Padulo JJSMPF2015 Benchpres

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Bench press exercise: The key points

Article  in  The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness · June 2015


52 5,486

4 authors:

Johnny Padulo Guillaume Laffaye

University of Milan South Ural State University


Anis Chaouachi Karim Chamari


Aspetar - Qatar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital

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Bench press exercise: the key points


® A
The bench press exercise (BPE) is receiving increasing in- 1University e Campus, Novedrate, Italy
terest as a field testing, training/therapeutic modality to im- 2Tunisian Research Laboratory
prove neuromuscular performance or to increase bone mass “Sports Performance Optimization”,
density. Several studies have been performed using BPE as National Center of Medicine and Science in Sport,

a standard for increasing upper-limb strength. For this pur-
pose, the position of the bar, the loads, the sets, the number of
repetitions, the recovery time in-between sets, the movement
Tunis, Tunisia
3UR CIAMS – Motor Control and Perception Group,
Department of Sport Sciences,
speed, the muscular work and the use of the determination of Université Paris‑ Sud, Orsay, France
4AUT University, Sports Performance Research
the one repetition maximum (1-RM) are the classical tools in-
vestigated in the literature that have been shown to affect the Institute New Zeland, Auckland, New Zeland
5Aspetar, Qatar Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Hospital,
BPE effect on neuromuscular. The goal of the present short

review is to make a picture of the current knowledge on the Research and Education Centre, Doha, Qatar
bench press exercise, which could be very helpful for a bet-

ter understanding of this standard movement and its effects.

Based on the related literature, several recommendations on
these key points are presented here. study report can be understood by others at the level

Key words: Exercise - Muscle strength - Test taking skills. of important variables such as modalities’ precision

and accuracy of measurements.10 This inclusion will

D uring the past decade there has been increas- allow drawing a picture of the current knowledge on
ing interest to the use of the Bench Press ex- the BPE, especially the elements that characterize

ercise (BPE) as a simple test for assessing upper this movement in eight possible contexts: Position,
limb strength.1-3 Many BPE treatment studies also Load, Repetitions, Sets, Recovery, Speed, Muscular
aimed at improving some aspects of neuromuscu- work, and One Repetition Maximum (1-RM) testing.

lar performance.1, 2, 4-6 For instance, for a constant

load, a training program that is based on fast or slow
movements, induce different training adaptations.7, 8 Position
Moreover, it has been shown that for identical train-
ing designs, just changing the recovery pattern dif- The bench press typically employs the following
ferently affected males and females strength devel- procedure: the subject lies supine on the bench with
opment.9 These examples all showed that the design flexed knees, dismounts the barbell from the rack
over upper chest using wide oblique overhand grip
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

of a training program impacts differently on the neu-

romuscular adaptations. However, a scientific study and lowers weight to mid-chest; then she/he pushes
can lead to scientific progress only if the resulting the bar upward until arms are totally extended with
the head, hips, and feet remaining in contact with
Corresponding author. J. Padulo, Via Isimbardi 10, 22060, Novedrate the bench throughout the lift.11 The choice of the
(CO), Italy. E-mail: grip width is of importance, because it influences the

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Bench press exercise PADULO

myoelectric activity 12 and the pronation/supination (>50% 1-RM) also in consideration of the training
forearm as well. Indeed, a narrow grip increases the macro-cycle.23 Moreover, except for novices, in all
triceps brachii activity whereas a wide grip increases other cases, the load should be normalized in relation
the sternoclavicular portion of the pectoral major.12 to 1-RM (%1-RM). Several authors have classified
The higher strength value occurring in a range of hand the load related to the corresponding energy expendi-
spacing between 165-200% of the biacromial width.11 ture: for large versus small muscle mass exercises,24
The standard warm-up technique is performed with a slow-to-moderate versus fast 25 and super-slow 26 lift-
supine (flat) bench press (BP) using free weights and ing velocities, high (80-90% of 1-RM), moderate (60-
“touch-and-go” technique. Moreover, on the market 70% of 1-RM), low intensity (20-50% of 1-RM),27
there are different benches with different inclina- and high (multiple sets) versus low volume (low
tions 13 and degrees of freedom.14 The standard mod- number or even single sets).28 It has been shown that

® A
el should have a bench inclination of 0° (flat bench after 60 years of age, the muscular strength tends to
press). The movement should be performed without decrease 29, 30 and that the same protocol (in relative
a rebound of the barbell. Indeed, using a rebound al-

charge) has different effect on males and females for
lows an increase in averaged velocity (+12.3%) and the induced increase in strength 31 and changes in
force peak (from +5% to +14.1%).15-19 This gain is bone mineral density,32 with higher benefits in males.

primarily explained by (1) a better efficiency of the
stretch shortening cycle 16 which is different accord-
ing to the load and the time-dependent characteristics Repetitions

of the motion and (2) by the fact that the rebound
BP movement coincide with the natural frequency of The repetitions paradigm represents the key point
oscillation of the series elastic component.18 Some related to: goals, training experience, and muscular
authors used benches with Smith Machine 20 where solicitation. The number of the repetition and load are
the guided barbell follows a linear secured path. In related, in fact the effect of the fatigue shown when
this context, it is good to know the friction between the muscular work is extended over time for push of

the two (Steel) materials;21 in fact the coefficient of the barbell. Moreover Padulo et al. showed that the
friction between steel is 0.78 µrs for static friction and number of the repetitions with the same load are also

0.42 µrd for dynamic friction. Working on guided ma- related to the pushing speed of the barbell.2 Indeed,
chines secures the subject, but arising the issue of the when the speed is controlled and the number of the
repetition is not predefined, the limit can be related to

friction that can vary depending on the fact that the

device is regularly under grease maintenance or not. the subject’s ability to maintain a speed range 2 induc-

ing recruitment of fast-twitch motor units. Moreover,

the repetition can only be in pushing (positive work)
Load or negative and positive work of the barbell.33 Not by

chance that speed may change: slow repetitions (2

Load is set in relation to the goals, age of the subject, or 3-s per stroke) would do less repetitions than fast
sex, and training experience. It could be expressed ei- ones (<1-s) self-selected.34 Usually in body building
ther in % of the 1-RM, or in % of body weight/mass, training the number of the repetitions is always very

depending on the goal and the sample of the studies high (>10) because the goal is to perform slow and
(1-RM for novices is indeed more difficult to assess). continuous repetitions until exhaustion.
It is well known that a high load (>80% of 1-RM)
will induce recruitment of fast-twitch motor units 22
while a lighter load requires a lower contribution of Sets
fast-twitch motor units and thus emphasizes more on
the slow twitch fibers.2 For novice lifters (first experi- The sets and repetitions represent the key of the
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

ence) it is desirable to lower the load (<50% of body BPE, the combination (sets and repetitions) deter-
weight, BW) as it enables them to get familiar with mines the energy choice. The normalization of the
the BP technique and to improve the muscle tendon session on BPE for energetic threshold revealed that
adaptation to the specific exercise gesture.2 Greater the higher number of reps reduces the number of sets
experience would allow a selection of a higher load and vice-versa. Particularly, when the recovery time

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PADULO Bench press exercise

is high (>3’) the number of sets (at 75/85% 1-RM) of the thrust (upper point), the measurement of this
can be increased up to 6,35 while for short recovery distance is very reproducible. Therefore, with a good
(<1’) intensity is decreased (15-55%); resulting in a approximation the speed(s) m·s-1 can be calculated
reduction of sets (<3) to maintain BPE performance.36 using the equation: S= ∆d × ∆t-1 (∆d=measurement
Besides, multiplying the repetitions (r) with the load of the displacement; ∆t-1=time in s). The acceleration
(l) it is possible to estimate the workload (wl) with a (A) m·s-2 can be calculated using the equation: A=∆S
simple equation (wl= r × l),37 so as to modulate the × ∆t-1 (∆S=is the difference between the S of the con-
load and repetitions to obtain similar workload. sidered elementary displacement and the S of the pre-
ceding elementary displacement). While the force (F
in Newton’s) can be calculate: F=(m × g) + (m × A);
Recovery where m is the load and g is the acceleration due to

® A
gravity (9.81 m·s-2). The mechanical power (P) watts,
Energetic metabolism during exercise is depend- can therefore be calculated as: P= F × S (Watts).
ent on ratio between work and recovery. In this case,

the recovery is different in both sets and repetitions
respectively. A standard protocol during the sets is Muscular work

no less than 2 min with very short recovery (<2 s)
between repetitions. Moreover, the combination of: The muscular activity during BPE is related to po-
repetitions – sets and recovery will dictate the spe- sition, load, repetitions, sets, recovery, speed. Differ-

cific energy requirement (aerobic-anaerobic) and to
classify the intensity of exercise.10 The length (time)
ent inclination (i.e., 56-44-28°) in relation to 0° (flat)
require a greater muscle strength 13 of the pectoralis
major and anterior deltoid. Different loads at constant
between each sets could affect the expected result
from the second to third sets, especially when the speed result in different muscle recruitment. More rep-
recovery is lower than 2 min.35 According to Gentil etitions cause a localized muscle fatigue while more
et al.38 it is useful to administer the passive recovery sets causes a total body fatigue.2 The selected recov-

(work rest ratio) between sets calculating the recov- ery time (repetitions/sets) can modify the muscular
ery in relation to the work time (i.e., 1:3 – 1:6). Fur- activity causing a decrement in speed of movement or

ther, another method consists in introducing a short time of execution;2 as well as high speed recruitment
resting time (12<100-s) between the repetitions dur- fast-twitch fibers (>80% speed) with low reps.2
ing the same set, called “the cluster set configura-

tion” 9, 20, 39, 40, 41 by using single, doubles or triples One repetition maximum (1-RM)

configuration (e.g., 6 × 1 with 20-s rest, 3 × 2 with

50-s rest or 2 × 3 with 100-s rest.20 This method al- The 1-RM is the gold standard for muscular test-
lows to increase the training volumes,41 to attenuate ing and conditioning. Two methods have been used

the decrease in power and velocity through the set 40 for this purpose. The first method is to try to deter-
and to increase the number of repetitions and the mine 1-RM in 3 to 5 trials with large recovery time
total power output 20 in comparison with traditional (3-5 min). As proposed by Kraemer et al.43 this will
continuous repetition’ set design. be performed after an ascending warm-up from 40%

to 80% athlete’s estimated maximum. The other the

1-RM method to assess 1-RM is to predict it through
Speed regression equation from several predictors, such as
the number of repetitions at sub-maximal loads,44, 45
The speed at which the bar is lifted is another key anthropometric parameters,46-48 age, sex, ethnicity
point in the BPE. Indeed, the variability can be solved and training status.
with individual speed.2 Bosco’ studies indicate that Concerning the link between sub-maximal repeti-
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

the speed can be calculated with a Linear Encoder tions and 1-RM estimation, the higher the load with
(low cost tool) connected to the barbell and interfaced which the sub-maximal set is performed, the more
with a computer.42 Considering that the upper limbs accurate the prediction of the 1-RM. Indeed, the
are bound when the rocker arm touches the chest of 5-RM is more accurate in predicting 1-RM than 10
the subject (lowest point) and extended at the end or 20-RM.44 The range of repetition used in such test-

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Bench press exercise PADULO

ing are usually ranging between 2 7, 49 and 15 reps.8 mass influence positively the prediction of 1-RM
The equation are sometimes linear 44, 48-52 or non lin- bench press performance.47
ear. They are all highly predictive (r>0.96) but the
linear equations seems to be more accurate except
the equation of Reynolds.48 Another way to predict Conclusions
the 1-RM is to use a fixed load, which consists re-
peating a load to exhaustion. The most famous test is The present articles synthesizes the current knowl-
the NFL-225, used by professional football players, edge about the use of the bench press 1-RM and
with a load of 102.3 kg (225 pounds).53-55 The 1-RM therefore can be of interest for the strength coaches
(lb) is predicted as 1-RM (lb)=221.7+7.11 reps @ and sport scientists for better use of this simple field
225 lb.56 The prediction is quite comparable to the test aiming at assessing upper limbs’ strength.

® A
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in strength to repeat such a heavy load.

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