GE104 Quiz 1

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JHU-CTY Theory of Computation (TCOM) Lancaster 2007 ~ Instructors Kayla Jacobs & Adam Groce


JHU-CTY Theory of Computation (TCOM) Lancaster 2007 ~ Instructors Kayla Jacobs & Adam Groce

3. Superburger sells hamburgers with the choice of ketchup, mustard and relish.
One day they sold 256 hamburgers; 140 had mustard, 140 had ketchup, 84 had
ketchup and relish, 62 had mustard but no relish, 68 had ketchup and mustard, 38
had all three condiments and 20 had none. Create a Venn diagram for this.

(a) The number sold with relish only is?

(b)The number sold with no relish is?

4. Stephen asked 100 coffee drinkers whether they like cream or sugar in their
coffee. According to the Venn diagram below, how many like

a) Cream? =
b) Sugar? =
c) Sugar but not cream? =

d) Cream but not sugar? =

e) Cream and sugar? =

f) Cream or sugar? =

5. Eon asked 60 students whether they listen to two popular radio stations, WROK
and WRAP. He found that 23 listen to WROK, 18 listen to WRAP, and 8 listen to
both. How many students in Robert's survey listen to
a) WROK but not WRAP
b) WRAP but not WROK
c) neither WROK nor WRAP
Draw your Venn diagram
JHU-CTY Theory of Computation (TCOM) Lancaster 2007 ~ Instructors Kayla Jacobs & Adam Groce

6. Oshkosh did a study of the colors used in African national flags. He found that 38
flags have red, 20 have blue, 13 have both red and blue, and 8 have neither red
nor blue. How many flags

a. have red but not blue?

b. have blue but not red?
c. were inclulded in the study?
Draw your Venn diagram

4) Kroner asked 100 adults whether they had studied French, Spanish or Japanese
in school. According to the Venn diagram below, how many had studied

a. Spanish?

b. Spanish but not French?

c. Japanese but not French?

d. French and Spanish?

e. French or Spanish?

f. French and Spanish but not Japanese?

5. Coach Krutch offered to buy hot dogs for players on his team. Of the 44 players,
28 wanted ketchup, 20 wanted mustard, 14 wanted relish, 10 wanted ketchup and
mustard, 11 wanted ketchup and relish, 8 wanted mustard and relish and 6
wanted all three condiments. How many players wanted
a. Ketchup only? =
b. Mustard but not relish?=
c. Relish but not mustard?=
d. Ketchup and mustard but not relish?=
e. Relish and mustard but not ketchup?=
f. None of the three condiments?=
Draw your Venn Diagram

A = {2, 4, 6, 8 ,10}

JHU-CTY Theory of Computation (TCOM) Lancaster 2007 ~ Instructors Kayla Jacobs & Adam Groce

B = {3,5, 7, 9,11}

C = {4, 8, 12, 16, 20}

D = { a,b, c, d}

1. A U B 2. B U C 3. C U D 4. A U B U C 5. B U C U D

2. A ∩ B 2. B ∩ C 3. C ∩ D 4. A U B ∩ C 5. B ∩ C U D

3. A – B 2. B – C 3. C – D 4. A – B -C 6. B – C – D

Find the complement if U = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. 5, 6 , 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14}

4. Find the complement of A in U

5. Find the complement of B in U
6. Find the powerset P(A) if A = { 0,1}

Let A = { a,b,c}, B = { x,y,z}, C = { @, #, $} (Cartesian Products)

8. Find A x B, 8. Bx A, 9. B x C, 10. C x B

Let A = {x, y} B = {x, y, z} C = {x,y}

11. Is A a subset of B?

12. Is B a subset of A?

13. Is A a proper subset of C?

14. Is B a proper subset of C?

15. Is C proper subset of B?

JHU-CTY Theory of Computation (TCOM) Lancaster 2007 ~ Instructors Kayla Jacobs & Adam Groce

Exponential Growth

The exponential growth model 𝐴 = 30𝑒 0.02𝑡 describes the population of a city in
the Philippines in hundreds, t years after 2022.

17. What was the population of the city in 2022?

18. What will be the population in 2032?

Determine what comes next in the given pattern.

19. Ramos, Estrada, Arroyo, Aquino, Duterte, ___________

20. 1,4,9,16, 25 __________

21. Patrolman / Patrolwoman (Pat), Police Corporal (PCpl), Police Staff Sergeant
(PSSg), Police Master Sergeant (PMSg), _________, ____________, ________

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