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Iterative Learning Controller Design for

Multivariable Systems
Manuel Olivares† , Pedro Albertos‡ , Antonio Sala‡

Dept. of Electronics, Universidad Técnica F. Santa Marı́a Valparaı́so, Chile

Dept. of Syst. Eng. and Control, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 1/31

ILC General Scheme
Paper Objectives
ILC Analysis and Design, for MIMO Systems with
Uniform Delay

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 2/31
Introduction 1/3

The general ILC setting, (Arimoto et al., 1984), is shown

uk yk

u k+1

A linear learning algorithm considers fL as a linear

operator, for example
uk+1 (t) = αj uk−j (t) + Γek (t + m)

ek (t + m) = yd (t + m) − yk (t + m)
XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 3/31
Introduction 2/3

where ek (t) represents the output error vector at time t in

the iteration k, αj are the past control factors and Γp×p is
the learning gain matrix:
how are the αj factors chosen?
how is the Γp×p matrix designed?
does the algorithm converge?
how many iterations does it take to converge?

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 4/31
Introduction 3/3

This paper focuses on a new approach to establish

convergence conditions of the linear discrete ILC
algorithm, for linear MIMO plants
the convergence velocity of the algorithm
what is the steady state input u sequence, for a given
yd desired trajectory
a design methodology and its limitations
Other results exist, using some other approaches (λ-norm,
L2 -norm, 2D systems, etc.)

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 5/31

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 6/31
System Representation 1/3

To represent the plant fH , a discrete state space model of

a MIMO system with input delaya of m sampling periods of
time, is considered

x(t + 1) = Ax(t) + Bu(t)

x ∈ Rn , u ∈ R v , y ∈ R p
y(t) = Cx(t) + Du(t)

with matrix transfer function

y(z) = G(z)u(z)
G(z) = C(Iz − A)−1 B + D
All input channels with the same delay, and v = p is assumed

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 7/31
System Representation 2/3

The pulse response matrix H(i) allows for the equivalent

y(t) = H(t − i)u(i), t≥0

H(0) = D, H(i) = CAi−1 B, i>0

Note that
H(i) = 0, 0<i<m

and most systems usually have D = 0

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 8/31
System Representation 3/3

With that, the convolution formula can be split as

y(t + m) = H(m)u(t) + η(t)

X (1)
η(t) = H(t + m − i)u(i)

Considering just a finite time horizon 0 ≤ t ≤ N , the block

vectors U, Y ∈ Rp(N −m+1) can be defined, as in
(Moore, 1993)
 T T T
U = u (0) u (1) · · · u (N − m)
 T T T
Y = y (m) y (m + 1) · · · y (N )
XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 9/31
Inverse System 1/2

The system can be represented in the matrix form

Y = HU , where H has a triangular Toeplitz structure.
 
H(m) 0 ··· 0
 
H(m + 1) H(m) ··· 0
 

 .. .. ..

 . . . 

H(N ) H(N − 1) ··· H(m)

Thus, the inverse system in finite time, is

U = H −1 Y = M Y
The inverse exists if rank[H(m)] = rank[CAm−1 B] = p
XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 10/31
Inverse System 2/2

Then, the ideal input block vector U ∗ for perfect tracking of

a desired output trajectory block vector Yd , is simply
calculated as
U ∗ = H −1 Yd = M Yd
As the matrix M is also triangular Toeplitz, with diagonal
elements M (m) = H −1 (m), the input vector u∗ (t) can be
obtained by deconvolutionb
u∗ (t) = M (m + i)yd (m + t − i), 0≤t≤N −m (2)
Non causal

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 11/31
Why ILC?

Why ILC and not direct inversion?

The expression (2) would yield the ideal input u∗ in a
“one-shot” way, but it is not practical, as matrix M has
(N − m + 1) × p2 no nil elements
Full plant knowledge is needed for direct inversion
The ILC can manage plant changes, as the input
vector sequence u is refreshed iteratively, with the
actual output error (at least those of the previous

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 12/31
ILC Analysis and Design, for MIMO Systems
with Uniform Delay

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 13/31
First order ILC-P Analysis

From (1), and taking α0 = 1, αj = 0 ∀j > 0, the iterative

learning algorithm can be viewed as a set of N − m + 1
disturbed subsystems, in the iteration axis, one for each
t ∈ [0, N − m].
η k (t)

y d(t+m) e k(t+m) +
u k(t) + yk(t+m)
+ +
Γ z -1 I H(m)
- +

The stability analysis of this set of closed loops, yields the

following theorem

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 14/31
Main Theorem 1/2

Theorem 1 (Learning Algorithm Convergence) The first

order ILC-P algorithm

uk+1 (t) = uk (t) + Γ(yd (t + m) − yk (t + m)) (3)

i. Converges if and only if

F = I − H(m)Γ is Hurwitz

ii. the maximum steady state tracking error is

lim max |yd (i) − yk (i)| = 0
k→∞ m≤i≤N

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 15/31
Main Theorem 2/2

iii. the input sequence U ∗ converges to

U ∗ = lim Uk = H −1 Yd

iv. and the maximum convergence speed is achieved for

Γ = CA B = H −1 (m)

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 16/31
Proof 1/2

Proof: The learning law (3) may be rewritten using (2)

X t
M (m + i)yk+1 (m + t − i) = M (m + i)yk (m + t − i) + Γek (t + m)
i=0 i=0

then, subtracting from both sides the ideal input u∗

X t
M (m + i)ek+1 (m + t − i) = M (m + i)ek (m + t − i) − Γek (t + m)
i=0 i=0

finally, the Z-transform is applied, obtaining a relationship

among the temporal tracking errors
[(z − 1)I · M (m) + Γ]ez (t + m) = −(z − 1)I M (m + i)ez (t + m − i)
XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 17/31
Proof 2/2

Initial condition terms have been removed, as they do not

affect stability

Part i is proven from the characteristic equation

|eig[M −1 (m)(M (m) − Γ)]| < 1

The final value theorem, proves ii

Part iii is consequence of ii, as the inverse solution is
For Γ = H −1 (m), the poles of the characteristic
equation are at the origin, proving part iv

 XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 18/31
Design Considerations 1/2

H(m) This is the only term needed to design Γ. It can be

obtained from an open loop experiment
m This parameter is needed to form the learning algorithm.
It can be also determined experimentally
σ(H(m)) Small singular values of H(m) could yield strong
control actions. In this case, m̄ > m should be used
Γ = (CAm−1 B) = H −1 (m) This can be a bad option in a
noisy environment or if there is a model mismatch
A, B, C The system can be unstable, non minimum phase
U ∗ Bounded input is obtained for minimum phase system.
For unstable systems and disturbance rejection a
feedback controller in a 2DOF control scheme is
required XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 19/31
Design Considerations 2/2

Plant Delay Overestimation In this case, first outputs can not

be corrected
In this case, very strong control
Plant Delay Underestimation
actions would be produced
Pole placement technique can be
Learning Gain Selection
used to design Γ, assigning stable eigenvalues to
matrix F
Γ = H −1 (m)(I − F ) (4)

GeneralizationIn linear multivariable systems, the

superposition principle applies. Thus single input
channel learning can be combined to follow any
combination of individual learnt output trajectories

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 20/31

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 21/31
Stable Plant 1/2

Two independent finite trajectories are tracked, with a

minimum time ILC-P giving U ∗ block vector input for the
plant G1 (s)

2 0.5
 
 4s2 + 1 3s + 1   2.1961 −0.9514
G1 (s) = 
 −(s + 1) ,
 1 Γ =
2 3.2619 1.6434
s2 + 3s + 1 2s2 + 2s + 3
The system is sampled each T = 1sec; m = 1 and N = 20

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 22/31
Stable Plant 2/2

6 5
x 10 x 10

3 16 20

0 15
2.5 −2 10


12 −4 5

2 −6 0
−8 −5

0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
1.5 8

1 10
4 8

0.5 6


0 0 −1
10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
k iteration k iteration t [s] t [s]

Maximum error vs. k and tracking result, at k = 50. From

iteration k = 19 onwards, max |yd (i) − yk (i)| < 10−9 , on
both channels

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 23/31
Unstable Plant 1/2

The same two independent finite trajectories are tracked,

with a minimum time ILC-P giving U ∗ block vector input for
the plant G2 (s)

1 −2
 

 2s2 + 2s + 3 2s + 1   0.4868 3.9539
G2 (s) =  4 1 ,
 2 Γ =
 −1.1695 0.8219
(2s + 1)(4s − 1) 4s2 + 3s + 1

This time, a 2DOF is used, combining ILC with a discrete

LQR state feedback controller. The system is sampled
each T = 1sec; m = 1 and N = 20

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 24/31
Unstable Plant 2/2

5 6
x 10 x 10

6 1.5


−4 −0.5

4 −6 −1

−8 −1.5

0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20

2 10
1 6



−1 2
0 0
−1.5 0

10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
k iteration k iteration t [s] t [s]

Maximum error vs. k and tracking result, at k = 50. From

iteration k = 19 onwards, max |yd (i) − yk (i)| < 10−5 , on
both channels
XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 25/31
Convergence Rate

Two different Γ are adopted, using (4), for G1 (s)

0.1 0 e 0
F1 = F2 =
0 0.3 0 e−10

5 5
x 10 x 10

7 200
20 12
18 6
160 10
5 140
12 4



10 6

60 4
6 2

4 40
1 2
2 20

0 0 0 0

10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500
k iteration k iteration k iteration k iteration

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 26/31
Conclusions 1/2

A full multivariable open loop controller is lead by ILC

which is able to decouple strong coupled MIMO
systems iteratively

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 27/31
Conclusions 1/2

A full multivariable open loop controller is lead by ILC

which is able to decouple strong coupled MIMO
systems iteratively
Hidden oscillations may occur. They can be avoided by
selecting a well suited sampling time

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 27/31
Conclusions 1/2

A full multivariable open loop controller is lead by ILC

which is able to decouple strong coupled MIMO
systems iteratively
Hidden oscillations may occur. They can be avoided by
selecting a well suited sampling time
Big transient errors could be avoided with an adaptive
or a progressive selection of convergent learning gains
Γ, as k increases

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 27/31
Conclusions 1/2

A full multivariable open loop controller is lead by ILC

which is able to decouple strong coupled MIMO
systems iteratively
Hidden oscillations may occur. They can be avoided by
selecting a well suited sampling time
Big transient errors could be avoided with an adaptive
or a progressive selection of convergent learning gains
Γ, as k increases
A feedback - feedforward 2DOF scheme can cope with
system uncertainties and disturbances (unstable

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 27/31
Conclusions 2/2

Zero tracking error in all sampled points is assured in

steady state

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 28/31
Conclusions 2/2

Zero tracking error in all sampled points is assured in

steady state
A linearized model of a non linear system allows a Γ
design, if a constant reference is used

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 28/31
Conclusions 2/2

Zero tracking error in all sampled points is assured in

steady state
A linearized model of a non linear system allows a Γ
design, if a constant reference is used
The analysis methodology could be applied to a first
order ILC P, PI, PD,for linear MIMO systems

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 28/31
Conclusions 2/2

Zero tracking error in all sampled points is assured in

steady state
A linearized model of a non linear system allows a Γ
design, if a constant reference is used
The analysis methodology could be applied to a first
order ILC P, PI, PD,for linear MIMO systems
Other than the pole assignment technique, to tune the
learning parameter could be applied

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 28/31
Current Work

Integrate ILC with NN’s and FS’s in 2DOF schemes

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 29/31
Current Work

Integrate ILC with NN’s and FS’s in 2DOF schemes

Use of ILC to tune NN’s and FS’s parameters

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 29/31
Current Work

Integrate ILC with NN’s and FS’s in 2DOF schemes

Use of ILC to tune NN’s and FS’s parameters
Synthesis of linear ILC algorithms for MIMO systems
with non uniform delay

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 29/31

The authors would like to acknowledge the support of

The Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional
Project 23.01.11 and Dirección General de
Investigación y Postgrado DGIP-USM
Project GV00-100-14

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 30/31
Arimoto, S., S. Kawamura and F. Miyazaki (1984).
Bettering operations of robots by learning. J. of
Robotic Systems 1, 123–140.
Moore, K.L. (1993). Iterative Learning Control for
Deterministic Systems. Springer-Verlag.

XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, Spain, July 25th, 2002 – p. 31/31

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