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It is disheartening to observe specifically on the results of the elections that the Filipino

people still could not grasp a worthy, competent, and even a transparent politician which
correlates to a good governance that everybody supposed to grasp and seize; by their
undeveloped political ideologies which made these corrupt politicians to once more seat on
power. I kept on thinking what seems to be the problem of the socio-political of our state.
Moreover, I deconstructed my theories/thoughts which led me to certain problems of the results
of elections. 1. Education system of the Philippines, 2. Misogynistic culture, and 3. Necro-
Politics It is evident that there are people in the lower class (which has the biggest ratio of
population in the society) is underprivileged in accessing education; poverty is the most common
reason of this thus, access through a better education specifically to those who are in remote
areas. Moreover, the people are gullible in social medias where these officials are taking
advantage of, believing in fake news instead of accessing themselves to facts and research. It is
miserably unfortunate that even the teachers who should be the first to educate these facts may
be even a corrupt official supporter (From executives to legislative officials) that would be
embedded through a child’s mind. 2. Misogyny is malignant that has been evidently even in
world history, Leni Robredo’s defeat may be a factor because of this misogynistic culture, upon
questioning people why not Leni Robredo as a president of the Philippines, people would often
say that she is not capable of governing the country because she’s a woman. It irritates me
because toxic masculinity is still evident in contemporary even though we already ratified
women’s rights. However, a malignant that sweeps through the society is still there; believing
themselves that a male is still superior and alpha to these kinds of views. Moreover, we should
advocate for intersectionality as well; Sarah Duterte may experience misogyny while Leni
Robredo experience misogyny and attacks from her social class; equal rights are not enough for
these kinds of issue – practicing intersectionality should. 3. Necro politics. Mbembe (2003) states
that it refers to a contemporary form of conquering life from the power of death which can be
used as a political tool that is evident in the Philippines (Ferdinand Marcos). As observing the
society, people are appraising Bong-Bong Marcos through his father’s legacy, which results to
subjugation and capitalization that has been advantageous for the Marcoses. People are too soft
when it comes to these issues thus, Filipino has been always sympathetic and compassionate
towards other people. Evidently, Filipino often call Former President Duterte as “tatay”
projecting that he is old and tired in politics and obtaining sympathy from the masses. Moreover,
the battle between Marcos’ burial to Libingan ng Bayani, is a great example of Necro Politics –
bringing power from the dead which the Marcoses has been doing to obtain power once again; I
was shattered knowing that a politician who faked his diploma, has a pending case, denied what
his father did, and even an incompetent believes in him because of his father’s fake legacy. In
conclusion, it is tough to fight for what is right, however I believe that during darkness; light
would prevail.


Mbembe, A. (2003). Necro Politics. Duke University Press

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