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Name: ______________________ Grade & Section: ______________ Date:__________ Score: ________

I – Direction: Read carefully each item and follow directions as indicated.

(1-5) Give the synonym of the underlined word/ phrase used in the sentence. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer in your answer sheet.
1.) “I can’t play with you ,” the fox said, “I’m not tamed.”
A. disciplined B. friend C. out of control D. uncontrollable
2.) “What is essential is invisible to the eye,” the Little Prince replied.
A. essence B. important C. not needed D. unnecessary
3.) “Caxtons are mechanical birds with many wings and some are treasured for their markings- they cause
the eyes to melt or the body to shriek without pain.” This line from the poem A Martian Sends a Postcard
Home refers to
A.)airplane B. books C. dove D. plants
4.) “With tears streaming down my cheeks and falling upon my mother’s bosom, I promised her that I would
go to school forever. The word bosom in the line means:
A. arms B. breast C. hands D. hips
5.) “My mother on the one side, illiterate but determined to have me drink, for better or for worst, from the
well - knowledged,” The underlined phrase means:
A.)educated B. employed C. experienced D. source of water
6.) It is an example of secondary sources
A. almanac B. dictionary C. journal D. manuscript
7.) Which is not a primary source of information?
A.)artifacts B. diaries C. history textbooks D. government documents
(8- 10) Which of the following transition words are used to introduce an illustration?
A. thus B. as we have seen C. on the whole D. to illustrate E. as stated previously
F. for instance G. as mentioned above H . it seems then
8.) ___________________
9.) ___________________
10.) __________________

(11 -16) Identify the purpose of the transitional word as used in the statement.
Select A if addition, B if summary, C if comparison, D if contrast, E if cause and F if result.

____11.) The ASEAN 2020 integration will have an impact on the educational landscape of the country.
Consequently, some academic institution have implemented the shift in their academic calendar year.
____12.) Like other member states, the Philippines is getting ready for ASEAN integration in 2020.
____13.) Finally, it will spur collaboration among its member states.
____14.) Moreover, ASEAN 2020 will lead to economic growth and development.
____15.) In other words, all members should cooperate for the achievement of one common goal.
____16. He surveyed the entire community. As a result, his study was comprehensive


People on the outside think there’s something magical about writing, that you go up in the attic at midnight
and cast the bones and come down in the morning with a story, but it isn’t like that. You sit in back of the
typewriter and you work, and that’s all there is to it.

- Harlan Ellison-
17.) Which of the following statements can be considered as the theme of the text?
A. Writing is a series of inspirations about people and a whole lot of hard work on those inspirations.
B. Writing is a series of hard work and requires a lot of perseverance.
C. Writing is an act of faith. The writer must believe his work before others believe him.
D. Writing is a craft that is viewed by non-writers as an occupation for the needs and weirdoes.
18.) Which type of plot starts the action in the middle of everything?
A. frame story B. figure eight C. circular D. en media res
19.) Which is not true about theme?
A. It comments upon the reality of existence.
B. It is described as the significant truth about life.
C. It is the general point that the story attempts to make.
D. It should be a specific portion about life.
20.) Which lyric of a song can be best related to the theme discrimination?
A. When will my reflection show who I am inside? ( Reflection )
B. You think the only people who are people are the ones who look and think like you… ( colors of
the Wind )
C. You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us and the world
will live as one.
D. The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky. Are also on the faces, of people going by…
21.) What is the main theme of the story “The Little Prince”?
A. The fox teaches the Prince to love his flower.
B. The importance of looking beneath the surface to find the real truth and meaning of a thing.
C. To realize the importance of his flower.
D. The friendship of the Prince and the fox and the value of having rites.

(22 – 24) Identify to what sense the statement appeals. Write A if hearing, B if sight, C if smell, D if taste
and E if touch.

_____ 21.) “The tiny red ant climbed up the broken twig.”
_____ 22.) “The fox gazed at the Little Prince , for a long time.”
_____ 23.) “The little Prince‘s hair is painted with sunshine in a warm summer morning.”

24.) Which of the following lines appeals to the sense of taste?

A. The sharp edge of the paper cut my finger and made it sting.
B. One bite of the sour lemon caused my lips to pucker.
C. The sweet smell of freshly baked apple filled the air.
D. The car squeaked Good morning everyone time.
25.) Which of the following line suggests the sense of hearing?
A. Sweet yellow rays....
B. Tower which crumbles ...
C. Dismal sound of firewood ....
D. Greenish light of your long eyes...
26.) In an English class exercise, the students wrote the underlined phrases below as their answers;
Poverty: going house to house to collect garbage
Racism: not sitting next to a Mangyan on the LRT
Culture: participating in the Senakulo during the Lenten Season
What is the objective of the illustration described above?
A. Bring abstract ideas into life.
B. Hand the problem of time and space.
C. Identify story scenes and settings.
D. Suit the sentence to its meaning.
27.) In your English class, your teacher asked you to break down your story idea into three sentences
with three words each. The activity gives the story a beginning, middle, and an end. It also helps you
understand the architecture of your work. What is being developed in the activity?
A. diction B. plot C. style D. theme
28.) How does the Martian describe the forms of weather, in the poem, “The Martian Sends a Post Card
A. Rain is when the earth is television.
B. Only the young are allowed to suffer openly.
C. Time is tied to the wrist or kept in a box, ticking with impatience.
D. Mist is when the sky is tired of fight and rests its soft machine on ground.
29.) Which of the following word describes the tone of the story, “The Little Prince”?
A. contemplative B. melancholic C. solemn D. excitement
30.) Which one refers to the words whose very sound is close to the sound they are meant to depict?
A. allegory B. caesura C. litotes D. onomatopoeia
31.) What figure of speech is used in the statement “How kind of you to embarrass me in front of many
A. irony B. Hyperbole C. Paradox D. Personification
32.) Which of the following is an example of alliteration?
A. The end is only the beginning.
B. She has the only choice for herself.
C. Alice’s aunt ate apples and acorns around August.
D. Philippines is facing a great depression.
33.) What refers to the incidence where an implausible concept or character is brought into the story in
order to resolve the conflict and to bring about a pleasing solution?
A. caesura B. deus ex machina C. metaphor D. simile
34.) “The sea has a laugh
And the cliff a frown;
For the laugh of the sea
Is wearing him down.”
The Frowning Cliff, Herbert Asquith
What figure of speech is illustrated in the stanza above?
A. metaphor B. personification C. simile D. symbols
35.) What type of character changes over time and has complex personality?
A. dynamic B. flat C. foil D. static
36.) What is the tool that researcher can use to give them the summary of the content to cover during an
A. interview guide B. outline C. questionnaires D. survey forms

37.) Which bibliographical entry follows the APA Guidelines correctly?

A. Duncan, G.J. ( 1997 ). Consequences of growing up poor. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation.
B. Duncan, G.J. ( 1997 ). New York, NY. Consequences of growing up poor. Russell Sage Foundation.
C. Consequences of growing up poor. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation, Duncan, G.J. ( 1997 )
D. Duncan, G.J. Consequences of growing up poor. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation. ( 1997 )
38.) Which one refers to presenting another’s work or ideas as your own?
A. copying B. paraphrasing C. plagiarism D. saving
39.) What is the most commonly used methods in social science research?
A. case study B. experiment C. interview D. survey
40.) What is the tool that researcher can use to give them the summary of the content to cover during an
interview? A. interview guide B. outline C. questionnaires D. survey forms

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