current Budget 21,972 21,972 Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 28,781 (7,999) 20,782 13,295 21,972 28,781 (7,999) 20,782 13,295 21,972

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Progress Curve (FHL01)

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
Apr-08 Jun-08 Aug-08 Oct-08 Dec-08 Feb-09 Apr-09 Jun-09 Aug-09 Oct-09 Dec-09 Feb-10 Apr-10 Jun-10 Aug-10 Oct-10 Dec-10 Feb-11 Apr-11 Jun-11 Aug-11 Oct-11 Early Late Actual

* The plan curve is revised based upon CH053 rebasline schedule.

Coordination Issues
Real Estate: None required. Railroad Agencies: LIRR and Amtrak. MOU: Amtrak Force Account Agreement signed. LIRR Force Account Agreement signed. Permits: None required.

Site Map

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

FHL02 Harold Early Stage 2 LIRR Direct F/A

Contractor: LIRR Construction Manager: Peter Malvese FTA Grant: NY-03-0344

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


Description: Advanced signal work for Stage 2 including cable trough, conduit and pull box installations, located in Point Interlocking and the West End of Harold Interlocking. Scope includes signal training for 4th signal gang.

Cable Relocation and Trough Installation at 43rd St.

Installation of Trough and Pull Box at 43rd St.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: 1. Completed removal of existing trough at Harold Tower area 2. 3. 4. 5. Continued installation of trough, pull boxes and conduits at various locations Continued installation of signal case leg foundations Continued removing old cable from old troughs and buried cable at East of 43rd St. Continued developing the Stage 2 estimate and schedule based on the available 90%-100% design Milestones FHL02 Current Milestones Description Approved Plan Commence Stage 2 08/17/09 Compl. Trough - Point CIL 03/03/10 Compl. Trough - H4 CIL 10/28/10 Complete. Early Stage 2(II) 01/30/11 Schedule Progress Cost Expenditure Percent Complete
*Late/ Early Plan

Actual/ Forecast 08/17/09 (A) 05/15/10 (A) 10/28/10 01/30/11

3rd Qtr Plan* Actual 7.1/30.4 9.1

Cumulative Plan* Actual 35.4/62.4 36.8

Schedule: The schedule will be revised once the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) from LIRR for the balance of work is approved. The schedule and progress curves have been re-baselined based on the incorporation of the supplemental MOU. Cost: The value of the MOU for the early Stage 2 work (Part 1) is $4,769,000. The early Stage 2 work was increased to $7,351,000 based upon the supplemental MOU for Part 2 of the early Stage 2 work. The increased value covers the work for the next eight months. The cost numbers will be revised once the MOU for remaining portion of Stage 2 work is approved. Critical Issues: None

Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 Early Signal Stage 2* Training Budget at Award 7,351 3,429 Current Budget 7,351 3,429 Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 7,351 7,351 2,985 7,351 3,429 3,429 2,730 3,429

Total 10,780 10,780 10,780 10,780 5,715 10,780

*Note: Stage 2 partial budget (early work only)

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Progress Curve (FHL02)

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Late Early Actual

Coordination Issues
Real Estate: None required. Railroad Agencies: LIRR and Amtrak. MOU: Amtrak Force Account Agreement signed. LIRR Force Account Agreement signed. Permits: None required.

Site Map

Early Stage 2 Trough Line

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

FHA62 F Interlocking CIH

Contractor: Amtrak Construction Manager: Chuck Miller FTA Grant: N/A

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


Description: Amtrak manufacture and delivery of Central Instrumentation Houses (CIHs) and cases for the F2 and F1 Interlockings. All work will be performed by Amtrak.

Instruments inside Case at Amtrak Signal Facility in Lancaster, PA.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: Amtrak is continuing the wiring effort in the F2 and F1 Central Instrument Houses but at a reduced pace. Schedule: The delivery schedule for F2 has slipped from Nov 10 to Jan 11. Amtraks Lancaster facility has received additional work (using stimulus funds) changing the priority of ESA work. This was previously noted as a risk and will remain as such through the duration of this contract. F1 delivery remains in Jun 11; however, it is also subject to reprioritization. The milestone forecast dates have been adjusted. Cost: Project is within budget. Critical Issues: The precedence of Amtrak work over that of ESA will continue to be a risk for F2 and F1 throughout the FHA62 project. Milestones FHA62 Current Milestones Description Approved Plan 08/28/08 100% Design 09/11/08 NTP 11/30/10 Delivery of F2 CIL 06/30/11 Delivery of F1 CIL Substantial Completion 07/28/11 Close-Out 09/30/11 Schedule Progress Cost Expenditure Percent Complete
* Late/ Early Plan

Actual/ Forecast 08/28/08 (A) 09/11/08 (A) 01/28/11 06/30/11 07/28/11 09/30/11 Cumulative Plan* Actual 53.0/82.0 77.0

3rd Qtr Plan* Actual 9.0/9.0 7.0

Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 FHA62 F/A Support Budget at Award 8,178 Current Budget 8,178 Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 6,954 6,954 4,608 8,178 -

Total 8,178 8,178 6,954 6,954 4,608 8,178

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Progress Curve (FHA62)

100% 90% 80% 70% 60%
% Complete

Early Actual Late

50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Oct-08



















Coordination Issues
Real Estate: N/A Railroad Agencies: Amtrak MOU: Amtrak Force Account Agreement and Project Initiative signed. Permits: N/A

Site Map

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

VHA/L02 Procure Harold Materials Stage 2

Contractor: Various Construction Manager: Peter Malvese

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


FTA Grant: ARRA Stimulus Funds NY-36-0002 (Only VHL02) Description: Procure LIRR and Amtrak Force Account material in support of Stage 2 construction. LIRR will manage and operate the project warehouse with ESA oversight. Example of materials include: Track - switches, rail, concrete ties and ballast; ThirdRail & Power rail, cables, boards, brackets, wire, power connectors, bus bar; Signal Equipment switch machines, cables, signals, relays, heaters, troughs, impedance bonds; and Structures signal bridges, retaining walls etc.; Communications equipment, wire, cables, and poles.

Rail Stored at Queens St.

Schedule and Cost

Status: 1. Continued reviewed revised bill of materials for VHA/L02 and requisitions to support the construction schedule 2. Continued VHA/L02 materials procurement for signal, track, third rail, electrical traction/catenary activities Cost: Table shows value of awards to date. An overall VHL02 savings is expected due to large scale advance procurement for Stage 2 materials. Critical Issues: None. Amtrak VHA02 Budget Summary (09/30/10) Harold Stage 2 Percent Awarded PO Procurement Estimate at Value to Date Completed Completion 3,434,735 3,106,557 8,530 0 0 443,998 952,444 7,946,264 56% 90% 2% 0% 0% 80% 45% 60% 6,074,955 3,434,215 491,632 431,615 126,716 553,100 2,106,948 13,219,181

Material Signals Track Third Rail DC Traction Communication Catenary Elec. Traction Totals

Budget 6,074,955 3,434,215 491,632 431,615 126,716 553,007 2,106,948 13,219,087

LIRR VHL02 Budget Summary (09/30/10) Harold Stage 2 Percent Awarded PO Procurement Estimate at Value to Date Completed Completion 5,490,846 1,337,554 914,411 0 7,742,812 93% 10% 100% 0% 38% 5,924,985 13,290,357 914,411 510,111 20,639,864

Material Signals Track Third Rail Communication Totals

Budget 10,444,523 13,264,679 1,944,087 510,111 26,163,400

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

CS099 Advanced Procurement of 3rd Party Materials

Contractor: Various Construction Manager: Peter Malvese

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


FTA Grant: ARRA Stimulus Funds NY-36-0002

Description: Advanced procurement of Third Party material in support of future tunneling contracts. LIRR will manage and operate the project warehouse with ESA oversight. Examples of materials include: Track : 136 pound continuously welded rail (CWR); Third-Rail & Power composite rail, cable, protection boards, brackets, power connectors; Signal Equipment cables, signals, relays, heaters, impedance bonds.

Materials at Warehouse Storage Area.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: 1) Continued procurement of additional cable, wire and aluminum third rail for System Contract. CS099 Budget Summary (09/30/10) Stimulus Percent Awarded PO Procurement Estimate at Value to Date Completed Completion 8,879,836 2,409,642 2,305,390 3,555,504 17,150,372 56% 44% 35% 100% 54% 15,902,815 5,457,452 6,631,927 3,555,504 31,547,698

Material Cable/Wire Conduit 3 Rail Rail Total


Budget 18,022,571 7,821,740 7,072,647 4,957,175 37,874,133

Cost: Table shows awards to date. The intent of our advanced procurement of materials has been met with savings in direct material costs and cost avoidance. Critical Issues: None.

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

VH051 (Part 1) Harold and Point CILs

Contractor: Ansaldo STS USA, Inc. (ASTS) Construction Manager: Chuck Miller FTA Grant: NY-03-0344

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


Description: This is the procurement of seven Harold Interlocking Central Instrument Locations (CILs) and one Point Interlocking Central Instrument Location and the purchase of a fully operational Vital Microprocessor-Based Interlocking Control System for the referenced interlockings. This system will operate the new Harold Interlocking configuration and eventually connect to the new GCT tunnels.





Schedule and Cost

Progress: 1. Completion and delivery of the POINT cases, currently being fabricated at Ansaldos Batesburg, SC facility, are targeted for October 2010. 2. LIRR and ESA continue to review submittals and support technical review meetings with Ansaldo. 3. The updated POINT CIL layout drawings have been received and approved. Ansaldo may now place the order for the POINT CIL housing with their vendor. 4. Ansaldo has submitted a revised communication architecture design required due to the need for an additional communications link. The design provides for additional benefits to the LIRR (improved communication timing performance, additional vital network reliability) opposed to several other design solutions. 5. The Milestone change proposal submitted by ASTS has been reviewed by ESA. Negotiations to settle the change had been postponed due to the work on the 250Hz Track Circuit and ASC Cab Modifications, which had taken precedence. Schedule: The Milestone change proposal will take into account the revised delivery dates of the CILs and cases, incorporated into the Milestone VH051 (Part 1) table on the right. The delivery dates have been revised, reflecting additional time required for control line review and the review of the above noted communication design change. The revised cost and schedule impacts have been incorporated into the project schedule and do not impact the ESA inservice date. Cost: Project is currently within budget. Critical Issues: The timely processing and review of control lines continues to be the outstanding issue necessary to maintain schedule. Additionally, the review and approval of the communications design needs to be expedited. Milestones VH051 (Part 1) Current Milestones Description Approved Plan NTP 05/11/09 Compl. Point CIL 06/30/10 Compl. H4 CIL 04/26/11 Compl. H5 CIL 05/26/11 Compl. H6 CIL 07/26/11 Compl. 30 Loc Hut 07/26/11 Compl. H1 CIL 10/26/11 Compl. H2 CIL 10/26/11 Compl. H3 CIL 10/26/11 Substantial Completion 06/25/12 Final Completion 07/25/12 Schedule Progress Cost Expenditure Percent Complete
* Late/ Early Plan

Actual/ Forecast 05/11/09 (A) 07/08/11 12/16/11 04/12/12 07/24/12 05/04/12 08/14/12 12/04/12 02/20/12 11/28/13 12/18/13 Cumulative Actual 10.0

3rd Qtr Plan* 2.2/6.2 Actual 1.1

Plan* 8.3/19.2

Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 Budget at Award Current Budget Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 25,840 2,178 30,753 25,840 2,178 30,753 VH051-1 F/A Support 30,891 30,753 25,840 Total 30,891 30,753 25,840

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Progress Curve (VH051 Part 1)

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Apr-09

Early Late Actual

Jun-09 Aug-09 Oct-09

Dec-09 Feb-10 Apr-10

Jun-10 Aug-10 Oct-10

Dec-10 Feb-11 Apr-11

Jun-11 Aug-11 Oct-11

Dec-11 Feb-12 Apr-12


Coordination Issues
Real Estate: N/A Railroad Agencies: LIRR/ Amtrak Permits: N/A MOU: LIRR Force Account MOU signed.

Site Map



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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

VH051 (Part 2) Harold Tower Supervisory Control System

Contractor: ARINC, Inc. Construction Manager: Chuck Miller FTA Grant: NY-03-0344

Jul, Aug, Sep 10


Description: This procurement contract requires purchase of a fully operational Harold Tower Supervisory Control System (HTSCS) for control of signals at Harold and Point Interlockings.

Supervisory Control System (Sample).

Harold Tower Supervisory Control System - Existing Tower.

Schedule and Cost

Progress: 1. ARINC has scheduled the HTSCS Temporary Trailer for delivery on October 13, 2010. LIRR force account will make all connections for cabling and other utilities and prepare for the installation of the HTSCS. 2. ARINC and ESA have discussed the F Harold Alternate Control System (FHACS) change proposal. General contract clarification discussions will be held in October with negotiations tentatively scheduled at the end of the month. 3. ASTS and ARINC continue their on-going integration and testing discussions. The tests will be held at the ASTS manufacturing facility. Schedule: 1. Receipt of the proposal for the F Harold Alternate Control System (FHACS) has confirmed that revision of ARINCs schedule for completion to the third quarter 2011 will be required. The date for Substantial Completion will be revised after discussions and subsequent negotiations take place with ARINC at the end of Oct 10. 2. Though the dates will be adjusted for delivery and installation of the FHACS, they are still expected to support the project installation schedule, including that for the installation of the LIRR CILs and the Amtrak CIHs. No impact to the revenue service date is anticipated. Contract Modifications: As of 9/30/10, one contract modification has been executed for $79,547. Critical Issues: Impact of the FHACS on the project schedule will be confirmed after negotiations with ARINC. Milestones VH051 (Part 2) Current Milestones Description Approved Plan Advertise 03/27/08 NTP 02/03/09 Delivery of Control Systems 03/16/10 Substantial Completion 08/24/10 Final Completion 05/03/12 Schedule Progress Cost Expenditure Percent Complete
* Late/ Early Plan

Actual/ Forecast 03/27/08 (A) 02/03/09 (A) 11/30/10 12/09/10 05/03/12

3rd Qtr Plan Actual 8.0/11.0 5.5

Cumulative Plan Actual 90.0/90.0 75.0

Contract Costs ($000) as of 09/30/10 F/A VH051-2 Support Total Budget at Award 7,061 7,061 Current Budget 7,061 7,061 Original Award Approved Changes Current Contract Value Invoiced Amount Estimate at Completion 5,354 80 5,434 3,668 7,061 5,354 80 5,434 3,668 7,061

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Progress Curve (VH051 Part 2)

100% 90% Early Late 80% Actual








0% Apr-09











Coordination Issues
Real Estate: N/A Railroad Agencies: LIRR. Permits: N/A MOU: LIRR Force Account MOU signed.

Site Map



Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Projects To Be Awarded
Plaza Substation & Queens Structures (CQ032)
Description: This contract will construct permanent facilities that will provide traction power to the Queens tunnels and the Mid-Day storage Yard as well as facility power for Plaza interlocking and ventilation facilities. The Plaza substation, Plaza Ventilation facility, B10 Power Substation, and Yard Services Building will be constructed. These facilities will be located above the Queens Bored tunnels access chamber. The scope also includes the rehabilitation or modifications to existing ventilation facilities along the 63rd Street tunnel route. Advertise date: 11/2010

GCT Expansion Joint Replacement & Structural Closures (CM002)

Description: This contract includes the repair and/or replacement of existing expansion joints in the upper level of GCT which forms the roof of the new LIRR Concourse. The work includes environmental remediation of contaminated materials as required; the repair of deteriorated steel as required; the closure of all openings between the upper and lower levers of GCT, and the installation of water tight seals at all joints. The contract will also include the installation of fire stopping materials in the expansion joints, on the column and pipe penetrations to achieve a three-hour fire rating. Advertise date: 11/2010

Manhattan Structures 2 & Facilities Fit-Out (CM012)

Description: This contract will complete the construction of and provide the final finishes for the Manhattan tunnels and tail tracks excavated under prior contracts. The contract will include architectural, structural, geotechnical and mechanical and electrical work. The scope includes providing the concrete lining and interior concrete structures for GCT 1 and 2 East and West caverns and the concrete slab for the tail track cross passages 4; architectural finishes, it will provide plumbing, smoke and ventilation systems, and substations to operate the caverns. The contract will also manage the installation of escalators and elevators within the caverns. Advertise date: 12/2010

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Summary of Completed Contracts

NTP Substantial Completion Plan Original Revised Actual Original Budget at Award ($M) Final ($M)

CQ025 Demolition of Superior Reed Bldg and Preparation of Yard A
11/05/02 10/07/02 07/09/02 04/27/06 06/08 07/14/08 11/14/04 11/14/04 07/05 12/20/02 06/06/06 06/26/07 07/02/03 09/07/03 06/28/04 04/15/08 10/09 08/09 09/01/05 09/01/05 10/08 06/27/04 07/08 01/09 09/15/03 11/25/03 11/30/04 10/22/08 10/09 01/10 06/23/06 06/23/06 10/08 05/29/05 09/29/10 03/10 9/15/03 11/25/03 12/31/04 06/08 12/09 02/10 06/23/06 06/23/06 11/08 09/30/05 09/09 09/09 5.3 16.8 77.1 121.5 6.5 8.8 3.8 8.3 26.9 17.7

Tully Environmental, Inc.


CQ026 Open Cut Excavation at Bellmouth CQ027 Arch St Yard and Shop Facility CQ028 Queens Open-Cut Excavation CQE28-01 Emergency Work Civil/Structural CQE28-02 Queens Emergency Work Environmental FQA36 Arch Street Yard Access Amtrak FQL36 Arch Street Yard Access LIRR FQL35 Wood Interlocking LIRR VH055 Switch Exchange System (Procurement) VHA01 Procure Harold Materials Stage 1 Amtrak

Kiewit Construction, Inc.

18.7 77.1 62.8 9.2 2.1

Slattery Skanska/Edwards & Kelcey Pile Foundation Construction Co., Inc. Railroad Construction Co., Inc. Impact Environmental Consulting, Inc. Amtrak F/A


27.2 17.2

Plasser American Corp. Various


VHL01 Procure Harold Materials Stage 1 LIRR



CM001 Highbridge Yard
9/5/01 2/23/04 01/06/03 12/01/02 09/25/08 11/17/08 05/14/08 06/28/08 12/01/02 04/15/03 08/20/04 10/3/03 12/09 06/30/10 02/09 12/08 06/09 01/09 04/15/03 08/20/04 10/3/03 12/09 06/30/10 03/09 04/09 09/09 01/09 12/4/03 08/18/04 09/26/03 12/08 06/30/10 03/09 09/09 09/09 05/11/09

Highbridge Yard Contractors

80.1 11.8 75.6 11.1 1.8

CM016 Manhattan Approach Tunnels Excavation CM017 GCT East Yard Remediation FMM02 GCT East Yard Track & Signal Modifications FM216 MNR Traction Power MODs & 13.2 kV Loop

Kiewit Constructors, Inc. Tully Environmental Inc.


58.7 14.5 26.8

TC Electric
16.6 2.3 4.9 7.4 5.5 393.1

CS770 GCT Flat Cars Procurement


J-Track, LLC T. Moriarty and Sons, Inc.

4.4 7.1

CS780 Madison Yard Preparation CS800 GCT Instrumentation VM022 MNR Locomotives Total

Wang Technology, LLC. Brookville Equipment Corp.

5.8 493.2

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Schedule and Packaging Plan Summary Program Schedule

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Contract Packaging Plan Rev. 9.0

Contract Packaging Plan Work Flow
(3rd-Party and
RFP CM014 IFB GCT Concourse and Facilities Fit-Out

Direct Force Account)

CM015 IFB 48th Street Entrance

CPP 9.0

Active Pre-2008 CM009 Manhattan Tunnels Excavation CM019


CM008A Madison Yard Site Clearance (LIRR Concourse) CM004 44th St. Demolition, Construct Fan Plant Structure and 245 Park Avenue Entrance CM013 IFB 50th Street Vent Plant Facility VM014

Vertical Circulation Elements





Manhattan Structures 1

General Conditions
CS790 GCT Protection



Color Code Contract No. Description MANHATTAN QUEENS HAROLD PROJECTWIDE Awarded

Manhattan Structures 2 and Facilities Fit-Out

FM216 Traction Power MODs & 13.2kV Loop



GCT Expansion Joint Repairs & Structural Closures CM013A IFB

General Conditions CS810 Instrumentation Queens

55th Street Vent Plant Facility

CQ031 Queens Bored Tunnels and Structures

CQ039 Northern Boulevard Crossing Construction



Plaza Substation & Queens Structures

CQ033 IFB Mid-Day Storage Yard Facility

FHL01 / FHA01 Harold F/A Stage 1

FHA62 Demo Superior FReed & Yard CILs Interlocking Prep CH053 Harold Structures - Part 1 & GO2 Substation VH051 (Part 2) Harold Tower Supervisory Control System

CH054A Harold Structures Part 2A VH051 (Part 1) Harold & Point CILs

FHL02 / FHA02 Harold F/A Stage 2



FHL03 / FHA03 Harold F/A Stage 3

FHL04 / FHA04 Harold F/A Stage 4



Loop Interlocking CIL

Harold Structures - Part 4





Harold Structures Part 3 EBR-WBBP

Harold Structures - Part 3 E/B Bypass, D Approach CS084 Package 2 IFB ESA Projectwide Start-up, Testing & Commissioning

CS079 Package 1


Facilities Systems Communications, Controls, Security, Fire Detection , Tunnel Ventilation and Facility Power

Tunnel Systems Track, 3rd Rail, Traction Power Procurement and Installation

VS086 Package 3


Signal Equipment Procurement

VHA01/VHL01 - VHA02/VHL02 - VHA03/VHL03 - VHA04/VHL04

Procure Harold Material Stages 1 through 4

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Funding and Budget Project Budget Summary (As of Sep 30, 2010) ($ in thousands)
Component EIS & Engineering Construction Contracts Awarded Contracts To Be Awarded OCIP* Management** Real Estate Rolling Stock*** Total Capital Program Authorization 2010-2014 Capital Program FFGA Budget $486,270 4,441,776 1,838,859 2,602,917 250,000 475,652 165,000 531,202 $6,349,900 $4,106,674 $2,243,226 Current Budget $564,665 5,595,541 3,423,341 2,232,203 190,853 608,623 166,318 202,000 $7,328,000 $4,373,951 $2,954,049 Awarded Value $525,514 2,878,728 N/A N/A 91,636 353,339 96,935 0 $3,946,151 Paid To Date $498,012 1,500,479 N/A N/A 91,378 311,206 95,537 0 $2,496,612 190,853 608,623 166,318 202,000 $7,328,000 EAC $564,665 5,595,541

* OCIP budget does not include $84 million paid with surety funds that are not includes in the project budget. **FFGA budget includes General Conditions (GC). GC Costs were subsequently moved to construction. *** Additional $463 million for Rolling Stock is included in a separate reserve.

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Federal Funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

ACEP G509-01-45 Contract No. Project VS099 ESA - Pre-Order Materials Systems Brief Description Advanced procurement of construction materials to be installed by various systems contractors. Material includes wire and cable, conduit, rail and crossties. Partial funding. Advanced procurement of construction materials for Harold Interlocking, including wire and cable, conduit, rail and crossties. Partial funding. Excavate tunnels and ventilation shafts under Sunnyside yard and the LIRR's Mainline Tracks. Partial funding. 47 East 44th Street demolition and construction of fan plant structure and 245 Park Avenue Entrance. Partial funding. Demolition and site clearance in Madison Yard, including environmental abatement and utility relocation, in GCT. Partial funding. Federal Share $16.5



ESA - Pre-Order Materials Harold Interlocking



CQ031 ESA - Queens Bored Tunnels




ESA - 44th Street Vent Structure & 245 Park Avenue Entrance


G509-01-28 CM008A

ESA - Madison Yard Demolition and Site Clearance


Construct various civil infrastructure elements at Harold Interlocking and expand the existing LIRR Amtrak ROW G409-01-26 CH054A ESA - Harold Structures Part 2 for the future TBM tunnels and Main-line track diversions. Partial funding. Total

$2.1 $195.4

All American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds were completely expended.

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Project Funding Status (As of September 30, 2010)

Total Budget (exclusive of financing costs) MTA Capital Programs Budget New Starts New Starts ARRA
1995-1999 2000-2004 2005-2009 2010-2014 $ 157.7 1,533.5 2,682.8 2,954.0 $ 45.7 564.1 1,826.9 0 0 0 195.4 0

($ in Millions)

$7,328.0 Federal Other

0 28.8 37.9 0 $ 112.0 940.6 622.6 2,954.0


Total Value of Contract Awards

Federal Share of Contract Awards Local Share of Contract Awards

*Totals may not add due to rounding.


195.4 $3,915.9
1,563.4 2,352.5



40.0% 60.0% $177.5 million

Value of Finance Charges Incurred (based on prorated share)

Summary of Federal Grants Received (FFGA) FTA Obligation Grant No. Award Date FFY Amount NY-03-0344 22-Jun-99 1998 $19.9 1999 23.8 NY-03-0344-01 25-Apr-00 2000 2.0 NY-03-0344-02 14-May-01 2001 7.9 NY-03-0344-03 13-Jun-02 2002 14.6 NY-03-0344-04 05-Aug-03 2003 13.3 NY-03-0344-05 21-Sep-04 2004 73.8 NY-03-0344-06 10-May-05 2005 65.2 NY-03-0344-07 27-Jan-06 2005 34.0 NY-03-0344-08 21-Dec-06 2006 333.2 NY-03-0344-09 01 Aug 07 2007 300.0 NY-03-0344-10 11 Aug 08 2008 210.7 NY-36-0002 (ARRA) 01-Mar-10 2010 195.4 NY-03-0344-11 23-Sep-10 2009 207.5 Subtotal ESA New Starts Grants $1,501.3 NY-90-X467 (MNR&LIRR) 29-Mar-02 2002 15.2 NY-03-0395 (LIRR) 20-Feb-02 2002 7.5 NY-03-0406 (MNR) 12-May-03 2003 5.0 NY-90-X489 (MNR) 08-Aug-03 2003 1.1 NY-03-0427 (LIRR) 01-Mar-05 2005 2.0 NY-05-0108 (LIRR) 27-Jun-06 2006 2.7 NY-05-0109 (LIRR) 24 Jul -07 2007 5.8 NY-95-X002 ESA (CMAQ) 14-Sep-07 2007 6.6 NY-95-X009 ESA (CMAQ) 13-Jan-09 2008 2.3 NY-95-X015 ESA (CMAQ) 22-Sep-09 2009 2.3 NY-95-X025 ESA (CMAQ) 23-Sep-10 2010 11.6 Subtotal Non-New Starts Grants $62.0 Total All Grants $1,563.3
Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access (PM 3.2.80881)

Disbursement $19.9 23.8 2.0 7.9 14.6 13.3 73.8 65.2 34.0 333.2 300.0 143.9 195.4 0.0 $1,227.1 15.2 7.5 5.0 1.1 2.0 2.7 5.8 6.6 2.3 2.3 0 $50.4 $1,277.5

Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Status of Project Contingency

Status of Project Contingency ($M)
Sept. '09 Baseline AFI Harold Manhattan Queens Systems Total AFI AWO (MODS) Harold Manhattan Queens Systems Construction Contingency Total AWO (MODS) Engineering OCIP Real Estate Rolling Stock Soft Cost Total $11.5 43.8 22.5 31.1 $108.9 $61.1 86.3 61.4 32.6 0.0 $241.40 6.7 18.3 33.8 15.3 74.1 $424.4 Drawdown ($0.5) 18.7 (2.8) 31.7 $47.1 ($7.9) (15.3) 8.1 (2.3) 38.9 $21.5 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 $69.9 Current Value $11.0 62.5 19.7 62.8 $156.0 $53.2 71.0 69.5 30.3 38.9 $262.9 8.0 18.3 33.8 15.3 75.4 $494.3 %*



* AFI % calculation represents the current value of AFI contingency as a percent of total unawarded construction. AWO (MODS) % calculation is the current value of contingency as a percent of total active/unawarded work to go for that category Notes: Value include both third party and force account (direct + indirect) contingency

Contingency Drawdown
September 2009 Baseline Second Quarter 10 Balance: Third Quarter 10 Adjustments: Harold Structures Part 1 (CH053) Contract Modifications MNR Traction Power MODs & 13.2 kV Loop (FM216) Contract Modifications Queens Bored Tunnels and Structures (CQ031) Contract Modifications Madison Yard Site Clearance (CM008A) Contract Modifications Manhattan Structures Part 1 (CM019) Contract Modifications 50th St. Vent Facility (CM013) Contract Modifications GEC Contract Modifications Vertical Circulation - Escalators & Elevators (VM014) Award Below the Budget Revised Base Costsfor Systems Package 3 (CS086) Based on the 30% Estimate General Conditions Contracts Systems Repackaging Crash Walls Demolition Modification in Madison Yard Site Clearance (CM008A) Work train switching, cars and loads inspection and repairs moved from MNR to General Conditions Total Third Quarter 10 Adjustments: Total

($ in Millions) 424.4 458.5 (7.8) (0.6) (5.8) (0.5) (0.2) 0.3 (0.7) 40.8 10.9 (0.4) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1) 35.8 494.3

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Force Account Construction Budget (As of Sep 30, 2010)

Description Amtrak LIRR MNR NYCT NYAR Force Account Estimate Total Labor & Equip. $139.7 252.3 77.4 5.1 1.0 $475.4 Materials $45.3 133.0 $178.3 Total $185.0 385.3 77.4 5.1 1.0 $653.7

Force Account 2010 Commitment Summary (As of Sep 30, 2010)

Description Amtrak LIRR MNR NYCT NYAR Force Account Estimate Total 10 Plan $11.1 35.3 0 1.3 $47.7 Actual $16.5 14.1 0 1.3 $31.9 Remaining -5.4 21.1 0 0 $15.7

Changes from Last Quarter

$5.4 and $4.4 million committed for Amtrak and LIRR Force Account Acess & Protection (FQA99/FQL99) respectively. Amtrak (FQA99) commitment is greater than plan to reflect an increase in the forecast for manpower, equipment usage and retroactive wage adjustments.

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Fourth Quarter 10 Look Ahead Design

Active Design Packages Table Design Start

Contract Manhattan
CM012 CM013A CM014 CM015

Manhattan Structures 2 55th St Ventilation Facility GCT Concourse & Facilities Fit-Out 48th Street Entrance

Next Milestone & Date

100% 09/10 60% 12/10 100% 11/10 60% 03/11 90% 10/10 60% 12/10 90% 05/11 90% 10/10 90% 03/11 60% 11/10 60% 12/10 100% 10/10 100% 11/10 60% 10/10


VQ065A VQ065B FQA65 Loop Interlocking CIL T Interlocking CIL Loop Interlocking Amtrak F/A Harold Structures Part 3A Harold Structures Part 3B Harold Stage 3 Amtrak F/A Harold Stage 3 LIRR F/A N/A N/A N/A

60% submittal received 09/10.

CH057 CH058 FHA03 FHL03 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Package I CS079 / CS081 Package II CS078 / CS084 / CS086 Installation Package III CS086 Fabrication N/A N/A N/A

Grand Central Terminal

Continue with review and preparation of the GCT Concourse and Facilities Fit-Out (CM014) and Manhattan Structures 2 Facilities Fit-Out (CM012) contract documents Work with the Vertical Circulation - Escalators & Elevators (VM014) contractor, Schindler Elevator Corp., to resolve the various interface conditions in the CM012 and CM014 contract documents Work with the MTACC, MTA HQ and the GEC to resolve the 48th Street Entrance design issue
Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access (PM 3.2.80881) 58

Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Work with MNR to determine a path forward for the design work associated with the Biltmore Room Connection Work with LIRR to determine a path forward for the design work associated with the 45th Street Cross Passage Way (CPW) Elevator extensions to the Cavern Mezzanine Level

Railroad Systems
Advance the design of Tunnel Misroute Protection Plan with LIRR Issue Comprehensive System Testing Plan (Volumes 1 and 2) Finalize Tunnel Simulation Summary Report and enhance design to mitigate System Schedule Risks

Operational Readiness/LIRR Start Up

Submit Rail Activation Plan Volume 1 (Revision 0) Initiate identification and development of tasks & responsibilities for Rail Activation Plan Volume 2 & 3 with all stakeholders Start the identification of the training requirements for Master Training Plan Volume 2 as related to the Asset Inventory Revise Operations & Maintenance Plan into two volumes reflecting railroad operations (Volume 1) and maintenance of facilities & infrastructure (Volume 2) for Revision 6

Manhattan Tunnels Excavation (CM009) Complete mining in SELI Drive # 3 (Lower Level) and continue backing up Robbins TBM Manhattan Structures 1 (CM019) Continue blasting in Wellway 3 and continue excavation in caverns using roadheader and drill and blast Madison Yard Site Clearance (CM008A) Completion of Madison yard clearance & Commissary Zone 1 and start Commissary Zones 2 & 3 44th St. Demolition & Construct Fan Plant Structure & 245 Park Ave. Entrance (CM004) 44th Street Vent Plant: Completion of soil excavation, underpinning of adjacent buildings and drilling in the building footprint and start excavation. 245 Park Ave Entrance: Continuation of structural steel erection at north end platform E and 245 Park Avenue entrance

50th Street Ventilation Facility (CM013) Continue drilling of mini piles and installation of beams and girders for the temporary deck structure on 50th St. GCT Protection Work (CS790) Reach substantial completion Queens Instrumentation (CS810) Complete drilling instrumentation in Harold Interlocking and Sunnyside Yard, install Automatic Motorized Total Stations (AMTS) units and begin baseline readings
Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access (PM 3.2.80881) 59

Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Queens Bored Tunnels and Structures (CQ031) Complete TBM Launch Shaft and begin TBM assembly. Continue construction of Yard Lead Emergency Exit and Three Tunnel Emergency Exit. Northern Boulevard Crossing (CQ039) Complete installation of compensation grout pipe and continue construction of Early Access Chamber Harold Structures Part 1 and G02 Substation (CH053) Continue G02 substation construction and installation of Harold Access Bridge and catenary structure foundations. Continue installation of catenary and signal tower foundations. Begin relocation of 60HZ feeders at the commissary building in Sunnyside Yard. Harold Structures Part 2A (CH054A) Complete construction of Retaining Wall 43-S1 and continue construction of storm sewer line Harold Stage 1 (FHA/L01) Continue relocating Catenary wire to new structures and complete 865 switch cutover Harold Early Stage 2(FHA/L02) Continue installing troughs, conduits and pull boxes for the stage 2 work F Interlocking CIHs (FHA62) Continue with the F2 and F1 CIHs wiring effort Harold and Point CILs (VH051 Part 1) Continue work on POINT Interlocking submittals and staging and sequencing of the CIL location installations Harold Tower Supervisory Control System (VH051 Part 2) Complete negotiations on the FHACS proposal and scope change order

Budget and Finance

Review the URS and Jacobs consultant contracts in preparation for a contract modification Update the Commitment Plan for 2011

Executive Level Project Execution Plan

Finalize the Cost and Cost Contingency Management Plan Complete the update of the Project Management Plan Draft a Risk Management Plan

Continue monitoring of contractors internal and external audits Continue surveillances of each contract and training for Construction Management staff Scheduled audit of the GEC Quality Assurance and Quality Control process Continue the review of all programmatic documents that incorporate new processes or enhance existing processes

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Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 10

Refine as-built information process and implement tracking of information and revised design drawings

Methods and Procedures

Continue to facilitate the development and completion of critical procedures

Continue performing oversight of contractors safety and security activities Implement ESA Safety Teams requirements and adjustment to shifting and expanding field conditions Continue to evaluate hazard analyses and safe work plans Project safety staff will continue joint inspections with the FDNY to minimize potential fire hazards under Grand Central Terminal

Site and Systems Security

Implement corrective actions per lessons learned from the FDNY Emergency Action Drill Convene LIRR safety and certification committee to certify packages Track, Third Rail & Tunnel Bench Walk (CS078), Manhattan Structures 2 & Facilities Fit-Out (CM012), and GCT Concourse & Facilities Fit-Out (CM014) Initiate field threat vulnerability threat assessment for the trash management operation

Real Estate
Continue to progress acquisition of property interests 55th St. Ventilation Facility (CM013) Monitor the development of 48th Street design and negotiations to support and progress the acquisition of necessary property interests

Public Outreach
Conduct outreach to 50th St. businesses and property representatives for upcoming weekend street closures and start of controlled drill and blast activity Meet with Queens Community Board 2 and Outward Bound to discuss Plaza Substation & Queens Structures (CQ032) upcoming award and details about facilities Meet with Parks Department to review and progress resolution to outstanding concerns regarding Vernon Boulevard Facility improvements Provide notification to affected properties during weekend street closure associated with 45th St. reframing

Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep 10) - East Side Access

(PM 3.2.80881)


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