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A.Pen: Paper
B.Engine: Car
C.Cat: Dog
D.Ball: Game
1.) 3, 5, 11, 14, 17, 21

Answer: Option C
Each of the numbers except 14 is
an odd number.
The number '14' is the only
EVEN number.
2) 8, 27, 64, 100, 125, 216, 343

Answer: Option B
3 3 3 3 3 3
The pattern is 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 .
But, 100 is not a perfect cube.
3) 396, 462, 572, 427, 671, 264

Answer: Option B
In each number except 427, the middle
digit is the sum of other two.
4) 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, 50, 64

Answer: Option D
(1*1)+1 , (2*2)+1 , (3*3)+1 , (4*4)+1 , (5*5)+1 ,
(6*6)+1 , (7*7)+1 , (8*8)+1
But, 64 is out of pattern.
5) 835, 734, 642, 751, 853, 981, 532

Answer: Option A
In each number except 751, the difference of third
and first digit is the middle one.
 This type of reasoning question is based on the blood
relations among the family members. And, you are
required to find the relation between the particular
members of the family. So, you must have a basic
understanding of the different types of blood
relations that exist in a family.

 The following table will help you understand the

different types of blood relations among the family
 Father's or mother's son-------Brother
 Father's or mother's daughter-----Sister
 Father's elder or younger brother---Uncle (Paternal)
 Mother's elder or younger brother---Maternal Uncle
 Father's elder or younger sister-----Aunt
 Son's wife-----------Daughter-in-law
 Daughter's husband---------Son-in-law
 Sister's husband-----Brother-in-law
 Brother's wife-------Sister-in-law
 Husband's brother or wife's brother------------Brother-in-
 Husband's sister or wife's sister----Sister-in-law
 Brother's son or sister's son-----Nephew
 Brother's daughter or sister's daughter----Niece
 Uncle's or aunt's son/daughter ------Cousin
A. His son
B. His own
C. His father
D. His nephew
 Answer: A
 Explanation:
 The narrator has no brother, so he is the only son
of his father, and his father's son is he himself.
Hence, the narrator is the father of the man in
the photograph, so the man in the photograph is
his son.
2) Pointing to a photograph of a man, Pooja said,
"He is the only son of the mother of my sister's
brother." How is that person related to Pooja?
A. Father
B. Maternal Uncle
C. Cousin
D. None of these
 Answer: D
 Explanation:
 The person in the photograph is the only son of
the mother of Pooja's sister's brother. So, he is
the brother of Pooja.
3) Pointing to a woman, a man said, "Her father is
the only son of my father." How is the man
related to the woman?
A. Brother
B. Grandfather
C. Father
D. Son
 Answer: C
 Explanation:
 Only son of my father = the man himself. Therefore,
the man is the father of this woman.
4) Looking at the portrait of a man, Mohan said,
"His mother is the wife of my father's son and I
have no brother and sister." at whose portrait
was Mohan looking?
A. His nephew
B. His son
C. His cousin
D. None of these
 Answer: B
 Explanation:
 Mohan has no brother and sister, so he is the only son
of his father.
 Now, wife of my father's son = Mohan's wife. And,
Mohan's wife is the mother of the man, so the man is
Mohan's son.
5) Rahul's father is the only son of Rohan's Father.
How is Rohan's wife related to Rahul?

A. Mother
B. Aunt
C. Grandmother
D. Sister
 Answer: A
 Explanation:
 The only son of Rohan's father is Rohan himself. So,
Rohan is Rahul's father, and Rohan's wife is the
mother of Rahul.
6)Manoj is the brother of Deepak. Rekha is the sister
of Seema. Deepak is the son of Rekha. How is Manoj
related to Rekha?

A. Nephew
B. Son
C. Brother
D. None of these
 Answer: B
 Explanation:
 Manoj is the brother of Deepak and Deepak
is the son of Rekha. So, Manoj is the son of
7) A is B's brother. C is B's father. D is C's father.
E is D's father. How is A related to D?

 Grandson
 Son
 Nephew
 Grandfather
 Answer: A
 Explanation:
 A and B are brothers and C is B's father, so A is
the son of C. Now, D is C's father, so A is the
grandson of D.
 1) Select three figures out of the following five
figures which when fitted into each other would
form a square.
A. 1, 2, 4
B. 1, 2, 5
C. 5, 3, 1
D. 2, 3, 4
 Answer: B
 Explanation:
 Figures 1, 2 and 5 will form the square as shown in the
following image;
 2) Select three figures out of the following five
figures which when fitted into each other would form
a triangle.
A. 2, 3, 5
B. 2, 3, 4
C. 2, 4, 5
D. 1, 2, 4
 Answer: A
 Explanation:
 Figures 2, 3 and 5 will form the triangle as
shown in the following image;
 3) Select three figures out of the following five figures
which when fitted into each other would form a triangle.
A. 2, 4, 5
B. 1, 3, 4
C. 1, 3, 5
D. 3, 4, 5
 Answer: D
 Explanation:
 Figures 3, 4 and 5 will form the triangle as
shown in the following image;
 4) Select three figures out of the following five
figures which when fitted into each other would
form a rectangle?
A. 1, 4, 5
B. 1, 2, 5
C. 1, 3, 4
D. 3, 4, 5
 Answer: B
 Explanation:
 Figures 1, 2 and 5 will form the rectangle as shown
 5) Select three shapes out of the following five
shapes which when fitted into each other would form
a hexagon?
 1, 2, 4
 2, 3, 4
 1, 2, 4
 All figures
 Answer: D
 Explanation:
 All of the given shapes are required to form the
hexagon, as shown below:
 Picture Analogies 1
 This type of reasoning question is similar to word
analogies and is solved in the same way as you solve
word analogies. The question has a set of two pictures
that are related to each other. This set is followed by
another set; a picture and an empty box.

 The question is followed by four answer choices in

the form of pictures. You have to choose one picture
that would go in the empty box so that pictures in the
second set are related to each other in the same way
as the pictures in the first set are related to each other.
 Answer: A
 Explanation:
 A color plate is to a color brush as a reel of a
thread is to a sewing needle, i.e., color brush and
sewing needle are the tools needed to perform
the task. So, the needle will go in the empty box
 Answer: C
 Explanation:
 A ring is worn in the hand and a cap is worn on
the head, so the cap would go in the empty box.
 Answer: B
 Explanation:
 Telephone and letter are used to communicate, and
an airplane and bus are used to travel. Telephone and
letter are means of communication. An Airplane and
Bus are modes of transportation. So, the bus would
go in the empty box.
 Answer: C
 Explanation:
 A leaf is a part of the tree and feather is a part of
the bird, so a tree is to a leaf as a bird is to a
feather. So, the feather will enter into the empty
 Answer: D
 Explanation:
 A house is to a tent as a car is to a wagon. The house
is a more advanced or sophisticated form of a shelter
than a tent house, similarly, a car is an advanced or
more sophisticated mode of transportation than a
wagon. So, wagon will complete the second pair.
 Answer: A
 Explanation:
 A newspaper is to a book as a tabla (hand drum)
is to a trumpet. The newspaper and book are
meant to be read, and trumpet and tabla are
intended to be played by musicians. So, a
trumpet will complete the second pair.
 Directions to Solve
Which of phrases given below each sentence
should replace the phrase printed in bold type to
make the grammatically correct? If the sentence
is correct as it is, mark 'E' as the answer.
1. The small child does whatever his
father was done.
 A. has done
 B. did
 C. Does
 D. had done
 E. No correction required
 Answer: Option C
2.There are not many men who are so famous that
they are frequently referred to by their short
names only
 A. initials
 B. signatures
 C. pictures
 D. middle names
 E. No correction required
 Answer: Option A
3. The man to who I sold my house was a
 A. to whom I sell
 B. to who I sell
 C. who was sold to
 D. to whom I sold
 E. No correction required
 Answer: Option D
4. They were all shocked at his failure in
the competition.
 A. were shocked at all
 B. had all shocked at
 C. had all shocked by
 D. had been all shocked on
 E. No correction required
 Answer: Option E
5. He is too important for tolerating any
 A. to tolerate
 B. to tolerating
 C. at tolerating
 D. with tolerating
 E. No correction required
 Answer: Option A
6. The performance of our players was
rather worst than I had expected.
 A. bad as I had expected
 B. worse than I had expected
 C. worse than expectation
 D. worst than was expected
 E. No correction required
 Answer: Option B
1. Vincent has a paper route. Each morning, he delivers 37
newspapers to customers in his neighbourhood. It takes
Vincent 50 minutes to deliver all the papers. If Vincent is
sick or has other plans, his friend Thomas, who lives on
the same street, will sometimes deliver the papers for
 A.Vincent and Thomas live in the same neighbourhood.
 B.It takes Thomas more than 50 minutes to deliver the
 C.It is dark outside when Vincent begins his deliveries.
 D.Thomas would like to have his own paper route.
Answer: Option A

 Explanation:
 The fact that Vincent and Thomas live on the
same street indicates that they live in the
same neighbourhood. There is no support for
any of the other choices.
2. Erin is twelve years old. For three years, she has
been asking her parents for a dog. Her parents
have told her that they believe a dog would not be
happy in an apartment, but they have given her
permission to have a bird. Erin has not yet
decided what kind of bird she would like to have.

 A.Erin's parents like birds better than they like

 B.Erin does not like birds.
 C.Erin and her parents live in an apartment.
 D.Erin and her parents would like to move.
 Answer: Option C

 Explanation:
 Since Erin's parents think a dog would not be happy
in an apartment, we can reasonably conclude that the
family lives in an apartment. We do not know if
Erin's parents dislike dogs (choice a) or if Erin
dislikes birds (choice b).There is no support for
choice d.
 Directions to Solve
 Each problem consists of three statements. Based on
the first two statements, the third statement may be
true, false, or uncertain.
1. Tanya is older than Eric.
Cliff is older than Tanya.
Eric is older than Cliff.
If the first two statements are true, the third
statement is
 A.true
 B.false
 C.uncertain
Answer: Option B
 Explanation:
 Because the first two statements are
true, Eric is the youngest of the three,
so the third statement must be false
 Blueberries cost more than strawberries.
Blueberries cost less than raspberries.
Raspberries cost more than strawberries and
If the first two statements are true, the third
statement is
 A.true
 B.false
 C.uncertain
 Answer: Option A
 Explanation:
 Because the first two statements are true,
raspberries are the most expensive of the
 3. All the trees in the park are flowering trees.
Some of the trees in the park are dogwoods.
All dogwoods in the park are flowering trees.
If the first two statements are true, the third
statement is.

 A.true
 B.false
 C.uncertain
Answer: Option A
 Explanation:
 All of the trees in the park are flowering
trees, So all dogwoods in the park are
flowering trees.
 Directions to Solve
Rearrange the following five sentences in proper
sequence so as to for a meaningful paragraph, then
answer the questions given below them.
1. After Examining him, the doctor smiled at him
mischievously and took out a syringe.
2. Thinking that he was really sick, his father
summoned the family doctor.
3. That day, Mintu wanted to take a day off from
4. Immediately, Mintu jumped up from his bed and
swore the he was fine
5. Therefore; he pretended to be sick and remained in
 Which sentence should come third in the
 A.1
 B.2
 C.3
 D.4
 E.5
 Answer: Option B
Which sentence should come last in the
 A.1
 B.2
 C.3
 D.4
 E.5
Answer: Option D
 Which sentence should come fourth in the
 A.1
 B.2
 C.3
 D.4
 E.5
 Answer: Option A

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