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Basic requirements to set up the network 3 Windows base operating system computers.

(Windows XP) 1 router or switch Internet connection Printer 3 Twisted pair cabling with RJ45 connector to connect the 3 computers to the router or switch 1 RJ45 to connect the modem to the switch or router

c:> for /L %I in (1,1,254) DO ping -w 30 -n1 192.168.1.%I | find "Reply"

Step by step Physically connect the computers to the router with the RJ45 cable. Router 3Com D-Link Linksys Microsoft Broadband Netgear Address Username admin admin admin admin admin Password admin admin admin admin password

f the steps in that topic didn't help, then follow these steps: 1. Make sure that all cables are connected (for example, make sure your modem is connected to a working phone jack or cable connection, either directly or through a router). Restart your modem, and then restart your router. Remove the power cable from the modem and router. After all lights on the device have gone out, wait at least 10 seconds, and then plug the modem and router back in. Some modems have a battery backup that prevents the lights from going out. For this type of modem, press and quickly release the Reset button. If you dont see a Reset button, remove the battery instead.


The back of a router, showing the location of the power cable


Check your router. Because of the new networking features in Windows Vista and Windows 7, some older network routers are not fully compatible with these versions of Windows and can cause problems. You can test your router to see whether it is fully compatible with Windows 7 by running the Internet Connectivity

Evaluation Tool. Or, for a list of routers that are compatible with Windows Vista, go to the Windows Compatibility Center website. If these steps don't solve the problem, look for a specific problem and solutions to try in the following sections.

Configure the IP address of the 3 PC PC 1 : IP address = Subnet mask = Default gateway = Preferred DNS Server =

PC 1 : IP address = Subnet mask = Default gateway = Preferred DNS Server =

PC 3 : IP address = Subnet mask = Default gateway = Preferred DNS Server =

To allow the 3 Pc to connect to each other, the computer firewall must be disable.

Using Command prompt ping all the computers (, and on the network to know if they are accessible.

Install the printer on one pc and share the printer with the two other pc

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