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Sample Question Paper 2018-19

Class – VII

Time allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

General Instructions:
I. The question paper is divided into three sections :

SECTION A : Reading 20 MARKS

SECTION B : Writing and Grammar 30 MARKS
SECTION C : Literature 30 MARKS
II. All questions are compulsory.
III. You may attempt any section at a time.
IV. All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

(Reading) [20 Marks]

Q1. Read the following passage and answer the questions: - (5)

When I was a school boy, I loved to search through the leaves of bushes in the school garden. I would
look for male spiders and catch them. I would make two male spiders fight with each other on the
cover of the matchbox or flatten. Nowadays, spiders are still commonly seen in our homes and parks.
You might find one in your bathroom or in a dark corner of your room. Do you feel frightened when
a spider crawls up your body? Some people don’t. They even keep spiders as pets. However, there are
some spiders which are dangerous to humans. One such spider is the black widow spider. However,
this spider bites only in self-defence. Spiders trap their prey by spinning a web. The thread which the
spider spins is one of the longest in the world and quite difficult to break.

a) Where did the write catch spiders?

b) Where are you likely to find spiders in your homes?
c) Complete the sentence: Spider uses its web for ……………………..
d) Which spider is dangerous to humans?
e) Find a word in the passage which is the opposite of ‘easy’.

Q2. Read the passage and answer the questions given below: - (2×5) = 10

A. Bananas are most popular fruit in the world. The banana is in fact, not a tree but a high herb that
grows up to 15 metres. Every part of the banana tree is used. The raw banana is cooked and eaten.

Biology 1
The ripe fruit is nutritious and juicy. The stem too is cut and cooked as is the flower. The fibre of
the tree is found to be useful as string. The leaves are used as plates and are even folded into cups.
From the point of nutrition, the banana is rich in fibre and potassium. With an abundance of vitamins
and minerals, the banana is a healthy part of the diet.

a) How is raw banana used?

b) Which part of the banana tree is useful as string?
c) Complete the sentence: The raw banana …………….”
d) Why is banana known as healthy part of any diet?
e) Find a word in the passage which means ‘a lot of’.

B. Girls are needed to be more careful .The crime rate is increasing along with the technology. As our
Father of nation told, we will get our real freedom when a girl can go alone at night .These seems
to be impossible at the present stage .But as we know, nothing is impossible .We can secure our
nations girl child. Not all boys are bad, there are only some who do bad things. Every girl must be
aware of threat and take good care regarding protection of oneself. They should be trained in self-
defence traits like karate, kickboxing, taekwondo, etc. They can keep pepper spray for any
emergency conditions. If every men treat women as their sister, this crime would go vanished. We
can educate in schools about respecting girls. There are many such problems which are yet to be

a) What is the real freedom according to Mahatma Gandhi?

b) What would be the title of the above extract?
c) Pick the word from the passage which means “disappeared”.
d) When will the crime get vanish as per the passage?
e) As per the passage, what are the martial arts women can learn?

Q3. Read the passage and answer the questions given below: - (5)
Born today I Rabindranath Tagore complete eighty years of my life .As I look back on the vast stretch
of years that lie behind me and see in clear perspective the history of my early development, I am
struck by the change that has taken place both in my own attitude and in the psychology of my
countrymen -- a change that carries within it a cause of profound tragedy. Our direct contact with the
larger world of men was linked up with the contemporary history of the English people whom we
came to know in those earlier days. It was mainly through their mighty literature that we formed our
ideas with regard to these newcomers to our Indian shores. In those days the type of learning that
Biology 2
was served out to us was neither plentiful nor diverse, nor was the spirit of scientific enquiry very
much in evidence. I was impressed by this evidence of liberal humanity in the character of the English
and thus I was led to set them on the pedestal of my highest respect. This generosity in their national
character had not yet been vitiated by imperialist pride. About this time, as a boy in England, I had
the opportunity of listening to the speeches of John Bright, both in and outside Parliament. The large-
hearted, radical liberalism of those speeches, overflowing all narrow national bounds, had made so
deep an impression on my mind that something of it lingers even today, even in these days of
graceless disillusionment.

a) From the first paragraph, give a synonym for ‘deep’.

b) What helped the Indians to conceive of a notion of the Englishmen?
c) Who could read and gain from English literature?
d) Whose speeches did Tagore listen to, as a boy?
e) From the third paragraph, give an antonym for ‘impressed’?

(Writing & Grammar) [30 Marks]

Q4. Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting him/her for arranging music classes
in school. (10)
Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to take care of his health.

Q5. Write a short paragraph in about 80 words on any of the following topics: (5)
a) Value of trees
b) Diwali
c) Wonders of Science

Q6. Combine the following pairs of sentences using words in the brackets: (3)
a) Rohan is intelligent Rohan is hardworking. (and)
b) She works hard She may pass (so that)
c) I like fruits. I do not like sweets. (but)

Biology 3
Q7. Change the following into passive voice: (3)
a) The cat drank the milk.
b) I like tea
c) He is selling mangoes

Q8. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word given in brackets: (3)
a) The conductor …………………..the whistle. (blue/blew)
b) I saw a hunter shooting a …………………….. ( dear/deer)
c) Our team………………….. the match( won/one)

Q9. Rewrite the following jumbled words into meaningful sentences: (3)

a) the/to/market/we/going/are
a) a/boy/is/Gopal/good
b) a/song/she/sings

Q10. Fill in the blanks with A, An, The: (3)

a) ……………………… umbrella is a useful thing.

b) ……………………… lion is the king of animals.
c) He is ………………………..cleverest boy in the class.

(Literature) [30 Marks]

Q11. Read the extract below and answer the following the questions. (3)
The monsoons broke the next day. Dark clouds accompanied by blinking flashes of lighting and
roaring rolls of thunder burst with all their fury, flooding the streets with a heavy downpour. School
was to have reopened after the summer holidays, but no traffic could move through the flooded
roads and there was an unexpected holiday.

a) What happened the next day?

b) Why there was holiday?

c) Which word in the passage means ‘heavy rain’?

Biology 4
Q12. Read the extract below and choose correct answer the following: (3)

One of the peculiarities of cricket is that a Test match can go on for five days and still end in a
draw. No other modern team sport takes even half as much time to complete. A football match
is generally over in an hour and a half.

a) How is cricket a peculiar game?

b) How is football different from cricket?
c) Which phrase in the passage means ‘the result of a game in which neither team wins or

Q13. Read the extract below and write the answers of the following questions: (3)

I saw a snake and ran away

Some snakes are dangerous, they say,
But mother says that kind is good,
And eats up insects for his food

a) Name the poem?

b) Which line tells us that the poet is afraid of snakes?
c) Pick out a pair of rhyming words from the stanza.

Q14. Answer ANY FIVE of the following in 30-40 words: (2×5=10)

a) The king forgave the bearded man. What did he do to show his forgiveness?
b) Explain why no one seemed to be interested in talking about the hilsa-fish which Gopal had
c) Why did the daimio reward the farmer but punish his neighbour for the same act?
d) What was the author’s opinion about Mr Gessler as a bootmaker?
e) Why does Maya think Mr Nath is a crook? Who does she say the Sunday visitor is?
f) The Parsis were the first Indian community to take to cricket. Why?

Q15. (10)
Spraying water is not a good way of putting out an oil fire or an electrical fire. Why not?
What are some of the things you should be to prevent a fire at home and in the school? (50-60 words)

Biology 5
Solutions of Sample Question Paper 2018-19
Class – VII

Section A (Reading) 20 Marks

Q1. (5)

i) leaves of bushes in the school garden

ii) bathroom or dark corner of any room
iii) trapping their pray
iv) black widow spider
v) difficult

Q2. (2×5)=10
a) raw banana is cooked and eaten
b) fibre of the banana tree
c) is cooked and eaten
d) because banana is rich in fibre and potassium with abundance of vitamins and minerals
e) abundance

a) real freedom is when a girl can go alone at night
b) girl empowerment
c) vanished
d) when every men treat women as their sister
e) Self-defence traits like karate, kickboxing, taekwondo, etc.

Q3. (5)
a) Profound
b) English literature
c) The educated Indians
d) John Bright
e) Unimpressed

(Writing & Grammar) [30 Marks]

Q4. (10)

The Principal
Rampal model school,
Bhajanpura, Delhi.

Biology 1
Subject: To start music classes.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am student of VIIth D. My roll no is 20. I am the class monitor. We are learning music for last 2 years.
But this year we have no music classes as our music teacher has been transferred to another school. In his
absence we are unable to practice. All our hard work will go in vain. State music competition is nearby
and we will not be able to compete.

Kindly arrange for a new music teacher and oblige.

Thanking you,
Yours obediently
Sunitha A / Suman

Examination Hall,
New Delhi
Oct 25, 2018

My dear Ankit,

I am very glad to know that you have got highest marks in the exam. I am informed that you were
absorbed in your studies and do not care about health. It is not good sign.

Dear brother, you should know that only a sound body has a sound mind. Always try to sleep early. Go
outside for morning walk. Do yoga and light exercises in the mrng or evening. If you keep on reading
without taking any exercise, your health will soon break down. I think you will give proper attention to
my advises. I will be waiting for your letter declaring about good health.

With best wishes.

Your loving sister/brother

Pawan / Prakriti

Biology 2
Q5. (10)

(a) The value of the trees is essential for the earth. Trees are the most valuable for the land. Since the
beginning, trees give the two of life. It provides the food and oxygen. People are living and breathing on
earth by the trees because the food and oxygen are vital for life on the earth. The green leaves of trees
absorb carbon dioxide and break it up into carbon and oxygen. Thus trees replace oxygen which is
constantly used and changed into carbon dioxide in breathing a burning. The trees retain carbon and
release oxygen of the use of living beings. Trees help to prevent drought and floods. It provides the
additional necessities such as shelter, medicine, and tools. Today, in the modern world, in the urban area
the people cut the tree for making the buildings and skyscrapers. But its impacts on the environment.
Trees value is continuously increasing, and it takes more benefits for the environment. It beings discovered
as their role to expands to satisfy the needs creates by our modern lifestyle. The value of trees is vital;
everyone has to grow the population of trees because trees are nature gift of the earth. Consequently, the
trees are vital.

(b) Diwali is one the most important festival of Hindus It is celebrated with great enthusiasm throughout the
length and breadth of India. It is a festival of lights. It falls on the Amavasya of the month of Kartik
every year by Hindu calendar and in the last week of October or in the starting days of November by
English calendar. According to some on this day Lord Ram reached Ayodhya along with Sita and
Lakshman. The villagers of Ayodhya welcomed Ram, Lakshman and Sitaby decorating and illuminating
their village with diyas. Jains says this is the day when Lord Mahavira attained “moksha or salvation”.
They show lights in jubilation of thus attainment. Dayanand Saraswati of Arya Samaj also attained
‘Nirvana’ on this day. On the Diwali night, Lord Ganesha and Lakshmi, the Goddesses of wealth, are
worshiped. People playing with crackers and sparklers. The prayer for wealth, health and prosperity.
This festival is celebrated all over India. All people, irrespective of caste or create join in the celebration.
Indian communities living in other countries to celebrate this festival. This festival also creates a sense
of oneness among the people. It becomes the symbol of unity. India has been celebrating this festival for
thousands of years and continues to celebrate it even today which is both historical and religious.

(c) Science and technology have been expanding at an exponential rate since quite a few decades. Our lives
are constantly being closely embedded with the ever so fast growing technology. These advances on the
scientific front have surpassed the possibility of impossibility. These days almost everyone regardless of
age, profession and gender is hooked on to gadgets and the comfort technology provides. Science and its
fabulous inventions have brought a revolution in various industries. These inventions have not only helped

Biology 3
in industrialization but have also made our living easy and comfortable. New ways of preserving and
flavouring the food items are being invented through research in meals technology. Antibiotics and
vaccinations defend us from infectious illnesses and health problems. Sanitary condition has improved a
lot than before. People have become open-minded and cosmopolitan due to the research in the field of
science and technology, as a result, Scientist always tries to search out new issues, explorations,
discoveries, and inventions. The role of science is important in our everyday life. The various
contributions of science have made our existence more relaxed and comfortable. The magnificent
inventions of science like electricity, fans, air-conditioners, television, mobile phones, motor vehicles, etc.
have eased our life, and now it is almost impossible to live without using them.

Q6. (3)
a) Rohan is intelligent and hardworking
b) She works hard so that she may pass
c) I like fruits but I do not like sweets

Q7. (3)
a) The milk was drank by the cat
b) Tea is liked by me
c) Mangoes is being sold by him

Q8. (3)
a) Blew
b) Deer
c) Won

Q9. (3)
a) We are going to the market
b) Gopal is a good boy
c) She sings a song

Q10. (3)
a) An
b) A
c) The

Biology 4
(Literature) [30 Marks]
Q11. (3)
a) Monsoons broke
b) Because of heavy monsoons
c) thunder burst

Q12. (3)
a) because in cricket test match can go on for five days and still end in a draw
b) because football match is generally over in an hour and a half
c) still end in a draw

Q13. (3)
a) Garden snake
b) ‘I saw a snake and ran away’
c) ‘But mother says that kind is good,
And eats up insects for his food’

Q14. (3)
a) He showed his forgiveness by telling him that he would send his servants and his own doctor to
look after him. He also promised to give back the man his property.
b) Gopal had accepted the challenge of bringing the hilsa-fish to the without letting anyone talk about
it. He half -shaved his beard, smeared his face with ash and wore ragged clothes to buy hilsa-fish.
Everyone on the way talked about him and his funny looks and nobody saw hilsa-fish in his hand.
At that moment he was more interesting topic to talk about than the hilsa-fish.
c) The daimio rewarded the farmer because he was honest. When he sprinkled a pinch of ash over the
withered cherry tree, it sprouted and gave cool shade to the king. But when his neighbour did the
same act, the cherry tree didn't blossom. He gave punishment to the man.
d) According to the author, Mr. Gessler was the best shoemaker in the city. He was a perfect artist
who had the same skill, pride and respect for his trade as any other artist had.
e) Maya thought that Mr. Nath was a crook because he used to get food from a restaurant every day,
although he did not work. He never talked to anyone at Shankar House though he had been living
there for more than a year. According to Maya, the Sunday visitor must be his partner in crime and
he came every now and then to give part of it to his partner.

Biology 5
f) Because they were in close cricket with the British as their same interest in trade and also they were
the first Indian community to westernise.

Q15. (10)
If water is sprayed onto an oil fire, the oil will float to the top of the water and continue to burn. This
can be very dangerous because water can flow quickly carrying the burning oil with it and spreading
the fire. Similarly, the person spraying water on an electrical fire might receive an electric shock and
be killed.
One should keep matches, lighters out of the reach of the children. One should not smoke while
feeling sleepy. No use of chemicals near flame. One should not put flammable items near a heater.
One should not leave machine dryer running if no one is there in the house. No candle or lamp should
be left unattended. Don’t have fire too high when cooking fried foods.

Biology 6

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