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Aalae)_ The University of Zambia School of Natural Sciences Department of Mathematics & Statistics 2015 Academic Year Final Examinations MAT1100 - Foundation Mathematics 5" September, 2016 INSTRUCTIONS: (1) Write down your Computer number and the TG number on cach answer booklet used. (Do Not write your Name) (2)There seven (7) questions in this examination. Amswer any Five (5). (3)Show all essential working to avoid loss of marks. (4) Write down the number of each question attempted on the cover of the main answer booklet. (5) Calculators and Mathematical Tables are not allowed in this Examination paper. TIME ALLOWED: Three (3) hours. ‘1 0 1 -1 21 = 1 02 a ( iven t= (2 1).8 (4, 2 gdance (3 1 :) 31 —2 1 1 Find the following matrices: ! @ 5A —2BT Gi) BC iii) C78 (b) Find the value(s) of @ for which the matrix a tot A=(1 a *) 1-2 3 the form p + qV3 where p and q are integers. Q2 (@) Let A = (x € Rix > 2} and B = {x € Z|x < 2} be subsets of R, where Z is the set of integers. Find the set (AuByY (ii) State De-Morgans’ laws. (iii) Given that X and Y are sets, simplify Ka ayy as far as possible. (b) Given the functions f(x)=—2— and g(x)= =, ¥ x Gi) find the domain and range of f (x) i) find (gof)(x) and, hence find (gof)-*(x)~ (iii) solve the equation (fog) (x) = 3 v (iv) sketch the graph of y = g(x), showing clearly all the asymptotes. ¥ (©) Use Cramer's rule to solve the system of equations: : x—2y+ Zz xt+Syt 2x—- y+4z Q3. (a) Evaluate the limits: lim 2x) +1 e640 3x) (b) Differentiate the function f(x) = /2x+1 from first principle. Gi) (©) (i) Given that y = G2 = e , find Pax=0. (ii) Find the equation of the normal to the curve y = x7 -9x"', at the point (3,6), expressing it in the form ax + by +c = 0, where a, band c are constants. _ a4 Qe 6. (a) (i i (@) G) Determine whether the function f(x) = 2-52? is even or odd or neither’ (ii) Find the range of values of k for which the quadratic equation x? 4+(2—k)x+1-2k=0% has no real roots. (©) (i) Prove the identity (1 —cosA)(1 + secA) = sinA tanA. (i) Solve for x, the trigonometric equation cos2x + 3sinx-2=0, ifO x. (b) Evaluate the limits: @ lima. 52 6 te Ss (©) Gi) Solve for x in the equation 228 3328) -1 (ii) If. xy = 64 and logyy + logyx = 5, find x and y. > (d) The diagram below shows the shaded region R which is bounded by the curves with equations y = x? and y = 8 — x?. Find the area of R. », Q4. Qs (2) Given the sets A = (—3,2], B = [0,7], € = [-5,1)and universal set U = (-10,10), find each of the following sets and represent them on a number line: @) ANB's Gi) A—(B-Cc)’ (©) Given that fe) = (o + 2)(x = 6), sketch the graph of y= 755, indicating the turning points and asymptotes, if any. 2-3V5 (©) Express >7e in the form a + bVé where, a, b and ¢ are rational numbers.” ~ (d) Evaluate each of the following integrals: Oe (ii) J f.xsinx dx (a) For each of the following, find & (i) y = e*In(2x? — 1) (ii) coshy — 4sinh3 (x; (b) Evaluate the integral 1 J x(x? — 4)3 dx. (©) @ Factorize f(x) = 3 — 3x? — 10x + 24 completely. ” ae (i) Express 2 = (A in the form a+ib where a,b RY (d) Find the period and phase shift for the function f(@) = -1 + 3cos (2x +2), and hence or otherwise, sketch the curve for -m T (b) (i) Prove using the principle of mathematical induction that 1+2+...+n = for all n € Z* (ii) The points L(—3, 1) and M(5, 3) are the end points of the diameter of a circle, with center V. Find the equation of the circle, (iii) Find the cube roots of the complex number 2+2i in the form r (cos @ + isin) into partial fractions, nt) 2 7. (a) (i) Calculate the perpendicular distance from the point P(6, —6) to the line 3x +4y-12=0 (ii) Solve the equation 2* — 9 +.8(27*) = 0. (iii) Sketch the graph of the function f(x) (b) Find the following integrals: (i) faet™ da. (ii) f2®Inedz. (iii) f22(2@+1) )idx — 32? -9r+2 End of examination. Ls ee eee hele ae ee el par @- ‘The University of Zambia ‘School of Natural Sciences Department of Mathematics & St 2013/14 ACADEMIC YEAR FINAL EXAMINATIONS MAT1100 - FOUNDATION MATHEMATICS 14" July, 2014 istics INSTRUCTIONS: (1) Write down your Computer number and the TG number on each answer booklet used. (2) Answer any Five (5) questions only. (3) Show all essential working to avoid loss of marks. (4) Write down the question numbers of all the questions attempted in the first column on the cover of the main answer booklet. (5) Calculators and tables are not allowed in this paper TIME ALLOWED: Three (3) hours. —— Ql. (a) The sets 4, B, C all intersect and U is the universal set. Shade the part described by the set (B U (A’'NC’)]' ina Venn diagram. (b) The functions f and g are defined by Say= A. xER ee? g(x)=x+2, xER Find () the domain of the function g » (ii) (ge f)'() (©) Use Cramer's rule to solve the system of equations: xt 2y +3: 2x +253 x—3y =5 (d) Find the equation of the tangent to the curve yer at the point (3, 6). @ Q. (@) Find the solution set of each of the following inequalities: (i) Bxr-2J>4 2 3 (i) eo *Eet (b) Find the equation of a circle which passes through the points (1,4), (7,5) and (1g). (©) @) Find the period and phase shift for the function f(x) =1-3sin(Q2x+z), and hence or otherwise, (ii) sketch the curve for - x

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