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The director of your college has asked you to write a report on a visit
you made to a self-study centre at a local university. You should
explain how successful it has been and recommend whether or not
your college should have one.

The aim of this report is to outline the advantages and potential
problems of investing money in a self-study centre for our college.
In order to do this, I have visited the self-study centre at Central
English University.
There are several advantages of the facility at Central English
University. Firstly, it helps to attract potential students to the
university. Secondly, many students have also found the space and
worksheets that are provided very useful.
The main disadvantage is the significant cost. Despite many people
from the community using the centre facilities, which helps to fund
it, it cost a significant amount to set up and there is also the cost
of having a full-time assistant on duty, even if the centre is empty.
In addition, writing materials for the centre is time-consuming for
the teachers.
Although there would be some students who would benefit from a
self-study centre, the significant costs of time and money would
outweigh the advantages. I would therefore recommend looking
at other options.
The director of your college has asked you to write a report on a visit
you made to a self-study centre at a local university. You should
explain how successful it has been and recommend whether or not
your college should have one.

The aim of this report is to outline the advantages and potential
problems of investing money in a self-study centre for our college.
In order to do this, I have visited the self-study centre at Central
English University.
There are several advantages of the facility at Central English
University. Firstly, it helps to attract potential students to the
university. Secondly, many students have also found the space and
worksheets that are provided very useful.
The main disadvantage is the significant cost. Despite many people
from the community using the centre facilities, which helps to fund
it, it cost a significant amount to set up and there is also the cost
of having a full-time assistant on duty, even if the centre is empty.
In addition, writing materials for the centre is time-consuming for
the teachers.
Although there would be some students who would benefit from a
self-study centre, the significant costs of time and money would
outweigh the advantages. I would therefore recommend looking
at other options.

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