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In this chapter the investigator presents the analysis and interpretation of results of the
data collected. The research topic is “A STUDY OF HOME ENVIRONMENT,

The adolescents face many kinds of pressures at home and also outside. It is a well-
known fact that during adolescence a child goes through a lot of physical, emotional and
social changes which have an everlasting impact on his life. The purpose of the present
study is to analyze the impact of all the variables mentioned above among adolescents of
senior secondary school level and their inter relation and inter dependence on each other.
The investigator, being in educational field feels that teaching is not only concerned with
mental or cognitive ·development of the students, but also with the overall development
of students. So this study will be a help for teacher to understand his/her student
completely and maintain a cordial and sympathetic relationship with him / her which is a
prerequisite for a better teaching learning process. The present study will not only help
teachers but will also help the parents understand their children better and help them in
case they are under stress due to any of the dimensions of family. This study may add to
the knowledge of the parents in improving the student’s faith, confidence and emotions.

The data of 400 students has been analyzed by calculating coefficient of correlation
besides the descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation). A step wise multiple
regression has been carried out. ‘t’ test has been used to see significant difference
between the mean scores of rural and urban, male and female, government and private &
science and commerce students of Senior Secondary Schools. The obtained results are
given in tables below.

Hypothesis 1.1
There is no significant difference between home environment of government and
private senior secondary school students.

Table 1.1 Significance of difference between home environment of government

and private senior secondary school students
Government Senior Secondary Private Senior Secondary School
School Students Students t-value
Mean (M1) SD (s1) N1 Mean (M2) SD (s2) N2
220.341 34.101 249 222.722 42.240 151 0.586

Comparison of t-value
For 0.05 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 1.977
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis is accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 2.611
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis is accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 1.1 indicates that the mean score of home
environment of Government Senior Secondary School Students is 220.341 with
S.D. as 34.101, whereas, the mean score of home environment of Private Senior
Secondary School Students is 222.722 with S.D. as 42.24. The t-value comes out to
be 0.586 which is less than the table t-value even at significance levels of 0.05.
Therefore, in this sample, the calculated t-value is not significant and the null
hypothesis is accepted, which states: There is no significant difference between
home environment of government and private senior secondary school students.

223.00 222.722
Mean of Home Environment

Government Private
Senior Secondary School Students

Hypothesis 1.2
There is no significant difference between home environment of male and
female senior secondary school students.

Table 1.2 Significance of difference between home environment of male and

female senior secondary school students
Male Senior Secondary School Female Senior Secondary School
Students Students t-value
Mean (M1) SD (s1) N1 Mean (M2) SD (s2) N2
218.323 37.580 195 224.015 37.005 205 1.525

Comparison of t-value
For 0.05 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 1.977
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis is accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 2.611
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis is accepted

A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 1.2 indicates that the mean score of home
environment of Male Senior Secondary School Students is 218.323 with S.D. as
37.58, whereas, the mean score of home environment of Female Senior
Secondary School Students is 224.015 with S.D. as 37.005. The t-value comes out
to be 1.525 which is less than the table t-value even at significance levels of 0.05.
Therefore, in this sample, the calculated t-value is not significant and the null
hypothesis is accepted, which states: There is no significant difference between
home environment of male and female senior secondary school students.

225.00 224.015
Mean of Home Environment

219.00 218.323
Male Female
Senior Secondary School Students

Hypothesis 1.3
There is no significant difference between home environment of science and
commerce senior secondary school students.

Table 1.3 Significance of difference between home environment of science and

commerce senior secondary school students
Science Senior Secondary School Commerce Senior Secondary School
Students Students t-value
Mean (M1) SD (s1) N1 Mean (M2) SD (s2) N2
219.641 34.431 167 222.386 39.340 233 0.741

Comparison of t-value
For 0.05 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 1.977
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 2.611
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted

A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 1.3 indicates that the mean score of home
environment of Science Senior Secondary School Students is 219.641 with S.D. as
34.431, whereas, the mean score of home environment of Commerce Senior
Secondary School Students is 222.386 with S.D. as 39.34. The t-value comes out to
be 0.741 which is less than the table t-value even at significance levels of 0.05.
Therefore, in this sample, the calculated t-value is not significant and the null
hypothesis is accepted, which states: There is no significant difference between
home environment of science and commerce senior secondary school students.

223.00 222.386
Mean of Home Environment

220.00 219.641
Science Commerce
Senior Secondary School Students

Hypothesis 1.4
There is no significant difference between home environment of rural and urban
senior secondary school students.

Table 1.4 Significance of difference between home environment of rural and urban
senior secondary school students
Rural Senior Secondary School Urban Senior Secondary School
Students Students t-value
Mean (M1) SD (s1) N1 Mean (M2) SD (s2) N2
213.505 31.571 182 227.697 40.514 218 3.935

Comparison of t-value
For 0.05 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 1.977
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value > table t-value
Result : significant, null hypothes is rejected

For 0.01 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 2.611
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value > table t-value
Result : significant, null hypothes is rejected
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 1.4 indicates that the mean score of home
environment of Rural Senior Secondary School Students is 213.505 with S.D. as
31.571, whereas, the mean score of home environment of Urban Senior Secondary
School Students is 227.697 with S.D. as 40.514. The t-value comes out to be 3.935
which is more than the table t-value even at significance levels of 0.01. Therefore,
in this sample, the calculated t-value is significant and the null hypothesis is
rejected and it can be restated that there is a significant difference between home
environment of rural and urban senior secondary school students.
The mean value for Urban Senior Secondary School Students is greater than Rural
Senior Secondary School Students which shows that home environment of Urban
Senior Secondary School Students is better than home environment of Rural Senior
Secondary School Students.

230.00 227.697
Mean of Home Environment




Rural Urban

Senior Secondary School Students

Hypothesis 2.1
There is no significant difference between emotional intelligence of government
and private Senior secondary school students.

Table 2.1 Significance of difference between emotional intelligence of

government and private Senior secondary school students
Government Senior Secondary Private Senior Secondary School
School Students Students t-value
Mean (M1) SD (s1) N1 Mean (M2) SD (s2) N2
58.631 8.669 249 58.437 9.994 151 0.197

Comparison of t-value
For 0.05 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 1.977
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 2.611
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 2.1 indicates that the mean score of
emotional intelligence of Government Senior Secondary School Students is 58.631
with S.D. as 8.669, whereas, the mean score of home environment of Private
Senior Secondary School Students is 58.437 with S.D. as 9.994. The t-value comes
out to be 0.197 which is less than the table t-value even at significance levels of
0.05. Therefore, in this sample, the calculated t-value is not significant and the
null hypothesis is accepted, which states: There is no significant difference
between emotional intelligence of government and private Senior secondary
school students.

58.65 58.631
Mean of Emotional


Government Private
Senior Secondary School Students

Hypothesis 2.2
There is no significant difference between emotional intelligence of male and
female senior secondary school students.

Table 2.2 Significance of difference between emotional intelligence of male and

female Senior secondary school students
Male Senior Secondary School Female Senior Secondary School
Students Students t-value
Mean (M1) SD (s1) N1 Mean (M2) SD (s2) N2
58.856 9.205 195 58.273 9.169 205 0.635

Comparison of t-value
For 0.05 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 1.977
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 2.611
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 2.2 indicates that the mean score of
emotional intelligence of Male Senior Secondary School Students is 58.856 with
S.D. as 9.205, whereas, the mean score of home environment of Female Senior
Secondary School Students is 58.273 with S.D. as 9.169. The t-value comes out to
be 0.635 which is less than the table t-value even at significance levels of 0.05.
Therefore, in this sample, the calculated t-value is not significant and the null
hypothesis is accepted, which states: There is no significant difference between
emotional intelligence of male and female senior secondary school students.

59.00 58.856
Mean of Emotional


58.40 58.273
Male Female
Senior Secondary School Students

Hypothesis 2.3
There is no significant difference between emotional intelligence of science and
commerce senior secondary school students.

Table 2.3 Significance of difference between emotional intelligence of science

and commerce Senior secondary school students
Science Senior Secondary School Commerce Senior Secondary School
Students Students t-value
Mean (M1) SD (s1) N1 Mean (M2) SD (s2) N2
59.317 9.767 167 58.013 8.715 233 1.377

Comparison of t-value
For 0.05 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 1.977
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 2.611
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 2.3 indicates that the mean score of
emotional intelligence of Science Senior Secondary School Students is 59.317 with
S.D. as 9.767, whereas, the mean score of home environment of Commerce Senior
Secondary School Students is 58.013 with S.D. as 8.715. The t-value comes out to
be 1.377 which is less than the table t-value even at significance levels of 0.05.
Therefore, in this sample, the calculated t-value is not significant and the null
hypothesis is accepted, which states: There is no significant difference between
emotional intelligence of science and commerce senior secondary school

59.50 59.317
Mean of Emotional




Science Commerce
Senior Secondary School Students

Hypothesis 2.4
There is no significant difference between emotional intelligence of rural and
urban senior secondary school students.

Table 2.4 Significance of difference between emotional intelligence of rural and

urban Senior secondary school students
Rural Senior Secondary School Urban Senior Secondary School
Students Students t-value
Mean (M1) SD (s1) N1 Mean (M2) SD (s2) N2
60.478 8.108 182 56.954 9.718 218 3.954

Comparison of t-value
For 0.05 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 1.977
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value > table t-value
Result : significant, null hypothes is rejected

For 0.01 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 2.611
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value > table t-value
Result : significant, null hypothes is rejected
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 2.4 indicates that the mean score of
emotional intelligence of Rural Senior Secondary School Students is 60.478 with
S.D. as 8.108, whereas, the mean score of home environment of Urban Senior
Secondary School Students is 56.954 with S.D. as 9.718. The t-value comes out to
be 3.954 which is more than the table t-value even at significance levels of 0.01.
Therefore, in this sample, the calculated t-value is significant and the null
hypothesis is rejected and it can be restated that there is a significant difference
between emotional intelligence of rural and urban senior secondary school
The mean value for Rural Senior Secondary School Students is greater than Urban
Senior Secondary School Students which shows that emotional intelligence of
Rural Senior Secondary School Students is better than emotional intelligence of
Urban Senior Secondary School Students.

62.00 60.478
Mean of Emotional


58.00 56.954
Rural Urban
Senior Secondary School Students

Hypothesis 3.1
There is no significant difference between achievement motivation of
government and private Senior secondary school students.

Table 3.1 Significance of difference between achievement motivation of

government and private senior secondary school students
Government Senior Secondary Private Senior Secondary School
School Students Students t-value
Mean (M1) SD (s1) N1 Mean (M2) SD (s2) N2
127.104 32.460 249 125.570 29.047 151 0.490

Comparison of t-value
For 0.05 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 1.977
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 2.611
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 3.1 indicates that the mean score of
achievement motivation of Government Senior Secondary School Students is
127.104 with S.D. as 32.46, whereas, the mean score of home environment of
Private Senior Secondary School Students is 125.57 with S.D. as 29.047. The t-value
comes out to be 0.49 which is less than the table t-value even at significance
levels of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, the calculated t-value is not significant
and the null hypothesis is accepted, which states: There is no significant
difference between achievement motivation of government and private Senior
secondary school students.

127.50 127.104
Mean of Achievement


126.00 125.570
Government Private
Senior Secondary School Students

Hypothesis 3.2
There is no significant difference between achievement motivation of male and
female senior secondary school students.

Table 3.2 Significance of difference between achievement motivation of male and

female senior secondary school students
Male Senior Secondary School Female Senior Secondary School
Students Students t-value
Mean (M1) SD (s1) N1 Mean (M2) SD (s2) N2
124.354 31.505 195 128.590 30.817 205 1.359

Comparison of t-value
For 0.05 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 1.977
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 2.611
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 3.2 indicates that the mean score of
achievement motivation of Male Senior Secondary School Students is 124.354 with
S.D. as 31.505, whereas, the mean score of home environment of Female Senior
Secondary School Students is 128.59 with S.D. as 30.817. The t-value comes out to
be 1.359 which is less than the table t-value even at significance levels of 0.05.
Therefore, in this sample, the calculated t-value is not significant and the null
hypothesis is accepted, which states: There is no significant difference between
achievement motivation of male and female senior secondary school students.

129.00 128.590
Mean of Achievement


125.00 124.354
Male Female
Senior Secondary School Students

Hypothesis 3.3
There is no significant difference between achievement motivation of science
and commerce senior secondary school students.

Table 3.3 Significance of difference between achievement motivation of science

and commerce senior secondary school students
Science Senior Secondary School Commerce Senior Secondary School
Students Students t-value
Mean (M1) SD (s1) N1 Mean (M2) SD (s2) N2
124.844 32.192 167 127.730 30.460 233 0.904

Comparison of t-value
For 0.05 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 1.977
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 2.611
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 3.3 indicates that the mean score of
achievement motivation of Science Senior Secondary School Students is 124.844
with S.D. as 32.192, whereas, the mean score of home environment of Commerce
Senior Secondary School Students is 127.73 with S.D. as 30.46. The t-value comes
out to be 0.904 which is less than the table t-value even at significance levels of
0.05. Therefore, in this sample, the calculated t-value is not significant and the
null hypothesis is accepted, which states: There is no significant difference
between achievement motivation of science and commerce senior secondary
school students.

128.00 127.730
Mean of Achievement


Science Commerce
Senior Secondary School Students

Hypothesis 3.4
There is no significant difference between achievement motivation of rural and
urban senior secondary school students.

Table 3.4 Significance of difference between achievement motivation of rural and

urban senior secondary school students
Rural Senior Secondary School Urban Senior Secondary School
Students Students t-value
Mean (M1) SD (s1) N1 Mean (M2) SD (s2) N2
130.352 34.732 182 123.330 27.562 218 2.208

Comparison of t-value
For 0.05 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 1.977
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value > table t-value
Result : significant, null hypothes is rejected

For 0.01 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 2.611
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted
Overall Result : null hypothes is rejected
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 3.4 indicates that the mean score of
achievement motivation of Rural Senior Secondary School Students is 130.352
with S.D. as 34.732, whereas, the mean score of achievement motivation of Urban
Senior Secondary School Students is 123.33 with S.D. as 27.562. The t-value comes
out to be 2.208 which is more than the table t-value at significance level of 0.05.
Therefore, in this sample, the calculated t-value is significant at significance level
of 0.05 and the null hypothesis is rejected and it can be restated that there is a
significant difference between achievement motivation of rural and urban senior
secondary school students.
The mean value for Rural Senior Secondary School Students is greater than Urban
Senior Secondary School Students which shows that achievement motivation of
Rural Senior Secondary School Students is better than achievement motivation of
Urban Senior Secondary School Students.

132.00 130.352
Mean of Achievement


Rural Urban
Senior Secondary
13 School Students
Hypothesis 4.1
There is no significant difference between academic achievement of government
and private Senior secondary school students.

Table 4.1 Significance of difference between academic achievement of

government and private senior secondary school students
Government Senior Secondary Private Senior Secondary School
School Students Students t-value
Mean (M1) SD (s1) N1 Mean (M2) SD (s2) N2
63.100 15.874 249 68.305 16.105 151 3.150

Comparison of t-value
For 0.05 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 1.977
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value > table t-value
Result : significant, null hypothes is rejected

For 0.01 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 2.611
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value > table t-value
Result : significant, null hypothes is rejected
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 4.1 indicates that the mean score of
academic achievement of Government Senior Secondary School Students is 63.1
with S.D. as 15.874, whereas, the mean score of home environment of Private
Senior Secondary School Students is 68.305 with S.D. as 16.105. The t-value comes
out to be 3.15 which is more than the table t-value even at significance levels of
0.01. Therefore, in this sample, the calculated t-value is significant and the null
hypothesis is rejected and it can be restated that there is a significant difference
between academic achievement of government and private Senior secondary
school students.
The mean value for Private Senior Secondary School Students is greater than
Government Senior Secondary School Students which shows that academic
achievement of Private Senior Secondary School Students is better than academic
achievement of Government Senior Secondary School Students.

Mean of Academic



64.00 63.100


Government Private
Senior Secondary School Students
Hypothesis 4.2
There is no significant difference between academic achievement of male and
female senior secondary school students.

Table 4.2 Significance of difference between academic achievement of male and

female senior secondary school students
Male Senior Secondary School Female Senior Secondary School
Students Students t-value
Mean (M1) SD (s1) N1 Mean (M2) SD (s2) N2
64.559 17.038 195 65.546 15.265 205 0.609

Comparison of t-value
For 0.05 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 1.977
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 2.611
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 4.2 indicates that the mean score of
academic achievement of Male Senior Secondary School Students is 64.559 with
S.D. as 17.038, whereas, the mean score of home environment of Female Senior
Secondary School Students is 65.546 with S.D. as 15.265. The t-value comes out to
be 0.609 which is less than the table t-value even at significance levels of 0.05.
Therefore, in this sample, the calculated t-value is not significant and the null
hypothesis is accepted, which states: There is no significant difference between
academic achievement of male and female senior secondary school students.

Mean of Academic


64.80 64.559
Male Female
Senior Secondary School Students

Hypothesis 4.3
There is no significant difference between academic achievement of science and
commerce senior secondary school students.

Table 4.3 Significance of difference between academic achievement of science

and commerce senior secondary school students
Science Senior Secondary School Commerce Senior Secondary School
Students Students t-value
Mean (M1) SD (s1) N1 Mean (M2) SD (s2) N2
67.820 16.593 167 63.090 15.545 233 2.886

Comparison of t-value
For 0.05 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 1.977
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value > table t-value
Result : significant, null hypothes is rejected

For 0.01 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 2.611
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value > table t-value
Result : significant, null hypothes is rejected
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 4.3 indicates that the mean score of
academic achievement of Science Senior Secondary School Students is 67.82 with
S.D. as 16.593, whereas, the mean score of home environment of Commerce
Senior Secondary School Students is 63.09 with S.D. as 15.545. The t-value comes
out to be 2.886 which is more than the table t-value even at significance levels of
0.01. Therefore, in this sample, the calculated t-value is significant and the null
hypothesis is rejected and it can be restated that there is a significant difference
between academic achievement of science and commerce senior secondary
school students.
The mean value for Science Senior Secondary School Students is greater than
Commerce Senior Secondary School Students which shows that academic
achievement of Science Senior Secondary School Students is better than
academic achievement of Commerce Senior Secondary School Students.

Mean of Academic


64.00 63.090
Science Commerce
Senior Secondary School Students

Hypothesis 4.4
There is no significant difference between academic achievement of rural and
urban senior secondary school students.

Table 4.4 Significance of difference between academic achievement of rural and

urban senior secondary school students
Rural Senior Secondary School Urban Senior Secondary School
Students Students t-value
Mean (M1) SD (s1) N1 Mean (M2) SD (s2) N2
62.824 17.638 182 66.936 14.554 218 2.511

Comparison of t-value
For 0.05 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 1.977
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value > table t-value
Result : significant, null hypothes is rejected

For 0.01 level of significance, t -value (as per standard table) = 2.611
At degree of freedom (N1 + N2 -2) = 398
calculated t-value < table t-value
Result : not significant, null hypothes is accepted
Overall Result : null hypothes is rejected
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 4.4 indicates that the mean score of
academic achievement of Rural Senior Secondary School Students is 62.824 with
S.D. as 17.638, whereas, the mean score of academic achievement of Urban Senior
Secondary School Students is 66.936 with S.D. as 14.554. The t-value comes out to
be 2.511 which is more than the table t-value at significance level of 0.05.
Therefore, in this sample, the calculated t-value is significant at significance level
of 0.05 and the null hypothesis is rejected and it can be restated that there is a
significant difference between academic achievement of rural and urban senior
secondary school students.
The mean value for Urban Senior Secondary School Students is greater than Rural
Senior Secondary School Students which shows that academic achievement of
Urban Senior Secondary School Students is better than academic achievement of
Rural Senior Secondary School Students.

68.00 66.936
Mean of Academic


64.00 62.824
Rural Urban
Senior Secondary School Students

Hypothesis 5.1
There is no significant relationship between home environment and emotional
intelligence of government and private senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 5.1a
There is no significant relationship between home environment and emotional
intelligence of government senior secondary school students.
Table 5.1a
Government Senior Secondary School Students Correlation
Home Environment Emotional Intelligence
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
54865 12377423 14599 874583 3208039 249 -0.119

Comparison of correlation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.129
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 247
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.168
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 247
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 5.1 under Sub-hypothesis 5.1a indicates that
the Correlation Coefficient, r between Home Environment and Emotional
Intelligence for Government Senior Secondary School Students is -0.119, the
absolute value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between home environment and
emotional intelligence of government senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 5.1b
There is no significant relationship between home environment and emotional
intelligence of private senior secondary school students.
Table 5.1b
Private Senior Secondary School Students Correlation
Home Environment Emotional Intelligence
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
33631 7757997 8824 530632 1941468 151 -0.376

Comparison of correlation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.159
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 149
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.208
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 149
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 5.1 under Sub-hypothesis 5.1b indicates that
the Correlation Coefficient, r between Home Environment and Emotional
Intelligence for Private Senior Secondary School Students is -0.376, which is
significant even at the significance level of 0.01. Therefore, in this sample, it may
be concluded that Home Environment and Emotional Intelligence for Private
Senior Secondary School Students are negatively corelated; which indicates that
with increase in Home Environment there will be decrease in Emotional
Intelligence. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected and it can be restated that there
is a significant negative relationship between home environment and emotional
intelligence of private senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 5.2
There is no significant relationship between home environment and emotional
intelligence of male and female senior secondary school students.

Sub -hypothesis 5.2a

There is no significant relationship between home environment and emotional
intelligence of male senior secondary school students.
Table 5.2a
Male Senior Secondary School Students Correlation
Home Environment Emotional Intelligence
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
42573 9568647 11477 691933 2491706 195 -0.208

Comparison of correlation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.145
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 193
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.190
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 193
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected

A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 5.2 under Sub -hypothesis 5.2a indicates that
the Correlation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Emotional
Intelligence for Male Senior Secondary School Students is -0.208, which is
significant even at the significance level of 0.01. Therefore, in this sample, it may
be concluded that Home Environment and Emotional Intelligence for Male Senior
Secondary School Students are negatively corelated; which indicates that with
increase in Home Environment there will be decrease in Emotional Intelligence.
Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected and it can be restated that there is a
significant negative relationship between home environment and emotional
intelligence of male senior secondary school students.

Sub -hypothesis 5.2b
There is no significant relationship between home environment and emotional
intelligence of female senior secondary school students.
Table 5.2b
Female Senior Secondary School Students Corelation
Home Environment Emotional Intelligence
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
45923 10566773 11946 713282 2657801 205 -0.264

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.142
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 203
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.186
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 203
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 5.2 under Sub -hypothesis 5.2b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Emotional
Intelligence for Female Senior Secondary School Students is -0.264, which is
significant even at the significance level of 0.01. Therefore, in this sample, it may
be concluded that Home Environment and Emotional Intelligence for Female
Senior Secondary School Students are negatively corelated; which indicates that
with increase in Home Environment there will be decrease in Emotional
Intelligence. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected and it can be restated that there
is a significant negative relationship between home environment and emotional
intelligence of female senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 5.3
There is no significant relationship between home environment and emotional
intelligence of science and commerce senior secondary school students.

Sub -hypothesis 5.3a

There is no significant relationship between home environment and emotional
intelligence of science senior secondary school students.
Table 5.3a
Science Senior Secondary School Students Corelation
Home Environment Emotional Intelligence
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
36680 8253208 9906 603434 2160984 167 -0.265

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.154
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 165
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.201
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 165
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 5.3 under Sub -hypothesis 5.3a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Emotional
Intelligence for Science Senior Secondary School Students is -0.265, which is
significant even at the significance level of 0.01. Therefore, in this sample, it may
be concluded that Home Environment and Emotional Intelligence for Science
Senior Secondary School Students are negatively corelated; which indicates that
with increase in Home Environment there will be decrease in Emotional
Intelligence. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected and it can be restated that there
is a significant negative relationship between home environment and emotional
intelligence of science senior secondary school students.

Sub -hypothesis 5.3b
There is no significant relationship between home environment and emotional
intelligence of commerce senior secondary school students.
Table 5.3b
Commerce Senior Secondary School Students Corelation
Home Environment Emotional Intelligence
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
51816 11882212 13517 801781 2988523 233 -0.220

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.134
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 231
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.175
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 231
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 5.3 under Sub -hypothesis 5.3b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Emotional
Intelligence for Commerce Senior Secondary School Students is -0.22, which is
significant even at the significance level of 0.01. Therefore, in this sample, it may
be concluded that Home Environment and Emotional Intelligence for Commerce
Senior Secondary School Students are negatively corelated; which indicates that
with increase in Home Environment there will be decrease in Emotional
Intelligence. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected and it can be restated that there
is a significant negative relationship between home environment and emotional
intelligence of commerce senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 5.4
There is no significant relationship between home environment and emotional
intelligence of rural and urban senior secondary school students.

Sub -hypothesis 5.4a

There is no significant relationship between home environment and emotional
intelligence of rural senior secondary school students.
Table 5.4a
Rural Senior Secondary School Students Corelation
Home Environment Emotional Intelligence
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
38858 8476804 11007 677579 2349091 182 -0.021

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.149
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 180
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.195
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 180
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 5.4 under Sub -hypothesis 5.4a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Emotional
Intelligence for Rural Senior Secondary School Students is -0.021, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between home environment and
emotional intelligence of rural senior secondary school students.

Sub -hypothesis 5.4b
There is no significant relationship between home environment and emotional
intelligence of urban senior secondary school students.
Table 5.4b
Urban Senior Secondary School Students Corelation
Home Environment Emotional Intelligence
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
49638 11658616 12416 727636 2800416 218 -0.312

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.138
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 216
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.181
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 216
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 5.4 under Sub -hypothesis 5.4b indicates
that the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Emotional
Intelligence for Urban Senior Secondary School Students is -0.312, which is
significant even at the significance level of 0.01. Therefore, in this sample, it may
be concluded that Home Environment and Emotional Intelligence for Urban
Senior Secondary School Students are negatively corelated; which indicates that
with increase in Home Environment there will be decrease in Emotional
Intelligence. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected and it can be restated that
there is a significant negative relationship between home environment and
emotional intelligence of urban senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 6.1
There is no significant relationship between home environment and achievement
motivation of Government and Private senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 6.1a
There is no significant relationship between home environment and achievement
motivation of Government senior secondary school students.
Table 6.1a
Government Senior secondary school students Corelation
Home Environment Achievement Motivation
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
54865 12377423 31649 4284027 6958008 249 -0.057

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.129
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 247
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.168
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 247
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 6.1 under Sub-hypothesis 6.1a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Achievement
Motivation for Government Senior secondary school students is -0.057, the
absolute value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between home environment and
achievement motivation of Government senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 6.1b
There is no significant relationship between home environment and achievement
motivation of Private senior secondary school students.
Table 6.1b
Private Senior secondary school students Corelation
Home Environment Achievement Motivation
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
33631 7757997 18961 2507485 4221010 151 -0.011

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.159
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 149
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.208
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 149
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 6.1 under Sub-hypothesis 6.1b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Achievement
Motivation for Private Senior secondary school students is -0.011, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between home environment and
achievement motivation of Private senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 6.2
There is no significant relationship between home environment and achievement
motivation of male and female senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 6.2a
There is no significant relationship between home environment and achievement
motivation of male senior secondary school students.
Table 6.2a
Male Senior secondary school students Corelation
Home Environment Achievement Motivation
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
42573 9568647 24249 3208011 5308563 195 0.063

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.145
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 193
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.190
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 193
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 6.2 under Sub-hypothesis 6.2a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Achievement
Motivation for Male Senior secondary school students is 0.063, the absolute value
of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at significance
level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the calculated r-
values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which states: There
is no significant relationship between home environment and achievement
motivation of male senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 6.2b
There is no significant relationship between home environment and achievement
motivation of female senior secondary school students.
Table 6.2b
Female Senior secondary school students Corelation
Home Environment Achievement Motivation
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
45923 10566773 26361 3583501 5870455 205 -0.150

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.142
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 203
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.186
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 203
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 6.2 under Sub-hypothesis 6.2b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Achievement
Motivation for Female Senior secondary school students is -0.15, which is
significant at the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be
concluded that Home Environment and Achievement Motivation for Female
Senior secondary school students are negatively corelated; which indicates that
with increase in Home Environment there will be decrease in Achievement
Motivation and vice versa. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected and it can be
restated that there is a significant negative relationship between home
environment and achievement motivation of female senior secondary school

Hypothesis 6.3
There is no significant relationship between home environment and achievement
motivation of science and commerce senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 6.3a
There is no significant relationship between home environment and achievement
motivation of science senior secondary school students.
Table 6.3a
Science Senior secondary school students Corelation
Home Environment Achievement Motivation
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
36680 8253208 20849 2774905 4570525 167 -0.048

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.154
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 165
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.201
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 165
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 6.3 under Sub-hypothesis 6.3a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Achievement
Motivation for Science Senior secondary school students is -0.048, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between home environment and
achievement motivation of science senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 6.3b
There is no significant relationship between home environment and achievement
motivation of commerce senior secondary school students.
Table 6.3b
Commerce Senior secondary school students Corelation
Home Environment Achievement Motivation
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
51816 11882212 29761 4016607 6608493 233 -0.036

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.134
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 231
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.175
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 231
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 6.3 under Sub-hypothesis 6.3b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Achievement
Motivation for Commerce Senior secondary school students is -0.036, the
absolute value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between home environment and
achievement motivation of commerce senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 6.4
There is no significant relationship between home environment and achievement
motivation of rural and urban senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 6.4a
There is no significant relationship between home environment and achievement
motivation of rural senior secondary school students.
Table 6.4a
Rural Senior secondary school students Corelation
Home Environment Achievement Motivation
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
38858 8476804 23724 3310802 5063348 182 -0.009

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.149
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 180
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.195
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 180
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 6.4 under Sub-hypothesis 6.4a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Achievement
Motivation for Rural Senior secondary school students is -0.009, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between home environment and
achievement motivation of rural senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 6.4b
There is no significant relationship between home environment and
achievement motivation of urban senior secondary school students.
Table 6.4b
Urban Senior secondary school students Corelation
Home Environment Achievement Motivation
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
49638 11658616 26886 3480710 6115670 218 -0.026

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.138
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 216
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.181
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 216
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 6.4 under Sub-hypothesis 6.4b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Achievement
Motivation for Urban Senior secondary school students is -0.026, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between home environment and
achievement motivation of urban senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 7.1
There is no significant relationship between home environment and academic
achievement of government and private senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 7.1a
There is no significant relationship between home environment and academic
achievement of government senior secondary school students.
Table 7.1a
Government Senior secondary school students Corelation
Home Environment Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
54865 12377423 15712 1053928 3465707 249 0.028

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.129
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 247
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.168
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 247
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 7.1 under Sub-hypothesis 7.1a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Academic
Achievement for Government Senior secondary school students is 0.028, the
absolute value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between home environment and
academic achievement of government senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 7.1b
There is no significant relationship between home environment and academic
achievement of private senior secondary school students.
Table 7.1b
Private Senior secondary school students Corelation
Home Environment Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
33631 7757997 10314 743400 2311661 151 0.142

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.159
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 149
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.208
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 149
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 7.1 under Sub-hypothesis 7.1b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Academic
Achievement for Private Senior secondary school students is 0.142, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between home environment and
academic achievement of private senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 7.2
There is no significant relationship between home environment and academic
achievement of male and female senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 7.2a
There is no significant relationship between home environment and academic
achievement of male senior secondary school students.
Table 7.2a
Male Senior secondary school students Corelation
Home Environment Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
42573 9568647 12589 869047 2758479 195 0.081

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.145
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 193
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.190
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 193
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 7.2 under Sub-hypothesis 7.2a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Academic
Achievement for Male Senior secondary school students is 0.081, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between home environment and
academic achievement of male senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 7.2b
There is no significant relationship between home environment and academic
achievement of female senior secondary school students.
Table 7.2b
Female Senior secondary school students Corelation
Home Environment Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
45923 10566773 13437 928281 3018889 205 0.076

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.142
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 203
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.186
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 203
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 7.2 under Sub-hypothesis 7.2b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Academic
Achievement for Female Senior secondary school students is 0.076, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between home environment and
academic achievement of female senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 7.3
There is no significant relationship between home environment and academic
achievement of science and commerce senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 7.3a
There is no significant relationship between home environment and academic
achievement of science senior secondary school students.
Table 7.3a
Science Senior secondary school students Corelation
Home Environment Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
36680 8253208 11326 813838 2491306 167 0.039

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.134
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 165
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.175
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 165
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 7.3 under Sub-hypothesis 7.3a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Academic
Achievement for Science Senior secondary school students is 0.039, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between home environment and
academic achievement of science senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 7.3b
There is no significant relationship between home environment and academic
achievement of commerce senior secondary school students.
Table 7.3b
Commerce Senior secondary school students Corelation
Home Environment Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
51816 11882212 14700 983490 3286062 233 0.120

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.134
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 231
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.175
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 231
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 7.3 under Sub-hypothesis 7.3b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Academic
Achievement for Commerce Senior secondary school students is 0.12, the
absolute value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between home environment and
academic achievement of commerce senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 7.4
There is no significant relationship between home environment and academic
achievement of rural and urban senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 7.4a
There is no significant relationship between home environment and academic
achievement of rural senior secondary school students.
Table 7.4a
Rural Senior secondary school students Corelation
Home Environment Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
38858 8476804 11434 774638 2441637 182 0.004

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.138
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 180
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.181
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 180
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 7.4 under Sub-hypothesis 7.4a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Academic
Achievement for Rural Senior secondary school students is 0.004, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between home environment and
academic achievement of rural senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 7.4b
There is no significant relationship between home environment and academic
achievement of urban senior secondary school students.
Table 7.4b
Urban Senior secondary school students Corelation
Home Environment Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
49638 11658616 14592 1022690 3335731 218 0.103

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.138
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 216
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.181
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 216
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 7.4 under Sub-hypothesis 7.4b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Home Environment and Academic
Achievement for Urban Senior secondary school students is 0.103, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between home environment and
academic achievement of urban senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 8.1
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
achievement motivation of government and private senior secondary school

Sub-hypothesis 8.1a
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
achievement motivation of government senior secondary school students.
Table 8.1a
Government Senior secondary school students Corelation
Emotional Intelligence Achievement Motivation
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
14599 874583 31649 4284027 1860651 249 0.072

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.129
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 247
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.168
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 247
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 8.1 under Sub-hypothesis 8.1a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Emotional Intelligence and Achievement
Motivation for Government Senior secondary school students is 0.072, the
absolute value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
achievement motivation of government senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 8.1b
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
achievement motivation of private senior secondary school students.

Table 8.1b
Private Senior secondary school students Corelation
Emotional Intelligence Achievement Motivation
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
8824 530632 18961 2507485 1116188 151 0.187

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.159
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 149
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.208
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 149
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 8.1 under Sub-hypothesis 8.1b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Emotional Intelligence and Achievement
Motivation for Private Senior secondary school students is 0.187, which is
significant at the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be
concluded that Emotional Intelligence and Achievement Motivation for Private
Senior secondary school students are positively corelated; which indicates that
with increase in Emotional Intelligence there will be increase in Achievement
Motivation and vice versa. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected and it can be
restated that there is a significant positive relationship between emotional
intelligence and achievement motivation of private senior secondary school

Hypothesis 8.2
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
achievement motivation of male and female senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 8.2a
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
achievement motivation of male senior secondary school students.
Table 8.2a
Male Senior secondary school students Corelation
Emotional Intelligence Achievement Motivation
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
11477 691933 24249 3208011 1433418 195 0.110

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.145
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 193
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.190
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 193
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 8.2 under Sub-hypothesis 8.2a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Emotional Intelligence and Achievement
Motivation for Male Senior secondary school students is 0.11, the absolute value
of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at significance
level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the calculated r-
values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which states: There
is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and achievement
motivation of male senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 8.2b
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
achievement motivation of female senior secondary school students.

Table 8.2b
Female Senior secondary school students Corelation
Emotional Intelligence Achievement Motivation
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
11946 713282 26361 3583501 1543421 205 0.126

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.142
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 203
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.186
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 203
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 8.2 under Sub-hypothesis 8.2b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Emotional Intelligence and Achievement
Motivation for Female Senior secondary school students is 0.126, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
achievement motivation of female senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 8.3
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
achievement motivation of science and commerce senior secondary school

Sub-hypothesis 8.3a
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
achievement motivation of science senior secondary school students.
Table 8.3a
Science Senior secondary school students Corelation
Emotional Intelligence Achievement Motivation
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
9906 603434 20849 2774905 1238625 167 0.037

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.134
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 165
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.175
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 165
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 8.3 under Sub-hypothesis 8.3a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Emotional Intelligence and Achievement
Motivation for Science Senior secondary school students is 0.037, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
achievement motivation of science senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 8.3b
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
achievement motivation of commerce senior secondary school students.
Table 8.3b
Commerce Senior secondary school students Corelation
Emotional Intelligence Achievement Motivation
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
13517 801781 29761 4016607 1738214 233 0.190

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.134
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 231
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.175
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 231
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 8.3 under Sub-hypothesis 8.3b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Emotional Intelligence and Achievement
Motivation for Commerce Senior secondary school students is 0.19, which is
significant even at the significance level of 0.01. Therefore, in this sample, it may
be concluded that Emotional Intelligence and Achievement Motivation for
Commerce Senior secondary school students are positively corelated; which
indicates that with increase in Emotional Intelligence there will be increase in
Achievement Motivation and vice versa. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected and
it can be restated that there is a significant positive relationship between
emotional intelligence and achievement motivation of commerce senior
secondary school students.

Hypothesis 8.4
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
achievement motivation of rural and urban senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 8.4a
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
achievement motivation of rural senior secondary school students.
Table 8.4a
Rural Senior secondary school students Corelation
Emotional Intelligence Achievement Motivation
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
11007 677579 23724 3310802 1434396 182 -0.008

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.138
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 180
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.181
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 180
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 8.4 under Sub-hypothesis 8.4a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Emotional Intelligence and Achievement
Motivation for Rural Senior secondary school students is -0.008, the absolute value
of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at significance
level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the calculated r-
values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which states: There
is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and achievement
motivation of rural senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 8.4b
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
achievement motivation of urban senior secondary school students.
Table 8.4b
Urban Senior secondary school students Corelation
Emotional Intelligence Achievement Motivation
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
12416 727636 26886 3480710 1542443 218 0.192

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.138
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 216
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.181
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 216
calculated r-value > table value
Result : significant, null hypothesis rejected
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 8.4 under Sub-hypothesis 8.4b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Emotional Intelligence and Achievement
Motivation for Urban Senior secondary school students is 0.192, which is
significant even at the significance level of 0.01. Therefore, in this sample, it may
be concluded that Emotional Intelligence and Achievement Motivation for Urban
Senior secondary school students are positively corelated; which indicates that
with increase in Emotional Intelligence there will be increase in Achievement
Motivation and vice versa. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected and it can be
restated that there is a significant positive relationship between emotional
intelligence and achievement motivation of urban senior secondary school

Hypothesis 9.1
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and academic
achievement of government and private senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 9.1a
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and academic
achievement of government senior secondary school students.

Table 9.1a
Government Senior secondary school students Corelation
Emotional Intelligence Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
14599 874583 15712 1053928 920177 249 -0.030

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.129
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 247
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.168
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 247
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 9.1 under Sub-hypothesis 9.1a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Emotional Intelligence and Academic
Achievement for Government Senior secondary school students is -0.03, the
absolute value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
academic achievement of government senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 9.1b
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and academic
achievement of private senior secondary school students.
Table 9.1b
Private Senior secondary school students Corelation
Emotional Intelligence Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
8824 530632 10314 743400 600212 151 -0.104

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.159
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 149
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.208
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 149
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 9.1 under Sub-hypothesis 9.1b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Emotional Intelligence and Academic
Achievement for Private Senior secondary school students is -0.104, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
academic achievement of private senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 9.2
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and academic
achievement of male and female senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 9.2a
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and academic
achievement of male senior secondary school students.

Table 9.2a
Male Senior secondary school students Corelation
Emotional Intelligence Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
11477 691933 12589 869047 739700 195 -0.041

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.145
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 193
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.190
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 193
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 9.2 under Sub-hypothesis 9.2a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Emotional Intelligence and Academic
Achievement for Male Senior secondary school students is -0.041, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
academic achievement of male senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 9.2b
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and academic
achievement of female senior secondary school students.

Table 9.2b
Female Senior secondary school students Corelation
Emotional Intelligence Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
11946 713282 13437 928281 780689 205 -0.082

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.142
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 203
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.186
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 203
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 9.2 under Sub-hypothesis 9.2b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Emotional Intelligence and Academic
Achievement for Female Senior secondary school students is -0.082, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
academic achievement of female senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 9.3
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and academic
achievement of science and commerce senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 9.3a
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and academic
achievement of science senior secondary school students.
Table 9.3a
Science Senior secondary school students Corelation
Emotional Intelligence Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
9906 603434 11326 813838 668732 167 -0.115

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.134
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 165
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.175
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 165
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 9.3 under Sub-hypothesis 9.3a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Emotional Intelligence and Academic
Achievement for Science Senior secondary school students is -0.115, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
academic achievement of science senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 9.3b
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and academic
achievement of commerce senior secondary school students.
Table 9.3b
Commerce Senior secondary school students Corelation
Emotional Intelligence Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
13517 801781 14700 983490 851657 233 -0.036

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.134
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 231
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.175
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 231
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 9.3 under Sub-hypothesis 9.3b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Emotional Intelligence and Academic
Achievement for Commerce Senior secondary school students is -0.036, the
absolute value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
academic achievement of commerce senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 9.4
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and academic
achievement of rural and urban senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 9.4a
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and academic
achievement of rural senior secondary school students.
Table 9.4a
Rural Senior secondary school students Corelation
Emotional Intelligence Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
11007 677579 11434 774638 691573 182 0.003

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.138
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 180
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.181
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 180
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 9.4 under Sub-hypothesis 9.4a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Emotional Intelligence and Academic
Achievement for Rural Senior secondary school students is 0.003, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
academic achievement of rural senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 9.4b
There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and academic
achievement of urban senior secondary school students.
Table 9.4b
Urban Senior secondary school students Corelation
Emotional Intelligence Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
12416 727636 14592 1022690 828816 218 -0.074

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.138
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 216
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.181
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 216
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 9.4 under Sub-hypothesis 9.4b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Emotional Intelligence and Academic
Achievement for Urban Senior secondary school students is -0.074, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the
calculated r-values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which
states: There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and
academic achievement of urban senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 10.2
There is no significant relationship between achievement motivation and academic
achievement of male and female senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 10.2a
There is no significant relationship between achievement motivation and academic
achievement of male senior secondary school students.
Table 10.2a
Male Senior secondary school students Corelation
Achievement Motivation Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
24249 3208011 12589 869047 1562488 195 -0.029

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.145
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 193
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.190
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 193
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 10.2 under Sub-hypothesis 10.2a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Achievement Motivation and Academic
Achievement for Male Senior secondary school students is -0.029, the absolute value
of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at significance level
of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the calculated r-values
are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which states: There is no
significant relationship between achievement motivation and academic achievement
of male senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 10.2b
There is no significant relationship between achievement motivation and academic
achievement of female senior secondary school students.

Table 10.2b
Female Senior secondary school students Corelation
Achievement Motivation Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
26361 3583501 13437 928281 1724844 205 -0.032

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.142
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 203
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.186
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 203
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 10.2 under Sub-hypothesis 10.2b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Achievement Motivation and Academic
Achievement for Female Senior secondary school students is -0.032, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at significance
level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the calculated r-
values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which states: There is no
significant relationship between achievement motivation and academic achievement
of female senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 10.3
There is no significant relationship between achievement motivation and academic
achievement of science and commerce senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 10.3a
There is no significant relationship between achievement motivation and academic
achievement of science senior secondary school students.
Table 10.3a
Science Senior secondary school students Corelation
Achievement Motivation Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
20849 2774905 11326 813838 1417251 167 0.037

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.134
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 165
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.175
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 165
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 10.3 under Sub-hypothesis 10.3a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Achievement Motivation and Academic
Achievement for Science Senior secondary school students is 0.037, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at significance
level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the calculated r-
values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which states: There is no
significant relationship between achievement motivation and academic achievement
of science senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 10.3b
There is no significant relationship between achievement motivation and academic
achievement of commerce senior secondary school students.
Table 10.3b
Commerce Senior secondary school students Corelation
Achievement Motivation Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
29761 4016607 14700 983490 1870081 233 -0.069

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.134
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 231
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.175
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 231
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 10.3 under Sub-hypothesis 10.3b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Achievement Motivation and Academic
Achievement for Commerce Senior secondary school students is -0.069, the absolute
value of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at significance
level of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the calculated r-
values are not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which states: There is
no significant relationship between achievement motivation and academic
achievement of commerce senior secondary school students.

Hypothesis 10.4
There is no significant relationship between achievement motivation and academic
achievement of rural and urban senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 10.4a
There is no significant relationship between achievement motivation and academic
achievement of rural senior secondary school students.
Table 10.4a
Rural Senior secondary school students Corelation
Achievement Motivation Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
23724 3310802 11434 774638 1489155 182 -0.012

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.138
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 180
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.181
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 180
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 10.4 under Sub-hypothesis 10.4a indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Achievement Motivation and Academic
Achievement for Rural Senior secondary school students is -0.012, the absolute value
of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at significance level
of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the calculated r-values are
not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which states: There is no significant
relationship between achievement motivation and academic achievement of rural
senior secondary school students.

Sub-hypothesis 10.4b
There is no significant relationship between achievement motivation and academic
achievement of urban senior secondary school students.

Table 10.4b
Urban Senior secondary school students Corelation
Achievement Motivation Academic Achievement
S fxy N r
S fx S fx2 S fy S fy2
26886 3480710 14592 1022690 1798177 218 -0.017

Comparison of Corelation coefficient, r

For 0.05 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.138
At degree of freedom (N -2) = 216
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted

For 0.01 level of significance, value (as per standard table) = 0.181
At degree of freedom (N-2) = 216
calculated r-value < table value
Result : not significant, null hypothesis accepted
A perusal of the table for Hypothesis 10.4 under Sub-hypothesis 10.4b indicates that
the Corelation coefficient, r between Achievement Motivation and Academic
Achievement for Urban Senior secondary school students is -0.017, the absolute value
of which is less than the standard table correlation r-value even at significance level
of 0.05. Therefore, in this sample, it may be concluded that the calculated r-values are
not significant and the null hypothesis is accepted which states: There is no significant
relationship between achievement motivation and academic achievement of urban
senior secondary school students.


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