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College of Arts and Sciences Education

General Education – Science

2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

College of Arts and Sciences Education

Physically Distanced but Academically Engaged

Self-Instructional Manual (SIM) for Self-Directed Learning (SDL)

Course/Subject: Science Technology and Society (GE 5)

Week 1 – 3
(May 25 – June 12, 2020)

Name of Teacher: ______________________________




College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Week 1 – 3
I. Historical antecedents in the course of Science and Technology
A. Ancient Time ………………………………………………………………………………… 7
1. Transportation and navigation
2. Communication
3. Weapons and armor
4. Early People
5. Civilization
a. Sumerian
b. Babylonian
c. Egyptian
d. Greek
e. Roman
f. Chinese
B. Medieval / Middle Ages………………………………………………………………… 17
C. Modern Times………………………………………………………………………………. 12
D. Philippine Inventions …………………………………………………………………… 13
Let’s Check Activity 1…………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Let’s Analyze Activity 1………………………………………………………………………………………… 15
In a Nutshell Activity 1………………………………………………………………………………………… 16

II. Intellectual Revolutions

A. Copernican ………………………………………………………………………………….. 18
B. Darwinian…………………………………………………………………………………….. 19
C. Freudian………………………………………………………………………………………. 19
Let’s Check Activity 2…………………………………………………………………………………………… 20
Let’s Analyze Activity 2………………………………………………………………………………………… 22
In a Nutshell Activity 2………………………………………………………………………………………… 23

III. Inventions and Discoveries in the Philippines ………………………………………………. 25

A. Pre-colonial period
B. Colonial Period
C. Post colonial period
Let’s Check Activity 3………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27
Let’s Analyze Activity 3……………………………………………………………………………………………… 29
In a Nutshell Activity 3……………………………………………………………………………………………… 30

Course Outline: GE 5 – Science, Technology, and Science

College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Course coordinator: Marife L. Macanlay MAST-Physics

Student Consultation : Thru LMS, e-mail or by phone
Mobile : 09238521916
Phone : None
Effectivity Date : May 25, 2020 (for week 1-3: May 25 – June 12, 2020)
Mode of Delivery : Blended (On-Line with face to face or virtual sessions
Time Frame : 54 Hours
Student Workload : Expected Self-Directed Learning
Requisites : None
Credit : 3
Attendance Requirements : A minimum of 95% attendance is required at all
scheduled virtual or face to face sessions

Course Outline Policy

Areas of Concern Details

Contact and Non-contact Hours This 3-unit course self-instructional manual is designedfor
blended learning mode of instructional delivery
withscheduled face to face or virtual sessions. The
expected number of hours will be 54, including the face to
face or virtual sessions. The face to face sessionsshall
include the summative assessment tasks (exams).
Assessment Task Submission Submission of assessment tasks shall be on 3 , 5 , 7 and
rd th th

the 9th week of the summer class. The assessment paper

shallbe attached with a cover page indicating the title of
theassessment task (if the task is a performance), the
name of the course coordinator, date of submission, and the
name of the student. The document should be e-mailed to
the course coordinator. It is also expected that you already
paid your tuition and other fees before the submission of
the assessment task.

If the assessment task is done in real-time through the

features in the Blackboard Learning Management
System, the schedule shall be arranged ahead of time
by the course coordinator.

Turnitin submission To ensure honesty and authenticity, all assessment tasks

(if necessary) are required to be submitted through Turnitin with a
maximum similarity index of 30% allowed. This means
that if your paper goes beyond 30%, the students will
either opt to redo her/his paper or explain in writing

College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

addressed to the course coordinator the reasons for the

similarity. In addition, if the paper has reached a more
than 30% similarity index, the student may be called for
disciplinary action under the University's OPM on
Intellectual and Academic Honesty.

Please note that academic dishonesty such as

cheating.and commissioning other students or people
tocomplete the task for you have severe
punishments(reprimand, warning, expulsion).

Penalties for Late The score for an assessment item submitted after
Assignments/Assessments thedesignated time on the due date, without an
approvedextension of time will be reduced by 5% of the
possiblethe maximum score for that assessment item for
each dayor part day that the assessment item is late.

However, if the late submission of assessment paperhas a

valid reason, a letter of explanation should besubmitted
and approved by the course coordinator. Ifnecessary, you
will also be required to present/attachpieces of evidence.
Return of Assignments/ Assessment tasks will be returned to you two (2) weeks after
Assessments the submission. This will be returned by e-mail or via the
Blackboard portal.

For group assessment tasks, the course coordinator

willrequire some or few of the students for online or
virtualsessions to ask clarificatory questions to validate the
originality of the assessment task submitted and to ensure
that all the group members are involved.
Assignment Resubmission You should request in writing addressed to the
coursecoordinator his/her intention to resubmit an
assessment task. The resubmission is premised on the
student's failure to comply with the similarity index and
other reasonable grounds such as academic
literacystandards or other reasonable circumstances e.g.,
illness, accident financial constraints.
Re-marking of Assessment You should request in writing addressed to the
Papers and Appeal programcoordinator your intention to appeal or contest the
scoregiven to an assessment task. The letter should
explicitlyexplain the reasons/points to contest the grade.
Theprogram coordinator shall communicate with the
students on the approval and disapproval of the request.

If disapproved by the course coordinator, you canelevate

your case to the program head or the dean withthe original
letter of request. The final decision willcome from the dean
of the college.

College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Grading System All culled from BlackBoard sessions and traditional

Course discussions/exercises – 30%
1st formative assessment – 10%
2nd formative assessment – 10%
3rd formative assessment – 10%
All culled from on-campus/onsite sessions (TBA):
Final exam – 40%
Submission of the final grades shall follow the usual
University system and procedures.

Preferred Referencing Style Depends on the discipline; if uncertain or inadequate,use

the general practice of the APA 6th Edition.

Student Communication You are required to create a umindanao e-mail account

which is a requirement to access the BlackBoardportal.
Then, the course coordinator shall enroll thestudents to
have access to the materials and resourcesof the course.
All communication formats: chat,submission of
assessment tasks, requests, etc. shall bethrough the portal
and other university recognizedplatforms.

You can also meet the course coordinator in

personthrough the scheduled face to face sessions to
raiseyour issues and concerns.

For students who have not created their student e-mail,

please contact the course coordinator or program head.
Contact Details of the Dean Dr. Khristine Marie D. Concepcion
Phone : (082) 30-5456/305-0647 local 118
Contact Details of the Program Edgar Retorta
Head E-mail:
Phone: 0946-272-0836
Students with Special Needs Students with special needs shall communicate with
thecourse coordinator about the nature of his or her
particular needs. Depending on the nature of the need, the
course coordinator, with the program coordinator's
approval, may provide alternative assessment tasks or
extension of the deadline for submission of assessment
tasks. However, alternative assessment tasks should still
help achieve the desired course learning outcomes.

Well-being Welfare Support Help ZERDSZEN P. RANISES

Desk Contact Details E-mail:
Phone: (082) 300-5456
Hotline no: 0950-466-5431
Library Contact BRIGIDA E. BACANI- Head LIC
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Phone: (082)300-5456
Hotline no. : 0951-376-6681

Course Information – see/download course syllabus in the BlackBoard LMS

CC’s Voice: Hello, students! Welcome to this course, GE 5: Science, Technology, and
Society. By now, I am confident that you wanted to understand how
science and technology affect or even changed society's lives, especially
in the contemporary world.

CO:Upon the completion of this course, you are expected to articulate the impacts of
science and technology, how it affects society and the environment
particularly in nation-building; and analyzing human condition to reflect and
express philosophical ramifications that are meaningful to you as part of the
community. Thus, in this course, you are expected to personally and
meaningfully assess contemporary and social issues.

Let us begin!

Big Picture

Week 1-3: Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO): At the end of the unit, you are expecting

a. Explain and identify the historical antecedents in the course of science and
b. Explain how the Intellectual Revolution changed how humans see the world
and describe the technological advancements that happened in the
information age; and
c. The role of science and technology in nation-building is to present
government policies on science and technology and its importance to the

Big Picture in Focus: ULOa. Explain the Historical Antecedents in the

course of Science and Technology


College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

In this section, the essential terms, pictures to the historical antecedents of science and
technology, and to demonstrate ULOa will be operational to establish how science and
technology indeed play significant roles in everyday life. You will encounter these as we
go through this chapter.

Historical Antecedents – it is all about the historical developments/contributions of

science and technology made from the past period/era to the present.

Technology - a process of supplying better means of utilizing nature to develop &

improve human lives (Yushikaku Economic Dictionary: 88); the ways or activities
employed by human beings to change or operate the external environment (CEB 185
c:233); the application of the scientific knowledge for practical ends.

Technological development – is the creation/innovation of such technology at a

specific time to provide support for human activities.

Civilization – An advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in

human society, marked by progress in the arts and sciences, the extensive use of
record-keeping, including writing, and the appearance of complex political and social
institutions(American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
Copyright © 2016)

Essential Knowledge

To identify the aforesaid big picture (unit learning outcomes) for the first three (3)
weeks of the course, you need to fully understand the following essential knowledge
that will lay down in the succeeding pages. Please note that you are not limited to refer
to these resources exclusively. Thus, you are expected to utilize other books, research
articles, and other resources that are available in the university's library, e.g.,e-library,, etc.

The developments in this field are not just products of people's imagination or a one-
time thought process but also brought from gradual improvements to earlier works from
different periods or eras. The desire to raise the quality of life of the people is the driving
force to set continuous progress in the application of science and technology. The
following are the different period which has various contributions in the life of the early
people up to the present time:

College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

1. ANCIENT TIME (began 3100 BC with the invention of writing & lasted 35
centuries) were concerned with the following:
Transportation and navigation - it was significant because people were trying to go
and discover new horizons. They traveled to search for food and find better locations for
- They used this to trade their surplus goods in exchange for things they
lacked, and it helped them in their journeys to unfamiliar areas and
returned home after discovering new places or completing a vital trade to
another group of people.

Communication – this was essential in their endeavors to discover and occupy new
places relevant to communicating with the natives of the areas they visited. To facilitate
trade and prevent any possible conflicts:

- Record-keeping was also crucial since they needed to remember the

places they had been to and documented the trades they made with each
other. Keeping records was vital to keep records of their history and
culture to establish identities as they tried to relate with different cultures
and civilizations.

Weapons and armor are essential tools in the discovery of new places and
establishments of new alliances with other tribes. Conflicts were common to different
groups struggled to control vital resources.
- It was their primary challenge for the conservation of life. They have
been successful in harnessing abundant resources that the world could
provide, but survival was a significant problem. Illnesses and diseases,
natural or human-made, hampered the full potential of a human being.
- Through this predicament, science and technology played a significant
role in the discovery and prevention of illness.

Early people ventured on the so-called Engineering to integrate their needs for better
transportation, establishments of structures for protection from personal attacks and
natural disasters, and build bigger and stronger infrastructures. This field of
development allowed humans to build structures that would address specific needs and
wants. Some of these still exist today.

The following are some of the significant technological advancements during the ancient
times from early civilizations:
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

SUMERIAN CIVILIZATION – located on the southernmost tip of ancient Mesopotamia

(now Southern Iraq). They are known for their high degree of cooperation with one
another and their desire for great things. They are content with the basic things that life
can offer, pushing them to develop many things connected with science and technology.

Cuneiformis the first writing system that utilizes word pictures and triangular
symbols which are carved on clay using wedge instruments and left to dry.
These allow them to keep records of things with great historical value or
their everyday life.

Uruk City – It is a great wonder not only because it is the first erected real city,
but built from mud or clay coming from the river that mixed with reeds
producing sun-baked bricks.

The Great Ziggurat of Ur – another engineering and architectural feature also

called god’s mountain. Build like the Urok City and serve as their chief
god’s sacred place, where only priests are allowed to enter.

Irrigation and Dikes – this was made as the population increased and the
demand for food. These Sumerians have their mass production of food
items as the environment’s elements seemed uncooperative since they
had the difficulty to get water from rives to provide their farmlands. This
method was considered as one of the world’s most beneficial engineering
works. Through this, they were able to enjoy year-long farming and
harvesting, which increased their food production.

Sailboats – Boats are used to carry large quantities of products and

cover long distances since they used waterways for their mode of
transportation. These sailboats were made that did not require many
human resources. These were also essential in shipping and trading as
well as fostering culture, information, and technology.

Wheel – this was made not for transportation but farm work and food processes.
Mass production was made more accessible, and farmers could mill
grains with less effort and less time.

College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

The Plow – used to dig the ground at a faster pace for planting the seeds.
Through this toll, the farmers could cultivate larger parcels of land faster to
produce mass production without so much effort and time.

BABYLONIAN CIVILIZATION – emerged near the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. They
were great builders, engineers, and architects.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon – one of the seven wonders of the ancient world,
but today, people can only marvel at the beauty from stories of historians
and paintings that portray the place. It was said to be the structure made
up of layers upon layers of gardens that contain several species of plants,
trees, and vines. King Nebuchadnezzar II built this for his wife, Queen
Amytis. However, no physical evidence to prove the existence of this
Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION – they are famous for its legacy and located in North Africa.
They built infrastructures established by the pharaohs through engineering technology.
They also contributed other practical things that the world now considers as essential.
Paper or Papyrus – though they were not the first to develop a system of
writing, they were able to make writing easier for the world. Papyrus was
a plant that grew abundantly in the Nile River in Egypt. Processed the
plants to produce thin sheets on which one could write down things. Since
clay tablets were fragile, heavy, and delicate to handle in bringing it to one
place to another. It is one of the significant accomplishments of Egyptians'
record-keeping and communication.

Ink – Egyptian invented ink by combining soot with different chemicals to

produce different colors. It is a liquid substance to write in the Papyrus. It
can withstand the elements in nature for the recording of history, culture,
and codified laws.

Hieroglyphics – the writing system of Egyptians using symbols. Egyptians

believed that this writing system was provided to them by their gods. It is a
language that tells the history and the culture of the ancient Egyptians
written in the pyramid.

Cosmetics – this was for both health and aesthetic reasons. They used KOHL
and wore around their eyes to prevent and even cure eye diseases. It was
with soot or malachite with mineral galena. They believed that when a
person is wearing make-up, it is a protection from evil, and beauty is a
sign of holiness.

Wig – it is a material worn for wealth and wellness rather than for aesthetic
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134


Water Clock/ Clepsydra – Used for time-keeping device. It utilizes gravity that
affects the flow of water from one vessel to another.

GREEK CIVILIZATION – located in the southern part of Europe and known as the
birthplace of western philosophy. Their significant achievements include in-depth work
on philosophy and mathematics, and contributed much to the world, especially in
science and technology.

The following are some of the Greek contributions:

Alarm Clock – Made use of water or sometimes small stones or sand that
drums, which sounded the alarm. Plato believed it utilized an alarm clock
to signal the start of his lecture.

Water Mill – considered one of the most important contributions of Greek

civilization. It is common in agricultural processes like milling of grains
necessary for food processing.

ROMAN CIVILIZATION– perceived to be the most influential political and social entity
in the west, and many of the other civilizations looked up to them as their model in
terms of legislation and codified laws.

Roman contributions:
Newspaper – It contained announcements of the Roman Empire to the
people. The first newspapers were known as gazettes. Engraved in metal
or stone tablets and then publicly displayed, but because of this, it became
more accessible for the Romans to publish announcements and pieces of

Bound Books or Codex – Used this for record-keeping primarily

documenting historical events and newly legislated laws, same with
literature. Julius Caesar started the tradition of stacking up Papyrus to
form pages of the book.

Roman Architecture – it was considered as the continuation of Greek

architecture due to its resemblance. This development in the field of
engineering and architecture was fully supported and funded by the

10 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Roman government, so the implementations more significant projects

such as large churches (cathedrals and basilica)

Roman Numerals – devised their number system to address the need for
a standard counting method that would meet their increasing
communication and trade concerns.

CHINESE CIVILIZATION is considered the oldest civilization in Asia, if not the world,
and is located in the far east of Asia.

Chinese contributions:
Silk – Was naturally produced by silkworms and process to provide paper
and clothing. Silk production resulted in the creation of a product for trade,
making cultural, economic, and scientific exchanges after the openingof
outside China.

Tea Production is a beverage produced by pouring hot or boiling water

over crushed or shredded dried tea leaves.

Great Wall of China – considered the only human-made structure that

can probably be seen from outer space and said to be the largest and
most extensive infrastructure that the nation-building. The construction is
to keep out foreign invaders and control the borders of China.

Gun powder – it was developed by Chinese alchemists who aim to

achieve immortality. It is a mixture of charcoal, sulfur, and potassium
nitrate that leads to the invention of black powder that could generate
large amounts of heat and gas in an instant, rather than creating an elixir
of life.

2. MEDIEVAL /MIDDLE AGES (500 AD – 1500 AD) – Massive invasions and

migrations were combined during this time since wars were prevalent, especially
at the start or early medieval times- such technology needed in the field of
weaponry, navigation, mass food, and farm production and health. There is a
decrease in population after the war but an increase in the latter part of the
period. Some of the innovative minds came from this period and also known as
the Age of exploration.

11 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

The following are some of their contributions:

Printing Press – is a more reliable way of printing using a cast type invented
by Johannes Gutenberg. The invention to address the need for publishing
books would spread information to many people at a faster rate.

The microscope – Zacharias Jansen invented the first compound

microscope to
developproper medicines for illnesses and need medical attention from
growing populations caused by massive migration and urbanization.

Telescope – helps observe remote objects and was a great help for
navigators in the medieval time.

War Weapons – developed not only offensive tools but also for defensive
instruments. For open-area battles, they designed crossbows and longbows
and close-range hand-to-hand combat; they wore iron body armor.

3. MODERN TIMES – massive industrialization started and the booming of the world
population in the nineteenth century onwards. The demand for the production of
more goods, efficient transportation to trade more products, and to cover more
considerable distances, faster and the development of more natural means of
communication. But, food processing and medicine posed of the more significant
challenges since health was a great concern.

Some of the major contributions of modern times:

Pasteurization – was invented by Louis Pasteur as a process of heating

dairy products to kill the presence of harmful bacteria that can be spoiled
faster and can consume for an extended period.

Petroleum Refinery – it is used for better means of powering homes and

transportation. At present, petroleum is used to power automobiles,
factories, and power plants, etc.

The Telephone – Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone. As more
people got connected by trade and exploration, they needed to maintain

12 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

connections and communicate in real-time as well as for government


Calculator – invented for a faster way to compute more complicated equations.

4. PHILIPPINE INVENTIONS – the Philippines also contributes to the global

advancement of science and technology. It is remarkable to note the ingenuity of the
Filipinos since many of these inventions were built or made from indigenous materials.

The following are some of the inventions:

Salamander Amphibious Tricycle – developed to be utilized during a
flood or rainy season that can cross not only in the flooded streets but also
rivers and lakes-Invented by Dominic N. Chung, Lamberto Armada, and
Victor "Atoy” Llave.

SALT Lamp (Sustainable Alternative Lighting) – Aisa Mijino invented

this lighting system. It is an environment-friendly light source that runs on
saltwater. It poses no risk of fire and does not emit toxic gases. It benefits
from people who live from far-flung barrios by mixing two tablespoons of
salt and a glass of tap water.

Medical incubator – it is made from indigenous and cheap materials that

did not run on electricity. Dr. Fe del Mundo, a pediatrician, devised this
medical incubator to maintain conditions suitable for newborns, usually a
pre-term baby.

EJeepney –it is an environment-friendly vehicle since it does not emit

smoke and noise. It utilizes electricity instead of expensive diesel that
produces large quantities of black smoke.

The inventions named above are only some of the great designs and development
during the different periods - more innovations and discoveries in the course of history
that changed the world.

13 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you
further understand the lesson:

McNamara, Daniel Joseph SJ, Valverde, V.M., Beleno, R. (2018). Science Technology
and Society.1st ed. C and E, Pub.

A History of Science and Technology in the Phils. –an article by Olivia C. Caoili
Floridi, Luciano (2014).The Fourth Revolution

Zhouying JIN (2010). Global Technological Change: From Hard Technology to Soft
Technology. Retrieved from

Nelson, Ken. (2020). History: Middle Ages for Kids. Ducksters. Retrieved from

Let’s Check
Activity 1. Now, that you know the essential Historical Antecedents of Science and
Technology from the different periods up to the Philippine inventions. Let us try to check
your understanding of these historical antecedents. In the space provided, write the
correct words or terms needed to answer the following statements:

_Communication_1. In ancient times, these were also essential in their endeavors to

discover and occupy new places.

Sumerian Civilization 2. A civilization known for their high degree of cooperation with
one another and their desire for great things.

Weapons and armors3. Was the ancient people's primary challenge though they were
successful in harnessing the rich resources that the world could provide?

Hieroglyphics 4. The early writing system of the Egyptians which they believed it
was provided to them by their gods by using symbols.

Sumerian Civilization_5. The location of this civilization is on the southernmost tip of

ancient Mesopotamia, and one of their major contributions is the development of the
first writing system known as cuneiform.

14 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Greek Civilization 6. Known as the birthplace of western philosophy, some of the major
achievements they contributed much to the world were in science and technology.

Roman Civilization 7. Known to be the strongest political and social entity in the west
and looked up by other civilizations as their model in terms of legislation and codified

Gazettes 8. It is the first newspaper of Romans that contained the Roman

Empire’s announcements to their people, and it was engraved in metal or stone and
publicly displayed.

Medieval/Middle Ages 9. A period was wars; massive invasions and migrations were
prevalent. Technology is important in the field of weaponry, navigation, mass food, and
farm production and health.

Pasteurization 10. The process of heating the product to kill the harmful bacteria that
allow them to spoil faster.

Let’s Analyze
Activity 1. Getting acquainted with the science and technological developments in
different periods is not enough. What also matters is you should also be able to explain
its relationships to the lives of the people as we go over the advancements towards the
future. I will let you define your answers thoroughly.

1. How did the development in science and technology shape human history? You
set/mention some examples to defend your answer.

Science and technological developments have a growing impact on human history as

people continue to build on their earlier work and produce more advanced works.
Science has caused changes in human morality and fundamental beliefs by drastically
changing our means of communication, our ways of working, our homes, our food, our
clothing, and even the length and quality of our lives. For example transportation, during
the Sumerian civilization they are using a sailboat since they used waterways for their
mode of transportation while in the modern times we are using petroleum as fuel to
power vehicles such as cars, tricycles, airplanes, boats and etc.

2. How science and technology affect society?

Our lives have benefited from the advancement of technology in numerous ways,
including increased accessibility to information, enhanced communication, changing
methods of transportation, and more. While it is simple to enjoy the many technical
advances, it is important that we do not lose sight of how they affect society. Today's

15 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building,Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

culture is heavily dependent on technology, and there are no signs that this dependency
will decrease. Technology has both positive and negative effects on the environment.
Recycling garbage, lowering carbon dioxide emissions, and generating renewable
energy are all positive impacts. Natural resource depletion, air pollution, and trash
buildup are some of the negative  outcomes. Something simple to notice on the surface
of technologies affects are that people no longer memorize phone numbers.
Smartphones and most phones today, in general, can carry hundreds of phone
numbers that are all a click away. If you lost your cell phone, and all its contacts, you’d
have no idea how to get in touch with anyone.

3. Do you agree with these continuous developments? Why or why not?

Yes, I do agree. Every day, new technologies are being created to improve the comfort
and ease of living. Nowadays, having its most advance  technology is quite helpful. For
those of us who are young and have grown up with technology, it is impossible to think
how we would survive in the present world without science and technology.

In a Nutshell
Activity 1. Studying and learning the historical antecedents in the course of science and
technology, especially in the present time, is relevant to appreciate and to be able to get
ideas on how it changed and improved people's life. It constitutes a different impact to
have a convenient experience and to leads to aiming for development continuously.
Thus, we cannot deny that we owe the early people’s ideas to come up with high
technology applications.

Based from the pieces of information and the exercises that you have done above,
kindly site your points of view after my ideas.

1. The historical antecedents ushered the most development in the society in terms
of infrastructures, medicines, preserving of information or transmitting
information, mass productions, agriculture, and even for the protection of one
2. On the contrary, it shows improvements in people's lives as an effect of
technological progress. Due to its possible destruction to the environment, there
must be limitations in such developments and might lead to scarcity of natural

Your Turn

3. The historical antecedents were a big help in the civilizations that created and usesd
them in their daily lives

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4. It was a good thing that historical antecedents were able to be preserved and make way
into modern age where some of it was used as base for new inventions and creations.

5. The innovations of ancient people are still impactful in even in our time just signifies how
amazing the things they’ve created.

6. It is interesting to think that people back in the days were able to create different useful
things that lasted and was used by many people in the future years.

7. Everything we’re when in the Middle/Medieval age comes this time the people are
migrating places-to-places because of war; the technology is using for the war that why human
need to find a new way to survive that is the period also known as Age of Exploration.

8. In Middle Age, we human did not fail to invent a new technology that helps humanity
until now. The microscope designed by Zacharias Janssen because of him many doctors ans
researchers discover pathogen in invading us and they take action to create a cure for that.

Q & A Lists
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Questions/Issues Answers

Keyword Index

Historical antecedents Technological development

Ancient times Conservation of life
Medieval times Dark ages

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Big Picture in Focus: ULOb. Explain how the Intellectual Revolution

changed how humans see the world and describe the technological
advancements in the information age

For you to demonstrate ULOb, you will need to have an operational
understanding of the following terms below. Please note that you will be cementing its
distant relationship from ULOa.

1. Intellectual Revolutions – the period was society transformed from their

perceptions and beliefs by science and technology.

2. Geocentric model – a planetary model that shows the Earth as the center of
the solar system

3. Heliocentric model – a planetary model that shows the Sun as the center of
the solar system.

4. Theory of Evolution – posited that the population passed through a process of

natural selection in which only the fittest would survive.

5. Psychoanalysis – is the study that explains human behavior.

Essential Knowledge

Before we proceed to study intellectual revolutions, it is essential to recognize the works

of the brilliant minds behind the technological advancements that we benefited today.

- In the early time, people questioned what created days and nights. They
wanted to understand what heavenly bodies like stars, moons, and
planets are. Thus, many Greek philosophers and intellectuals wrote about
planets to explain the movement of celestial bodies and their effect s on
the world.

Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish mathematician, and astronomer in the 16th century

introduced heliocentrism. It suggested that the center of the solar system was not the
Earth but the Sun in contrast from Claudius Ptolemy’s model of geocentrism, which was
widely accepted by the people and the church.

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- This intellectual revolution was considered to be one of the most
controversial of its time. Charles Darwin (Naturalist, biologist, and
geologist) in 1859 published his book "On the Origin of Species"
introduced the "theory of evolution '.
- He stated that organisms could adapt to their environment and would
gradually change into something that would be more competitive to
survive, which he called "evolution."

- Sigmund Freud explained that many conscious and unconscious factors
could influence behavior and emotions. He argued that one’s personality
is a product ofid, ego, and superego.
- Despite criticisms, He continued refining his theory and, in fact, tried to
explain how psychoanalysis can be a clinical method for treating some

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mental disorders, which eventually resulted in classifying psychology as a


These revolutionizing theories are just some of the many scientific ideas that
transformed and molded societies and beliefs. It brought changes to the perspectives
and perceptions of the scientific community and the public. Through research and
experiments, people will continue to deepen their understanding of the world and the

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you
further understand the lesson:

McNamara, Daniel Joseph SJ, Valverde, V.M., Beleno, R. (2018). Science Technology
and Society.1st ed. C and E Pub.http://hti.osu.ed/scientific revolution/lesson

Martin, Evan Jay (2020). Sigmund Freud. Retrieved from

Let’s Check
Activity 2. Clearly, the development of intellectual revolutions showed how society
transformed by science and technology with their perspectives and beliefs. At this
point, let us determine how it influenced and affected society's life and outlook. Discuss
and write your answers thoroughly to the questions below:

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1. The Id, Ego and Super Ego of Freud

Sigmund Freud said that the one personality of a person is the product of Id, Ego

and Super Ego. The Id, Ego and Super Ego is a hypothetical conceptualization of

the important mental functions. Id is the instincts; Ego is the reality while the

Super Ego is the morality.

Natural Selection and Survival of the fittest.

Charles Darwin introduced the theory of evolution on his book “On the origin of

species”. He stated that an organism gradually undergo a process which is called

the natural process in which only the fittest organism would survive. The

Darwinian Revolution is the most controversial issue of it’s time.

2. Explain the concept of Geocentrism and Heliocentrism.

Geocentrism introduced by Claudius Ptolemy stated that the center of the

universe is the Earth and doesn’t move at all and which is accepted and believed
by the people and the church. Heliocentrism introduced by Nicolas Copernicus
stated that the sun is the center of the universe, that the Earth, other planets
including the sun an dmoon are orbiting around the sun.

3. Name other scientific revolutions that happened in the following places:

a. Meso-America

In Meso-America the Maya civilization made the

greatest progress in
science and technology. Among its innovations were
the position-value number system

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with zero, the development of the most accurate

known calendar,the invention of
rubber and the corbelled arch.
In Meso-America the Maya civilization made the
greatest progress in
science and technology. Among its innovations were
the position-value number system
with zero, the development of the most accurate
known calendar,the invention of
rubber and the corbelled arch.
In Meso-America the Maya civilization made the greatest progress in

science and technology. Among it’s innovations were the position-value

number system with zero, the development of the most accurate known

calendar, the invention of rubber and the corbelled arch.

a. Asia

Aside from Heliocentric and Geocentric theory, belief in the superiority of

western values combined with economic and technological innovations in

shipbuilding, weaponry, and communications to create a potent mix that

would challenge Asian Societies in many ways. The Asian experience of

imperialsm and revolution was as varied as Asia itself.

b. Middle East

The Middle East has been called the crdle civilization. Their great

contributions to civilization included codes of law, writing systems,

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mechanical inventions such as the wheel, and the development of

sciences, such as astronomy, and mathematics.

c. Africa

The revolutionary workers and peasants, the radical intellectual youth of

Africa are turning towards the socialist path. They have seen the evils of

capitalism at work in their midst, it’s greed and wastefulness of life and

resources; its ruthless contempt for the dignity and value of human being.

Let’s Analyze

Activity 2. The transformation to the perspective and beliefs of the society brought
pieces of evidence of sciences and technology's link to humanity. These lead to more
scientific research and experiments to deepen the understanding of what surrounds us
in different aspects.

At this juncture, you will be required to EXPLAIN your answers about the following

1. Why do you think were most intellectual ideas controversial?

Most intellectual ideas were controversial for a reason people want to validate

their theory. If there’s a sudden change in the present theory this will result

revision or paradigm shift. It’s hard to neglect your previous belief just to belive

something new.

2. Why did people accept these discoveries despite being contradictory to what was
widely accepted at that time?

This is what we call “evolution”, people tend to embrace new science discoveries

because of its benefits. For example, transportation and communication,

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Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

nowadays people use airplanes, mrt, trucks, and other vehicles rather than

wheels because of its convenience. Additionally for communication, we used

online platforms to communicate rather than telegram.

3. How do intellectual revolutions transform societies?

Intellectual revolutions transform societies through their mindsets. It will

transform their critical-thinking on how they see things that will create new

approaches for equal opportunity.

4. What do you think are the positive and negative results brought about
innovations and technological advances in the information age? Reflect on your
answers and come up which do you think the possible rules and guidelines in
using the different media information.

Some of the positive effects are easy communication, efficient working, fast

completion of task, easy access to communication. The negative effects are

emergence of cybercrimes and addiction in online as well as health issues.

In a Nutshell

Activity 3.The relevance of science and technology to the life of society is

incontestable. In this portion of the unit, the module will be requiring you to state your
arguments or synthesis relevant to the topics presented. I will supply the first two items,
and you will continue the rest.

1. Through the intellectual revolutions, it opens the mind of society, letting us

deepen our scientific and technological understanding of the world. Through
widening research and experiments don, it provides a more comfortable and
accessible life of humanity.
2. Intellectual revolutions are continuous as long as humanity will always struggle
and never stop in finding the right information that will benefit society, mainly
when there are ongoing discoveries.
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Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Your turn

3. Intellectual revolution will stay forever and will progress through the years. The

world is in constant change and people are discovering each day, as long as

there is no nonstop searching for answers and adding ideas, intellectual

revolution will continue.

4. As intellectual revolution will continue to propagate, accessibility will be a lot

easier in any fields. Scientists, researchers and even a mere person can benefit

to intellectual revolution._

Q & A Lists
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Questions/Issues Answers

Keyword Index
Heliocentric model Intellectual revolution
Geocentric model Theory of natural selection
Theory of evolution Survival of the fittest

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Big Picture in Focus: ULOc. The role of science and technology

in nation-building, present government policies on science and
technology, and its importance to the nation.


Below are the essential terms that you are going to encounter in the pursuit of ULOc.
Determine the early scientific development of the country. These will help you
understand the present development of the country.

Colonization - it is the action or process of settling among and establishing control over
the indigenous people of an area or the effect of appropriating a place or domain for
one's use.

Pre-Colonial – occurring or existing before the beginning of colonial rule.

The colonial period was the period in a country's history when it was subject to
administration by a colonial power.

Post-Colonial – it is the aftermath of colonization.

Principalia class - The Principalía or noble class was the ruling and usually educated

upper class in the towns of Spanish Philippines, comprising the gobernadorcillo (who
had functions similar to a town mayor), and the Cabezas de barangay (heads of the
barangays) who governed the districts.

Essential Knowledge
The development of science and technology in the Philippines has already come a long
way. There are a lot of significant inventions and discoveries that have been
accomplished by or attributed to Filipinos. It is commendable to note that they have laid
down a significant effect on the country until now.

The Philippines started its scientific and technological development began
at this period. Early Filipino settlers were already using specific plants and
herbs as medicines. There is an implementation of the systems of farming
and animal-raising. It also includes the development of different modes of
transportation this time.

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- The rice terraces were the most magnificent complicated engineering

structures achieved by the early Filipinos in Cordillera. At present, it's still
functional, and it shows the natives’ innovative and ingenious way to
survive in an otherwise unfriendly environment.

Spaniards Colonization (1521-1898) – The Philippines were claimed in
the name of Spain in 1521 by Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer
sailing for Spain, who named the islands after King Philip II of Spain.
The construction of extensive infrastructures such as walls, roads, bridges
is used by engineering skills and tools brought by the Spaniards. The
Spanish government also developed health and education systems that
were enjoyed by the principalia class.

American Colonization (1898-1946) – American occupation modernized

almost all aspects of life in the Philippines. They established a government
the agency, the Bureau of Science, to nurture development in the field of
science and technology.

C. POST-COLONIAL PERIOD – the Philippines under different leaderships or

administrations pursue programs in science and technology. However, one of the
presidents who ushered in advancements in science and technology and who
saw that the key to nation-building is through science and technology was
Ferdinand Marcos.

Marcos Era – He amended the 1973 Philippine Constitution, Article XV,

Section 9 (1), he declared that the "advancement of science and
technology should have priority in the national development. Many
agencies in science and technology were established and strengthen that
includes PAGASA (Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical
Services Administration) in place of Weather Bureau and the National
Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) which reconstituted to
National Science and Technology Authority presently known as DOST
(Department of Science and Technology). Roads, bridges, power plants,
schools, and hospitals are the most relevant development in his time.

The progress in science and technology continued even after the dictatorial rule, and
the presidents after him left their legacies.

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General Education – Science
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Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further
understand the lesson:

Vicente L. Rafael (2020). Colonial Contractions: The Making of the Modern Philippines
1565-1946. Retrieved from

Let’s Check
Activity 3. The works of science and technology greatly influencedthe development of
nation-building in the country. At this point, let us try to determine the extent of its
influence in the country. Please elaborate your answers to the questions below:

1. Discuss the traced development of science and technology from the pre-colonial
times up to the present.




2. Identify some achievements in the field of science and technology from president
Marcos up to the present administration.

A. Ferdinand Marcos




B. Corazon Aquino
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C. Fidel Ramos




D. Joseph Estrada





E. Gloria Arroyo




F. Benigno Aquino Jr.

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G. Rodrigo Duterte




Name greatest scientific technological contributions of the colonizers brought in the

country that promotes nation-building.
Let’s Analyze
Activity 3. In this activity, you are required to elaborate on your answer to eachof the
questions below.

1. What do you think are the significant contributions of science and technology to
the Philippine nation-building?

2. What specific government policy do you like the most in contributing to the
development of science and technology in the Philippines?


3. How science and technology relevant to the development of nation-building?

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Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134


4. What policies do you want the government to implement in the near future?
In a Nutshell

Activity 3.Science and technology have brought a significant impact on the

development of the country and changes the life of the society as well, particularly in the
colonization period. We’re able to promote and develop our technological applications
for nation-building. In this activity, again, you are required to draw conclusions or
perspectives from the periods affecting the country. I will supply the first item, and you
will continue the rest.

1. It’s right that the key to nation-building is the continued development and
application of science and technology. But perhaps, there must be policies or
laws to be followed to control and limit the might destructive effect on the
environment and to the people, just to achieve nation-building.

2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________

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Q & A Lists
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Questions/Issues Answers

Keywords Index
Pre-colonial period Post-colonialperiod
Principalia class Colonization
Colonial period

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