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Workshop 2_Questionary

1.What is a computer?
R: A computer is a device that accepts information (in the form of digitalized data) and manipulates it
for some result based on a program, software, or sequence of instructions on how the data is to be

2. What means the word compute?

R: Count or calculate something according to certain numerical units

3. What is the root of the word COMPUTE?

R: The word 'compute' comes from the Latin word computare, meaning "arithmetic, accounting,
4. How many generation of comuputer we have so far?
R: We have from 1940 to the present (2022) five generations of computers.
5. Diligience create a sentence with this word.
R: Banco General performs due diligence on online identity verification

6. Create a board with examples of input and output (pictures to illustrate it)
Input Devices Output Device

Keyboard Monitors

Mouse Printers
Scanner Speakers

Microphone Projector

Joystick Headphones

Digitizer Braille Reader

7. Create a paragraph with 4 sentences with the words, accuraly, automatization and robotic.

 The article accurately reflects public opinion

 I can't render my thought accurately.
 His work is difficult to label accurately.
 It has not yet been possible to date the paintings accurately.

 What is the modern definition of "automatization"?

 How to Use "automatization" with Example Sentences.
 What is the origin and root of "automatization".
 What do you mean by "automatization"?

 Robotic toys advanced over the years as technology continued to develop
 The Transformers change their forms into their original robotic form when dueling with foes.
 In fact, every year more robotic toys flood the toy market
 By 1969 a robotic arm was invented that was both computer-controlled and powered by electricity.

8. Give examples of input devices?

Joy Stick.

9. Define the following words:

9.1 Input unit: A peripheral input device is any device that allows data or information to be entered into a
computer for processing or ordering.
9.2 Central Processing Unit: An essential component of any device that processes data and performs
mathematical and computer calculations.
9.3 Output U: They are those devices that are part of the hardware and that transmit information from a
computer to the user or to another computer or network.

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