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The Philippines’ renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy is adhering or

primarily given by our 1987 constitution; Article 2 Sec 2 that the Philippines renounces
war as an instrument of national policy which adopts the principles of the international
law as part of the law of the land and adhering to the policy of peace, equality, justice
with all the nations. Thus, this provision is also adopted to the principles of the United
Nations Charter that it binds or refraining its members to use threat or force against
territories and political independence of a state.
2. The diplomatic relations of US-PH were established during 1946 whereas the goals of the
United States of America and their influence is to strengthen the democratic governance;
supporting the Philippine government to establish and promote development which
contributes to the security of the Indo-Pacific region. Thus, United States of America is
the third largest trading partner of the Philippines as well.
3. The department of Affairs primarily implementing the three pillars of Philippine Foreign
Policy, 1.1 Preservation and enhancement of national security; 1.2 Promotion and
attainment of economic security and 1.3 Protection of the rights and the promotion of the
welfare and interest of all Filipino overseas in which I would like to emphasize the third
pillar that pertains to the OFW, that they are responsible for keeping the economy of the
Philippines afloat and at place with their remittances; and these remittances is considered
to be the largest share to the domestic economy.
4. In the context of ASEAN of the foreign policy of the Philippines; promoting a more
peaceful, stable and free South-East Asia in policy making, economic and trading should
be manifested. Thus, ASEAN should remain regionalism that act as a pacifist between
region ensuring and dealing with internal and external conflicts.
5. There are a lot of implications that the territorial disputes of the Philippines V China one
of them is the Bilateral trade – the trade of Philippines and China is not stable but also
growing and Tourism Promotion – there are Chinese citizens who visited Philippines and
as we all know that there are illegal workers and illegal immigrants as well that are issued
in the Duterte’s administration. Lastly is that China may assert more their pressure in our
territories and may threaten us specifically that China is a Sleeping Giant and on the other
hand, Philippines as a weak democratic state.
6. During his term, he primarily focuses on the close alliance to the United States but then
eventually Marcos focused on the foreign policy of the Philippines indirectly and be less
dependent to the United States to avoid the rage of United States to the Soviet Union,
China and other socialist countries therefore, Marcos foreign policy was directed to the
Muslim countries in the Middle East having the mindset of the crisis in oil and could fix
the issue of the Muslims in Southern Mindanao.
7. In my opinion, the next challenges of the next president in its foreign policies are within
its ties with the hegemonic country, as per if the president would continue to make ties
with China and swear its allegiance once again with United States of America or vice
versa. However, the president should really focus and in dept research where he or she
would manifest their foreign policy because eventually it would affect our national
security and economic relations to the countries. Thus, given that our state is still weak;
we could easily be influenced by other strong states.
8. The advancement of human rights and stronger democracy would further enhance the ties
of the different participants with the same goal; further entrusting us with their goals and
it would also further make the state strong in the sense that the institutions and our
bureaucracy not just internal but rather external conflicts as well.
9. Duterte Administration did was to open channels with China where being less dependent
on the former alliances. Thus, believing that China is the crucial part for the national
development of the Philippines which we can be seen by the infrastructures. Thus, in his
administration the China gave full support on his acts such as the controversial war on
drugs especially at the United Nations Human Rights Council and even offered to build
rehabilitation centers on the Philippines and there are consequences, backfiring on
Duterte foreign policy, which is clearly, that they take advantage our natural resources
specifically the West Philippines Sea by them.
10. There are a lot of factors that we should consider in relevance of foreign relations of a
state, because primarily it protects the national interests, security and economic of the
participants in pursuit of common goal. It is better to have more allies rather than enemies
given that we are a weak state and could easily be swayed by the hegemon states that are
pursuing their own personal goals as well.

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