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12/24/2020 Quiz : Project Resource Management: Attempt review


Dashboard / My courses / IEI4C2-TI-41-08 / Project Resource / Quiz : Project Resource Management

Started on Thursday, 24 December 2020, 3:05 PM

State Finished

Completed on Thursday, 24 December 2020, 3:19 PM

Time taken 13 mins 18 secs

Marks 15.00/15.00

Grade 10.00 out of 10.00 (100%)

Question 1


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following becomes increasingly important in a virtual team environment?

Select one:

a. Network diagramming

b. Requirements engineering

c. Communication planning 

d. Formal procurements closure

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Communication planning 1/9
12/24/2020 Quiz : Project Resource Management: Attempt review

Question 2


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Your project management team includes two external consultants each from a different company. You found that repeated
con icts between the two consultants already slow down project progress and jeopardize achievement of objectives.

Which stage of team development can be dif cult to overcome in such a situation?

Select one:

a. Panic from Enthusiasm, Panic, Hope, Solution

b. Storming from Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing 

c. Frustration from Direction, Frustration, Cooperation, Collaboration

d. Kickoff from Assignment, Kickoff, Training, Communicating

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Storming from Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing

Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Together with your project management team in a project to build a state-of-the-art power station, you want to perform active risk
acceptance in your project.

What should you do?

Select one:

a. Develop a plan to minimize impact in case that an identi ed risk oc

b. Develop a plan to minimize the probability of occurrence for identif

c. Make additional resources available to speed up the project.

d. Create contingency reserves in resources, money and time. 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Create contingency reserves in resources, money and time. 2/9
12/24/2020 Quiz : Project Resource Management: Attempt review

Question 4


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You are project manager in a global project with a team consisting of people from various countries. What can you try to prevent
misunderstandings due to cross-cultural differences?

Select one:

a. Use all communication methods available that are suitable for the team and follow up in writing when communicating 
verbally. Remember that cultural and individual diversity may help project teams solving unforeseen problems during
the course of the project.

b. When you are about to form a team for your project, keep in mind that some cultures are developed, others are more
primitive. Some have values, some not. You should consequently avoid choosing members from countries with cultures that
are not similar to your own.

c. As norms regarding communication habits differ signi cantly across various cultures, communicating between people
from different countries should only be done using written or verbal language. The nonverbal dimension simply bears too
many risks.

d. Cultural dilemmas can prevent any project from being successful. They should therefore be smoothed or suppressed so as
to make sure that they cannot disrupt project work. Your effort should concentrate on communication that can help reach
that goal.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Use all communication methods available that are suitable for the team and follow up in writing when
communicating verbally. Remember that cultural and individual diversity may help project teams solving unforeseen
problems during the course of the project.

Question 5


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which statement on con icts is true?

Select one:

a. Con ict should always be resolved in private and not in the team.

b. Con ict resolution should focus on people, not issues.

c. A project manager should resolve con icts in a timely and constructive manner. 

d. Too much openness to stakeholders is a common cause of con ict.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: A project manager should resolve con icts in a timely and constructive manner. 3/9
12/24/2020 Quiz : Project Resource Management: Attempt review

Question 6


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

In a software company a large number of simultaneously performed projects utilize the same groups of human and other
resources from a corporate resource directory.

What is the term commonly used for the resources inside the directory?

Select one:

a. Unassigned staff

b. Resource pool 

c. Project team

d. Program team

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Resource pool 4/9
12/24/2020 Quiz : Project Resource Management: Attempt review

Question 7


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What does the acronym RACI commonly stand for in project management?

Select one:

a. Randomly Accessible Cash ow Information

b. Remote, Attached, Connected, Integrated

c. Responsible, Accountable, to be Consulted, to be Informed 

d. Risk Analysis and Caution Initiative

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Responsible, Accountable, to be Consulted, to be Informed

Question 8


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You have used estimates made by your team members and applied the critical path method to compute a network logic diagram
for your project. Then you found out that it cannot be suf ciently optimized for scarce resources and fast progress towards a given
deadline. What should you do next?

Select one:

a. Reduce estimates on duration and work efforts by an adequate percentage.

b. Remove physical ánd legal constraints and replace hard logic with soft logic.

c. Search for opportunities to compress the schedule without jeopardizing the project. 

d. Apply resource leveling and smoothing heuristics to uncritical activities only.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Search for opportunities to compress the schedule without jeopardizing the project. 5/9
12/24/2020 Quiz : Project Resource Management: Attempt review

Question 9


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following is generally not regarded to be a motivator according to Frederick Herzberg?

Select one:

Interest in the task

b. Responsibility for enlarged task

c. Recognition for achievement

d. Working conditions and interpersonal relations 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Working conditions and interpersonal relations

Question 10


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What is true for modern project management? Project managers need...

Select one:

a. ... to have a strict standing in negotiating

b. ... to be team players and facilitators instead of "bosses" 

c. ... to be strongly linked to local traditions

d. ... to show experience in tricking business partners

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: ... to be team players and facilitators instead of "bosses" 6/9
12/24/2020 Quiz : Project Resource Management: Attempt review

Question 11


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

An output of the process Estimate activity resources is the documentation of "resource requirements". It identi es the types and
quantities of resources... 

Select one:

a. ...while the term resources is limited to human resources.

b. ...while the term resources is limited to equipment and materials.

c. ...required to perform each activity or work package. 

d. be obtained solely from inside the performing organization.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: ...required to perform each activity or work package.

Question 12


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A project manager is approached by a team of software programmers who work for her project.

The team requests a certain person to be released from other work to enhance the team with speci c technical skills and enhance
its productivity. The team also offers to introduce the person to the progress of development achieved so far and to the tasks that
the person should take over in order to get the project work done.

Which management principle is applied by the project manager and the team?

Select one:

a. Norming teams

b. Micro-managed teams

c. Self-organizing teams 

d. Competing teams

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Self-organizing teams 7/9
12/24/2020 Quiz : Project Resource Management: Attempt review

Question 13


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A project manager ensures that a team of development engineers is freed from operational tasks, so that the team members can
focus on self-organization and on getting the project work done. The person listens to the team’s concerns and removes obstacles
and impediments whenever they occur. What is the best description for the leadership style of the project manager? 

Select one:

a. Servant leadership 

b. Autocratic leadership

c. Responsible leadership

d. Benevolent leadership

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Servant leadership

Question 14


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

All the following are forms of power drived from the project manager's position except:

Select one:

a. Formal

b. Reward

c. Penalty

d. Expert 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Expert 8/9
12/24/2020 Quiz : Project Resource Management: Attempt review

Question 15


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The highest point of Maslow's hierarchy of need is:

Select one:

a. Esteem 

b. Physiological satisfaction

c. Attainment of survival

d. Need for assoiation

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Esteem

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12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Stakeholder Management: Attempt review


Dashboard / My courses / IEI4C2-TI-41-08 / Project Stakeholder / Quiz: Project Stakeholder Management

Started on Thursday, 24 December 2020, 3:09 PM

State Finished

Completed on Thursday, 24 December 2020, 3:24 PM

Time taken 15 mins 2 secs

Marks 15.00/15.00

Grade 10.00 out of 10.00 (100%)

Question 1


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

As project manager, you are unable to allocate as much time as you would like to interact with your stakeholders. Which of the
following stakeholders will you make it a priority to get to know ?

Select one:

a. The project sponsor, with whom you have successfully worked on many projects.

b. The stakeholder who is an expert on the product of the project, but is not interested in implementing it in his department.

c. The department employee who is unfamiliar with the product of the project, but open to the positive impacts he belives
the product will have on his work environment.

d. The manager of the department that will use the product of the project, who is known to be resistant to change. 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: The manager of the department that will use the product of the project, who is known to be resistant to
change. 1/8
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Stakeholder Management: Attempt review

Question 2


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

In an effort to identify stakeholders who may be affected by your project, you’re looking over the organizational structure of your
client’s company. As you identify stakeholders on the organizational chart, you request meetings with each stakeholder. You’ll
document the information you learn about each stakeholder in the stakeholder register can then be used as an input to which of
the following processes ?

Select one:

a. Plan Quality Management and Manage Quality.

b. Plan Risk Management and Collect Requirements. 

c. Perfom Integrated Change Control and Plan Communications Management.

d. Identify Risks and Develop Porject Charter.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Plan Risk Management and Collect Requirements.

Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The project manager is trying to recall a stakeholder’s preferred communication method. Where can she nd that information ?

Select one:

a. RACI chart.

b. Stakeholder engagement plan. 

c. Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix.

d. Resource management plan.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Stakeholder engagement plan. 2/8
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Stakeholder Management: Attempt review

Question 4


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You are working on a project that requires the use of a stakeholder engagement assessment matrix. This tool can be used to
identify :

Select one:

a. Skill levels of stakeholders.

b. Variances from anticipated stakeholder involvement. 

c. Key relationships between stakeholders.

d. Additional stakeholders.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Variances from anticipated stakeholder involvement.

Question 5


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You have been tentatively assigned to a project that has not yet recived nal approval. Several stakeholders who will likely be
involved or impacted by the project have already been identi ed. Stakeholders can be identi ed during which project
management process groups ?

Select one:

a. Monitoring and controlling and closing.

b. Planning and monitoring and controlling.

c. Initiating, planning, executing, and monitoring, and controlling. 

d. Initiating and planning.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Initiating, planning, executing, and monitoring, and controlling. 3/8
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Stakeholder Management: Attempt review

Question 6


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A project manager wants to more extensively involve the stakeholders on the project. The project team is colocated, so face-to-
face communication with these stakeholders is usually possible, although not all external stakeholders are available to meet in
person. Which of the following would be the best way for the project manager to involve the stakeholders more extensively ?

Select one:

a. Have the stakeholders periodically review the list of project requirements. 

b. Update the stakeholders on the status of all project changes.

c. Send status reports to the stakeholders.

d. Invite the stakeholders to attend project status meetings.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Have the stakeholders periodically review the list of project requirements.

Question 7


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You know that some groups within your organization are going to provide input to requirements that may impact your ability to
develop a realistic schedule. Managing stakeholder expectations is always important, but achieving stakeholder statisfaction will
be more critical with some groups than with others. All the following are parts of the team’s stakeholder management effort
except :

Select one:

a. Determining stakeholders’ needs.

b. Identifying stakeholders.

c. 
Giving stakholders added value.

d. Managing stakeholders’ expectations.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is:

Giving stakholders added value. 4/8
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Stakeholder Management: Attempt review

Question 8


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The team is working on the development of a new product that is designed to appeal to individuals of all ages throughout the
world. Because of the diversity of the stakeholder base, the team has decided to group stakeholders by category, in order to plan
effective stakeholder engagement strategies. Which of the following tools will be most bene cial in this effort ?

Select one:

a. Power/interest grid, stakeholder cube, salience model. 

b. Resource breakdown structure, prioritization, multicriteria decision analysis.

c. Bene ts managemengt plan, focus group, power/interest grid.

d. Salience model, traceability matrix, prioritization.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Power/interest grid, stakeholder cube, salience model.

Question 9


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The project has been going well, except for the number of changes being made. The product of the project is being installed into
seven different departements within the company and will greatly improve departmental performance when operational. The team
has selected the appropriate processes for use on the project. The project manager is a technical expert and has been trained in
communications and managing people. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the project changes ?

Select one:

a. The project should have use more of the project management processes.

b. Some stakeholder were not identi ed. 

c. The project should have more management oversight since it will result in such great bene ts to the company.

d. The project manager was not trained in understanding the company environment.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Some stakeholder were not identi ed. 5/8
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Stakeholder Management: Attempt review

Question 10


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following statements best describes how stakeholder are involved on a project ?

Select one:

a. They approve the project charter, help provide assumptions, and create management plans.

b. They help to determine the project constrains and product deliverables. 

c. They help to determine the resource needs and resource constrains on the project.

d. They help to determine the project schedule, deliverables, and requirement.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: They help to determine the project constrains and product deliverables.

Question 11


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The degree to which a particular stakeholder may be able to positively or negatively affect a project is their :

Select one:

a. Level of interest.

b. Level of engagement.

c. Level of in uence. 

d. Level of commitment.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Level of in uence. 6/8
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Stakeholder Management: Attempt review

Question 12


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A stakeholder's belief about or mental picture of the future is a(n) ?

Select one:

a. Requirement.

b. Heuristic.

c. Expectation. 

d. Constraint.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Expectation.

Question 13


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The key objective of stakeholder management is :

Select one:

a. Communication.

b. Relationships.

c. Statisfaction. 

d. Coordination.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Statisfaction. 7/8
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Stakeholder Management: Attempt review

Question 14


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You are planning a project to develop a website for a large medical center. The site will be used by patients, medical professionals,
support staff, and insurance company representatives. Which tools will best help you determine the current attitudes of
stakeholder toward the project and the level of engagement you will need from each of these groups ?

Select one:

a. Assumption and constraint analysis.

b. Trend analysis and requirement traceability matrix.

c. Stakeholder register and stakeholder engagement assessment matrix. 

d. Data analysis and resource management plan.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Stakeholder register and stakeholder engagement assessment matrix.

Question 15


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You are managing project to update an existing payroll application. You have identi ed and analyzed your stakeholder and taken
measures to ensure positive stakeholder engagement and to ensure that requirements will meet project objectives. The
stakeholder register has been an important part of much of this effort. What is a stakeholder register ?

Select one:

a. A process of systematically gathering and analyzing quantitative and qualitative information to determine whose interest
must be taken into account throughout the project.

b. An approach to increase the support and minimize negative impact of stakeholders.

c. A project document containing assessment and classi cation  information regarding identi ed stakeholders. 

d. A table that links requirements to project objective.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: A project document containing assessment and classi cation  information regarding identi ed

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12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Communication Management: Attempt review


Dashboard / My courses / IEI4C2-TI-41-08 / Project Communication / Quiz: Project Communication Management

Started on Thursday, 24 December 2020, 3:09 PM

State Finished

Completed on Thursday, 24 December 2020, 3:22 PM

Time taken 12 mins 22 secs

Marks 15.00/15.00

Grade 10.00 out of 10.00 (100%)

Question 1


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A team member is showing up late to work and leaving early, and it is affecting the project. The project manager decides that the
team member must be reprimanded. Which of the following is the BEST way to handle this situation?

Select one:

a. At the next team meeting

b. In a private meeting with the team member and his functional manager

c. In a one-on-one meeting with the team member 

d. Over e-mail

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: In a one-on-one meeting with the team member 1/8
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Communication Management: Attempt review

Question 2


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You are working as procurement manager to a big MNC and are responsible for managing complex procurement contracts. In
this context, which of the following is the most effective means of handling complex communications?

Select one:

a. Informal written

b. Formal oral

c. Formal written 

d. Informal oral

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Formal written

Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A project manager is reporting the nal status of the closed contract to the stakeholders. Which form of communication is

Select one:

a. Informal written

b. Informal verbal

c. Formal verbal

d. Formal written 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Formal written 2/8
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Communication Management: Attempt review

Question 4


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You work for a consulting company and your team has implemented an approved scope change on your project. You need to
inform your client that the change has been made. What’s the best form of communication to use for this?

Select one:

a. Informal verbal

b. Informal written

c. Formal written 

d. Formal verbal

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Formal written

Question 5


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

In which plan do you de ne the processes that will be used to keep people informed throughout the project?

Select one:

a. Staf ng Management Plan

b. Schedule Management Plan

c. Communications Management Plan 

d. Project Management Plan

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Communications Management Plan 3/8
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Communication Management: Attempt review

Question 6


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You are managing a critical project with virtual teams located in eight countries. At times, team members nd it dif cult to
understand and interpret what others are communicating via tele-conferencing. From a communication management point of
view, this dif culty in transmitting and understanding messages can also be referred to as:

Select one:

a. Interference

b. Noise 

c. Breakdown in encode-decode model

d. Disturbance

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Noise

Question 7


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following is NOT a type of communication?

Select one:

a. Formal Written

b. Nonverbal

c. Noise 

d. Paralingual

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Noise 4/8
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Communication Management: Attempt review

Question 8


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You are managing a project where you work with 7 other team members and two sponsors. How many lines of communications
are there between stakeholders on this project?

Select one:

a. 21

b. 54

c. 45 

d. 36

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: 45

Question 9


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following becomes increasingly important in a virtual team environment?

Select one:

a. Network diagramming

b. Communication planning 

c. Formal procurements closure

d. Requirements engineering

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Communication planning 5/8
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Communication Management: Attempt review

Question 10


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Formal written correspondence with customer is required when :

Select one:

a. Defects are detected.

b. The customer requests additional work not covered under contract. 

c. The project has schedule slippage that includes changes to the critical path.

d. The project has cost overruns.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: The customer requests additional work not covered under contract.

Question 11


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Communication is key to the success of a project. As the project manager, you had three stakeholders with whom you needed to
communicate. Therefore, you had six channels of communication. A new stakeholder has been added with whom you also need
to communicate. How many communication channels do you have now ?

Select one:

a. 10 

b. 12

c. 7

d. 16

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: 10 6/8
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Communication Management: Attempt review

Question 12


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Extensive use of _________ communication is most likely to aid in solving complex problems.

Select one:

a. Nonverbal

b. Formal written 

c. Formal verbal.

d. Informal written

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Formal written

Question 13


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A team member is visiting the manufacturing plan of one the suppliers. Which of the following is the most important thing to be
done in any telephone calls the project manager might make to the team member ?

Select one:

a. Review the list of contract information for all stakeholders.

b. Review the upcoming meeting schedule.

c. Ask the team member to repeat back what the project manager says. 

d. Ask the team member to look for change request.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Ask the team member to repeat back what the project manager says. 7/8
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Communication Management: Attempt review

Question 14


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You have just been assigned as project manager for a large manufacturing project. This one-year project is about halfway done. It
involves ve different sellers and 20 member of your company on project team. You want to quickly review where the project now
stands. Which of the following reports would be the most helpful in nding such information ?

Select one:

a. Forecast.

b. Communications.

c. Work status.

d. Progress. 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Progress.

Question 15


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Two people are arguing about what needs to be done to complete a work package. In addition to the word being spoken, if the
project manager wants to know what is going on, she should pay most attention to :

Select one:

a. Physical mannerisms and when during the schedule this discussion is taking place.

b. What is being said, who is saying it, and the time of day.

c. The pitch and tone of their voices, along with their gestures. 

d. What is being said and when.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: The pitch and tone of their voices, along with their gestures.

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12/7/2020 Quiz: Project Quality Management: Attempt review


Dashboard / My courses / IEI4C2-TI-41-08 / Project Quality / Quiz: Project Quality Management

Started on Monday, 7 December 2020, 8:59 AM

State Finished

Completed on Monday, 7 December 2020, 9:10 AM

Time taken 11 mins 19 secs

Marks 15.00/15.00

Grade 10.00 out of 10.00 (100%)

Question 1


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A company uses a management technique that employs quality assurance techniques to continuously improve all processes.
This is called:

Select one:

Ishikawa Diagrams

Just In Time Management

Kaizen 


Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Kaizen 1/8
12/7/2020 Quiz: Project Quality Management: Attempt review

Question 2


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Customer satisfaction should be measured at the end of the project to maintain long-term relationships. Which of the following
is NOT always an aspect of customer satisfaction?

Select one:

The product is high quality

The product meets its stated and unstated requirements

The customer’s needs are met

The project is pro table 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: The project is pro table

Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You’re managing a construction project to install several hundred air conditioner panels in a new of ce building. Every oor has
identical panels. The customer, a construction contracting company, has provided speci cations for the installations. The team
is using a process to install and verify each panel. As the team completes each panel, your team’s quality control inspector
measures it and identi es defects. The root cause of each defect is identi ed. You want to identify the ongoing trends of
defective installations. Which is the BEST tool to use for this?

Select one:

Fishbone diagram

Pareto chart

Run chart 

Control chart

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Run chart 2/8
12/7/2020 Quiz: Project Quality Management: Attempt review

Question 4


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

When you look at a control chart that measures defects in the product produced by your project, you nd that seven values are
showing up below the mean on the chart. What should you do?

Select one:

a. This means that the mean is too high.

b. Look into the process that is being measured. There’s probably a problem there. 

c. Ignore the anomaly. This is the rule of seven, so statistically the data doesn’t matter.

d. You should adjust your lower control limit – the values indicate a problem with where the limits have been set.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Look into the process that is being measured. There’s probably a problem there.

Question 5


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

At the close of your project, you measure the customer satisfaction and nd that some customer needs were not fully met. Your
supervisor asks you what steps you took on your project to improve customer satisfaction. Which subsidiary plan would you
consult to determine this information?

Select one:

a. Staf ng management plan

b. Quality management plan 

c. Risk management plan

d. Communications management plan

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Quality management plan 3/8
12/7/2020 Quiz: Project Quality Management: Attempt review

Question 6


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You’re managing a construction project to install several hundred air conditioner panels in a new of ce building. Every oor has
identical panels. The customer, a construction contracting company, has provided speci cations for the installations. The team
is using a process to install and verify each panel. As the team completes each panel, your team’s quality control inspector
measures it and adds a data point to a control chart. You examine the control chart and discover that the process is out of
control. Which of the following BEST describes what you found on the control chart?

Select one:

a. At least two consecutive measurements are either above or below the mean but within the control limits

b. At least one point is outside of the control limits 

c. At least one point is above or below the mean

d. At least seven measurements are within the control limits

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: At least one point is outside of the control limits

Question 7


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which is the BEST de nition of quality?

Select one:

a. A product that satis es the requirements of the people who pay for it. 

b. A product made of very expensive materials.

c. A product made with a lot of care by the team who built it.

d. A product that passes all of its tests.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: A product that satis es the requirements of the people who pay for it. 4/8
12/7/2020 Quiz: Project Quality Management: Attempt review

Question 8


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following helps you identify the root cause of 80% of the defects in your project using the 80/20 rule?

Select one:

a. Cause-and-effect diagram

b. Pareto chart 

c. Scatter chart

d. Control chart

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Pareto chart

Question 9


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Complete the following sentence: “The later a defect is found,……………..”

Select one:

a. The more expensive it is to repair 

b. The faster it is to repair

c. The easier it is to nd

d. The less important it is to the product

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: The more expensive it is to repair 5/8
12/7/2020 Quiz: Project Quality Management: Attempt review

Question 10


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which is NOT an example of cost of quality?

Select one:

a. The costs of training your team on techniques that will help them avoid defects.

b. The cost of reviewing documents used to produce your product to be sure that they do not have defects.

c. The cost of contracting another company to build part of the product. 

d. The cost of inspecting your product to be sure that it meets requirements.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: The cost of contracting another company to build part of the product.

Question 11


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You are using a Pareto chart to examine the defects that have been found during an inspection of your product. Which process
are you performing?

Select one:

a. Control Quality 

b. Manage Quality

c. Validate Scope

d. Quality Planning

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Control Quality 6/8
12/7/2020 Quiz: Project Quality Management: Attempt review

Question 12


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

When a product or service completely meets a customer's requirements :  

Select one:

a. The cost of quality is low.

b. The customer pays the minimum price.

c. The cost of quality is high.

d. Quality is archieved. 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Quality is archieved.

Question 13


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A project has face major dif culties in the quality of its deliverables. Management now states that quality is the most important
project constraint. If another problem with quality were to occur, what would be the best thing for the project manager to do ?

Select one:

a. Allow risk to increase by cutting cost.

b. Fix the problem as soon as possible.

c. Allow the schedule to slip by cutting cost.

d. Allow cost to increase by xing the root cause of the problem. 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Allow cost to increase by xing the root cause of the problem. 7/8
12/7/2020 Quiz: Project Quality Management: Attempt review

Question 14


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

All the following result from quality audits except :

Select one:

a. Creation of quality metrics. 

b. Improved processes to increase productivity.

c. Determination of wether project activities comply with organizational policies.

d. Con rmation of the implementation of approved change request.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Creation of quality metrics.

Question 15


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

During a team meeting, the team adds a speci c area of extra work to the project because they have determined it would bene t
the customer. What is wrong in this situation ?

Select one:

a. Nothing. This is how to meet and exceed customer expectations.

b. Nothing. The project manager is in control of the situation.

c. The team is not following the project management plan. 

d. These efforts shouldn't be done in meetings.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: The team is not following the project management plan.

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12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Risk Management: Attempt review


Dashboard / My courses / IEI4C2-TI-41-08 / Project Risk / Quiz: Project Risk Management

Started on Thursday, 24 December 2020, 3:09 PM

State Finished

Completed on Thursday, 24 December 2020, 3:21 PM

Time taken 12 mins 2 secs

Marks 15.00/15.00

Grade 10.00 out of 10.00 (100%)

Question 1


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You have identi ed an opportunity to potentially increase the project’s value. Which of the following is an example of enhancing
that opportunity?

Select one:

a. By documenting the opportunity in the register, you can keep track of it and ensure it gets exploited

b. By taking out insurance, you can reduce potential costs to the project

c. By forming a partnership with another company, the project’s value will increase for both companies

d. By taking additional actions, you increase the potential reward without reducing its probability 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: By taking additional actions, you increase the potential reward without reducing its probability 1/10
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Risk Management: Attempt review

Question 2


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The project manager for a construction project discovers that the local city council will vote on a zoning change that would open
up a new neighborhood to commercial building. She contacts other construction companies in the area that would bene t from
the change to ask them to attend the council meeting in order to convince the city council to vote for the change. A “Yes” vote will
bene t all of the companies. This is an example of which risk response strategy?

Select one:

a. Share 

b. Enhance

c. Exploit

d. Mitigate

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Share

Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A project manager uses a facilitator to gather opinions from experts anonymously. What tool or technique of Risk Identi cation is
being performed?

Select one:

a. Brainstorming

b. Delphi Technique 

c. Interviews

d. SWOT Analysis

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Delphi Technique 2/10
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Risk Management: Attempt review

Question 4


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

At the close of your project, you measure the customer satisfaction and nd that some customer needs were not fully met. Your
supervisor asks you what steps you took on your project to improve customer satisfaction. Which subsidiary plan would you
consult to determine this information?

Select one:

a. Staf ng management plan

b. Quality management plan 

c. Communication management plan

d. Risk management plan

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Quality management plan

Question 5


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You are managing a software engineering project, when two team members come to you with a con ict. The lead developer has
identi ed an important project risk: you have a subcontractor that may not deliver on time. Another developer doesn’t believe that
the risk is likely to happen; however, you consult the lessons learned from previous projects and discover that subcontractors
failed to deliver their work on two previous projects. You decide that the risk is too big; you terminate the contract with the
subcontractor, and instead hire additional developers to build the component. Both team members agree that this has eliminated
the risk. Which of the following BEST describes this scenario?

Select one:

a. Mitigate

b. Accept

c. Transfer

d. Avoid 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Avoid 3/10
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Risk Management: Attempt review

Question 6


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You are managing a software engineering project, when two team members come to you with a con ict. The lead developer has
identi ed an important project risk: you have a subcontractor that may not deliver on time. Another developer doesn’t believe that
the risk is likely to happen; however, you consult the lessons learned from previous projects and discover that subcontractors
failed to deliver their work on two previous projects. The lead developer suggests that you have two team members take three
weeks to research the component being built by the subcontractor, and come up some initial work that you can fall back on in
case that subcontractor does not deliver. You decide to follow the lead developer’s advice over the objections of the other team
member. Which of the following BEST describes this scenario?

Select one:

a. Tranfer

b. Avoid

c. Mitigate 

d. Accept

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Mitigate

Question 7


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What is a risk owner?

Select one:

a. The person who is responsible for the response plan for the risk. 

b. The person who monitors the watch list that contains the risk.

c. The person who makes a risk happens.

d. The person who meets with stakeholders to explain the risk.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: The person who is responsible for the response plan for the risk. 4/10
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Risk Management: Attempt review

Question 8


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You decide to monitor the risk from time to time to be sure that it continues to have a low probability and impact. Where do you
record the risk so that you don’t lose track of it?

Select one:

a. In a trigger

b. In the Probability and Impact Matrix

c. In the Monte Carlo analysis report

d. On a watch list 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: On a watch list

Question 9


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which risk analysis tool is used to model your risks on a computer to show random probabilities?

Select one:

a. EMV analysis

b. Delphi technique

c. Monte Carlo analysis 

d. Computerized risk audit

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Monte Carlo analysis 5/10
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Risk Management: Attempt review

Question 10


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Your company has bagged a number of government contracts dealing with setting up infrastructure.This includes setting up
roads and bridges.This is a very big and prestigious project so your company would like to ensure everything is planned well in
advance.You are the project manager of this project.Considering its importance – you and your team come up with a list of
risks.One of the subject matter experts indicates that during the months of July and August the construction work of the bridge
across the river would need to stop on account of past history of ooding of the river.You agree with the expert and plan the
schedule accordingly.What strategy did you just apply ?

Select one:

a. Transfer

b. Exploit

c. Mitigate

d. Accept 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Accept

Question 11


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Your team has identi ed a risk with some of the chemicals you are using on your highway construction project. It is really dif cult
to mix them just right and, based on past projects, you’ve gured out that there’s a high probability that about 14% of the
chemical supply will be lost in mixing problems. You decide to buy an extra 15% of the chemicals up front so that you will be
prepared for those losses and your project won’t be delayed. Which response strategy are you using?

Select one:

a. Accept

b. Transfer

c. Mitigate 

d. Avoid

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Mitigate 6/10
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Risk Management: Attempt review

Question 12


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

While identifying risks for a new construction project, you discover that a chemical you are using on your building cannot be
applied in rainy conditions. You also learn that your project will be ready for the chemical application around the time when most
of the rainfall happens in this part of the country. Since the project can’t be delayed until after the rainy season and you need to
make sure the building gets the chemical coating, you decide that your team will just have to work around the rain. This is an
example of which strategy?

Select one:

a. Avoid

b. Mitigate

c. Transfer

d. Accept 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Accept

Question 13


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

As you are executing your project you are constantly checking your risk register to be sure that you have planned responses for all
of your risks. At one team status meeting, you nd that a lower priority risk has suddenly become more likely. Where do you keep
information about low priority risks?

Select one:

a. Qualitative analysis documents

b. The watch list 

c. Risk Management Plan

d. Triggers

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: The watch list 7/10
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Risk Management: Attempt review

Question 14


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following risk events is most likely to interfere with attaining a project's schedule objective ?

Select one:

a. Slippage of the planned post-implementation review meeting.

b. Contract disputes that generate claims for increased payments.

c. Substantial increases in the cost of purchased materials.

d. Delays in obtaining required approvals. 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Delays in obtaining required approvals.

Question 15


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Workarounds are determined during which risk management process ?

Select one:

a. Monitor Risks. 

b. Plan Risk Responses.

c. Perfom Quantitative Risk Analysis.

d. Identify Risks.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Monitor Risks. 8/10
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Risk Management: Attempt review 9/10
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Risk Management: Attempt review

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12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Procurement Management: Attempt review


Dashboard / My courses / IEI4C2-TI-41-08 / Project Procurement / Quiz: Project Procurement Management

Started on Thursday, 24 December 2020, 3:09 PM

State Finished

Completed on Thursday, 24 December 2020, 3:28 PM

Time taken 18 mins 18 secs

Marks 15.00/15.00

Grade 10.00 out of 10.00 (100%)

Question 1


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Pratami is a project manager for a software company. She is contracting a long-term software project with an external company.
That company charges her $25/hour per employee and $3250 overhead per month. What kind of contract is he using?

Select one:

a. CR

b. FP

c. T&M 


Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: T&M 1/9
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Procurement Management: Attempt review

Question 2


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You’re using a quali ed seller list. Which process are you in?

Select one:

a. Plan Contracting

b. Plan Procurements

c. Conduct Procurements 

d. Request Seller Responses

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Conduct Procurements

Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You’ve been contracted by a construction company to manage their contracting. They have a choice of either buying an excavator
or renting it. To buy it, the company would have to pay $105,000, but owning it will require approximately $10,000 in maintenance
costs per year. The price to rent the excavator is$5,000 per month, with a one-time service charge of $2,000. What’s the minimum
number of months the company needs to use the excavator in order for it to make sense to buy it rather than rent?

Select one:

a. 16 months

b. 21 months

c. 25 months 

d. 8 months

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: 25 months 2/9
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Procurement Management: Attempt review

Question 4


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following contracts has the MOST risk for the buyer?

Select one:

a. T&M

b. CPAF 


d. FP

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: CPAF

Question 5


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You’re managing a project that is dif cult to estimate, so you don’t have a good idea of when the project will end. Which of the
following contracts is BEST?

Select one:

a. FP

b. CPIF 

c. Purchase order

d. T&M

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: CPIF 3/9
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Procurement Management: Attempt review

Question 6


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Once signed, a contract is legally binding unless:

Select one:

a. it is in violation of applicable law 

b. One party is unable to perform

c. it is declared null and void by either party's legal counsel

d. One party is unable to nance its part of the work

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: it is in violation of applicable law

Question 7


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

With a clear procurement statement of work, a seller completes work as speci ed, but the buyer is not pleased with the result. The
contract is considered to be:

Select one:

a. Incomplete

b. Complete 

c. Null and void

d. Waived

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Complete 4/9
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Procurement Management: Attempt review

Question 8


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A Project Manager is in the middle of creating a request for proposal (RFP). What part of the procureent process ih he in?

Select one:

a. Conduct Procurement

b. Make-or-buy Analysis

c. Administer Procurement

d. Plan Procurement Management 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Plan Procurement Management

Question 9


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which the following is the best thing for a project manager to do in the Conduct Procurement process?

Select one:

a. Evaluate Risk

b. Perform market research

c. Select a contract type

d. Answer seller's wuestions about the procurement documents 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Answer seller's wuestions about the procurement documents 5/9
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Procurement Management: Attempt review

Question 10


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A project management team has identi ed a large number of sellers who seem capable to be taken as contractors into the project
supply network and allocated to work items.

What should be the next step for the team?

Select one:

a. Sign contracts with the sellers.

b. Invite the sellers to contract negotiations.

c. Develop a short list of quali ed sellers. 

d. Conduct a technical evaluation of proposals.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Develop a short list of quali ed sellers.

Question 11


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A prime contractor in a customer project under CPFF contract has run into unexpected technical problems through no fault of
their own. Fixing these problems will require a lot of additional work to be done. 

The company made a decision to book more staff and equipment from their subcontractors in order to increase productivity and
adhere to the agreed timeline. The overhead work for the project is reimbursed by the customer with the xed fee and will remain
unchanged. The customer agreed to this decision. 

What will most likely happen?

Select one:

a. The contractor‘s indirect costs will increase, but the customer‘s payment for them will not increase.

b. The contractor‘s indirect costs will increase and the customer‘s payment for them will increase, too

c. The contractor‘s indirect costs will not increase, but the customer‘s payment for them will

d. Both the contractor's indirect costs and the customer‘s payment for them will not increase 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Both the contractor's indirect costs and the customer‘s payment for them will not increase 6/9
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Procurement Management: Attempt review

Question 12


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

You are managing a project for a customer based on a cost-reimbursable target cost contract with the following terms:

Target costs:   $1,000,000

Fixed fee: $ 100,000

Bene t/cost sharing: 80% / 20%

Price ceiling: $1,200,000

Which is the PTA (= point of total assumption, break point) of the project?

Select one:

a. $1,500,000

b. $80,000

c. $1,300,000

d. $1,125,000 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: $1,125,000

Question 13


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

As part of closing a cost-reimbursable contract on a project, what ust the buyer remember to do?

Select one:

a. Make sure the seller is not adding resource

b. Decrease the risk rating of the project

c. Evaluate the fee she is paying

d. Audit seller's cot submittals 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Audit seller's cot submittals 7/9
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Procurement Management: Attempt review

Question 14


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

All the following statements about change control are inccorect except :

Select one:

a. A xed-price contract will minimize the need for change control.

b. Contracts should include procedures to accommondate changes. 

c. More detailed speci cations eliminate the causes of changes.

d. Changes sheldom provide real bene ts to the project.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Contracts should include procedures to accommondate changes.

Question 15


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

With Which type of contract is the seller most concerned about project scope ?

Select one:

a. Time and material.

b. Fixed-price. 

c. Purchase order.

d. Cost plus xed fee.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Fixed-price. 8/9
12/24/2020 Quiz: Project Procurement Management: Attempt review

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