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COFFEE SHOP: The Grinders Cafe (Awake your dreams with a cup of coffee)






The Grinders Cafe (Coffee Shop) Industry is a perfect competitive market because there are many

competitors many consumer and low cost of entry and exact.Howeven despite the numerous coffee

shop in makati circuit area we have selected to set off a franchising based coffee shop names The

Griders Cafe our selected place is not exactly in makati circuit it is in the south avenue area just

beside the makati circuit area this particular location is sorrounded by a youthful population.

Coffee Shop carry product that are affordable and acceptable to expensive consumers segment

house blends and specially coffee hot and cold signature drinks light meals (sandwiches) and

booked goods (cookies) a franchising coffee shop in a competitive market must offer all of the above

and more.These are some reasons for choosing our start up business with a franchising firm named

The Grinders Cafe.

Coffee shop Name: The Grinders Cafe (awake your dream with a cup of coffe)

Business logo & it’s concept:

Vission Statement : We want the world to mote social! We live in digital world that loses the

personal touch of human connection so i want to create a place to restore the old school skills of

socializing amr conversation.

Mission Statement : GRINDER’S CAFE’ S mission is to provide a neighborhood coffee shop were

single people can meet.We exist to attract and maintain customer through creating an atmosphere

that is safe, connected and unique to other social sports.

Unique: It’s possible to get a remarkable latte on espreso from a generic coffee machine but serious

coffee shop known the importance of investing in state of the art equipment.Quality equipment

guides coffee beans consistentcy to give your an exquisite of coffee production of good coffee calls

for fresh guiding.



Organizational Chart



Job Description

Manager: Which one of the business partners. Responsible for the whole business.

She is also responsible for finance and the budgeting of the startup money.

Finance Manager: The one who is responsible in handling and budgeting the money.

Operation Manager: Which the one who manufacture the product.

Sales Marketing/ Sales Manager: The one who is responsible for advertising.



Coffee is one of the world’s largest commodities the e top green coffee producing countries are

Brazil, Colombia, and Vietnam. Many grower countries are small, poor developing nations that

depend on coffee to sustain local economies. The U.S. is the world’s largest importer of green coffee

beans and the largest consumer of coffee. With the exception of Hawaii and Puerto Rico, the United

States’ climate cannot support coffee trees. products sold by coffee shops include beverages as well

as complimentary food items. Beverages include brewed coffee and tea, espresso drinks

cappuccinos, cafe lattes, cold blended beverages. Food products include pastries, bakery items,

desserts, sandwiches, and candy. Many coffee shops sell whole or ground coffee beans for home

consumption. Some coffee shops sell coffee or espresso-making equipment, grinders, mugs, and

other accessories. Most coffee shops serve high-quality, premium coffee known as specialty coffee.

The typical and most committed coffee drinkers are 25 to 45 year old, affluent, educated adults.

While baby boomers have driven the success of coffee shops, specialty coffee appeals to a diverse

adult demographic, including college students and young adults. Larger companies may also sell

coffee beans wholesale to commercial customers, such as grocery stores and restaurants Consumer

taste and personal income drive demand. The profitability of individual companies depends on the
ability to secure prime locations, drive store traffic, and deliver high quality products. Large

companies have advantages in purchasing, finance, and marketing. Small companies can compete

effectively by offering specialized products, serving a local market, or providing a personal level of

customer service.

Current Trends

Coffee is a fundamental part of food culture in the United States and around the world, and it's

especially prevalent in the foodservice industry. Over the past few years, the coffee industry has

changed drastically for a variety of reasons. As a foodservice operator or restaurant owner, it’s

important to stay ahead of new food trends so you can capitalize on what’s new and popular.

Target Market

Our target market will be to anyone who enjoys coffee but we will mainly target people age 18 and

older both female and male , and who are of the working class , and students.


Coffee Shop are typically an easy -going social setting that does lend itself for people to meet others.

Conseversation occur in part beacuse of the historical underpinning of coffee house in part by

virtue of the fact that the background music is not blaring.

Swot Analysis


>High service levels

>Good corporate culture

>Highly motivated staff

>Team-based culture

>Clear value proposition

>Close to the customer

>Effective niche marketer

>High share of target markets

>Strong net promoter scores

>Strong share-of-customer


>Limited access to marketplace data

>Reliance on manual systems

>Difficult to access to capital and funding

>Weak financial reserves

>Limited market share

>Difficult to generate publicity

>Limited sales area coverage

>Reliant on one main channel

>Low brand awareness

>Develop a customer relationship culture

>Develop an innovation culture

>Increase margins across-the-board

>Attract new customers through special offers

>Build stronger customer relationships

>Develop and implement a loyalty program

>Grow customer loyalty/retention

>Improve the overall customer experience

>Add increased product augmentation


>Ability to meet cash flow requirements

>Limited profit levels

>Consumers becoming more price sensitive

>Poor ratings on review websites

>Increase in supplier costs

>Weak bargaining power abused by suppliers

>Being under-priced by more efficient competitors

>Competitors providing more “value add"

foodservice industry. Over the past few years, the coffee industry has changed drastically for a variety of

reasons. As a foodservice operator or restaurant owner, it’s important to stay ahead of new food trends so you

can capitalize

Strategy Plans
The market strategy will seek to first create customer awareness regarding their service offered

develop that customer base and work toward building customer loyalty and referrals.

Brand Strategy/ Adversiment

>Advertising your coffee shop is a great opportunity to link up with local celebrities or brand

influencers who have already established a strong connection and built trust within your local

community through their digital following. Influential opinions always appeal.Your branding sets a

tone for the quality of coffee and experience your customers can learn to expect Coffee shops can

establish a solid reputation in their community. Community recognition of a coffee shop is essential

to its success, since the community is the source of your drinkers.

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