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The Philippines and United States of America are allies by the reason of US imperialism

which could be seen in our history-the Philippines was colonized by the United States of
America and eventually declared independence in 1946 after the liberation of the Japanese
colonization. Furthermore, approving Mutual Defense treaty that primarily focuses on United
States of America protecting the Philippines. Thus, stating on Article II of the agreement that,
“In order more effectively to achieve the objective of this treaty, the parties separately and jointly
by self-help and mutual aid will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to
resist armed attack”. What this Article II means? It means that by jointly and separately the
United States will help in resisting an armed attack specifically in the dispute in the West
Philippine Sea primarily because we this is ratified between the Philippines and United States.
However, Duterte made a clear decision that the Philippines would be leaning towards China,
our new foreign policy. Furthermore, ties with the United States are growing more heat by the
decisions of Duterte on having a thought of allies-friends with China in order not to be “bloody”
through West Philippine Sea thus, we could not afford to go to war. However, I personally
believe that we should exercise our sovereignty over our foreign policy; given the example of
China-things are messy, although the foreign policy of Philippines is leaning towards China, we
could not still grasp the sovereignty of the West Philippine Sea thus, having illegal immigrants-
workers that resides inside Metro Manila, it is also disheartening to say that before the breakout
of the pandemic, the government did not use any means to suppress Covid-19 thus did not took
action in closing borders; because it is inhumane said by the Duterte Administration. Another
example is that in 1946, where Mutual Defense treaty has been made between the Philippines
and United States after the independence; we had different struggles in our sovereignty because
of their military base in Clark Airfield which is prominent in having struggles on power and
authority (sovereignty). However, on the other hand as a member of the United Nations we
should strengthen and gain trust of the members of UN and the same time our neighboring
countries in Asia. Thus, strengthening diplomatic relations specifically in United States.
Furthermore, I also believe that we could not forever rely on these powerful or hegemonic states
to further protect us to the imminent threat and should focus more on the primarily reason or the
fundamental task of the military-to protect the state.

 Bandow, D. (2021). The Philippines: America’s Perpetually Useless Ally.

Retrieved from
 Mutual defense treaty between the Republic of the Philippines and the United States of
America, August 30, 1951: Govph. Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines.
(1951, August 30) Retrieved from

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