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A prisoner's life can often be a scary way of life for many people, which is why many individuals
don’t want to be close to people who have been imprisoned, for obvious reasons.
But the reality is that those who execute prison sentences, sooner or later, are liberated from
prison and re-enter en society. Resocialization is a hard and difficult process to be fulfilled, but
obviously not impossible.
In trying to redress the behaviours of those who have chosen the wrong way of life, family
involvement is essential, especially in terms of maintaining mental health, and in the hope that at the
end of the punishment, at the exit of the penitentiary there will be someone waiting there for them.
The present paper aims to analyze the rights of inmates to keep in touch with their families,
stipulated in the legislation of Five European countries, the similarities and possible differences of
their approach in the desire to identify the best regulations in this field, with best results in re-
However, it is known that permanent contact with the family increases the confidence in the
person self-esteem so that he / she overcomes the bad moments of life, as well as in the case of the
prisoners the existence of more rights to maintain contact with the family is a desire.

Keywords: rights, deprived of liberty, European country, family, re-socialization.

effects that the isolation of society can

1. Introduction provide on individuals.
However, there are many cases where
The incarceration is an unusual
the enforcement of a custodial sentence is
situation that deprives the person convicted
mandatory, and the data on the number of
of both freedom and his familiar and family
persons imprisoned in Romanian prisons
environment. confirms it.
Sentencing a person to the execution of According to World Prison Brief, on
a custodial sentence is an exceptional
January 27/ 2018, 22,988 people were
measure that is applied by the court in the
imprisoned in Romania1.
case of those offenses punishable by life
Following the Regulation on the
imprisonment or imprisonment.
organization and functioning of
In most cases, when the situation penitentiaries, their purpose is to ensure the
permits, the law provides rules that have the execution of custodial sentences and the
effect of avoiding the deprivation of liberty,
measure of preventive arrest and to ensure
precisely because of the obvious negative
the recuperative intervention, facilitating the

PhD Candidate, Faculty of Law, “Nicolae Titulescu” University of Bucharest, judge (e-mail:

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empowerment and reintegration into society perceives the connection that a person
of persons deprived of their liberty. should have with his family.
A success of re-socialization involves
first and foremost the awareness of the
consequences of the committed offenses and 2. Paper Content
the violation of social norms.
Changing the mentality is a route that 2.1. Spain
staff in charge of educational and re-
socialization activities in penitentiaries go The Spanish legislation provides for
without results if this titanic work is not convicted person rights to keep in touch with
based on factors outside the penitentiary, his family, the elements common to the
factors that are represented by family and Romanian legislation, but also different
friends. aspects.
The existence of families waiting for The normative framework governing
them to leave the penitentiary is a motivation the rights to stay in contact with the family,
for convicted people not to let themselves to which have convicted persons in Spain, is
be fooled into negative feelings and violent the Organic Penitentiary Law no. 1 of 1979
starts, sometimes suicidal. and the Law on the Penitentiary Regime,
Romanian legislation provides rights Royal Decree no. 190/1996.
for arrested and convicted persons to keep in These rights are:
touch with their families or close persons,  the right to correspondence;
being in this respect in harmony with  the right to visit, which is divided into
European Union provisions. three categories, an intimate visit, a visit to
An analysis of the rights of persons relatives and friends as well as a family visit;
legal provisions deprived of their liberty in  the right to telephone conversations;
countries in Europe can be a good thing in  the right to receive packets.
identifying a complete and effective picture Art. 51 of the Organic Penitentiary Act
of these rights. explain that convicted persons have the right
In doing so, the laws of Five European to communicate periodically, both verbally
countries, namely Spain, the Netherlands, and in written form, in the language they
Belgium, the Republic of Moldova and understand, with their family or friends.
Romania, were analyzed. These communications are done in
Their choice was based on geographic such a way as to respect as much as possible
aspects (taking the extremes of the Western the privacy of individuals and the way these
part of Europe, in this case the Netherlands, communications are conducted without
Belgium and Spain) constitutional (some violating the security rules. In some cases,
being republics, other monarchs) and EU written or verbal communications may be
membership (Moldavian Republic, suspended or intercepted, reasoned, with the
neighbour to our country but at the same authorization of the director of the
time it is not part of the European Union). penitentiary unit.
At the same time, the fact that those Art. 52 of the Law no. 1/1979,
peoples origins, their habits and their provides that in the event of death, illness or
lifestyle are different, but also with common serious injury of the convicted person, the
elements has influenced their choice even director shall immediately inform his / her
more, for the radiography of how each state family or person designated by the sentenced
person. Also, if a parent or a person close to

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the convicted person has died or is in serious Thus, the intimate visit is granted at the
condition, the convicted person will be request of the detainee, at least once a
immediately informed. month, which cannot be less than 1 hour but
The detainee has the right to inform his not more than 3 hours, unless the security
or her family, about incarceration, as well as rules prohibit it.
the transfer to another penitentiary. The visit of relatives and friends, as the
In art. 53 of Law no. 1/1979, it is name implies, is that category of visit that is
inserted that the penitentiary units will granted for family, extended family and
provide annexes, specially arranged for the friends, on request, with a minimum of 1
family or intimate visits of those convicts hour and a maximum of 3 hours, at least
who do not have a permit to leave the once a month.
penitentiary. People presenting for an intimate visit
Art. 41 of the Penitentiary Regime Act, or for relatives and friends do not have the
Royal Decree no. 190/1996, provides that it right to bring packets or to be accompanied
is foreseen that visits and communications by minors (in case of intimate visits).
will be made in the manner necessary to Family visits are made on demand and
meet the special needs of foreign detainees run between the detainee and his or her
to which the rules applicable to Spanish spouse or person with a relationship similar
citizens will apply in accordance with the to that of spouses and children not older than
present normative act. 10 years of age. The duration of this type of
According to art. 42 of the same Royal visit is a maximum of 6 hours and is done at
Decree no. 190/1996, the usual visits are least 2 times a week.
carried out at least twice a week, for a period According to art. 47 of the Penitentiary
of at least 20 minutes, the detainee being Regulations, detainees have the right to
allowed to be visited by up to 4 persons at make phone calls if their families live in
the same time. If the location allows, the remote localities and cannot travel to visit it
convicted person may accumulate the time and if the detainee has to communicate some
for 2 visits in one. important issues to the family, the defender
In order to be able to visit the detainee, or another person.
the family must provide evidence of family In those situations permitted by the
ties, and for those who are not family penitentiary rules the incarcerated person
members, the penitentiary director's have the right to telephone communications
authorization is required. that shall be made at a maximum of 5 calls
Article 43 of the aforementioned per week in the presence of a supervisor and
normative act provides for the possibility of may not take more than 5 minutes.
restricting this right in the case of violation The value of the conversations will be
of security rules, communicating this fact to borne by the detainee, except those related to
the detainee. the communication of the penitentiary entry
Another right provided by Royal and the transfer to another penitentiary.
Decree no. 190/1996, in art. 45, is the Telephone calls made between
possibility for inmates to have an intimate detainees from different penitentiaries can
visit, a visit to relatives and friends, and a only be made on the basis of the director's
family visit. authorization.
These three types of visits are given by According to art. 50 of the Regulation
the categories of visitors that may come to for the organization of penitentiary units, the
the detainee. detainee can receive no more than two

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packages per month, except for the ones Also for the safety reasons outlined
included in the closed regime which can above, the executive director of the
receive only one package per month and the penitentiary unit may establish that the
weight of each package cannot exceed 5 kg, prisoner's visit by persons outside the
containing books, publications, or clothes. penitentiary is carried out under supervision.
This surveillance may involve listening or
recording the conversation between the
2.2. Netherlands visitor and the detainee, the detainee being
As far as the legislation on the rights of informed of the nature and reason of the
persons deprived of their liberty is surveillance.
concerned, in Netherlands those rights are The Director may discontinue the visit
close to those in Spanish law, but of course within the specified time limit, with the
with specific features. intention of removing visitors from the
The classification of rights covered by institution if necessary to maintain order and
this analysis is: safety in the institution for the purpose of
 the right to correspondence; preventing or investigating offenses or for
 the right to visit; the protection of victims or other persons,
 the right to telephone conversations; involved in the act.
The rights of convicted persons are At the same time, among the rights
laid down in the Penitentiary Principles Act, granted to the convicted persons are also
within the framework of Art. 38, which those related to making phone calls with
provides that the detainee is entitled to persons outside the penitentiary unit.
receive visits in accordance with the rules Art. 39 of the Penitentiary Principles
laid down in the Regulations for at least one Act indicate that convicted persons have the
hour per week. right to make one or more telephone calls, at
It is foreseen that the Minister of least once a week, at the times and places
Justice may lay down additional rules on the established by the organizational
admission and refusal of a visit, and that the regulations, from the telephone stations in
rules are set out in the Organizing the prisons.
Regulations on the request for a visit. The costs of calls made by persons
Also, it is stipulated that the director of deprived of their liberty will be borne by
the penitentiary unit may at the same time them, unless the director of the prison unit
limit the number of persons admitted to the decides otherwise.
detainee, if necessary in order to maintain The telephone conversations made by
order or safety in the unit. or with the detainee may be supervised and
The director may refuse to allow the recorded, with the consent of the director, if
detainee to visit a particular person or necessary to establish the identity of the
persons if this is necessary for the person with whom the prisoner carries a
maintenance of order and safety in the conversation, if this is necessary to maintain
institution for the purpose of preventing or order or safety in unity, protection of public
investigating offenses or for the protection order or national security, the prevention or
of victims or other persons involved in detection of criminal offenses and the
committing the deed. This refusal may be protection of victims or other persons
maintained for a maximum period of 12 involved in committing offenses.
months. The person concerned will be
informed of the nature and the reason for the

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oversight, this supervision assuming either books or postal orders, as well as the
listening to a phone conversation, live or enclosed items, if necessary to:
listening to a recorded telephone  keeping order or safety in the unit,
conversation.  the protection of public order or
By the Council's provision on national security,
recording telephone conversations and  preventing or detecting crimes,
storing and providing recorded telephone  the protection of victims or other
conversations, other rules on telephone call persons involved in committing offenses.
surveillance may be established.
As with the right to visit, the Director
may limit the right of the prisoner to hold a 2.3. Belgium
particular telephone conversation or certain The rights of detainees to keep in
telephone conversations or to conclude a contact with the family in Belgium have the
telephone conversation while allowed if this same rights as in the other mentioned states,
is necessary for the same reasons as namely:
mentioned above up. The period for which  The right to visit;
this right may be limited is no more than 12
 The right to correspondence;
 The right to telephone conversations.
Another right that is related to keeping
The content of the detainees' rights is
in touch with the family is the right to send
laid down in the Law on Principles on the
and receive letters and documents by post,
Administration of Prison Facilities and the
provided in art. 36 of the Law on
Legal Status of Detainees of 05.02.2005.
Penitentiary Principles.
Thus, the right to visit in Belgian
As with the other rights mentioned
penitentiaries is a table visit, a visit with a
above, the law provides, in addition to the
separator, an intimacy visit and a children’s
right itself, the limitations of its exercise.
Thus, the text of the law indicates that the
The visit to the table is done in the
director is authorized to inspect envelopes or
special room assigned to this activity and
other postcards from or intended for
represents the normal visit.
detainees to detect forbidden goods.
The visit with the separator is done in
Where envelopes or postcards
a space provided with a screen or window,
originate from or intended for the persons or
the detainee cannot be reached.
bodies involving human rights protection,
The cases that lead to the application
examination of the documents can only be
of this visit system, with separator, are:
carried out in the presence of the prisoner
concerned.  If there are reasonable suspicions that
Also under the control that the Director incidents that could endanger order and
can make on documents sent or received by security may occur during the visit;
mail, the law stipulates that these  At the request of the prisoner or
correspondences can be supervised, which visitor;
may include copying letters or other  If the former detainee or his / her
postcards or letters. The detainee is advised visitors have violated the regulations
in advance of the surveillance. governing the visit and there are reasons to
The Director has the possibility to believe that these deviations will be
refuse to dispatch or deliver certain letters or repeated;
 If the detainee was previously
disciplined, where only a visit with a

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separator is allowed; penitentiary the correspondence will be read,
 If the detainee is included in an the director of the penitentiary unit will
individual security regime, where only a decide in the immediate form that the objects
visit with a separator is allowed. or letters are not handed over to the detainee
From the presentation of this type of but kept in a depot, informing the detainee
visit, it follows that visiting with a separator about these matters. The detainee will
is the exception in the exercise of the right to received those goods at the time of release.
visit. Correspondence that detainees send, as
The intimate visit consists of an a rule, is not verified, however, in case there
unattended visit, which takes place in an are suspicions of a threat to order and
intimate space, without being subjected to security, correspondence will be verified
supervision by the penitentiary staff. This and, if necessary, it will be retained.
type of visit can be organized at least once a The third right to keep in touch with
month for a minimum of 2 hours. An inmate the family is the right to telephone calls and
may request this type of visit after at least other means.
one month of detention. Unlike the countries above, Spain and
People who can benefit from this type the Netherlands, the legislation in Belgium
of visit are husband, wife, legal partner or is more permissive in terms of making phone
concubine, children, parents, grandparents, calls. Thus, phone calls can be made every
brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts. day, at the expense of the prisoner, from
The law is limited in terms of the fixed or GSM stations. Phone posts are
persons who may be included in this visit. located on the cell corridor, each prisoner
In order to be able to benefit from this receiving a personal code that he inserts into
type of visit, the visitor, who have not family his phone, and the payment of calls will be
ties with the detained, must prove a sincere made from his personal account.
relationship with the person incarcerated by The text of the law does not specify
showing an interest in the detainee over the any time limit for the conversations made.
past 6 months. However, if there are indications that
As regards the children's visit, an phone calls endanger the order and security
activity for the children and their detained of the penitentiary, the director of the unit
parents is organized at least once a month. will forbid totally or partially a detainee to
As mentioned above, another right that exercise the right to make telephone calls.
helps maintain the ties with the family and Within the first 24 hours after entering
social environment of the detainee is that of the penitentiary, the detainee is entitled to a
correspondence. free national or international free phone call
Belgian law allows any detainee to of 3 minutes.
send and receive an unlimited number of The specificity of this right, with
letters, according to art. 54 of the Law on respect to the other legislation under
Principles concerning the Administration of consideration, is that these talks cannot be
Penitentiary Establishments and the Legal recorded nor heard. Penitentiary
Status of Detainees of 05.02.2005. management can only check the person with
Correspondence that the detainee whom the prisoner held the call and how
receives from his or her family and other long this conversation lasted.
people is controlled to contain no prohibited
articles or substances. Only if there is a
danger to the order and security in the

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2.4. Moldovian Republic provided by art. 217 of the Enforcement
Code, detainees are given the right to move
The law governing the rights of
without escort outside the penitentiary for a
convicted persons in the Republic of
short period of time.
Moldova is the Decision no. 583 from
The normative act stipulates that the
26.05.2006 regarding the approval of the
detainee has the right to receive during the
Penalty Execution Statute of the convicted
year at least one short-term visit of up to 5
persons and Code no. 443 / 24.12.2004 on
days outside the penitentiary for visiting the
the Execution Code of the Republic of
family, relatives, guardian or curator, as the
case may be, and convicts enrolled in higher
Detainees from Moldovan
education institutions or specialist
penitentiaries have the following rights
backgrounds - for the duration specified in
closely related to maintaining family ties,
the Labour Code for examinations.
according to art. 87 of the Decision no.
In order to benefit from this right, the
sentenced person has to execute the joint
 have the right to communicate the punishment or re-socialization, and be
name of the penitentiary to the family and included in the release preparation program
close relatives; if it is positively characterized.
 receive packets of supplies, parcels, Sentenced persons are entitled to short
bands and keep food, except those requiring and long-term meetings. Long-term
heat treatment before being consumed and meetings can take place outside the
alcoholic beverages; penitentiary, with the right of the convict to
 to acquire and receive in the packages reside with family members, according to
of necessities in the assortment provided in art. 213 of the Code no. 443 / 24.12.2004 on
Annex no. 6, for storage and / or the Execution Code of the Republic of
consumption; Moldova, for a period of 12 hours to 3 days,
 at meetings with relatives and other the convict paying the expenses incurred by
persons of a duration and number the long-term meeting.
determined by the legislation; Short-term meetings with the spouse,
 To phone calls from the public relatives up to the fourth degree inclusive, or
telephone, on its own, in the manner and with another person indicated by the convict,
under the conditions established by the are given for duration of 1-4 hours. These
Execution Code; meetings are held in specially arranged
 Receive and dispatch, on their own, areas, under visual supervision or through
letters, telegrams and petitions, without video systems by the representatives of the
limiting their number, in the manner and penitentiary institution administration.
under the conditions established by the The detainee is allowed to meet up to
Execution Code; two mature persons with whom his / her
 For own account, send to relatives or minor children may come, as well as close
other persons parcels, packages and bands, relatives who have not reached the age of the
under the conditions stipulated by art. 211 of majority (brother, sister, nephew, niece).
the Code of Enforcement; The detainee is entitled to a short term
 In case of death or serious illness of meeting per month and a long-term meeting
one of the close relatives or in other per quarter.
exceptional personal circumstances, as well There is no right to long-term
as in other cases, under the conditions interviews with convicts who:

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a) the right to long-term meetings has been following the request of the detainee or the
suspended; visitor.
b) who were initially transferred as a The administration of the penitentiary
disciplinary sanction; may order a ban or discontinuation of a
c) sentenced to life imprisonment in the meeting if there is a suspicion that the order
initial regime. and safety in the penitentiary unit may be
The number of meetings mentioned jeopardized.
above may be exceeded in order to stimulate In accordance to art. 305 of the
convicts. Decision no. 583 of 26.05.2006 regarding
Thus, more than 4 short-term meetings the approval of the Penalty Execution
and 2 long-term meetings per year are Statute by condemned persons, the
provided as incentives, according to discussion at the short-term meetings is held
Decision no. 583 of 26.05.2006, art. 280. in the language chosen by the persons
When determining the visit period arriving on the visit. If the representatives of
allowed, the behaviour of the detainee, the the penitentiary administration do not know
periodicity of visits, the total number of the spoken language, an interpreter or other
visits of the prisoner concerned, as well as person (except for the detainees who know
the number of visits to the prison, etc., are the language) may be invited to oversee the
analyzed. discussion.
Incentive appointments are only According to art. 313, from the
granted to the spouse and relatives and Decision No. 583 of 2006, detainees can
cannot be given to others. receive packets, bands or parcels from
Meetings between detainees placed in family or other persons.
different penitentiary institutions are In art. 314 it is stipulated that the
forbidden. opening and control of the contents of
The director of the penitentiary unit parcels, parcels with supplies and banderols
approves meetings between the detainees, if shall be carried out by the representative of
the detainees are in the same penitentiary the administration of the penitentiary, in the
institution and if there is a marriage presence of the person who brought them,
relationship between them, based on and the ones sent by mail are subject to
documents. specific control in the presence of the
It is not allowed to divide the time for detainee and transmitted to the last counter
a visit in more short ones, but replacing the signature.
long-term meeting with the short term is Persons convicted have the right to
only allowed at the written request of the receive and dispatch letters, telegrams and
sentenced person. petitions on their own, without limiting their
Sentenced prisoners of the Republic of number, in the manner and under the law.
Moldova have the right to make phone calls Sending postal mandates to the family
of up to 15 minutes, including the possibility is done freely and to other non-family
of changing long and short-term meetings members only with the authorization of the
with telephone conversations. penitentiary administration.
For marriage, the long-term and short- Correspondence between detainees of
term meetings on this occasion are not different penitentiaries who do not have
included in the set number of meetings. family ties is allowed only with the
The meeting takes place after a authorization of the penitentiary
meeting permit issued by the prison director

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administration, according to art. 330 of deprivation of liberty ordered by the judicial
Decision No. 582/2006. bodies during the criminal proceedings.
Correspondence of detainees can be By Government Decision no. 157 of
subject to control if there is a suspicion of a 2016 approved the Implementing
danger to safety and order in the Regulation of Law 254/2013, which sets out
penitentiary. in detail the composition of the rights of the
In order to keep in touch with the convicts to preserve the contact with the
family, the detainees also benefit from the external environment and especially with the
right to telephone calls, the penitentiary family.
administration assuring the installation of A first right is the right to
public telephones in the penitentiary in correspondence, which is regulated in art. 63
special places. of Law 254/2013, together with the petition
The detainee is entitled to telephone right. The text of the law mentions in par. (1)
conversations with his spouse, a relative, or only that the right to correspondence and
another person of his choice. The payment petition is guaranteed.
for telephone calls is made with prepaid In the other four paragraphs of the
cards, and in the case of a telephone above mentioned article are stipulated only
connected to the public fixed telephone the restrictions on these rights.
network, according to the established tariffs, These restrictions consist in the fact
on the detainee's account of the detainee. that correspondence can be held and handed
Provision of phone calls to detainees is over to those entitled to conduct
only allowed at the initiative and upon investigations if there are good indications
request. Conversations at the request of of a crime. The convicted person being
relatives or other persons are not admitted, notified in writing of these measures.
they can only discuss with the However, according to the law,
representatives of the administration, correspondence and responses to petitions
communicating their exceptional are confidential and can only be retained
information to be transmitted to the detainee. within the limits and under the conditions
The convict is entitled to a 20-minute laid down by law.
weekly telephone conversation with the The frequency of the use of this right
husband, relative or other person of his was not limited by the legislator, the
choice. detainee having the possibility to make
As with meetings, it is not allowed to petitions and to have correspondence
divide the time allowed for one phone call in without limitations. In other words, the
shorter ones. Also, phone calls between detainee has the possibility to keep in touch
inmates of different prisons are forbidden. with his family by mail whenever he wishes.
Another right provided by national law
is the right to telephone calls, provided in art.
2.5. Romania 65 of Law 254/20132. Among the
In Romania, Law 254/2013 regulates possibilities of the persons deprived of their
the execution of sentences and measures of liberty to communicate with the outside, the

Law no. 254/2013, art. 65: "(1) Persons convicted have the right to make phone calls from public phones
installed in penitentiaries. Phone calls are confidential and conducted under visual supervision. (2) In order to ensure
the exercise of the right to telephone calls, the director of the penitentiary has the obligation to take the necessary
measures for the installation of public telephones within the penitentiary. (3) Expenses incurred for the making of

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right to make phone calls helps constantly conversations to continue their criminal
and regardless of the distance where the activity interrupted by the conviction.
punishment or educational measure is Although the existence of this right
executed, maintaining the connection with may favour the continuation of criminal
the family or with other persons with whom activity, it is advisable to maintain the link
he wants to relate. with the family, outside the penitentiary
Phone calls are made without being environment, helping to preserve the
heard, are confidential and run during the humanity of every person deprived of liberty
hours of the program, both with people in the and his hope to reintegrate into the world of
country and abroad. Under the right to which was temporarily excluded.
telephone calls, the detainee can contact his The right to receive visits and the right
lawyer and diplomatic representative (if the to be informed about the special family
detainee is a foreign national)3. situations provided in art. 68, is perhaps the
In art. 2 lit. m) of the Implementing most important right in the lives of detainees
Regulation of Law 254/2013, are explained and which, as stated above, motivates the
that the family members, are spouse, wife, detainee to wish to overcome the period of
relatives up to the fourth degree, persons imprisonment.
who have established similar relations with The right to visit allows direct contact
those spouses or between parents and with the family, keeping in touch with the
children, legal representatives when family environment, maintaining feelings of
appointed, as well as, in exceptional cases, affection among family members.
persons to whom strong affective relations This right is all the more important by
have been established and which maintain providing parents with the opportunity to see
contact with the detainee through visits, their children, to be part of their lives,
telephone, correspondence and on-line enabling communication and fulfilment of
communications. the role of parent through the necessary
Regarding the right to correspondence, guidance for children.
which is not limited, as far as the right to Contact with family, though reduced in
telephone communications is concerned, it terms of the consequences of punishment, is
has limitations given by the regime in which so necessary for parties, family and
the detainee is included. detainees.
The limitations imposed by the Visit to the place of detention is a
detention regime are aimed at preventing the family event, sometimes educative or full of
commission of new criminal offenses by positive influences, by comparing what can
means of telephone conversations. The fact be done between the status of those who
that those who are imprisoned in meet thru separation devices between those
penitentiaries with maximum security have who come and those who are visited4.
committed acts of certain gravity, or their Visiting moments represent for true
situation (crime contest, recidivism) has led moments of celebration that have the gift of
to a certain danger, they are considered to be interrupting the monotony of the daily
more prone to use the right to hold telephone existence.

telephone conversations shall be borne by the convicted persons. (4) The number and duration of telephone
conversations shall be established by the regulation for the application of this law. "
3 Chiş Ioan, Chiş Alexandru Bogdan, Execution of criminal sanctions, Universul Juridic Publishing House,

Bucharest, 2015, p. 385.

Idem, p. 390.

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The organization of the granting of the conduct adopted during the detention, as
right to visit and the manner of granting follows:
these visits are stipulated in art. 138-144 of a) With cabin type separation devices;
the Regulation implementing Law b) Without separation devices.
254/2013. The visit with separating devices is
Thus, detainees can be visited by the granted to detainees to whom maximum
family or the caregivers and with the consent security or closed regime applies and
of the detainees and the approval of the convicted detainees to whom the execution
director of the place of detention by other regime has not been established.
persons as well. Children up to 14 years of The visit without separation devices is
age can only visit detainees accompanied by granted to detainees to whom the semi-open
a major person. and open regime applies.
A detainee may receive a single visit The Regulation also provides for the
during one day, the administration of the possibility of granting the right to visit
place of detention being obliged to provide a between detainees, with the approval of the
daily 12-hour program for the exercise of the prison director, under the law.
right to visit by detainees. The number and frequency of visits
The duration of the visit is from 30 varies depending on the regime in which the
minutes to two hours, depending on the person in question is included.
number of requests for visits and existing Inmates to whom the open regime
spaces. applies benefit monthly from 6 visits, the
Visitors can not simultaneously visit incarcerated in the semi-open regime, close
two or more detainees, with an exception regime and those for whom the penalty
being provided when two or more inmates, regime has not yet been established receive
husband or wife or relatives up to the second 5 visits per month and those to whom the
degree can be simultaneously visited by their maximum safety regime applies benefit
husband or wife or relatives up to at the monthly 3 visits.
second degree, with the approval of the Pregnant women who have given birth
penitentiary director. during the period of taking care of the child
The number of persons visiting a in their place of detention receive 8 visits per
prisoner at the same time can be limited by month.
the motivated decision of the penitentiary The law provides for the possibility of
director. granting a further visit, in addition to those
In order to benefit from the right to stipulated, for the birth of the child of the
visit, it is necessary to make a prior detainee or the death of a family member,
appointment, which is made before the with the approval of the penitentiary
presentation date for the visit. director, which may be carried out without a
The request for the appointment is separation device.
made by telephone, by e-mail or directly to Detainees also have the right to be
the penitentiary's office, during the working informed about the special family
hours of the package granting and visiting circumstances, the serious illness or the
section. death of a family member, person or other
The way of the visit is granted person, as soon as they are aware of the
differently depending on the regime of event, being psychologically counselled,
execution of the custodial sentence and the when required.

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Iulia POPESCU 199
An important right that helps maintain responsibility, of the existence of a sexually
affective and matrimonial relationships is transmitted disease or acquired
the right to the intimate visit that is provided immunodeficiency syndrome - AIDS.
in art. 69 of the Law no. 254/20135. Statements are filed in the individual file.
The exercise of this right is done by the According to art. 146 of the
convicted person or preventively arrested, Implementing Regulation of Law 254/2013,
married, only with his spouse, being granted the persons finally convicted, respectively
by the director of the penitentiary at the preventively arrested during the trial, are
written request of the sentenced person. entitled to a once a 3-month intimate visit,
Persons convicted or preventively with a duration of three hours, in compliance
arrested, who are not married, may benefit with the legal conditions.
from the intimate visit only with partners For marriage, the right to intimate
with whom they have established a similar visit, which lasts 48 hours, may be
relationship to relationships established interrupted for a maximum period of 24
between spouses prior to the date of receipt hours for reasons related to the
in the penitentiary. administration of the place of detention,
The partnership relationship between without that the 24h being reduced from the
the convicted person and his / her partner is 48h, according to par. 2 and 3 of Art. 146 of
carried out by a declaration on his / her own the Regulation implementing Law
responsibility given to the notary. 254/2013.
The director of the penitentiary may The Romanian legislation also
approve intimate visits and between provides for the right to receive packages
convicted persons upon their request, subject and to buy goods, according to art. 70 of Law
to the above mentioned conditions. 254/2013.
The person convicted or preventively According to art. 148 of the
arrested, the spouse or his wife or partner, as Implementing Regulation of Law 254/2013,
the case may be, have the obligation, under detainees have the right to receive a packet
the sanction of the provisions of art. 353 and of foodstuffs weighing no more than 10 kg
354 of the Penal Code to inform each other, per month, to which a maximum of 6 kg of
through a declaration on their own fruit and vegetables can be added.

Article 69 of Law 254/2013.
a) They are finally convicted and assigned to a regime for the execution of custodial sentences;
b) the legal effects ceased;
c) There is a marriage relationship, proven by a legalized copy of the marriage certificate or, as the case may be,
a partnership relationship similar to the relationships established between the spouses;
d) have not benefited from the permission to leave the penitentiary in the last 3 months prior to requesting an
intimate visit;
e) have not been disciplined for a period of 6 months prior to the request for an intimate visit, or the sanction has
been lifted;
f) Participates actively in educational programs, psychological assistance and social assistance or work;
(2) A married convicted person may only receive an intimate visit with his or her spouse.
(3) In order to grant the intimate visit, the partners must have had a similar relationship to relationships
established between spouses prior to the date of receipt in the penitentiary.
4) Proof of the existence of the partnership relationship is made by the declaration on own responsibility,
authenticated by the notary.
(5) The director of the penitentiary may approve intimate visits between convicted persons under the terms of
this article.
(6) The number, periodicity and procedure of the intimate visits shall be established by the regulation for the
application of this law.

LESIJ NO. XXV, VOL. 2/2018

200 Lex ET Scientia International Journal
Detainees are forbidden: legislation being even more permissive and
a) the receipt of foodstuffs which, for by stipulating different types of visits,
consumption, require heating, baking, depending on the people who visit with
boiling or other thermal treatments; different periodicities.
b) the purchase of easily altered foodstuffs Analyzing the importance of each
or which, for consumption, requires individual right, one could conclude that the
heating, baking, boiling or other heat existence of the right to intimate visit
treatment, except coffee, tea, milk and represents a gain, if one can say so, for both
instant smoked sausages; the detainee and the family, but also for
c) the receipt and purchase of lemons and society, by re-socializing the former
their derivatives. condemned, many times he manages to
overcome the negative effects of executing a
prison sentence due to his family.
3. Conclusions What is worth to note after presenting
Following the analysis of the five these five laws is that there are notable
penitentiary systems it can be concluded that differences between detailing the exercise of
the systems presented have many common these rights.
points but also differentiation elements. Thus, the Netherlands, Belgium and
The result is a normal one given the Spain, precisely in that order, are concise in
fact that for maintaining strong connections the content of the listed rights without too
between the convict and his family or friends much exemplifying the way in which the
group, both physical contact and the rights are exercised.
possibility of communicating by telephone However, this is not the case in
or on-line, aspects that are also made Romanian law, and even less so in the
between people at large, are necessary. Republic of Moldova.
All penitentiary systems have Why is it necessary to provide, in the
regulated the right to visit, perhaps the most smallest detail, the means of exercising only
important right of all, which helps most to in Romanian and Moldovan legislation, in
maintain the interest of the detainee for the order to be understood by convicts, and in
family and the family for the detainee, the other legal systems is it sufficient only their
right to telephone calls and the right to succinct presentation?
receive packets. Maybe there are questions whose
The differences between those systems answer comes out of the legal sphere, rather
are the way these rights are achieved, related to psychology or human
reflecting the importance that the state consciousness.
attaches to the role of the family in the However, what should be emphasized
prisoner's life. and praised is that the states under
The Romanian penitentiary system is consideration have understood that the
approaching most of the Spanish attempt to socialize some convicted persons
penitentiary system, in regulating the rights cannot be achieved without the intervention
of convicts, but it also has common elements of the family and the circle of friends of
with the other penitentiary systems. those condemned.
It is noteworthy that the legislation in Nevertheless, there is no clear
our country and in Spain is the most evidence that any of the systems analyzed is
permissive in granting the right to the usual the best, with outstanding results in re-
visit, in relation to its frequency. Spanish socialization.

LESIJ NO. XXV, VOL. 2/2018

Iulia POPESCU 201
It could be a solution a long-term In the same time, the existence of more
research, during the execution of the rights for the convicted person to keep in
sentence, of a representative group of touch with the family is not an obligation on
convicted persons under different detention the family to honor them.
regimes, who keep in touch with the family Although supplementation rights for
as well as those who are not visited by family prisoners would seem too lax compared to
members. the punitive nature of the punishment, this
But a solution of this study may be that must not lose sight of the fact that the
Romanian legislation takes over those punishment by imprisonment aims to punish
elements of the legislation of the other the individual by taking away his freedom
analyzed states, which allow a greater and not to break the family ties.
proximity of the family prisoner.


 Spanish Organic Penitentiary Law no. 1 of 1979

 The Spanish Law on the Penitentiary Regime, Royal Decree no. 190/1996
 The Netherlands Penitentiary Principles Act
 The Belgian Law on Principles on the Administration of Prison Facilities and the Legal
Status of Detainees of 05.02.2005
 The Moldavian Republic Decision no. 583 from 26.05.2006 regarding the approval of the
Penalty Execution Statute of the convicted persons and Code no. 443 / 24.12.2004 on the
Execution Code of the Republic of Moldova
 The Romanian Law 254/2013 regulates the execution of sentences and measures of
deprivation of liberty ordered by the judicial bodies during the criminal proceedings
 The Romanian Government Decision no. 157 of 2016 approved the Implementing
Regulation of Law 254/2013
 Chiş Ioan, Chiş Alexandru Bogdan, Execution of criminal sanctions, Universul Juridic
Publishing House, Bucharest, 2015

LESIJ NO. XXV, VOL. 2/2018

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