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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction Planned Development Retrospect Eighth Five Year Plan Towards Ninth Five Year Plan Contraints in Development Macro Dimensions 6.1 Drought 6.2 State Demestic Product 6.3 Demographic Perspective 6.4 Employment 6.5 Agriculture 6.6 Land Use 6.7 Land Holdings 6.8 Livestock 6.9 Water Resources 6.10 Energy 6.11 Industrial Development 6.12 Public Sector Enterprises 6.13 Development of Non Farm Sector 6.14 Mineral Development 6.15 Development of Comunication Network 6.16 Railway Network 6.17 Air Transport 6.18 Poverty Alleviation 6.19 Education 6.20 Medical and Health 6.21 Drinking Water Supply 6.22 Forestry 6.23 Urban Development 6.24 Decentralisation of Planning 6.25 Growth Rate Approach and Objectives of National Plan States Approach and Strategy Financial Resources

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1 2 3 6 8 10 11 13 18 21 23 24 25 27 30 32 33 34 35 37 40 40 41 42 45 47 48 50 51 53 56 57 62

7. 8 9.


1 1.1

Introduction The State of Rajasthan has 32 districts, 241 tehsils and 237 development blocks, with 3.42 lakh sq. kms. of area. Rajasthan is the largest State in the country accounting for over 10 per cent of the total geographical area. It has 1040 km. long international border with Pakistan and is adjacent to the States of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. The State has a population of 5.65 crores (census 2001) and about 2/3rd of it is living in the rural areas. Rajasthan is a large and unusually diverse State. The most conspicuous physiographic feature being dominated by the Aravalli hills which divides the more fertile east from the desert in the west. Nearly 60 per cent of the total area of the state covering 11 districts and habitating 40 per cent of population lies west of Aravallis in the Great Indian Desert, the Thar. It is characterised by extreme variation in temperatures and scanty rainfall. The geographical diversities of the area have made it most vulnerable to drought and scarcity conditions. However, areas east of Aravillis have comparatively fertile soil and good rainfall. Agriculture predominantly remains the main stay of the economy of the State, about 2/3rd of its population being dependent on it. Of the total geographical area of 342.44 lakh hectares, the net area under cultivation was 156.56 lakh hectares (1999-2000). Agriculture is mostly rain-fed and most of the area still remains prone to vagaries of nature. Another peculiar feature of the State is recurring drought and scarcity conditions. Since 1950-51 the state has faced recurrent droughts. Most villages of 37889 most of them were declared drought affected during the last three years. Therefore the State had to mobilise the massive relief works on a large scale to mitigate the sufferings of the masses.




1.5 1.6


With concerted efforts of planned development over the five decades. Rajasthan has made a dent towards the progress in almost all the fields. Tenth Plan will take a step in reduction of poverty by mobilising the resources effectively to boost agriculture production, thrust in industrial sector and greater attention to poorest of poor by involving peoples participation so as to reduce gap in the levels of development between Rajasthan and national average. Besides above the other thrust area during the Tenth Plan will be providing habitats with drinking water, control of population and universalization of literacy programme to attain 100 percent literacy. Perspective- Planned Development During the first Five Year Plan the emphasis was on increasing the agriculture production, extension of facilities for irrigation and power, and provision for basic social services i.e. education, medical facilities and arranging for drinking water. The second Five Year Plan continued to received attention for Agriculture, Irrigation, Power and Social Services and Rajasthan became a pioneer State in introducing 3 tier Panchayati Raj System. Attention was towards infrastructural development and facilities i.e. Irrigation and Power sector during the Third Five Year Plan. The concept of area development was introduced in the Fourth Five year Plan. Ambitious programmes were launched for Drought Prone Areas and Command Area. Economic emancipations of weaker sections was accorded a very high priority and target groups oriented programmes were introduced during the Fifth Five Year Plan. Poverty eradication and employment generation were accorded high priority in the Sixth Five Year Plan. The new Twenty Point Programme which aimed at accelerating the pace of development was also introduced. The objectives of the Seventh Five Year Plan were food, work and



2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6


productivity. Maximisation of production in key sectors of economy with special emphasis on rural economy, progressive reduction in poverty and an increasing emphasis on employment oriented programmes. 2.8 States Eight Five Year Plan aimed at faster growth, generation of larger employment, removal of regional disparities, provision of basic minimum facilities and greater peoples participation, reduction in population growth rate. The Ninth Five Year Plan aimed at faster growth, reduction in poverty and regional disparities, generation of larger employment opportunities, provision of basic minimum facilities and greater peoples involvement.


Ninth Five Year Plan 1997-2002


The Ninth Five Year Plan, like Eighth Five Year Plan, was to foster states ability to usher in a path of faster development. The gains of economic development efforts had to be consolidated as they would act as stepping stone for a leap forward to a higher growth path. The vast unexploited potential in particularly horticulture, cattle wealth, sheep and goats, mineral wealth etc. have been exploited to a considerable extent, still considerable efforts are required to further move in this direction. Efforts were made to bridge the gap in key socio-economic indicators at State level. As the State witnessed famine conditions during the last consecutive few years the substaintial employment generation and poverty alleviation programmes were successfully launched. There has been a short fall in expenditures, on developmental schemes against the revised estimates of Ninth Five Year Plan because of famine during the last three years, short fall in resources and the


3.3 3.4


implementation of fifth pay commission. 3.6 With the concerted efforts the State Government has made significant strides in many areas of which the important highlights are as follows:-

3.6.1 The Agriculture Programme being initiated have now transparency and the information education in this regard have wide spectrum now. 3.6.2 Revenue disputes will contained to a larger extent since all the revenue and land records will be computerised by March 2002. The charter of Civil Rights to this effect have come into force. 3.6.3 Cooperative movement have been strengthened by launching integrated Cooperative Development Project and the short term loans to agriculturists are now converted into medium term loans. 3.6.4 Panchayati Raj Institutions strengthened by transferring them administrative and financial powers as per 11th Schedule of the Constitution. So far out of 29 subjects 16 have already been transferred to them. Panchayats now prepares their own budgets and development programmes as per their need of the area. 3.6.5 To alleviate unemployment nearly one lakhs Kiosk under Mukhya Mantri Rozgar Yojana in rural areas are being constructed. 3.6.6 Single window system in the industrial sector has been enforced to provide ample facility to prospective enterprenures. 3.6.7 Power reforms by unbundling of Rajasthan State Electricity Board have been enforced to get further input from World Bank and private enterprises 3.6.8 Development of roads on BOT basis have further strengthened. 3.6.9 The State Water Policy to manage the water problem has been enforced.

3.6.10 Number of poverty alleviation programmes to eliminate poverty, generation of employment and rural housing have been launched during the Ninth Five Year Plan. 3.6.11 Rajiv Gandhi Swarn Jayanti Pathshalas have been opened up all over the State to eliminate illiteracy and achieve the goal of education for all. 3.6.12 All out efforts were initated during the Ninth Plan to achieve maternal and child health and containment of population. 3.6.13 Computer Education has been introduced at secondary level and it has been made an integral part of the degree courses and made compulsory in all faculties. 3.6.14 To achive the goals State Government have set up 5 Missions and 5 Task Forces. These are:Missions :1. Rajiv Gandhi Water Management Mission 2. Rajiv Gandhi Tourism Development Mission 3. Rajiv Gandhi Population Mission 4. Rajiv Gandhi Social Security Mission 5. Rajiv Gandhi Prarambhik Shiksha and Saksharta Mission Task Forces 1. Task Force on Sustainable Development 2. Task Force on Strengthening of Panchayati Raj and Urban Local Bodies 3. Task Force on Information and Technology 4. Task Force on Management of Finances. 5. Task Force on Agriculture Rural Development and Welfare of Agriculture Labour

4 4.1

Leap Towards Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-2007) Approach and Objectives of National Plan 4.1.1 The National approach to Tenth Plan is to build on the success of the Ninth Plan. But the Planning has to address with greater vigour, the need to release latent energises and stimulated private initiatives in various facets of our development process.


In view of the continued importance of public action in our development process, increasing the efficiency of public interventions must also take very high priority. The minimum agenda as sough through National Development Council is as listed below:4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.2.8 4.2.9 4.2.10 4.2.11 Reduction in Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) through transfer to States and convergence and weeding out. Expansion of project based support to States. Support to States made contingent on agreed programmes of reforms. Adoption of Core plan concepts at both Centre and States. Preference to be given to completion of existing projects than to new projects. Plan funds to be permitted by critical repair and maintenance activities as decided by joint team. Greater decentralisation to PRIs and other peoples organisation. Privatisation/ closure on non-strategic PSUs at both Central and State in a time- bound manner. Reduction in subsidies in a time-bound manner to provide more resources for public investment. Selected fiscal targets to be achieved at both Central and State. Acceleration tax reforms to move towards a full-fledged VAT in a time bound manner.


Legal and procedural charges to facilitate quick transfer of assets, such as repeal of SICA, introduction and strengthening of bankruptcy and foreclosure laws etc. Reforms of labour laws. Reconsideration of all policies affecting the Small Scale sector. Adoption of a model blue print for administrative reforms. Reform and strengthening of judicial systems and procedures.

4.2.13 4.2.14 4.2.15 4.2.16

States Approach and Strategy 5.1 The Tenth Five Year Plan will take a step forward towards faster growth aiming at reduction in poverty, regional disparities, generation of employment opportunities, greater attention to minimum facilities to poorest of poor and greater people's involvement. The pace of development will have to be further accelerated to reduce the gap in the levels of development between Rajasthan and the national averages. Accordingly following approach is suggested: To reduce the gap in the per capita income in the State and the national averages, as envisaged in the Approach Paper, higher growth rate in necessary. This will call for substantial increase in agriculture production, water management and (making universal access to drinking water thereby) improvement in capacity utilisation. Resource allocation has to be made more rational. Almost each department should be mobilised towards internal generation of own resources. With increasing peoples aspirations, Government intervention by way of larger flow of public funds is




unsustainable. There has to be greater participation of private sector in service sector also, particularly in urban areas. 5.1.4 Growing trend of cost and time over run during the stage of capacity creation and its subsequent under utilisation will have to be curtailed. Stress should be on completion of ongoing infrastructural projects, particularly in irrigation sector where bulk of the schemes are in operation for a long time. The agricultural economy is still far from being drought proof and is still dependent on rainfall. Thus, diversification of the agricultural base with greater thrust on sector like horticulture, livestock, fisheries, agro- processing should be thrust area. Water will continue to be the most crucial resource and water management shall be a crucial area. Efforts will have to be directed towards most efficient utilisation of this scarce resource. Stress has to be on increasing per unit water and land productivity. A holistic approach in this direction is called for. Private investment in development, operation and maintenance of the water resources system may be encouraged. Considering the geophysical disadvantages of the State, it would be unrealistic to assume that the State would be spared from the menace of drought in near future. The sectoral planning would have to accept this reality by tailoring the sectoral plans accordingly so that relief activity can be dovetailed with the normal plan programme. Sectors like tourism, handicrafts, handlooms, etc. in which the State enjoys a distinct locational advantage will need further boosting, along with development of mineral based and agro based industries.








Performance of many public enterprises in the State is much below the desired level. Such PSUs should be considered to be brought under disinvestment. Containing population is a major challenge before the State. Therefore, there is need to make a frontal attack on population growth and try to stablise it. Greater emphasis on programmes aiming at poverty alleviation, particularly in the rural areas will be necessary to meet the objective of social justice. Substantial growth in employment opportunities will require emphasis on sectors with higher employment coefficient like agriculture, rural works, minor irrigation, forestry development, handicrafts, village and small industries, etc. Urban development has so far not attracted the attention it should. Rate of growth in urban areas is already too high, resulting in falling quality and service levels and social unrest. Therefore, there is urgent need for balancing the developmental needs of urban and rural areas, as both are complementary to each other. Environmental degradation in the State will have to be immediately arrested to check the tendency of spread of desert in many areas. Information Technology in this new century has brought revolution in human development. Technology so set up in the State should be strengthened upto village level to give benefits of it. Areas lacking in infrastructural facilities would need special attention for balanced regional development of the State. The plans need to be formulated on the basis of local needs, perceptions, priorities and resource endowment.









This would also ensure greater participation by masses and inculcate a sense of belonging in them. PRIs strengthened in terms of 73rd and 74th amendment should make judicious use of it in order to participate in decentralised planning. 5.1.20 All plan and non-plan activities should be subjected to work effectiveness and zero based analysis and consolidated to increased their efficiency. Community participations will be encouraged for further growth and development of secondary and higher education in the State. Courses will be made more rational and job oriented courses will be promoted.


Constraints in Development 6.1 The State's economy still suffers from handicaps in many fields, which have to be kept in view, while shaping our future strategy. Some of these bottlenecks are: Over 60 per cent of the total State's area, carrying about 40 per cent of its population is desert. The population is sparsely distributed entailing a very high unit cost of providing basic services. Water, both surface and ground, is a critical resource for the State. The available surface water resources are confined to certain parts of the State. Ground water, at many places, is of poor quality and the water table is steadily declining. Agriculture, the source of livelihood of 2/3rd population, still continues to be susceptible to the vagaries of the monsoon. Growth of population continues to higher be then the national average.





6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 6.1.8 6.1.9 6.2 6.3

Growth in the labour force continues to out pace employment generation. State is deficient in its own sources of power generation. Social and economic infrastructure still has a long way to go. Total literacy still remains to be achieved. The level of transport and communication infrastructure yet to be improved to reach national level. Regional disparities within State still persist. The State has been lagging behind in the country in key socio-economic indicators. The investment in Central Government undertakings in Rajasthan was 1.6 percent of the total investment in the country. Rajasthan is lagging behind in infrastructural development index.

7 7.1

Macro Dimensions Drought


Rajasthan is the driest part of the country. Because of its geographical situation, a major part of the State receives very low to scanty rainfall. The distribution and frequency of rainfall is also often erratic. The failure of monsoon worsens the situation, causing frequent crop failure resulting in scarcity and drought conditions. Reviewing the occurrence of drought since 1980-81, the State faced droughts of varying degrees in all years excepting 198384, 1990-91, 1994-95 and 1996-1997. Recurrence of droughts causes strain on the already burdened State exchequer, as during drought years, relief measures on a large scale have to be organised by the State to provide succour to the drought affected population. This also depressed State Domestic Product and Per Capita Incomes. In the past efforts have been made to undertake activities of drought proofing, having larger employment potential so that resistance against drought is injected in the people and the economy. Now strategy to dovetail the relief operations with normal plan activities has been adopted which will help easing the pressure on State exchanquer. This has resulted in more efficient system to face the drought during the last three years also.




State Domestic Product


A characteristic feature of the State Domestic Product in the State is its year to year fluctuation which is entirely influenced by the behaviour of the monsoon.

7.2.2 The States own tax revenue as a percentage of GSDP has improved despite drought during the last three years. In the year 1998-99, States own tax revenue as a percentage of GSDP was 5.41% which increased to 6.04% in 1999-2000 and is expected

to be 6.70% in 2000-2001. 7.2.3 The noticable feature of the NSDP has been that over the years, the structure of the economy has shown indications of change by a gradual shift from primary (which includes agriculture, mining, etc.) to other sectors. Data reveals that the share of primary sector in the NSDP in 1993-94 has declined from 37.07 per cent to 29.72 per cent in 2000-2001. This indicates a loss of 8.65 per cent points during 1992 to 2000 . This amount has been shared by secondary and tertiary sectors. The sectoral contribution may be seen in the following table: Sectoral Share in State Domestic Product
Year Primary Total Secondary Of this manufacturing
Registered Un-registered

(Percent) Tertiary Total

1993-94 37.07 23.28 5.16 6.00 1994-95 39.23 23.64 7.45 5.55 1995-96 36.81 24.16 8.40 5.28 1996-97 39.79 21.26 6.82 4.60 1997-98 37.37 23.56 7.66 5.57 1998-99 (P) 36.33 23.43 7.85 5.52 1999-2000 (Q) 32.27 25.48 8.79 5.61 2000-2001 (A) 29.72 26.16 9.11 5.66 (P) Provisional estimates (Q) Quick estimates (A) Advance estimates Source: Directorate of Economics and Statistics

39.65 37.13 39.03 38.95 39.07 40.24 42.25 44.12

100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

7.2.4 The growth in tertiary sector is due to the increase in the activities of the Government and non-government institutions. Though these are not related to production performance, yet there has been gradual shift from primary to tertiary sectors. 7.2.5 Another cause of concern in the growth of SDP is that the per capita income in Rajasthan, continues to be lower than the per capita income at the national level. The gap is mainly determined by the performance of agriculture. Good harvest shows decrease in the gap and vice versa. Per capita income can be observed from the following table:
(Rs.) Year Per Capita Income

At Current Price At Constant Prices (1993-94) India Rajasthan India Rajasthan 1993-94 7698 6196 7698 6196 1994-95 8876 7674 8088 7164 1995-96 10160 8510 8498 7231 1996-97 11601 10192 9036 7930 1997-98 12771 11235 9288 8708 1998-99 (P) 14712 12470 9733 8630 1999-2000 (Q) 16047 12533 10204 8272 2000-2001 (A) NA 12914 NA 8088 (P) Provisional estimates (Q) Quick estimates (A) Advance estimates Source: Directorate of Economics and Statistics

7.2.6 The gap between the national and state per capita income has been persisting. This is mainly due to faster rate of growth in population in the state coupled with low resource base and the difficult geophysical conditions prevailing in the State. The State has to strive harder to ensure that the per capita income increases significantly to wipe out the gap in the state and national average. 7.3 Demographic Perspective

7.3.1 Realising that investments in the population stablisation programme will have high rates of returns not only in economic sector but also in social and environmental sectors, in 1999 the State Government has taken the initiative to formulate the Population Policy of Rajasthan to set its own demographic goals as per table given below :Indicators 2001 Total Fertility 3.74 Rate Birth Rate 29.2 C.P.R. 42.2 Death Rate 8.7 I.M.R. 77.4 2004 3.41 27.35 48.2 8.4 72.7 2007 3.09 25.6 52.7 7.9 68.1 2011 2.65 22.6 58.8 7.5 62.2 2013 2.43 20.9 61.8 7.7 60.1 2016 2.10 18.4 68.0 7.0 56.8

7.3.2 Rajasthan is among the States continuing with high fertility. The population of the State has been increasing at a faster rate. The population census 2001 registered a provisional population

of 565 lakhs for Rajasthan, with a decadal growth rate of 28.33 per cent compared to 21.34 per cent for the country. Rajasthan has consistently recorded a higher rate of growth than that of India. High rate of growth of population is the most serious challenge before the State. Growth of Population in Rajasthan vis-a-vis All India
Population (Lakh No.) Rajasthan India 1911 110 2521 1931 117 2790 1941 139 3187 1951 160 3611 1961 202 4392 1971 258 5482 1981 343 6843 1991 440 8463 2001(P) 565 10270 (P) Provisional Year Decennial Growth Rajasthan 6.70 14.14 18.01 15.20 26.20 27.83 32.97 28.44 28.33 (Percent) India 5.75 11.00 14.22 13.31 21.51 24.80 24.66 23.86 21.34


The growth rate during the 1991-2001 decade declined slightly by 0.11 percent which is not significant against the national average of 2.52 percent The birth and infant mortality rates in the State have not shown the anticipated decline, as shown below: Birth, Death and Infant Mortality Rates in Rajasthan and All India
Death Rate Raj. India 10.1 9.8 10.4 10.0 9.2 9.2 8.9 9.2 9.1 9.0 9.1 9.0 8.9 8.9 8.8 9.0 8.4 8.7 Raj. 79 89 92 84 85 85 85 83 81 IMR India 80 79 74 73 74 72 71 72 70


Birth Rate Raj. India 1991 35.0 29.5 1992 34.7 29.0 1993 33.6 28.5 1994 33.7 28.33 1995 33.2 28.3 1996 32.4 27.5 1997 32.1 27.2 1998 31.6 26.5 1999 31.1 26.1 (P): Provisional



The State Government is striving towards health infrastructural development so that quantitative/ qualitative out reach of services could be ensured to the masses. Various schemes of Mother and Child Care have been launched. Nutritional programmes are being strengthened to make sure that every mother and child specially from weaker section is benefitted. Ample attention is required to be given to Indian System of Medicines and Homoeopathy which have time and again proved its worth in treatment of various ailments. The path to population stabilisation is long, arduous and elusive. A sharper effort on family welfare must be made in view of the population out burst . Therefore efforts will require to be directed towards : reaching and influencing younger couples with high fertility potential and with lesser number of children; reducing drastically infant mortality rate, which has a direct impact on decision on family size; raising the age of marriage. Although various acts have been enacted in recent past but requirement now is of effective implementation. Employment




7.4.1 Tackling the twin problems of poverty and umemployment has been a major challenge before the State. With almost 2/3rd of population depending on agriculture, measurement of unemployment is not an easy task. Small land holdings, lack of irrigation facilities and frequent failure of rains also restrict the employment opportunities. 7.4.2 About eight lakh persons are registered in various employment exchanges. The unabated growth in population has also contributed to the unemployment problems. It is expected that lakhs of persons would get added to the work force during the Tenth plan period. Providing employment to the vast work

force and utilise the aburdant human resources is of paramount importance. Employment is not to be treated as a by-product of growth, but it should be looked upon as a principal agent and the prime mover of growth. Therefore the task is one of adopting a suitable structure of investment and production, appropriate types of technology and mix of production techniques and organisational support which would help growth in productive employment. 7.4.3 The problem of educated unemployed merit special consideration. Concerted efforts towards tackling the problem of unemployment specially in case of educated persons must be intensified under various plan programmes. Prevailing trends and the pattern of investment in developmental plans immensely indicate the growing need in various fields of employment potential area, which calls for the need to explore. 7.4.4 Population migration as a result of unemployment towards urban area would have to be arrested by providing alternate vocations to people closer to their homes in rural areas. Considering a high dependancy on agriculture providing inadequate returns due to small and uneconomic holdings, opportunities for shifting people further to absorb the labour force in areas of agroprocessing, forestry, dairy, poultry, fisheries sericulture and cottage industries etc. should be expanded.



7.5.1 Despite diversification of the State's economy, agriculture still continues to be the main stay of the people, supporting about 2/3rd of the population. It is worth mentioning that there are no major indications of structural changes in the occupational pattern. Agriculture continues to dominate the scene. 7.5.2 Accelerated development and stabilisation of agriculture

production in the back drop of erratic and insufficient rainfall, limited water resources, vast arid areas etc., is a challenging task. Higher growth performance of the sector would call for not only the growth led by productivity improvements but also highest priority to be accorded during the Tenth Five Year Plan on watershed development approach for imparting stability to production in the vast rainfed/ dry land areas of the state. Better utilisation of the existing irrigation potential, reduction in water losses during conveyance, popularisation of water saving practices and devices and on-farm development will be necessary to reduce dependency of agriculture on monsoon and maximising output per unit of water. Improvement in input management, both monetary and non-monetary, development of methodology which responses favourably in augmenting and stabilising yield in the long term as well as in the Tenth Plan would also be necessary. 7.5.3 Agriculture production, particularly in case of foodgrains, is characterised by wide fluctuations depending on the monsoon behaviour. Even in the recent past, the production of foodgrains had varied from 9.57 million tonnes in 1995-96 to 12.93 million tones in 1998-99. Rabi production has been indicating an increasing trend. As a corrective strategy during the Tenth Five Year Plan for needed impetus to production of millets, pulses and guar, efforts would be made on scaled up footing for move appropriate technologies including short duration varities at one hand and on the other all possible institutional mechaniry is to be explored to eliminate disincentives offered by market inperfections. The State has since emerged as a leading oilseeds producing State in the country. 7.5.4 Although the agriculture growth has been showing a rising trend, however per capita out put has remained static in many districts due to high population growth rate. With major break through in the production of oilseeds, the agriculture scene in Rajasthan is charactrised by dynamism in production of commercial crops. To protect the interest of farmers against excessive edible oil imports at a low import duty, the state would assume a proactive role in caliberating the import duty

with Government of India in such a way that the resulting market prices do not rule below MSP. 7.5.5 As indicated earlier, agriculture is the major source of livelihood of the people. The growth in agriculture in Rajasthan is consistently going up and the share of agriculture and allied activities in the States five year plan has increased in the Ninth plan. A major part of this increase is, however, attributable to the externally aided projects under agriculture, ,watershed development and forestry sector. 7.5.6 The development strategy oriented to the needs of the poor and the unemployed as also the increase in population would call for an acceleration in the overall growth rate of agriculture. What is needed is convergence of improved technologies and their transfer to the field level and increased consumption of inputs to bring about improvement in yields in existing crops. Increasing population will tend to put more land to nonagriculture purposes. Thus, the emphasis shall be on increased output from less area. 7.5.7 Adoption of dry land farming practices on watershed basis to boost the agricultural production will be part of the long term drought proofing strategy, under which physical targets of completing watershed treatment during Tenth Five Year Plan would be doubled. Land reclamation programme will also be given increased emphasis. 7.5.8 Therefore, the objective of agricultural development in the Tenth Plan are: to increase the rate of growth of agricultural production keeping in view the gradual dispensing of subsidies such as on fertiliser, power etc. to strive for a more stable and equitable growth and shift to market value added produces from non-farm sector. to aim at high value agriculture to bring under cultivation the un-cultivated land whether in agriculture or forestry.

to strengthen production base of agriculture and stop degradation of soil and water resources and conserve it more effectively. upgradation generation, transfer, dissemination and adaptation of technology promotion of value addition through agro-processing in the State to generate off-farm employment and additional incomes to promote crop intensity on existing agriculture land.

7.5.9 Apart from the above, generation and extension of technology is an important area to be taken care of by the Government. The R & D efforts should have linkage with our situation. Agriculture research should be made co-terminus with the agroecological zones. 7.6 Land Use

7.6.1 The land utilisation in the State is marked with notable changes over the years. The net sown area has been fluctuating over years. With geographical diversities and large part being desert, there does not appear to be much scope for bringing more area under cultivation. Higher cropping intensity could add to the gross cropped area. The area sown more than once was 33.15 per cent to net sown area in 1998-99. 7.6.2 Area under permanent pastures and grazing land has largely remained unchanged. The available village pastures and grazing lands have come under severe pressure due to large livestock population in the State. 7.6.3 The forest cover in the State has been envisaged to increae by 5.22% over the Tenth Plan period. To achieve this goal plantation as well as non-forest lands shall be brought under the umbrella of forest activities. 7.6.4 The land resources of the State, with its fragile ecology, increasing biotic pressure both human and cattle and recurring scarcity conditions, are under considerable pressure; resulting

in problem of salinity, alkalinity, desertification and at places water logging. Man-land ratio is declining. 7.7 Land Holdings

7.7.1 The report of Agriculture Census 1995-96 shows that the State has 5.36 million operational holdings, covering an area of 21.25 million hectares. The number of holdings and operational area have increased by 4.89 per cent and 1.34 per cent respectively since 1990-91. 7.7.2 Categorywise number of operational holdings, area and percentage variations in 1995-96 over 1990-91 census are indicated below :
Category No. of Holdings (000 No.) 1611 1085 1117 1064 487 5364 1995-96 Area Operated (000 Ha.) 780 1566 3185 6617 9102 21250 Avera ge Size (Ha.) 0.48 1.44 2.85 6.22 18.69 3.96 No. of Holdings (000 No.) 1517 1019 1061 1017 493 5107 1990-91 Area Operated (000 Ha.) 725 1469 3021 6334 9422 20971 Average Size (Ha.) 0.48 1.44 2.85 6.23 19.13 4.11 % Variation in 1995-96 over 1990-91 No. of Area AverHoldOpera age ings ted Size (000 (000 (Ha.) No.) Ha.) 6.2 7.6 6.5 5.3 4.6 -1.2 5.0 6.6 5.4 4.5 -3.4 1.3 0.16 -2.30 -3.65

Marginal (below1.00 ha.) Small (1.00-2.00) Semi-Medium (2.00-4.00) Medium (4.00-10.00) Large (10.00 & above) Total

Source :- Report on Agriculture Census 1995-96 Agriculture Census Department.

7.7.3 Although marginal/small categories of holders (below 2 hectares), account for about 50.26 per cent, they cover only 11.04 per cent of the total operational area. Large holdings are 9.08 per cent of the total holdings, but operate an area of 42.83 per cent. The average size of holdings has come down from 4.11 hectares in 1990-91 to 3.96 hectares in 1995-96. The average size of holdings has fallen in large categories during 1995-96 over 1990-91, indicating growing fragmentation of operational holdings.



7.8.1 This sector contributes significantly to NSDP and has a high employment potential. Rajasthan is rich in livestock resources and is endowed with the best breed of cattle, goats, sheep, camel and horses in the country. Therefore, looking to the potentiality, investment in this sector needs to be stepped up to exploit the full potential of this sector. 7.8.2 The total livestock population of the State in 1992 was 484.46 lakhs which increased to 546.74 lakhs in 1997. Therefore it gives a ratio of almost 1:1 between human population and the cattle population. There has been a steady increase with every livestock census since 1988. 7.8.3 Goat and sheep occupy a unique place in farming system of areas with limited water resources. They together constitute more than 58 % (Basic Statistics 2001) of the total livestock population in the State, posing a serious threat to the fragile ecology of this region. It is necessary to design programmes for development of sheep and goat to contain their number and increase productivity. 7.8.4 The livestock wealth is an important component of agriculture diversification in animal husbandry, including dairying and poultry, which hold immense promise of increasing quality of life not only in rural areas, but urban as well. Proper development of this sector will require attention to technology, processing and marketing arrangements of livestock products. 7.8.5 Disaster management programmes for livestocks need to be devised since loss in such assets can drive the poor into destitution. Nutritive fodder is a prerequisite. Even with normal rainfall Rajasthan faces marginal shortage of fodder therefore, through integrated farming system, fodder availablity should be ensured. 7.8.6 Processing of livestock products to ensure maximum value addition must be emphasised. Processing and marketing of

milk products in cooperative as well as private sector in selected areas has to be strengthened. 7.8.7 Rajasthan possesses a large area of inland water bodies which offer potential for development of both intensive and extensive system of cultured based fisheries. More area have also been identified for capture cum culture fishery management. 7.9 Water Resources 7.9.1 Rajasthan is the most water deficient State in the country. Its total utilisable surface water resources (both internal and external) from 14 river basins and 59 sub basins is 17.6 MAF or 1.28% of countrys total resources. From inter state sources its share is 14.5 MAF. 7.9.2 Irrigated area in the State indicates an overall increasing trend. The gross irrigated area has increased from 11.7 lakh hectares in 1951-52 to 68.09 lakh hectares in 1998-99. Although the area irrigated through canals has increased significantly, still wells and tubewells continue to play an important role in the development of irrigation network, accounting for over half of the irrigated area. 7.9.3 A balance has to be struck between the protective and intensive system of irrigation. In drought prone arid and semi arid areas of the State spreading the irrigation widely by extensive irrigation can be better choice to protect as much area of the cultivated land from the vagaries of nature as possible. 7.9.4 With the increase in population and the increased tempo of economic development, there has been considerable increase in pressure for water. Rajasthans State Water Policy has been adopted that has fixed priorities for utilisation of water. Rajiv Gandhi Jal Prabhandan Mission is also working for promoting management and use of scare water resources. 7.9.5 The Government of Rajasthan has enacted the The Rajasthan Farmers participation in Management of Irrigation System Act which will provide effective role and Rajasthan water structure - Restructuring Project (RWSRP) under World Bank

Assistance for revival of deferred maintenance Irrigation System will provide farmers in the management and maintenance of irrigation system to ensure facilities which will have to be continued to be a key ingredient of rural agriculture and rural development programme. 7.9.6 Therefore the approach towards Tenth Five Year Plan should be directed towards optimum utilisation of irrigation potential already created, completion of on going work should be the priority and straining hard for the shares from inter-state rivers. 7.9.7 The situation requires immediate steps for water conservation, harvesting and recharge structures. Conjunctive use of surface water in the potential areas will have to be encouraged. To this effect preparation of districtwise Master Plan identifying sites for construction of new and water harvesting structure have begun and the state has identified 38995 works costing over Rs. 1344 crores so far. 7.10 Energy 7.10.1 Energy is an essential input to all productive economic activities and the consumption of energy increases with the process of economic development. The annual Per Capita Consumption of power in Rajasthan was only of 301 kwh as against the national average of 334 kwh. (1996-97 Annual Report of Planning Commission on Working of SEB's April 2000) Rajasthan still continues to be plagued by ills emanating from a mismatch of demand and supply where demand continuously out strips supply. 7.10.2 The State is deficient in its own resources for generation of power has, therefore, to depend for its power supplies from systems located outside the State. 7.10.3 The Accelerated Power Development Programme (APDP) was introduced in the Ninth Plan for power sector reforms. The Government of Rajasthan embarked upon a Power Sector Reforms Programme with the objective of creating

environment for sustainable development of the power sector. Rajasthan State Electricity Board has been restructured into five government owned companies which came into operation on 19.07.2000. 7.10.4 Sectoral pattern of consumption of power during the past few years in the State has witnessed change in favour of agriculture sector. Installed capacity of power which was 13 MW in 1950-51 has increased to 4117.40 MW by 1999-2000. The number of villages electrified was 36553 in 1999-2000. In addition, 5.99 lakh wells have also been energised by 19992000. 7.10.5 The State Government has taken a decision to encourage private participation in development of infrastructure like power, roads, transport, etc. 7.10.6 During the Tenth Five Year Plan more stress on State sector power projects with emphasis on utilisation of resources of lignite available within the State shall continue alongwith interstate partnership projects. 7.10.7 With a view to remove past deficiency and reducing T & D loss a new thrust in the improvement of sub transmission and distribution system is required to be given. 7.10.8 There is an urgent need for exploring and developing new and renewable sources of energy. Expansion of renewable sources of energy has to be stressed. Systematic exploitation of solar, wind and bio-mass resources can meet the fuel requirements. 7.11 Industrial Development 7.11.1 Rajasthan is an agrarian State. Still a major thrust in the industrial sector, along with acceleration in pace of development in agriculture, is essential for speedier growth of the economy. Although the industrial base of the State has undergone significant diversification, yet the expected

improvement in its of contribution to NSDP has not been observed. The potential of the State needs to be systematically exploited. 7.11.2 The correlation between economic development and industrialisation is well established through the experience of developed economies. Rajasthan is already far behind the national average in per capita socio-economic indicators. Comprehensive and balanced industrialisation will have to be given a higher priority so that these gaps can be bridged. 7.11.3 The objective of Industrial Policy, 1998 is to make Rajasthan one of the most preferred State for investment in the identified sectors and ultimately achieve global competitiveness. While governed by this basic goal, the policy is to lay special emphasis on accelerating the over all industrial growth. 7.11.4 Small Scale Industry has a vital role to play in the process of industrialisation providing a vehicle for enterpreneurship to flourish and a valuable entry point for new enterpreneurs who can start small and then grow. SSI are also vehicles for achieving a broader regional spread of industry. SSIs are also one of the major source for much needed employment specially in non-farm employment in rural areas. 7.11.5 Given the capital scarce economy of the State, resources capacities, capabilities, talents, infrastructure and systems, have to be developed in order to allow economic activities to flourish in the State and enable the private sector to play a larger role in the economy. To this effect Rajasthan recognises the need to restructure the private investment economic framework for stimulating the process of economic, industrial and social transformation. 7.11.6 The contribution of manufacturing sector in the Gross State Domestic Product has gradually increased during the Ninth Plan period despite the severe strain on the State budget which is evident from the following table:-

Annual growth and share of manufacturing sector in GSDP in Rajasthan

Year Annual Total GSDP (Rs Growth in crores) (%) 49833.34 50493.24 49633.33 49675.51 11.08 1.32 -1.70 0.08 Share of manufacturing sector in GSDP (Rs in crores) 7283.45 7509.92 7933.22 8182.72 Annual Growth (%) 24.85 3.11 5.64 3.15 Share of manufactur ing sector (%) in total GSDP 14.62 14.87 15.98 16.47

1997-98 1998-99 (P) 1999-2000 (P) 2000-01 (A)

P- Provisional Estimates Q-Quick Estimates A Advance Estimates 7.11.7 Therefore its endeavour towards accelerated industrial growth, the State will have to give thrust to those area identified for different regions so that the local resources and potential can be optimally utilised. Industries in which the State enjoys district local advantages should be given ample attention besides attention is also required on livestock and agro-based industries, high technology industries and information technology. 7.12 Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) 7.12.1 The PSEs in Rajasthan cover a wide range of activities like manufacture, infrastructure development and provision of services, credit or inputs, etc. These comprise of statutory corporations/ boards, companies registered under the Companies Act, Cooperative Societies and departmental undertakings. 7.12.2 The process of reforms accelerated during the Ninth Plan should be given further impetus. The focus should be on creating a policy environment which includes disinvestment of those PSEs showing negative results and encourage private sector participation and facilitate appropriate restructuring of PSEs, 7.12.3 The State policy should be devoted on reducing dependence

of PSEs on budgetary support need to be pushed further. 7.13 Development of Rural Non Farm Sector 7.13.1 Increase in productivity in non-farm sector is another area of action. The objective should be generation of productive employment and increase in labour productivity in non farm sector should also be accorded high priority. Latestet Technology in rural non-farm sector will now bring the desired result in market value of those product which were scared so far and the process of technology transfer from the laboratory to the field will set the pace of development in nonfarm sector.

7.13.2 Generation of skilled manpower for improvement in productivity of the non-farm sector is now being utilised to benefit end users. 7.14 Mineral Development 7.14.1 The State of Rajasthan is fortunate to possess a wide variety of minerals. It produces as many as 67 minerals. In order to explore and exploit these finite natural resources which provide direct employment to about 3.6 lakh persons including those belonging to the weaker sections of the society. The State Government has emphasized upon speedy development of this sector. 7.14.2 The National Mineral Policy announced in 1993 has opened the doors for both domestic and foreign private investment in Mineral Industry. 7.14.3 The Vision 2020 for sustainable development of Minerals in Rajasthan is a projection of directions and priorities of the first twenty years of present century. This will work as a guideline tool for formulating the strategy in development of mineral sector. 7.14.4 The State Government now have a comprehensive Prospecting Policy for in view of the in flow of new survey technologies in the wake of liberalisation of economy. According to this policy each mineral would now constitute a Programme and exploration thereof, and the new Marbal & Granite Policy 2002 shall be shortly launched. 7.15 Development of Road Network 7.15.1 The infrastructure for transport is deficient in Rajasthan. The density of roads is still far below the national average. The connectivity of villages at the start of Ninth Plan and as envisaged at the end of Ninth Plan is as below:-

Connectivity of Villages Population Group 1000 & Above Below 1000 Total (No.s) Total No. of Villages Connectivity Status by BT Roads (1991 Census) 1996-97 2001-02 10766 7278 9524 27123 5795 7694 37889 13073 17218

7.15.2 Rajasthan needs an integrated network of roads due to its peculiar geography, coupled with a limited railway network. As against the national average of 74.9 kms. of roads per hundred sq. km. of area, Rajasthan has only 43.65 km. of road length per hundred sq. km. of area. The State has been engaged in the development of road network with special emphasis on rural roads for linking villages. Under BMS and PMGSY construction of link roads to attain village connectivity has been intensified. 7.15.3 There are such roads, which do not fall under the policy of State as declared in 1994, or the policy framed by Government of India under PMGSY. Rough estimate indicates that there are some 12500 Km of such stretches, which, if black topped, require huge amount. It is being targeted that all such missing links are taken up during Tenth Plan. 7.15.4 Despite constrains the State Government was able to increase constructed the road length from 70229 km in 1996 to 86473 km in the year 2000 i.e. 16244 km. road was built up during last 4 years. 7.15.5 In order to keep up the momentum generated by initiatives made by the State in the Ninth Plan, particularly in the economic and infrastructure sectors, it would be necessary to continue it and increase investments in these areas. Of these, communication is an important sector, since the better communication network provides fillip to faster growth. 7.15.6 Increased involvement of private entrepreneurs in

construction of bridges and bye-passes on B. O. T. basis was done. Investment under these schemes would be made by entrepreneurs and then recovered through levy of toll. 7.15.7 Rajasthan acts as a corridor between States situated on the coast to the States lying beyond. Such a corridor can be developed in conjunction with the beneficiary States, if need be as a jointly financed project investment on which can be returned through levy of fees and the project can be envisaged as a privately financed BOT project. 7.15.8 Thus the main aims of Tenth Five Year Plan are: Attaining rural connectivity by all weather roads for habitats with population greater than 500 in case of general areas and 250 in case of desert and tribal areas. Strengthening of secondary road system comprising of State Highways and Major District Roads by declaring some more such roads and hence increasing total length of secondary road system as well as widening and strengthening of the roads. Improving of riding quality, geometric and grades of roads. Deployment of mecanised maintenance system in accordance with the norms set by Ministry of Road Transport. Imparting complete training to officials for their technical upliftment and full use of available manpower. 7.16 Railway Network 7.16.1 Keeping the steep rise in prices of petroleum products in view, expansion of railway network is imperative. Rajasthan is still below the national average in railway route length with the result nearly 60 to 65% commercial and 80% passenger traffic use only road transport. 7.16.2 Looking to the works undertaken during the Ninth Plan and the projected works that are yet to be commenced, it is

expected that during the Tenth Plan period the gauge conversion of railway line will be achieved and the work on new lines would start. 7.16.3 There are significant gaps in the railway network, particularly in the western part of the State. It is necessary to cover these gaps both in consideration to the strategic needs of this area and also in view of growing agriculture produce, mineral and tourist needs. 7.17 Air Transport 7.17.1 Air communication is also a growing necessity. This is desirable for providing access to important commercial, industrial and tourism locations. In recent past, Rajasthan has emerged as number one State in the country in the field of tourism. Air communication is an asset in todays times for transportation to the export of high value and perishable commodities. The State, thus, needs to invest on air strips and helipads at all such identified locations in the near future as a crash programme to cash in on the immense opportunities inherent therein. A start has been made in the direction by upgrading the Jaipur airport to international level. The State also needs to encourage air taxi services by private operators to operate civil aviation services for tourists as feeder/ regional airlines. 7.18 Poverty Alleviation 7.18.1 All through the planning era, removal of poverty, inter-alia, has been one of the basic objectives of planning in India. In the initial stages of planning it was thought that benefits of overall growth of economy would flow to all strata of the society and income levels of all would increase correspondingly. However, it is now accepted that social justice and increase in income levels of the poor do not necessarily result as by product of economic growth. The problem has been greatly aggravated by the rapid expansion in population and labour force and the resultant fragmentation of

agricultural holdings. However, lack of appropriate income generating assets, and unemployment can be identified as the root causes of poverty. An approach of direct attack on poverty through various rural development schemes and employment generation programmes is being followed. 7.18.2 At the instance of Government of India, a census survey was conducted in the year 1997 to find out the number of families living below poverty line in the rural areas. the state has 6768541 families living in rural areas of these families, 2097560 families are living below poverty line which is 30.99 percent of the rural families. Of the BPL families 537941 (25.65%) SC, 661596 (31354%) ST, 520399 (24.81%) backward and 379138 (18.08%) othres. 7.18.3 Rajasthan, at present, is implementing 17 schemes of rural development for the benefit of rural areas. The main goal of these programmes is to reduce poverty, increase the assets of families belonging to the lowest income dociles, reduce involuntary unemployment and underemployment to zero, improve access of the poor to social services and infrastructure development of rural areas. Out of the 17 schemes that are in operation 5 belong to individual beneficiary and poverty alleviation programme, 7 are for employment generation and infrastructure development programme, 3 are for area development programme and 2 belongs to energy development and other programmes. 7.18.4 However, no strategies for Rural Development can go without a clear focus on the rural poor. The experience of economic reforms in early phases has been that the poor are hit hard. The reduction in public investment due to structural adjustment programme lead to unemployment. Therefore, more focussed attention for sustainable livelihood of rural poor is required in our planning process. 7.18.5 Therefore, the aim of rural development programme as suggested in the approach are: SGSY be made a micro-finance programme run by the banks and other financial institutions with no subsidy Allotment of funds to Gram Panchayats be linked to

peoples contribution, which they contribute either in cash or in kind, say 15% in normal blocks and 5% in tribal/ poor blocks. This is to install a sense of ownership in the country. Single wage employment programme has been focussed in areas of distress. The focus is being given on undertaking productive works and their maintenance, such as rural roads, watershed development, rejuvenation of tanks, afforestation, irrigation and drainage. The payment of the wage should be mainly in the form of food grains with some cash payment. This is being improving self targeting. Grass roots womens groups such as SHGs are being empowered and encouraged to implement selected poverty alleviation schemes, particularly food-for-work schemes in areas affected by natural disaster. Special efforts are focussed to strengthen the economy of the marginal and small farmers, forest produce gatherers, artisans, unskilled workers etc. The poor should not merely benefit from growth generated elsewhere, they should contribute to growth. Efforts are being made to encourage development of tiny and village industries suited for rural areas to provide nonfarm employment in rural areas.

7.19 Education 7.19.1 Rajasthan is a leading State in the terms of budgetary support in the education sector, but still continues to be backward in term of 100% literacy for all with a literacy percentage of 61.03 (2001 census). The female literacy rate (44.34%) is among the lowest in the country which still is a matter of concern. Within the State, there are conspicuous disparities in literacy rate in urban/ rural areas and among males and females. Among different regions of the State wide disparities exist. 7.19.2 Providing primary education for all children upto the age group of 14 is be a core objective. This should mean a teacher for every 40 children is to be ensured. Rajiv Gandhi Pathshala

launched in the State of Rajasthan should be strengthened. 7.19.3 Sparsely spread out population and socio-economic backwardness specially in weaker section make the task of providing education infrastructure costly on the one hand and impede the reach of the provided infrastructure to the people on the other. The drop out rate which is very high should be checked. 7.19.4 The State Government has given very high priority to eradication of illiteracy. All the 32 districts have been covered under `Shiksha Karmi project, `Lok Jumbish programme' and newly launched DPEP. 7.19.5 It has been advocated through the 73rd and 74th Amendments of the constitution that controls of Primary and Upper Primary Schools and teachers should be transferred to Local Bodies or Panchayati Raj Institutions, which will have an direct impact in teachers performance. Rajasthan is perhaps the first State to have done this by transferring these schools to PRIs. 7.19.6 The major policy changes have been envisaged are: There will be more community participation in establishment of schools and its management. Control of PS, UPS and RGSJP etc. are now put under PRIs rather than education department. Fresh teachers will not be recurited directly.Only para teachers shall be recurited and after their satisfactory service of five years they will eventually be absorbed against the vacancies of regular teachers. Unequal development in higher education leading to frustration among the youths will be contained Adequate quality, quantity and infrastructure facilities are being ensured by making the courses more relevent. Courses and programmes of study being redesigned coupled with information and technology input. Private sectors participation is encouraged in the field of research, library, information technology etc.

Reduction in regional disparities shall be looked into the educational facilities and increase to all sections of society specially weaker and backward sections is being ensured. Community participation will be encouraged in secondary and higher education. Courses will be made more rational and job oriented courses sill be promoted. 7.20 Medical and Health 7.20.1 According to preliminary estimates of the census 2001, Rajasthan ranked eighth among all States in terms of population size. Although substantial progress in the development of Medical & Health sector has been registered, but still much has to be done. The health system provides both preventive and promotive health services and curative health services. This has been given fillip by launching various EAPs and planned efforts. 7.20.2 A significant change was initiated in the revised policy in 1995-96, which emphasises on the decentralised and quality care services. 7.20.3 However, the situation in Rajasthan still requires much to be done. Out of the 90 problem districts identified in the country, where the birth and the infant mortality rates are significantly high, 27 (out of 32 districts of the State ) belong to Rajasthan. 7.20.4 Imbalances in the spread of health institutions, physical facilities, equipment availability, infrastructure development and skilled manpower is largely registered. The location of hospitals and inpatient beds is skewed in favour of urban areas. It is the appropriate time and effort should be put in to remove these imbalances. The important demographic figures are not encouraging which is evident form this table:Indicators Rajasthan India Health goals set for 2000 1980 2000 Infant mortality Rate (per 108.3 81.0 72.0 <60 1000 live births) Perinatal Mortality Rate (per 41.4 49.0 44 30

1000 live births) Under five mortality rate (per 1000 children) Maternal mortality rate (per 100000 population) Children fully immunized (per 100 children)

46.8 -

31.0 677 17.3

24 404 42

10 <200 85

Rajasthan has come forward with the its own population policy in January, 2000 which has set its own goal besides those envisaged in the approach paper. 7.20.5 Therefore the thrust during the Tenth Plan will be on : Correcting the imbalance Improvement/ strengthening of services delivery system by upgradation of physical facilities, manpower and equipment etc. Decentralisation approach as set forth should be continued in Family Welfare Services and the involvement of PRIs should be made compulsory. Greater thrust should be on Mother and Child Health Care Services in rural areas. All district and sub divisional hospitals are being developed to cater all referral services. Management policy is being concretised to make skilled and supervisory staff skilled and accountable. The cost of health care is very high, therefore greater involvement of private sector and NGOs being encouraged for providing the health care services. Sense of commitment among medical personnel has to be generated so as to improve the delivery of services. EAPs which are in hand or coming should be utilised to fullest extent and it should be ensured that there is no budgetary short fall or gap. 7.21 Drinking Water Supply 7.21.1 The available water supply from ground and surface sources

accounts for 30.8 and 69.2 percent respectively. Of the total demand of water irrigation alone draws more than 90 percent followed by drinking water demand (both human and livestock) which accounts for 9.3 percent. Remaining 0.7 percent is used in industries and other activities. 7.21.2 One of the most important objectives of the State is Universal access to safe drinking water covering all villages and habitations. 7.21.3 To achieve sustainable development and environmentally sound management of water resource greater attention with the following general objectives needs to be given: Ensuring on a sustainable basis adequate water supplies for present and future needs of rural and urban areas. Efficiency improvement in distribution of water. To devise economic incentives and disincentives for managing water demand through appropriate pricing and tariff structure. Prevent water pollution. Reverse current trends of water resources degradation and depletion. Promote adoption of a demand driven and participatory approach for rural water supply 7.22 Forestry 7.22.1 The effective forest cover of the geographical area of the State comes only to 4.03 percent of this 9.44 percent is forest area where as the National Forest Policy (NFP) 1988 envisages that 33 per cent of the geographical area should be under forest or tree cover. Although no forest policy has yet been announced in Rajasthan, but the administration envisages to cover every year 800 sq. km. under the forest cover, thus it comes to 5.22% over the Tenth Plan period. Therefore more and more emphasis should be targeted toward checking the desertification, soil erosion and degradation of forestry.

7.22.2 The present rate of afforestation under various on-going schemes and under externally aided projects of Aravalli Afforestation Project, IGNP Afforestation Project and Forestry Development Project needs to be given fillip. 7.22.3 Keeping in view the overall objectives of forestry development and the current and future demand and supply situation as well as other issues analysed with regard to forestry development in the past and proposed strategy for sustainable management of all forest and pasture land eco systems, the future programmes need to address the following areas: Institutionalising participatory forest protection and management system. Strengthening of institutional frame work along with supporting infrastructure. Modernisation of protection machinery by providing mobility and communication network. Deployment of special protection task forces in vulnerable areas to check poaching; illegal mining, habitat destruction and smuggling of forest produce. Undertaking modern forest fire control methods Ensuring inter-departmental coordination. Ecorestoration of degraded forests which constitute over 8% of the geographical area of the State through closures. Encouraging natural regeneration with supplementary seeding and planting in forest areas above 40% and below 70% crown density areas and gap planting in areas below 40% crown density. Undertaking intensive afforestation/ reforestation of barren and degraded waste lands of crown density below 10%. Such area would require high level investment and appropriate participatory management stragegy to involve local community and NGOs. Promotion of Agro/ Farm Forestry on private land which constitutes approximately 61% of the area of

the State. Promote urban forestry in major urban centres to provide green lungs and improve the general environmental conditions as well as for pollution abatement. 7.23 Urban Development

7.23.1 The growth of population of Rajasthan during the decade have been registered at 28.33% as per the census 2001. Growth of rural population was 27.49% while that of urban population was 31.17%. The growth of population in Rajasthan was higher than the national average. 7.23.2 The urban population in Rajasthan in 1981 was 72.10 lacs which was 21.05% of population of the State. In 1991 urban population increased to 100.67 lacs which is 22.88% and in 2001 it become 132 lacs which is 23.38% of the State and by the year 2007 the population of the State is estimated at 640 lacs and out of this 170 lacs or 26.7% will be urban. 7.23.3 It is estimated that large scale of in-migration of population in bigger town and cities from rural areas as also from small towns shall be forth with coming, therefore a chaos situation or burden on urban areas may result. 7.23.4 The towns of Rajasthan generally lack in community facilities, utility services and housing. There is predominance of unplanned development. Efforts made to improve community facilities in class I towns have fell short of the requirements on account of heavy migration of population to these towns. 7.23.5 There is multiplicity of agencies engaged in various development works in urban towns. These multiplicity of agencies create problems of coordination in development. The fragmented departmental approach generally creates problems in regulating the development efforts and coordination in right direction. Therefore it is earnest need of the time for

consideration if, there is one unified authority which could coordinate and regulate these efforts. There is also greater need of involvement of private sector in a big way for urban development projects to reduce the financial and administrative burden on urban development authorities. 7.24 Tourism 7.24.1 With over 8 million tourist visiting the Rajasthan in the year 2000, which includes 0.6 million foreign tourists, While existing tourism products of the State such as Forts and Palaces, heritage hotels, Palace-on-Wheels, colourful fairs and festivals continue to attract large number of visitors, but given the fact that tourists continuously demand both vertical and horizontal expansion of tourist products, it has become essential to develop new products as well as strengthen the existing products and synergise them with the needs of tourists. 7.24.2 The strategy for development of tourism in the Tenth Plan would require a broad perspective. To start with, it would be appropriate to announce a tourism policy of the State at the earliest and based on the mission of this policy the programmes and initiatives should be taken up. 7.24.3 The main thurst areas are: State to play the role of a catalyst policy planner and pragmatic regulator. Growth of tourism sector is ensured in the state by promoting private sector participation. Generation of rural employment by promoting rural tourism. Tourism to be promoted to provide better marketing opportunities for rich and varied handicrafts of the State and also to provide patronage to the folk artists. Creation of new tourism circuits based on pilgrimage, handicrafts, music and the arts, eco-tourism, film shooting sites and sites with overseas connections in terms of human bondage and events be identified and developed.

Establishing a leisure city near Achrol, Jaipur which would be likely to surchage the entire tourism scenario in the State. Disinvestment of Governments share in hotels, midways etc. should be carried forwarded. State should be a facilitator for improvement of tourism and promote increased private sector, joint sector participation in development of infrastructure for tourism. 7.25 Information Technology

7.25.1 Information and Technology has become the driving force behind human development and growth in the new millennium. Rajasthan is among the many States striving hard to make IT as a force multiplier to enhance the welfare of its people and accelerated economic growth. As part of this commitment, the State has launched a comprehensive IT Policy in April 2000 and a provision of 2% budgetary provision is being envisaged in the State budget.

7.25.2 To provide focus and impetus to implement the IT Policy and to make Rajasthan as a major IT hub in the country, the State Government has recently constituted a high level IT Task Force. 7.25.3 Therefore following strategy should form the basic IT objectives: Promoting the State as an attractive location for development and growth of information technology industry. It should be the explicit objective of the Government to provide enabling environment as a facilitater/ catalyst and to let the enterpreneurial skills of private sector to flourish. IT industry will be a priority sector for investment. Suitable tax concessions and financial incentives will continuously be given to the IT sector industries. Complete one stop service should be provided to all IT

units with bound schedule. Creation and continuous upgradation of IT infrastructure in the State through Government private sector joint efforts. To move in direction of e-governance.

8 8.1

Financial Resources The States effort at raising the resources during the Eighth Plan have been extremely productive. Against a provision of Rs.2828 crores expected in 1992-97, additional resource mobilisation is likely to be Rs. 3855 crores. In addition to this, the State Government has also taken up implementation of a number of externally aided projects. Currently 13 projects are in hand and 18 externally aided projects are in the pipeline. In the Seventh Plan a total of Rs. 96.34 crores was made available as additional central assistance on account of Externally Aided Projects whereas during the Eighth Plan Rs. 1000 crores, ten times the Seventh Plan will be drawn as additional central assistance on this account. The details of provision for additional resource mobilisation and likely achievement by March, 1997 are as follows : Provision Rs. 2827.55 Yearwise details of Achievements 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Total 280.64 crores 368.54 crores 769.25 crores 1032.80 crores 1403.65 crores 3854.65 crores


The assessment of resource to be generated in the Ninth Plan is yet to be finalised. However, the position is likely to be as follows : Rs. in crores

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Balance from current revenues Grants from Finance Commission Contribution of Public Enterprises (-) Open market borrowings Share of loan against small savings (net)

2460.03 589.57 4075.27 2912.56 2500.00

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

State Provident Fund 4125.50 Miscellaneous capital receipts (-) 494.35 Bond/Debentures 500.00 Negotiated loans 587.15 Total State Resources 11834.67 Central assistance (normal) Assistance for EAP Assistance for CSS (Transferred) Total Resources (Excluding ARM) 3201.80 4300.68 25.00 19367.15


With additional resource mobilisation, the State is likely to be able to achieve a plan size of Rs. 25,000 crores during the Ninth Plan. This would be supplemented through generation of investment in the private sector for economic infrastructure like schools, hospitals, power, roads, etc. Central plan assistance as a percentage of total investment in the state plan is going down. The grant portion of the assistance has substantially reduced over the Eighth Plan, resulting in heavy out go from the State exchequer for servicing debt created for generating resources for plan investment. There is need for the Planning Commission to review the formula on which central assistance is made available to backward States like Rajasthan. Rajasthan has been able to exceed the Eighth Plan target for investment with a likely achievement of over Rs. 12,000 crores against the projected Rs. 11,500 crores in the Eighth Plan. This is against the backdrop of other States lagging far behind in achieving their plan target. There is need to provide incentives to backward States which have exceeded plan target so as to achieve National Plan targets and redressal of regional imbalance.





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