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Systems Research and Behavioral Science

Syst. Res. 17, 311–313 (2000)

& Notes and Insights

The Whole and Main Ideas

of Systems Science
Joseph Germana*
Department of Psychology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA

INTRODUCTION principle of organization (one of its `fundamental

truths, laws, doctrines . . . upon which others are
According to systems science, is the science based', Webster).
of systems itself a system? The modest intent of It would seem that the whole idea of systems
this brief essay in posing such a philosophical science self-replicates its main idea of `ordered
question is to suggest that classical systems wholeness' Ð that its organizing principle and
science may exemplify some of its own, most principle of organization share a homological
fundamental principles. relationship.


The term whole idea, as used here, refers to the The whole idea of systems science appears in
plan or rationale of something, i.e., `the funda- Miller's (1965) proposal to use `intersystem
mental reasons, or rational basis of something'. generalization' as the basis for an `abstracted
Thus, the whole idea of systems science refers to its science' of living systems, and, in von Bertalanf-
active or organizing principle (`method of . . . fy's stated aim to develop `unifying principles
operation', Webster). The term is not intended to running ``vertically'' through the universe of the
convey the entirely comprehensive set of prin- individual sciences' (von Bertalanffy, 1968, p. 38).
ciples that guide and inform systems science. The In relation to the individual or special sciences,
term whole idea may be taken as roughly general systems science has advanced to a higher
synonymous with the colloquial term big idea, level of scientific generalization or abstraction.
while playfully alluding to the main idea of This relationship between systems science and
systems science Ð the idea of `ordered whole- the special sciences Ð and the goal of systems
ness'. science to establish integrative super-order Ð
The term main idea, as used here, refers to a set are conveyed well in a diagram from Laszlo
of core constructs or fundamental postulates, (1972) (Figure 1). Here is graphically depicted the
which in the case of systems science essentially attempt by systems science to further generalize
includes a `complete organization of parts, a the generalizations of the special sciences Ð the
unity, entirety, or system' (Webster), i.e., `ordered induction of `second-order models' from `first-
wholeness' or `organized complexity'. In other order models', so as to represent what all systems
words, the main idea of systems science is the have in common. `If an object is a system, it
must have certain general system characteristics,
* Correspondence to: Joseph Germana, Department of Psychology,
irrespective of what it is otherwise' (von Berta-
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0436, USA. lanffy, 1968, p. 65).

Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 22 December 1997
Accepted 28 October 1998

the special sciences, which may bring their first-

order models into a higher-order synthesis. The
integrative super-order provided by systems
science would appear in the form of its abstract
representations of what all systems have in


This whole idea of systems science is found

replicated in its main idea of `system' as some-
thing `other than the simple sum of its parts'
Figure 1. The scientific progression from the first-order (Laszlo, 1972) and, pari passu, something `greater
models of the special sciences to the second-order models of than the sum of its parts' (Miller and Miller,
general systems science. Reprinted from Ervin Laszlo,In-
troduction to a Systems Philosophy, 1972, Figure 1, 1993a, 1993b).
copyright OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V., A system is a `set of elements standing in
Lausanne, Switzerland, with permission interaction' (von Bertalanffy, 1968, p. 38), such
that the `constitutive characteristics (of the
system) are not explainable from the character-
The characteristic organization of systems istics of isolated parts. The characteristics of the
science is reflected, first, in its development of complex, therefore, compared to those of those of
new or broadened theoretical constructs such as the elements, appear as ``new'' or ``emergent'' '
`system', `hierarchical organization', `equifinality' (von Bertalanffy, 1968, p. 55). That is, the
(von Bertalanffy, 1968); `adaptive self- characteristic organization of a system Ð that
stabilization' and `self-organization' (Laszlo, which makes it `this particular case of that kind
1972); and the variety of subsystems which of a system' Ð is given in the overall patterns or
process matter±energy and/or information, as whole interrelationships which emerge from the
specified by Miller (1965, 1978) and, more ongoing interactions among its interdependent
recently, by Miller and Miller (1993a, 1993b). parts (cf. Germana, 1989).
Of course, as Miller has acknowledged, the Furthermore, if the parts or elements of a
concepts of systems science may be inspired by system are themselves taken as systems Ð there-
those of other sciences, such as `thermo- fore, subsystems Ð then the whole system
dynamics, information theory, cybernetics, and in question appears `greater than' as well as
systems engineering, as well as the classical `other than' the simple sum of its parts. Insofar
concepts appropriate to each level' (Miller, as the organized complexity or system incorpor-
1965, p. 234). ates its parts into a new or different, emergent
Furthermore, when the methodological pro- whole, it represents a superordinate level of
cedures used by systems science are included, integration.
such as the use of logical homologies and
explanations (von Bertalanffy, 1968) to generalize
across individual systems, types of systems, QUESTIONS
system levels (Miller, 1965) Ð forming inter-
actions with the special sciences in both inductive May the first-order models of the special
and deductive exchanges Ð it becomes apparent sciences be taken as elements (albeit, representa-
that systems science constitutes a whole scientific tional constituents) of general systems science?
paradigm (Kuhn, 1970). Conversely, may the second-order models,
Thus, the whole idea of systems science is to formed through the further generalization of
develop a scientific paradigm, superordinate to the special-scientific generalizations, be taken as

Copyright *
c 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res. 17, 311–313 (2000)

312 Joseph Germana


a superordinate level of (representational) integ- REFERENCES

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Copyright *
c 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Syst. Res. 17, 311–313 (2000)

The Whole and Main Ideas of Systems Science 313

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