(23279834 - HortScience) Collecting in Central Asia and The Caucasus - U.S. National Plant Germplasm System Plant Explorations Leer

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Collecting in Central Asia and the Caucasus: U.S.

National Plant Germplasm System Plant Explorations

Barbara C. Hellier1,2
USDA, ARS, Western Regional Plant Introduction Station, Washington State University,
59 Johnson Hall, Pullman, WA 99164-6402
Additional index words. plant genetic resources, Taraxacum kok-saghyz, wild crop relatives
Abstract. The USDA-ARS National Plant Germplasm System is charged with the preservation of economically
important crop plants and their wild relatives. Curators in the System strive to develop collections capturing the
genetic diversity of each species. One mechanism for filling gaps in collections is through plant exploration. The USDA-
ARS National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Plant Exchange Office administers funding and coordinates plant
explorations for the System. In the past decade, there have been 38 collecting missions in Central Asia and the Caucasus.
This area is rich in plant biodiversity and is a center of diversity for many crop species and their wild relatives. The
author has had the opportunity to participate in four explorations in the area focusing on wild crop relatives. This
included a trip to Kazakhstan targeting Russian dandelion, Taraxacum kok-saghyz L.E. Rodin, a source of natural
rubber. In this mission, a total of 22 accessions of T. kok-saghyz and six accessions of other Taraxacum species were

The USDA-ARS National Plant Germ- datum), habitat description, site directions, Ivachsenko, botanist; and Mr. Sergey Shuvalov
plasm System (NPGS) is a collection of public and accession description], herbarium voucher from the N.I. Vavilov Research Institute of
and private organizations dedicated to pre- specimens, and images of the material col- Plant Industry, Russia. Benefit sharing with
serving genetic diversity of economically im- lected and sites. The collected germplasm is Kazakhstan included participation of scien-
portant plant species. Accessions in the NPGS shared with the host country. tists from the Kazakh Scientific Production
are distributed free of charge and without re- Over the past decade, the PEO has sup- Center of Farming and Plant Growing in
strictions to researchers around the world ported 38 plant explorations to Central Asia training programs for genebank manage-
(Bretting, 2007). System curators strive to de- and the Caucasus. There are two major rea- ment and the English language organized by
velop collections that capture the genetic di- sons for the extensive activity in this region. the International Center for Agricultural Re-
versity of crop plants and their wild relatives. One reason is that with the emergence of search in the Dry Areas (Edward Garvey,
One of the basic activities of NPGS curators independent nations that split from the Soviet personal communication). Of the 40 sites
is acquisition of new material to fill gaps in Union when it dissolved in 1991, the area be- that were surveyed/explored, 22 were found
their collections, accomplished through ex- came accessible to U.S. scientists. The other, to have T. kok-saghyz. Both root pieces and
change with other genebanks or individuals or and more important, reason is that this region seed were collected. Root pieces were only
through exploration. Funding and coordina- is rich in plant biodiversity. Conservation In- collected from populations with abundant
tion of exchanges and explorations to fill gaps ternational recognizes two major biodiversity plant numbers. Collections were limited to
in the NPGS collections are provided by the hotspots (areas under threat of destruction) in plants exhibiting classical T. kok-saghyz mor-
National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Central Asia and the Caucasus. One is in the phology: gray–green leaf color, entire to un-
Plant Exchange Office (PEO) (Williams, 2005). area encompassing the Republic of Georgia, dulate leaf margins, the presence of rubber
Proposals for plant explorations are accepted Azerbaijan, and parts of Armenia. The other strings from broken root, and the presence
yearly following PEO established guidelines. is in the Pamir and Tien Shen mountains of horned bracts (Rodin, 1933), to decrease
For foreign explorations, the PEO obtains prior (Conservation International, 2007). These areas the chance of collecting hybrids (Koroleva,
informed consent from the national authority in include centers of diversity for several crop 1940). The habitat where T. kok-saghyz was
the host country and negotiates benefit sharing plants and their wild relatives: apple, pear, found was a meadow to meadow-steppe tran-
as directed by the Convention on Biological pistachio, apricot (secondary center), onion, sition zone with sandy to loam soil. These sites
Diversity. Benefit sharing is designed to sup- garlic, spinach, carrot, wheat, peas, lentils, were close to water but were not wet and were
port conservation of plant genetic resources chickpea, and flax (Zohary, 1970). PEO ex- usually heavily grazed. The presence of grazers
in the host county. plorations have targeted this diversity for col- did not seem to affect plant numbers or seedling
A typical NPGS foreign plant exploration lection and preservation (Table 1). establishment but did affect the presence of
has two U.S. scientist participants and two host A specific example of a NPGS-sponsored seed for collection!
country cooperators, usually from the country’s plant exploration in Central Asia is the 2008 The collected seed and root pieces were
plant genetic resources program. Trips are 10 mission to collect Russian dandelion, Tarax- divided between the U.S. and Russian partici-
days to 3 weeks long and all expenses are acum kok-saghyz L.E. Rodin, in Kazakhstan. pants. The cooperating institution in Kazakhstan
usually paid by the USDA-ARS. Germplasm Before the exploration, there were six acces- declined accepting the material for conser-
collections are documented with complete sions identified as T. kok-saghyz in the NPGS; vation ex situ. The U.S. portion of the seed
passport data [latitude/longitude (including four were not viable, and for two, the taxon- and root pieces was brought back to the
omy was questionable. T. kok-saghyz is of in- Western Regional Plant Introduction Station
terest to scientists in the United States and in Pullman, WA. Both were planted in the
around the world as a source of natural rubber field in Pullman for seed increase. On flower-
Received for publication 22 Mar. 2011. Accepted from a temperate plant. T. kok-saghyz is na- ing, accessions were caged with honeybees
for publication 9 June 2011. tive to southeastern Kazakhstan in the area of introduced as pollinators. The generated seed
This paper was part of the workshop ‘‘Horticultural the Kegen and Tekes rivers. This mission was was harvested and is available for distribu-
Value of Wild Genetic Resources’’ held 3 Aug. undertaken in July 2008 with two U.S. par- tion through the NPGS database, Germplasm
2010 at the ASHS Conference, Palm Desert, CA,
and sponsored by the Genetics and Germplasm
ticipants, the author and Dr. Maureen Whalen, Resources Information Network (GRIN) at
(GG) Working Group. USDA-ARS; two participants from Kazakhstan, <http://www.ars-grin/npgs>. The surviving
Horticulture crops curator. Dr. Roman Jashenko, President of Tethys plants will be used for collecting morpho-
To whom reprint requests should be addressed; Scientific Society, Institute of Zoology, logic characterization data and determining
e-mail barbara.hellier@ars.usda.gov. Almaty, Kazakhstan (organizer) and Dr Anna rubber and inulin content.


Table 1. Summary of National Plant Germplasm System supported plant explorations in Central Asia and the Caucasus from 2001 to 2010.
2001–2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Country Targeted Crop Group, Genus, or Species
Armenia Forage Food and forage Cereals, food Fruits and nutsy Forage
legumes; legumes and forage legumes;
fruits, legumes wild
nuts, and Lactuca
Azerbaijan Food and forage Woody landscape Fruits and nuts Woody Fruits and
legumes plants landscape nutsy
plants, fruits
and nuts
Kazakhstan Wheat Wheat and barley Russian
and dandelionz
Kyrgyzstan Forage and Fruits and
turfgrasses nuts
Republic of Wild Forage and food Herbaceous Fruits and nutsy Medicinal plants ;z
Woody Forage Fruits and
Georgia spinach legumes; clover; ornamentals woody landscape landscape legumes; nuts;
fruits, nuts, and plants; vegetables plants wild wheat
woody landscape Lactuca
Tajikistan Cereals, Food and forage Cereals, legumes,
forage legumes and and wild Alliumz
and food wheat
Turkmenistan Wild Melons
Uzbekistan Forages Wild garlic
and carrotz
Collection mission in which the author participated.
Explorations that visited two countries.
Source: K. Williams, Plant Exchange Office, National Germplasm Resources Laboratory.

Literature Cited Koroleva, V.A. 1940. The biological peculiarities Williams, K.A. 2005. An overview of the
of Kok-saghyz and of the non-rubber-bearing US National Plant Germplasm System’s
Bretting, P.K. 2007. The US National Plant Germ- dandelions infesting Kok-saghyz plantations. Exploration Program. HortScience 40:297–
plasm System in an era of shifting international USDA, Agriculture Research Administration, 301.
norms for germplasm exchange. Acta Hort 760: Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils and Agriculture Zohary, D. 1970. Centres of diversity and centers
50–60. Engineering Rubber Plant investigation. of origin, p. 33–42. In: Frankel, H.O. and E.
Conservation International. 2007. Center for Applied Rodin, L.E. 1933. Taxonomic description of Tar- Bennett (eds.). Genetic resources in plants:
Biodiversity Science. Biodiversity hotspots. 29 axacum kok-saghyz. US Dept. of Agr. Bureau Their exploration and conservation. FAO, In-
July 2010. <http://www.biodiversityhotspots.org/ of Plant Industry. No. 43 Emergency Rubber ternational Biological Programme, distributed
Pages/default.aspx>. Project Report. V.1. by Blackwell Scientific, Oxford.


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