Human Ingenuity Quiz 2 - Listening & Reading

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HUMAN INGENUITY QUIZ 2 - Listening & Reading


Listening Section - Celebrity Influence

This quiz evaluates two LISTENING components: Literal Comprehension
and Inferential Comprehension. You will hear each audio twice. Answer the
questions below. Each correct response is worth one mark.

Audio 1: Teen Idol Interview — Listen to the audio clip about Serena Castaneda talking about her fans.

Part 1 Directions: Answer the questions with information from the recording. (Literal Comprehension.)

1) What is the name of the radio show?


2) How long has it been since Serena's last appearance on the show?


3) How many shows has Serena done so far?


4) For Serena, what is the most confusing part of touring?


5) Which group of people has contributed questions to the interview?


Part 2 Directions: From statements A to F, select three that are true according to the interview.
They can be in any order. (Inferential Comprehension.)

6) ________

7) ________

8) ________

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Part 3 Directions: Choose the correct answer from A, B, C, or D, then write the correct response
inside the box provided. (Inferential Comprehension.)
9) According to Serena, the best part of 11) Serena's response to the question about
being in London is... British food is...
A. looking at the shops A. very unfavourable
B. meeting fans B. polite and diplomatic
C. discovering its history C. wildly enthusiastic
D. looking at the architecture D. very indifferent

10) Serena enjoys the rain because it... 12) Serena says she will take a holiday after
A. is something unusual for her her tour because...
B. is a change from being on A. she will be exhausted
stage B. she wants to holiday with friends
C. reminds her of home C. she has a break in her busy
D. is a weird thing to do schedule
D. she has always wanted to visit

Audio 2: Paparazzi — Listen to an audio clip about the paparazzi.

Directions: Choose the correct answer from A, B, C, or D, then write the correct response inside
the box provided. (Inferential Comprehension.)
13) Brad Pitt thinks the paparazzi… 16) The paparazzi split the money they make
A. should be forbidden from from photographs with...
taking pictures of celebrities. A. each other.
B. know everything about his B. celebrities.
kids and his private life. C. the public.
C. should not stalk him and his
family wherever they go. 17) Celebrities who hate being photographed…
A. rarely appear on the cover of
14) Jennifer is a… magazines.
A. paparazzi. B. make more money.
B. paparazza. C. become uninteresting to the
C. paparazzo. public.
15) Jennifer believes some people…
A. very unfavourable
B. polite and diplomatic
C. wildly enthusiastic

Reading Section - How to Interview a Celebrity

This quiz evaluates Literal Comprehension and Critical Thinking. Read the
article titled "How to Interview a Celebrity" then answer the questions about it.
(Article is on Page 6.)

Part 1 Directions: (Multiple Choice). Choose the correct answer from A, B, C, or D, then write the
correct response inside the box provided.

Page 2
1) The journalist says the main purpose of the A. convincing
text is to: B. persuasive
A. describe a celebrity C. careful
B. provide guidelines to other D. forceful
C. provide a public service 3) The writer's approach to the topic of
D. profile a starlet interviewing the famous is:
A. satirical
2) The word "gingerly" suggests that when B. factual
discussing boyfriends the journalist must be: C. persuasive
D. balanced

Part 2 Directions: (Matching). Choose the correct phrase from the text to complete the following
sentences. Base your answers on information as it appears between lines 21 to 32.

4) The celebrity's reason for attending the interview is to ________________________________________

5) Making her latest film has allowed the celebrity to identify with ____________________________________

6) If you talk about yourself, she will react as if ________________________________________________

7) You should describe how the celebrity drinks her coffee; ________________________________________

Part 3 Directions: (Short Answer). Answer the following questions. Pay attention to WHAT the
question is asking.

8) Which phrase suggests that the celebrity is concluding the interview? (A phrase is 2-5 words.)


9) Name the two final facts that should not be mentioned in the interview.

a) ___________________________________________________________________________

b) ___________________________________________________________________________

10) What does the actress say to compliment the journalist on his interview techniques?


11) What sentence tells us that the actress speaks to journalists no longer than absolutely necessary?


Part 4 Directions: (True/False Justification). Identify whether the sentences are True (T) or False (F)
and Justify your answer with an EXACT brief, relevant quotation from the text. Don’t paraphrase.

12) The interview must take place in a very anonymous place. T / F ? ________

Justification: ______________________________________________________________________

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13) Never mention whether the celebrity arrives late or why. T / F ? ________

Justification: ______________________________________________________________________

14) Always have something positive to say about the celebrity's looks. T / F ? ________

Justification: ______________________________________________________________________

15) When she speaks, separate what is nonsense from what is important. T / F ? ________

Justification: ______________________________________________________________________

16) Always listen carefully for her views on international politics. T / F ? ________

Justification: ______________________________________________________________________

17) At all costs avoid all embarrassing topics. T / F ? ________

Justification: ______________________________________________________________________

Part 5 Directions (Critical Thinking): Analyze the young celebrity’s behavior. What can be said about her?
What effect does fame seem to have on her? Use evidence from the text to justify your response.





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