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Teacher Tranning Timeline

S/Y 2018-2019

 The year I shifted from BS Environmental Management to Bachelor of Early Childhood

 It was a very challenging year to adjust from previous course to this Teaching Course
 My first year subjects was all about foundations , child development, learning princples
and facilitating learner – centered teaching (Prof. Ed. Subjects)
 My subjects were all about the foundations , the core , the start or beginning of a child
where I understand them deeper , on how they grow , of what they needs and why they
are such like things which will help me to connect in the future subjects and in the
teaching process
 The teachers already trained me to speak and teach infront of my classmates as my
students like in the true classroom setting set up
 Minor subjects was also helpful and it can relate and apply in the teaching course
 A very good start in my subject but it was hard to find someone to ask with , go along
with and find some companion

S/Y 2019- 2020

 This was the year I take my first ever major subjects and other Professional Education
 Major subjects was an interesting one. There is a lot of things to know what, how, and
why we should teach, give , act and react to the children
 Major subje cts gives me a big ideas . At this point , I truly understand that play have a
big impact in the childs development and learning
 I already learned to teach children literacy and numeracy on how they read and count
 It gives me an opportunity to make and plan about the health, nutrition and safety of the
children according to their needs and ages
 Opportunity practice to teach and observe in actual school environment
 Making different types of lesson plan
 Improving making instructional materials
S/Y 2020- 2021

 Building and enhancing the knowledge on teaching the children in different subjects and
aspects according to their ages and needs
 Enhance my knowledge in using technology for teaching and on what , how and when to
use it. Also the appropriate usage of it and the security and privacy of it
 Gives a big idea on how to build a good relationship,connection and prtnership among
students, parents and school community that helps me to know more about the childrens
background and needs to help them for their learnings and development
 It broadens my knowledge about the school curriculum of an Early Childhood
 It gives me a lot of of information about infant and toddler program subjects we had
 Help and give us an information on how to guide preschoolers on their behavior and
moral development
 We also practice teaching and observation in an actual classroom setup
 We make a research which helps me to learn more about my course , latest information
in our study and it gives me a new ideas when we are on the field and gather data

S/Y 2022- 2023

 It will be apply and share our learnings , knowledge and skills on the field
 Help me to practice and observe for me to be ready in full actual teaching internship
 Research 2 will be the input of our course to update, gather latest data, reach people to be
aware , and solve some problems we see.
 It will help me to be ready and see the reality in my real teaching course in the future

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