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I'm _______________________________________________________________.
I agree to comply with what is established in these classroom agreements, I accept the
responsibilities, rights and obligations established in the internal and external regulations that
regulate the _________________________________________________________.

Don’t be tardy!
Students must attend all the academic
Punctuality activities regurlarly and punctually.
If a student can not attend at school, he/she
has to justify the absence.

Students must wear the school uniform with

respect, without alterations or accessories that

Dress Code distort the school identification.

Uniform must be neatly cleaned and ironed.

and No non-school uniform (coats, jumpers, hoodies, hats, etc) are to be worn in the
school buildings.

Appearance Personal cleanliness, hygiene and neatness is

expected at all times.
Hair must be neatly cut/pinned/plaited and combed. Nails must be kept clean
and short.
Boys and girls must maintain their hair trim and neat. Fancy hairstyles and
coloured hair is not allowed.

Students must come prepared with all materials necessary

(notebook, activities printed, glue, scissors, pens, pencil, colors,
markers, etc).

Class Homework and classwork assignments should be completed

neatly, carefully, and on time.
In assignments, tests and examinations, plagiarism, cheating
and other exam malpractices are forbidden.
Students should work to their full potentials.
A student must not remain absent without prior permission of the Counselor. A leave
application is to be submitted for the same.If you are absent, it is your responsibility
to obtain any missed classwork.
Students must justify their absences in order to register the assigments.

When directions are given, do your best to follow them

the first time. If you are confused or have questions, ask.
Be proactive about your learning and don’t be afraid to
ask for help.
Appropriate language must be used at all times.
Remember, if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t
say it at all!
Bullying or ragging is completely prohibited. Treat
everyone and everything with kindness, respect and
Mobile phones and other electronic equipment may only
be used before school and at break time and only in the
specifically designated “Phone Zones” (field or patio).
Any items seen inside the classrooms will be confiscated
and kept securely.

Student actions that interfere with teaching or learning in
the classroom will NOT be tolerated. Please do not spend
your time sleeping, talking, playing cards, listening to your
music, text-messaging friends; and doing work or writing

notes for other classes.
No students should scratch/spoil/break or damage any
school or classroom furniture, write/draw anything on the
walls or in any way damage things belonging to others.
You may drink bottled of water in the classroom. If a spill
occurs, please clean it up immediately and inform the
teacher. No other food or beverage is permitted without
a doctor’s note.
It is advised that students at all time must ensure
cleanliness and do not litter or throw rubbish anywhere in
the classroom premises or outside it. They must use the
bins provided.
Fighting or rough play are strictly prohibited in
classroom. If a student experiences a problem with
another student, he/she should notify the nearest teacher
or aider immediately.
Any knives, crackers, water-pistols, explosives or any
other lethal object which may cause threat or injury or
damage to classroom property are strictly prohibited to
carry to the school premises.
Students must refrain from stealing, by themselves or
through an intermediary, any type of material or object
that is not their property.
The entry, consumption, promotion, or sale of alcoholic
beverages, narcotics, psychoactive substances, and
nicotine on classroom or school is prohibited.

Students who willfully damage classrrom or school property must make good the
damage done.
Any infraction of the rules may affect your learning readiness grade.
For the purposes of these agreements, the following disciplinary measures are

Verbal warning from the teacher.
Written warning from the teacher or counselor.
Academic extracurricular activity.
School community service
Temporary suspension of classes inside of the school.
Suspension of the school day from one to three days inside of the school.
Suspension of the school day from one to three days outside of the school.
Permanent dismissal from the school.

Irregular attendance, insubordination to teachers, habitual inattention to school

work, obstinacy in word and deed, wilful and repeated breach of school regulations,
immorality, contempt of authority, damage to property: any of these shall always be
a sufficient reason for immediate dismissal.

__________________________ __________________________ __________________________

Miss Montserrat Nuñez Alcantara

English Teacher Counselor Parents or Legal Guardian

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