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@ Consumable Booklet of con oe HE I-mk Dr. Karuna Shanker Mishra (Allahabad) (English Version) Please fill up the following informations :— INSTRUCTIONS Incidences given on she following pages describe the atmosphere of your house. These incidences are related with you and your parents behaviour. Your parents, till today, might have done these behaviours ‘Mostly, Usually, Seldom, Very less or Never’, Read every behaviour statement c.refully and think how many times your parents have used this. Give your answer by putting a cross mark in the box given under Mostly’, ‘Usually’, ‘Seldom’, ‘Very less’ or ‘Never against each statement. For example — My parents scold me Mostly Usually Seldom Veryless Never when I tell aie. mw Oo a o a Parents commit above behaviour mostly. So etoss (x) is marked under the box ‘Mostly’, No answer is right or wrong for any behaviour. We want to krow those attributes. which exist in the atmosphere of your house but not in other children’s houses. Answer quickly. Ask, If there is any doubt. Pass on to the next if you are unable to answer anywhere. Estd. 1971 ‘ @:(0562) 2464926 NATIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL CORPORATION 41230, KACHERI GHAT, AGRA-282 004 (INDIA) 2 | Consumable Booklet of HE! someone [ow eo My parents allow me to play for a definite time. Qo My parents become too much anxious when | weep. A 8 3. © My parents get angry against me when | D oO do any work carelessly. Oo My parents say me to obey some particular persons. oO 5. E My parents do not allow me to go for a walk with my colleagues when | submit my idea different to their idea. Oo 6. F My parents feel very happy when I solve my problem successfully. 7, @ My parents do not talk with me when | ask them many questions regarding anything. 8. H_ My parents teach me only that behaviour which I like to learn. 9. 1. My parents criticize my ideas too much. 10. J My parents give me an opportunity to do the work by self, 11. A. My parents decide my reading time. B_ Whenever | am too much sad, my parents make me understand with great affection. 13. © When | make too much of noise in my house, my parents give me corporal punishment (slapping, beating with stick etc.). 14. D_ My parents have this desire that | may do every work better comparatively to other children. z My nts remove me away from them Mare Wien guess my ophiog ome art athon O 0-0 SCORES OooOcooo og Oooo ooooao0 goog Oocpcp poo ood Ooo oc ovpoog good OO! BEE ey im} QO ag Oo go Oo o Oo Oo Oo Consumable Booklet of HE! | 3 16. F My parents get very happy when | express my ideas tothe incomingguests. 1 O OF OF O 17. G My parents do not take me with them when | insist to go with themtothemarket. C1] O OF .0 0 18. H_ Myparents go with me for walking. ooodUu0od 19. 1 My parents make fun of me when | wee| ' of being soolded. hE feo a 20. J |can purchase any magazine without obtaining prior permission. oooao0a00 21. A Myparents keep strict discipiineinhome. CO OF OF OF O 22, B My parents accompany me to ascertain all the facilities whenever | ge to any place for the first time. OoOoao0a0dag 23. © My parents pull my ears when | do not keep anything at the proper place. O....0... 0. Gh 24. D My parents desire that | should make special efforts to present every work. 0... 0:.0 O 25. E When | become angry with my parents then they become separate from me. ooauddunod 26. F My parents eel happy when ask oferant uestions rding ling after seein, q garding anything "OhOoood 27. G wn 'am on studies and my parents call me and | do not go to them, they remove my books kept in front of me. Pe ele): Gy }. H When arents go to meet of their = friend, they take mowttithetee, Gee ie Ey 29. | Myparentsprefertostayawaywihme OF OF 11 O O 30. J- Icanhear the radio for the time | like. BSbhobke O 1. A 1 do not go to see movie without the ty 8. pamiebe otha pene ooooo0 SCORES 4 | Consumable Booklet of HEI 37. 38. 40. 41. 42, 43. 45. 46. for me too much when | suffer from severe fever. On telling a lie my parents scold me. My, parents desire that I should do all the works like them. My parents do not play with my friends when | tella lie. After solving any problem in different ways, when ! tell my parents, then they praise my ability. Ido not get breakfast on the day I wake uplate. My parents go to school to leave me there. My parents do not worry for my future. I read only when i wish. 1'do not go to the house of any of my relatives without the permission of my parents. When | do not reach home from school in time my parents go to school to take me. My parents become sad when I misbehave. My parents desire that every teacher may praise me. When my parents become angry with me as‘a result of any of my behaviour, they do not allow me to goto play. My-parents reward me when | make anything new from the waste things available in the house. My parents ask me. to. do more work in the form of punishment. 00 8 0000 oo8000 ooeao a4 8 8 00.0 -o0000 Deals a Consumable-Booklet of HE! | 5 erence Pn enon re) 48. H My parents help me in doing home work of school. 49. 1 My parents leave me alone when | am sad. 50. J Icantalk of every kind with my parents. My parents do not allow me to wake in night after a certain time. 52. B My parents do not let me go at a distance from them in crowd. 53. C: My parents feel frustration due to my undesirable works. 54. D My parents desire that | should help them in the household works. 55. E My parents lock me in a room when | do not accede to their good suggestion knowingly. 56. F My parents love me too much: ‘when any work honestly: 57. G When | do anything wrong, my parents do not let me do those works in which | get enjoyment. 58. FH My'parents ask for bringing monthly magazine of my choice for me for reading. 59. 1 When my parents do not like to fulfil my desire, then they do not pay any attention tomy talks. 60. J Myparents|etme sleep til waintto sleep. 61. A. My parents have fixed the time of taking my food. 62. B_ My parents do not let me go alone for travelling out of fear of accident. SCORES 2 > O DO yo. O° OO oo000 O..0.-0:0 0 O.0D..0;0 0 [ea alee] o.0°O oO8 ooaoad0d Be B'O-e oo0oadn0 o.0°.0.00 eee el OF oO BF @ 0,6 Oo: O: Oooadada ooaoa0a 6 | Consumable Booklet of HE! ‘am punished corporally when | insult my elders. 64. D’ My parents like that | should do all the works according to my family traditions. 65. E Whenever | do any work wrong, then all the family persons stop talking with me. 66. F My parents while talking with other persons refer to my qualities. 67. G The day | play much and read less, that day my parents give me food late. 68. H_ My parents feel pleasure in talking with me. 69. 1 When | am unable to solve my problem then my parents ridicule of my ability. 70. J |cancell my friends at the house. 71. A My parents do not let me talk with any girl / boy. 72. B My parents do not let me go to places full of danger. 73. G My parents become angry with me on laying for a long time. 74. D_ My parents desire to see me in the list of best students of the class. Oo 78. E After hearing radio for a long time my parents say me not to hear radio and | do Not obey them then they do not let me meet with the guests. oO 76. F When inquisitiveness develops in me after seeing anything, then my parents tell me about it. Oo SCORES: oooaooong]|? HooooDooooo Off Beco Oe bl OOF G8 o o O O00 0H @ f@ @ 8-0-0 GoO0 G00 0 8 80 0.0 oO o o o 82. 83. 85. a7. 88. 91. = Consumable Booklet of HE! | 7 ee =) G_When Ido not go to bid good-bye any guest then my parents stop talking with me. My parents help me in doing works of my hobbies: My parents do not have any worry when | obtain less marks in any subject. When my parents ask me to do any work in the presence of guests, then | do it only if | desire. My parents do not let me make noise in the house. My parents arrange for my lodging and boar ding in advance when | go out of the house. My parents get very sad when | do not ‘obey them in the presence of some guest. My parents give example of any particular person to make me learn some behaviour. When | do some improper work then my parents expel me from the house. My parents become happy when | express any new idea. When | quarrel with my brother and sister, good eatables brought are not given to me for eating. When my parents take food with any guest | sit alongwith him. My parents do not have any worry about my health. My parents allow me to play with every kind of children. 1am compelled to obey my parents when I disobey them before guests. SCORES oa ooooooo ooo oe OB O Beto Oo. 0.50.0 '8 ooagoo0 OooOoOoOoen8 oOo O00 Oo Boe ooo oo. o.oo Oooonoo0 GQoOoo0oo a 000 8 | Consumable Booklet of HEI 93. 94, 95. 96. 97. 98. 99, 100. My parents do not let me touch electrical implements, When | break the family traditions then | am rebuked. My parents think that | should not oppose their conversation. When | insult any guest then my parents do not let me go outside of the house. When | obtain more marks in examination then my parents congratulate me after calling me near them. My parents put my things distant from me as a consequence of punishment. Whenever | feel troubled my parents try to remove my trouble. My parents cut jokes of my ideas. When my parents ask me to do any work in front of relatives then | do not do that work not being desirous. ‘SCORING SHEET OO. Gee. Oo: oo Oo oO moo00 goog Bebo o oooalf o Qo a oO a oO Qo QO oO HE! Dimensions (© 2012. Alrights reserve Total Score roduction in any form isa violation of Copyright Ack. Consumable Booklet of Home Environment Inventory HEl-ax (Eng. Version),

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