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In this paper, various challenges in

transportation systems, particularly
those related to street network,
transit system, and pedestrian
facility system were discussed.
Solutions or ways to mitigate these
challenges were provided, as well as
their overall impact on the people,
economy, and society as a whole.

Kyla Isabel E. Dioneda


Final Output in Transportation Engineering (CE-411)
Street Network
Land transportation is the most common mode of transportation. For this
reason, people usually travel on roads. Street network or road network refers to the
system of streets and roads within a given area to accommodate vehicles and
pedestrians. It is important in building communities as it both shapes and responds
to the natural and built environment (Broward Complete Street Guidelines, n.d.).
Good street network designs reduce land consumption, provide greater accessibility
through more direct routes, and increase overall network efficiency and reliability
(Congress for the New Urbanism, n.d.).

Figure 1. Types of Street Network System (The Geography of Transport Systems, n.d.)

Road transportation has its advantages. The cost of vehicle is significantly lower
compared to those of other mode of transport like ships and airplanes. For this
reason, more individuals are capable of purchasing vehicles. For commuters, another
advantage of road transportation is the point-to-point capability of public vehicles like
buses and taxis. System of roads/streets also offer the motorists flexible routes for
convenience. Although there are many advantages that road networks provide, there
are also some disadvantages or rather challenges that should be addressed. Some of
these challenges include the following:

It is characterized as the lack of capacity

Traffic Congestion of a road to accommodate vehicles
efficiently at a specific time.
Unavailability of appropriate parking
Lack of Parking Spaces spaces often leads to irresponsible
parking of motorists.
Several factors that may lead to accidents
Accidents include poor road design, lack of
signages, and careless driving.

Traffic Congestion

Traffic congestion is a common

problem in transportation. It is
characterized as the lack of capacity of a
road to accommodate vehicles
efficiently at a specific time. It is
particularly linked with motorization and
the diffusion of the automobile, which
has increased the demand for transport
infrastructures (The Geography of
Transport Systems, n.d.). It can be
recurring or non-recurring depending Figure 2. (Her Culture, 2021)

on the nature of its cause.

The significant increase in the number of vehicles on the road every year results
in recurring traffic congestion. Roads get occupied easily by vehicles especially
during rush hours and holidays. These vehicles may be privately owned and public
vehicles like buses and taxis. Although the volume of traffic is the most common cause
of congestion, other factors may also contribute to this. Utility works such as repair
and maintenance of roads often result in closing some portions of roads to motorists,
causing the traffic to be diverted and congested to another route. Accidents also
cause traffic congestion when vehicles need to temporarily halt or change the route
to make way for emergency vehicles. Sometimes, just the careless adjustments done
by drivers like slowing down, speeding up, or taking U-turns affect the flow of traffic
behind them.

There are several ways to mitigate

traffic congestion. One way is to increase
the capacity of roads to accommodate
more vehicles. This is usually done by
road widening or constructing additional
lanes. However, this method is rather
costly. It also only increases the demand
for vehicles which causes motorists to
change routes to take advantage of the
new lanes. Instead of new lanes,
Figure 3. (Joseph McCormick Construction,
constructing new roads to provide
n.d.) alternative routes can also help.

Providing an entirely new road divides the initial volume of traffic that flows on
an existing road and diverts it to another route that traverses other areas but leads to
the same destination. However, similar to constructing additional lanes, this method is
also expensive and requires a lot of work.

One solution to ease the flow of

traffic on the road is to use a coordinated
traffic signal system. This is a method of
timing groups of traffic signals along an
arterial to provide for the smooth
movement of traffic with minimal stops (The
City of Lake Forest, n.d.). In this system,
wherever the busiest traffic movements are
given priority. This makes sense because
some streets have little to no traffic at all
while some are heavily congested. This
method saves a lot of waiting time on
Figure 4. (Getty Images, 2020)
stoplights and also considers the volume of
traffic flow. Among the many methods of
mitigating traffic congestion, this method is
inexpensive and can be executed easily.

Another solution is to put up a traffic

management center that constantly
monitors traffic, intersection, and roads.
This is helpful especially in monitoring the
road for any unwanted events like vehicular
accidents that may result in traffic jams.
Knowing where such events occur can help
in deploying the appropriate authorities to
assist, clear out the affected road, and divert
the traffic efficiently. This method may
require a significant amount of funds but
Figure 5. (Extron, n.d.) having such to monitor the road situation
will be beneficial.

Lastly, one solution that can also help in mitigating traffic congestion is to
include dedicated intersection turn lanes on the design of roads. Traffic can easily jam
because of slight adjustments of cars like switching lanes or making U-turns.

For this reason, it is ideal to have an
intersection turn lane where cars that will
make a U-turn can use so that they won’t
drastically affect the flow of traffic behind
them. Through this, the flow of traffic won’t
be disrupted much. Also, an estimated 25%
increase in capacity for roadways that
added left-turn lanes was observed. This
method, however, similar to road widening,
is costly and requires a lot of work. Figure 6. (Transportation Engineering
Agency, n.d.)

Other solutions that the motorists themselves can do to lessen the traffic include
avoiding using vehicles for short-distance travels that can be reached by walking or
cycling. Cars take up too much space on the road so it will save much space if people
travel to their desired destinations by walking or cycling, if possible. Not only does it
help in lessening the traffic but engaging in more physical activity is also good for the
health. In addition, motorists can also do carpooling whenever possible. Carpooling
lessens traffic because it allows two or more people to use one vehicle to reach their
respective destinations instead of using their cars. Aside from lessening the traffic, it
also saves them fuel and time.

Lack of Parking Spaces A parking space is a paved or

unpaved location intended for parking of
vehicles. It can be private like a garage, or
public on streets delineated by road
surface markings. Parking is one of the
major transportation problems in urban
areas. The imbalance in parking supply and
demand is attributed to the significant
increase in car ownership and lack of
parking space. This imbalance may be a
result of ineffective land use planning and
miscalculations of space requirements
during first stages of planning (Ibrahim,
2018). Lack of parking space often results
Figure 7. (Propmodo, 2020)
to other transportation problems like
irresponsible parking and traffic

One of the solutions to
shortage in parking spaces is to
increase the parking supply. One
way to achieve this is to increase the
on-street or curb parking by
designing streets with dedicated
parking lanes and minimizing the
restrictions for on-street parking. This
may provide the most parking supply
especially in commercial areas where
traffic is mostly concentrated.
Although this method is convenient
and cost-efficient, it is limited to the
amount of space that can be
provided within a specific area. Figure 8. (, 2010)

Another method is to
construct off-street parking facilities.
These can either be private or public.
A private parking facility is owned by
a private entity like a business that
may be used by the public or may be
exclusive for its customers,
employees, clients, or residents.
Public parking facility, on the other
hand, is owned and managed by the
local government and is available to
the public. Although it will increase
the supply of parking space
significantly, it tends to be costly. It
Figure 9. (Infrastructure Magazine, 2018) also takes a while to be implemented
as it needs extensive planning and
construction usually takes years.

Sharing parking facilities can also
help in maximizing the availability of
parking spaces. This method encourages
different businesses within a specific area
to share their available parking spaces to
take advantage of their peak
periods/hours. This utilizes unoccupied
parking spaces of businesses that aren’t
on their peak hours. This method can
also be modified into mixed-use parking
wherein establishments, institutions, etc.
share parking depending on their peak
parking demands. This solution is
inexpensive and convenient; however,
the terms and conditions of sharing Figure 10. (Tripadvisor, 2017)

should be clear and agreed upon

between the involved parties.

Advancements in technology can

also provide solutions to parking
problems by utilizing smart parking
systems. This system will allow real-time
data about the parking availability within a
specific area using the internet and sensor
technology (Tomorrow City, 2021). Smart
detectors like LiDAR sensors detect
whether a parking space is free or
occupied and identify if a parking facility is
full. This method makes parking efficient
as it saves time allotted for searching for
parking spaces by directly giving
information about the availability of
parking spaces. Although it does not solve
the problem with the shortage of parking
Figure 11. (Shutterstock, n.d.) spaces, it still helps the drivers by
minimizing the time spent while searching
for available parking spaces.

Road Accidents

Road or traffic accident is an

event which results to personal injury
or damage to property that has taken
place in an area intended for public
transport or generally used for
transport and in which at least one of
the involved parties has been a moving
vehicle (Tilastokeskus, n.d.). Such event
occurs for various reasons. Some of the
common factors that lead to road
accidents include unsafe road
environment, insufficient driver
knowledge, failure to recognize
danger, improper thinking, and wrong
driving habits. The most common
reason is human error like the drivers’ Figure 12. (Helfenbaum, 2021)
failure to abide by regulations,
consider pedestrians, and
acknowledge dangerous behaviors
(KoROAD, n.d.).

According to World Health

Organization (2021), approximately
1.3 million people die each year as a
result of road traffic crashes and more
than half of these are among
vulnerable road users like pedestrians, Figure 13. (Getty Images, 2019)
cyclists, and motorcyclists.

There are several ways to

minimize or best, prevent accidents on
the road. Such preventive measures
depend on the design of roads, flow of
traffic, vehicles, drivers, and

Among the important methods in
minimizing accidents is to improve the
roadway design. Poor road design or
unsafe road environment is among the
common causes of road accidents. One
simple measure that can be added to
the design of the road is a safety edge.
This is a paving design that is
constructed with a 35-degree slope
along the outer edge of the curve. What
this does is reduce the potential of the
wheel to inadvertently fall over the edge
of the road which often causes the driver Figure 14. (For Construction Pros, 2015)
to lose control of the vehicle and result
in a rollover crash (Rosenfeld, 2017).
This method is inexpensive and can
easily be incorporated into the design of
the road.
Another method is to install
roundabouts. Road accidents commonly
happen at intersections because of
obstructed view and misjudging other
car’s speed or the gap between the
vehicles (National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, 2010). Furthermore, the
major contributing circumstances for
road accidents that are commonly found
at intersections include disregarded
stop sign, disregarded traffic signals,
disregarded yield sign, right turn on red,
and improper turn by the driver
(Hardison & Cochran, n.d.). Studies have
shown that roundabouts reduce overall
collisions by 37%. This is because of low
Figure 15. (American Society of Civil Engineers, travel speeds at roundabouts, no light to
beat, and one-way traffic flow. It is also
cost-efficient, and it eliminates the need
for traffic signals which have recurring
maintenance costs.

Installing appropriate traffic signs is
also an effective way of minimizing accidents,
especially if road users know the purpose of
the signs and follow them. Traffic signs
represent rules that are in place to keep the
road users safe and help to communicate
messages to drivers and pedestrians that can
maintain order and reduce accidents (Supa
Quick, 2019). This method is cost-efficient
and is usually incorporated already in the
design process of roads. However, strict
implementation of road rules should be
observed, and appropriate sanctions should Figure 16. (Johnson, 2020)

be imposed on violators. Doing so can help

in keeping the discipline of road users and
consequently prevent accidents.

In addition to traffic signs, road

markings are also an effective way of
minimizing accidents. These markings play
an important role in road safety, guiding
vehicles for short-range driving operations,
as well as for long-range vehicle alignment
on the road (RUA Seguridad, 2020). As
previously mentioned, human error is one of
the major causes of accident. In fact, an
American Association of State Highways and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) report
showed that every 21 minutes a highway
death occurs as a result of a lane departure
(Federal Highway Administration, 2008).
Drivers and even pedestrians should be
Figure 17. (iStock, 2017)
aware of the meaning of the road markings
to assure their safety on the road. Cost of
road markings can be expensive especially
when the markings stretched to a significant
distance, but these markings are essential on
the road and such expenditure is necessary.
Transit System

Transit system or commonly known as public transportation system is a system

of transport for passengers using group travel modes for the general public’s use.
Public transportation modes include buses, light rail, subways, commuter trains, street
cars and trolleys, cable cars, van pool services, ferries and water taxis, paratransit
services, and monorails and tramways (American Public Transportation Association,
n.d.). Transit systems can be fixed-route, flex-route, demand-response, volunteers, and
transport vanpools (Rural Health Information Hub, n.d.). These systems may be owned
by private, profit-making companies, or by governments, or quasi-government
agencies that may not operate for profit (Britannica, 2021).

Figure 18. Components of an Urban Transport System (The Geography of Transport Systems, n.d.)

Mass transit makes transportation of numbers of people at the same time which
results to conserving resources, energy, and time. It is beneficial especially for people
who cannot use automobiles to travel because they are handicapped, elderly, or too
young to drive, and for those who can’t afford to own a private car (Britannica, 2021).
Although transit system provides many benefits, it also has its downsides which

The available public transportation

Public Transport Inadequacy modes are not enough to accommodate
the demand of commuters.
Waiting in line for public transport like
Delays and Longer Commuting Time buses and trains takes a while and so is
the travel time.
Public transits routes may sometimes, if
First and Last Mile Problem not, often start and stop far from a
commuter’s destination.

10 | P a g e
Public Transport Inadequacy

Public transport
inadequacy is characterized as
the lack or shortage in public
transportation modes that are
available to meet the commuters’
demands. Many countries still
lack integrated transportation
system which would coordinate
all means of transport to meet the
growing demands of the public.
Road and rail networks are
inadequate, and public
passenger transportation systems
do not meet the needs of the
increasingly densely populated
and trafficked urban centers
(Union of International

Moreover, many public

transit systems, or parts of them,
are either over or underused
since the demand for public
transit is subject to periods of
peaks and throughs (The
Geography of Transport Systems,
n.d.). This means that modes of
travel operate usually on peak
hours to generate the most
revenue, resulting to shortage in
available public transit for
commuters during off-peak
hours. Similarly, public transit
becomes inadequate also during
peak hours when demands for it Figure 19. (Institute for Transportation & Development
become significantly higher. Policy, n.d.)

11 | P a g e
One of the ways to meet the demand
for transport of the general public is to
increase the availability of public
transportation modes. Perhaps the most
effective way to do this is with the
intervention of the government through
investing on public transportation or
collaborating with the private sectors.
Investing would require a huge amount of
money, but the income generated from this
can be significant too. In fact, investing in
public transport could create 4.6 million
jobs by 2030 and could generate 5x of the
invested fund in return (World Economic
Forum, 2021). Collaborating with the Figure 20. (, 2019)
private sector can also be as helpful to
minimize the tedious work that is done in
managing the operations of public
transport. The government should consider
funding people who are interested in
offering public transport services which can
be in form of low-interest rates or grants
(Samenopreis, n.d.).
Another method that can be
adapted is to use time-based pricing for
transportation fares. This would mean that
fare is dependent on time. This addresses
the issue on the peak and off-peak demand
hours for transportation. During off-peak
hours, travel fares can be reduced in
comparison to the full fare during peak
hours. This encourages public transport
systems to operate all day long and still
generate enough revenue. This also
assures that transportation modes are
Figure 21. (IVU Traffic Technologies, 2014) almost always available for the public at any
time of the day. This method can be done
through the use of electronic ticketing.

12 | P a g e
Delays and Longer Commuting Time

A public transport delay is characterized as the arrival of a transport vehicle

at a later time than expected. Delays usually happen because of traffic congestion,
vehicle design and technology, the lack of a bus-only lane, single-train track system,
and passenger behaviors (iunera, n.d.). According to Forbes (2013), one of the
reasons to the reduction in transit are delays that can be perceived to be the fault
of the transit agency.

Figure 22. (Unsplash, 2019)

Aside from the delays of travel vehicles, commuters seem to be commuting

for a longer period of time. On par with congestion, people are spending an
increasing amount of time commuting between their residence and workplace (The
Geography of Transport, n.d.). CNN (2019) reports that commuters waste an
average of 54 hours a year stalled in traffic, while commuters in the 15 most
congested cities spent an average of 83 hours stuck in traffic.

Figure 23. (Unsplash, 2017)

13 | P a g e
One of the ways that can help
in mitigating the delays and longer
commuting time that are often
caused by congestion is to have
dedicated bus lanes on the road. This
is essential especially on streets with
a high volume of traffic during peak
periods. Dedicated bus lanes can
provide an increase in transit
capacity especially during peak
periods which significantly improve
both the reliability and travel time.
The downside, however, of
dedicated bus lanes is trading off on
Figure 24. (Curbed, 2019)
the already scarce road capacity.
Such lanes that only allow one type of
transit vehicle would take up to 72
cars off the road (Washington Post,

Another solution is by
improving bus stops through
integrated boarding bulb stop. A bus
bulb is a sidewalk extension that
aligns the bus stop with the parking
lane which allows the buses to stop
and board passengers without
leaving the travel lane. This means
that a bus can stay in the traffic lane
to discharge and pick up passengers
instead of pulling over to the curb.
Boarding bulbs improve speed and
reliability, decreasing the amount of
Figure 25. (National Association of City
Transportation Officials, n.d.) time lost when merging in and out of
the traffic (National Association of
City Transportation Officials, n.d.).

14 | P a g e
First and Last Mile Problem

Public transit stations are usually

located where the high traffic volume is
which leaves many commuters who live far
from these stations to walk the first or last
leg of the trip. The “first and last mile
problem” is one of the most pressing
challenges in public transportation today. It
remains as a prominent obstacle in
developing a more efficient and equitable
public transportation (Remix, 2021). Even
cities with the most advanced transport
systems struggle with this problem Figure 26. (Daily Mail UK, 2016)
(Zipabout, 2021).

Transit agencies and local

governments have yet to implement a
feasible solution to this problem that will
allow commuters to be transported
directly from each of their individual
homes to their desired destination in a
cost-effective and sustainable way
(Liftango, 2021). However, there are still
some proposed solutions that can
somehow help in addressing, if not
solving, this problem. One of these
solutions include the demand-responsive
transport. This is a form of personalized
shared transport that enables the
commuter to book their trip and select
their pick up and drop off locations within
a specified service zone. This should be an
Figure 27. (The Verge, 2017) effective solution given that this kind of
transport is available in the location of the
commuter. If not, then this can be
encouraged by the local government for
the public transport providers to consider
albeit costly.

15 | P a g e
Pedestrian Facility System

A pedestrian is a person who travels on foot, especially in an area where

vehicles are usually concentrated. In this context, pedestrian facility is any means of
improvement which helps the pedestrians to travel or walk comfortably and safely.
Among the common pedestrian facilities include sidewalks or walkways, crosswalks,
and overpasses/underpasses. Pedestrian facilities reduce traffic congestion and
pollution by providing alternate means to vehicular travel through walking (Chester
County Planning Commission, n.d.). Furthermore, it provides recreational
opportunities by encouraging a healthy lifestyle and enhance the quality of life within
a community.

Figure 28. (Viewpoint Vancouver, 2021)

A pedestrian system should be safe and should be accessible to everyone. It

should also provide direct and convenient connections. Pedestrian facilities assure that
pedestrians are comfortable and safe when they walk, so it is just necessary that these
facilities meet the satisfaction of its users. However, there are several pedestrian facility
issues that can cause discomfort to the pedestrians. Among these challenges that
pedestrians usually face when using the pedestrian facilities include:

Pedestrians may feel like their safety is

Safety issues compromised because of the condition
of the pedestrian facilities.
Improper drainage system often causes
Flooding or Water Puddles
flooding, especially during heavy rainfall.
Pedestrian facilities are sometimes
Lack of Inclusivity in Design inaccessible to everyone, especially to

16 | P a g e
Safety Issues

There are several situations that can put a pedestrian at risk. Any type of
hazard in the sidewalk, for example, can cause harm to pedestrians. Such hazards
may include poor condition of pavement, obstacles that block the walkway,
improper garbage management, lack of lighting, and lack of CCTVs and personnel
like police to protect the pedestrians from pick-pocketer, danger, and the likes.
Pedestrians want facilities that are safe. Poor design of pedestrian facilities can lead
to perpetual problems and can actually discourage use if pedestrians are made to
feel unsafe, unprotected, or uncomfortable (Pedestrian Facilities Guidebook, 1997).

Figure 29. (Rahman Law, n.d.)

Removing the obstacles that

block the path can help improve the
safety of pedestrians. Sidewalks and
walkways should be kept clear from
obstacles that can obscure the
pedestrians visibility or become a
tripping hazard. Examples of
obstacles are street vendors, poles,
signposts, and newspaper racks.
While these can be removed,
benches, water fountains, bicycle
parking racks, and other street
furniture should also be carefully
Figure 30. (National Association of City Transportation
placed to create an unobstructed
Officials, n.d.)
path for pedestrians (Old Colony
Planning Council, n.d.).

17 | P a g e
Another concern that should be
addressed is the improper garbage
management. Improper disposal of
garbage can be harmful to our health and
environment. Bacteria, insects, and vermin
thrive from garbage (Ecube Labs, 2016).
Moreover, garbage poses risks of
respiratory diseases and causes air
pollution. Placing enough trash bins on
sidewalks can help in maintaining
cleanliness and garbage management. It is
ideal to put recycle bins as well. Moreover,
regular garbage collection should be done Figure 31. (Zero Waste Design, n.d.)
to assure that the bins get emptied at least
weekly. This can be done as a local
government project. Strict implementation
of garbage management should also be
observed to prevent the pedestrians from
Improving the lighting can also
enhance the safety of pedestrians. Lighting
of the street systems, including adjacent
sidewalks, walkways, and bike lanes,
increases security and pedestrian safety
and comfort (Pedestrian Facilities
Guidebook, 1997). It is important that the
lighting system is pedestrian friendly or is
pedestrian-scaled. It is recommended that
lights are installed on both sides of streets
and that the levels of lighting should be
uniform or consistent all throughout.
Additional lighting can be installed on
pedestrian crossing points and
intersections to supplement existing street
system lighting. This can be cost-efficient
Figure 32. (Bloomberg, 2013) depending on the type of fixture or lighting
system that will be used but is overall
necessary for the safety of pedestrian and
road users.

18 | P a g e
Flooding or Water Puddles

Sidewalks are prone to

flooding or water puddles. A
flooded area limits pedestrian
mobility. Furthermore, it forces
pedestrians to detour or look for
other way which are usually
along the vehicle lanes,
jeopardizing their safety. Often it
is a result of poor road and
sidewalk design with minimal
attention to details in executing
paving and sloping. Improper
drainage system also causes this
when rainwater is not properly
drained causing it to accumulate
on the pavement. Figure 33. (Curbed, 2019)

One method that can help solve this

problem is by constructing porous
pavements. Porous paving catches
precipitation and is capable of draining
rainwater in the area and runoff from adjacent
impermeable surfaces. By incorporating this
on the design of sidewalks, the rate of
flooding will significantly be reduced. This
also minimizes the accumulation of water
puddles which often cause discomfort to
pedestrians. Compared to the usual
pavements, porous pavements can tend to
be costly, however. It may also require
regular maintenance as dirt can fill the gaps
which will result to reduced capacity of
Figure 34. (Mutual Materials, n.d.)
draining water fast. Nevertheless, this option
can still be considered to minimize the
accumulation of water on certain areas of a

19 | P a g e
Lack of Inclusivity in Design

The design of pedestrian facilities

should always consider inclusivity. This
means that pedestrian facilities, or
public facilities in general, should be
accessible to everyone including the
persons with disabilities or PWDs. In
United States alone, there are 43 million
people with disabilities. Any
deficiencies on the design of facilities
can easily be overcome by an agile,
able-bodied person. However, when
age or functional disabilities reduce a
Figure 35. (USAID, 2021)
person’s mobility, sight, or hearing, a
good design is important (Federal
Highway Administration, n.d.).

In consideration for the people

who use wheelchairs, sidewalks should be
designed with cross slopes that don’t
exceed 2 percent grade but should still be
enough for water to be drained properly.
Cross slopes are important in facilitating
positive drainage but the steeper the
slope is, the harder it is to operate a
wheelchair because it tends to turn
towards the direction of the slope. Aside
from cross slope, it is important for
sidewalks to have a ramp. A ramp
provides accessibility at intersections,
Figure 36. (Unsignalized Intersection building entrances, and other areas
Improvement Guide, n.d.) where elevated walkways are edged with
curbing (Pedestrian Facilities Guidebook,

20 | P a g e
Adding tactile paving on sidewalks can help in guiding the visually impaired
pedestrian. Tactile paving or ground surface indicator is a type of paving that is
designed to notify the visually impaired pedestrian of any changes in the area (Central
Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, 2020). The raised domes or bars
communicate a message to visually impaired pedestrians about navigation and mark
transition points, so pedestrians are aware of where a safe route turns into a roadway,
such as at a curb ramp (ADA Solutions, n.d.). Incorporating this into the design and
construction of sidewalks may result in additional costs but should help in aiding
visually impaired pedestrians. The following are the common configurations of tactile
paving and their meanings (Reliance Foundry, n.d.):

Grid Pattern. Used to signify a dropped curb at Offset Pattern. Used to warn of large holes or
the end of a sidewalk before it transitions from a chasms ahead, mitigating the risk of a
pedestrian route to vehicular road. pedestrian falling through the opening.

Guiding Pattern Across a Path. Used to signal Guiding Pattern Along a Path. Used to signal a
steps or trip hazards ahead, warning safe route to follow where pedestrians can steer
pedestrians to stop and exercise caution. clear of obstacles and hazards.

Lozenge Pattern. Used to warn pedestrians that

they are approaching street-level rapid
transportation such as tram.

21 | P a g e

ADA Solutions. (n.d.). What is Tactile Paving?.

American Public Transportation Association. (n.d.). Public Transportation Facts.
Broward Complete Street Guidelines. (n.d.).
Burbano, L. (2021). What is a Smart Parking System? Functionalities and Benefits.
Tomorrow City.
Central Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired. (2020). What is Tactile
Chester County Planning Commission. (n.d.). Pedestrian Facilities.
City of Lake Forest. (n.d.). Traffic Signal Coordination.
Congress for the New Urbanism. (n.d.). Street Networks 101.
Ecube Labs. (2016). Overflowing Garbage Bins: 5 Impacts on Health and Environment,
and How to Prevent.
Federal Highway Administration. (2008). The Benefits of Pavement Markings: A
Renewed Perspective Based on Recent and Ongoing Research.
Hardison & Cochran Attorneys at Law. (n.d.). Intersection Accidents at North Carolina.
Holland, C. (2021). Solving the First Mile/Last Mile Problem. Liftango.
Ibrahim, H. (2018). Car Parking Problem in Urban Areas, Causes and Solutions.

22 | P a g e
Iunera. (n.d.). The Complexities of Public Transport Delays.
KoROAD. (n.d.). Safe Driving.
McMahon, J. (2013). Top Eight Reasons People Give Up on Public Transit. Forbes.
National Association of City Transportation Officials. (n.d.). Boarding Bulb Stop.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (2010). Crash Factors Intersection-
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