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International Journal of Public Administration

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Artificial Intelligence and the Public

Sector—Applications and Challenges

Bernd W. Wirtz, Jan C. Weyerer & Carolin Geyer

To cite this article: Bernd W. Wirtz, Jan C. Weyerer & Carolin Geyer (2018): Artificial Intelligence
and the Public Sector—Applications and Challenges, International Journal of Public Administration,
DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2018.1498103

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Published online: 24 Jul 2018.

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Artificial Intelligence and the Public Sector—Applications and Challenges

Bernd W. Wirtz, Jan C. Weyerer, and Carolin Geyer
German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, Chair for Information and Communication Management, Speyer, Germany

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have attracted great attention from researchers and practi- Artificial intelligence; public
tioners and have opened up a broad range of beneficial opportunities for AI usage in the public sector; AI applications; AI
sector. Against this background, there is an emerging need for a holistic understanding of the challenges
range and impact of AI-based applications and associated challenges. However, previous research
considers AI applications and challenges only in isolation and fragmentarily. Given the lack of a
comprehensive overview of AI-based applications and challenges for the public sector, our
conceptual approach analyzes and compiles relevant insights from scientific literature to provide
an integrative overview of AI applications and related challenges. Our results suggest 10 AI
application areas, describing their value creation and functioning as well as specific public use
cases. In addition, we identify four major dimensions of AI challenges. We finally discuss our
findings, deriving implications for theory and practice and providing suggestions for future

perform some tasks beyond the capabilities of humans”
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an interdisciplinary research (Purdy & Daugherty, 2016, p. 5).
field that has recently gained special importance in society, In light of these great potential benefits, there is a huge
economics, and the public sector, opening up a variety of increase in AI development through technology companies
new opportunities (Boyd & Wilson, 2017). In particular, such as Google, Facebook, IBM, and Microsoft which make
the self-learning algorithm serves as a basis for recent AI great investments to explore its potential (Grosz et al.,
innovations (Holdren & Smith, 2016) and has a major 2016). Recently launched innovations like Google’s
impact in different sectors. Digitization is significantly AlphaGo (Byford, 2016), IBM’s Watson, Apple’s Siri, and
changing the working environment, especially in the busi- Amazon’s Echo with Alexa attract great attention in society
ness sector, showing that the relevance of AI is evident (Power, 2016). For instance, AlphaGo Zero, the latest evo-
(Castro & New, 2016). lution of the AI technique AlphaGo, constitutes a techno-
The McKinsey Global Institute expects that “rapid logical milestone by achieving superhuman performance.
advances in automation and artificial intelligence will Using self-play reinforcement learning, AlphaGo Zero is
have a significant impact on the way we work and our able to learn from simply playing against itself instead of
productivity” (Gaurav, Queirolo, & Santhanam, 2018, p. being trained by humans and thus is no longer limited by
4). Within the next 15 years, AI has the potential to increase human knowledge (Silver et al., 2017). These technological
the annual economic growth rates in the United States, advancements in AI and the associated value potential are
Germany, and Japan by up to 2 percent points (Purdy & also increasingly gaining in importance in the context of
Daugherty, 2016). Accordingly, AI has the ability to bring government. In particular, China and the United States
change and benefits to the public and the private sector. have recognized the value of AI for the public sector and
More specifically, virtual workforces, so-called intelligent their competitiveness in the global economy. For example,
automation, as well as labor and capital augmentation the government of China has shown an extraordinary
where AI can complement the skills of existing workforces commitment to catch up with the AI development of the
lead to cost efficiency and savings (Bataller & Harris, 2016). Western world in the next 3 years (Knight, 2017a).
In this connection, Purdy and Daugherty (2016) state that The State Council of the People’s Republic of China
AI can be seen “as a capital-labor hybrid [and] can replicate has issued a guideline with a total investment of
labor activities at much greater scale and speed, and to even $147.8 billion to become a global innovator in the

CONTACT Bernd W. Wirtz German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, Chair for Information and Communication
Management, Freiherr-vom-Stein-Str. 2, Speyer 67346, Germany.
© 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

field of AI by 2030 (State Council of the People’s challenges, we used keywords like “artificial intelligence,”
Republic of China, 2017). The United States is prepar- “public AI,” and “government AI.” Accordingly, the lit-
ing for the AI future by promoting AI researchers and erature review presents articles addressing AI in the pub-
respective AI education programs. In 2016, for lic sector, particularly elaborating on those that focus on
instance, they have spent approximately $1.2 billion AI applications and challenges. Within this process, we
on research and development of AI-related technolo- could identify 14 studies that address AI applications and
gies (Holdren & Smith, 2016). challenges with reference to the public sector.
Likewise, Europe has spent up to €700 million on To supplement this literature, we screened the refer-
robotics and public–private partnerships in the context ences of these publications by means of a snowballing
of AI (Ansip, 2017). Consequently, many AI-based approach. In addition, we searched the Google Scholar
applications for the public sector are emerging, promis- database with the above-mentioned search terms. This
ing great value with regard to workforce and produc- procedure revealed 16 additional studies, which could
tivity, but also bringing along significant challenges that not be found in the primary database search. The final
are crucial to their successful implementation and use. relevant set contained 30 articles and studies, which then
In this connection, pressing challenges can be particu- were evaluated and analyzed. Closer inspection of the AI
larly observed with regard to AI responsibility and research results reveals that the articles dealing with AI
implementation as well as social and ethical issues applications and AI challenges are equal in number
(Purdy & Daugherty, 2016; Quraishi, Wajid, & while only few articles address both topics. Based on
Dhiman, 2017; Ransbotham, Kiron, Gerbert, & these research contributions, we could deduce the fol-
Reeves, 2017), which potentially threaten successful AI lowing categories to systematize the field of research and
use and respective creation of value for the public ensure a reasonable overview: AI government service
sector and society as a whole. (category 1), working and social environment influ-
Despite increasing investments in AI research and a enced by AI (category 2), public order and law related
growing number of research contributions, AI for pub- to AI (category 3), AI ethics (category 4), and AI gov-
lic usage is still a young field of research that falls short ernment policy (category 5). Articles in category one
in describing associated applications and challenges. deal with public service-oriented applications and emer-
This shortcoming also results from the lack of a com- ging challenges. This category mainly covers studies that
mon definition and understanding of AI in science address AI applications with a focus on improving work-
(Scherer, 2016). Therefore, it is of greater importance flows, AI forecasting models, data management, as well
to first clarify the meaning of AI, before identifying and as decision and knowledge management (e.g. Chou, Lin,
describing AI application areas and related challenges Pham, & Shao, 2015; Chun & Wai, 2007, 2008;
in the public sector. This article aims to fill in this Kouziokas, 2017; Kouziokas, Chatzigeorgiou, &
research gap by establishing a common definition of Perakis, 2017; Metaxiotis, Ergazakis, Samouilidis, &
AI and providing an integrated overview of applica- Psarras, 2003; Sun & Medaglia, 2017; Zheng et al., 2018).
tions and challenges of AI in the public sector. In Most important to our study is the approach of
doing so, we first present the current state of research Zheng et al. (2018) who investigate AI service provision
on AI in the public sector context, which serves as a by the government, highlighting the bilateral relation-
basis for the subsequent elaboration of an integrated AI ship between the needs of the public sector and the
definition. Following this, we identify AI application solutions provided by AI applications. In doing so, the
areas and associated challenges within the public sector, authors show that supporting e-government tools with
finally deriving implications for research and public AI technology increases efficiency and improves gov-
management. ernment service provision.
Moreover, the articles of Chun and Wai (2007, 2008))
address service-oriented applications in public adminis-
Literature review of AI public sector research
tration that focus on optimizing immigration forms with
In order to create a literature basis with articles from the aid of AI technologies. These AI-based services sup-
academic journals, we have focused on peer-reviewed port e-government and help to reduce processing times,
English-language articles in. Against this background, minimize the workload and improve the workflow, thus
we conducted a title and abstract search in the following increasing efficiency and driving economic growth
EBSCOhost databases: Academic Search Complete (Chun & Wai, 2007, 2008).
Business Source Complete and EconLit with Full Text. Category two contains studies that emphasize AI
In order to create a profound basis of AI research in a and its impact on the working and social environment.
governmental context with a focus on applications and Studies in this category mainly focus on changes

through innovative AI technology in the labor market placing special emphasis on the issue of how to protect
and the resulting impact on the social environment humans from AI technology risks. In consideration of
(e.g. Aguilera and Ramos Barrera 2016; Bartlett, 2017; the ethical issues mentioned, category five contains
Chen, 2009). Thereby, some articles analyze AI applica- articles that focus on AI government policies, elaborat-
tion in advanced and disadvantaged economies, indi- ing restrictions according to laws and policies on
cating consequences caused by AI technology. While research, as well as the development and usage of AI
advanced economies may face high unemployment technologies (e.g. Boyd & Wilson, 2017; Scherer, 2016;
rates due to technological progress and human replace- Thierer, O’Sullivan Castillo, & Russell, 2017). Boyd and
ment, economically disadvantaged countries may not Wilson (2017), for instance, develop a practical
afford AI technology or may have poor network access approach for public authorities to implement AI tech-
and low educational background to respond to changes nologies in New Zealand, demanding to create national
through AI technology (Aguilera and Ramos Barrera and global norms for AI.
2016; Chen, 2009). Moreover, Bartlett (2017) carves out The literature review and the categories identified
several human limitations, drawing the conclusion that show that previous research has scarcely considered AI
people should contribute their best skills and abilities to applications and associated challenges in the public sec-
an AI-based computer system to compensate their tor. The overview of AI literature by means of categories
shortcomings. In this context, AI technologies are able indicates that prior studies lack an integrated approach
to enhance human capabilities, thus seeking a positive to AI applications and their associated challenges due to
impact on the social environment. their specific focus on sub-areas.
Furthermore, articles assigned to category three Against the background of emerging applications for
address public order and law-related issues of AI tech- the public sector that promise great public value, major
nology. On the one hand, AI technology is able to challenges are arising with regard to AI responsibility, as
support forecasting models to minimize damages and well as social and ethical issues, which potentially threa-
casualties from natural disasters (Tang & Wen, 2009). ten value creation for public service providers and agen-
On the other, AI technology is able to support surveil- cies (Quraishi et al., 2017; Ransbotham et al., 2017). In
lance through government agencies and helps to pro- this connection, the above-presented classification of
tect the people (e.g. Power, 2016). Moreover, the study previous studies into thematic clusters appears to be
by Kouziokas (2017) investigates public security issues conceptually helpful because it provides a basis for deriv-
related to AI, focusing on AI for risk prevention stra- ing an integrated overview of AI applications and asso-
tegies in transportation management. By using compu- ciated challenges with regard to the public sector, thus
ter-based artificial neural networks, the author connects contributing to filling in the corresponding research gap.
security-related issues with the quality of transportation However, considering the above-mentioned lack of a
services to identify regions with a high crime rate common AI definition, it is of greater importance to
(Kouziokas, 2017). first clarify the meaning of AI, before identifying and
As can be seen, AI in general has become a popular describing AI applications and related challenges in the
field of research and the impact of AI applications on public sector. Therefore, the following section seeks to
daily life is rising. In this context, ethical issues of AI develop a common definition of AI, which serves as a
technology become increasingly important (Quraishi starting point for examining AI applications and chal-
et al., 2017). For this reason, category four, AI ethics, lenges, as well as for creating an unprecedented inte-
was formed. In general, changes may lead occasionally grated overview.
to misunderstanding and anxiety. Especially the loss of
control associated with the transition from human-
AI applications in the public sector
administrated AI technology to independent AI tech-
nology, which may affect human beings and society, Although AI as a term has been explored over decades,
leads to insecurity (Johnson & Verdicchio, 2017). there is still no universally accepted definition available
Against this background, the articles in category four yet (Grosz et al., 2016). This leads to the fundamental
address ethical issues with regard to AI applications problem of understanding AI in its entirety (Legg &
and their impact on society, including possible benefits Hutter, 2006). To obtain a basic understanding of AI, it
and prospective risks (e.g. Müller, 2014; Johnson 2015; seems useful to first define “intelligence” as an explicit
Massaro, Norton & Kaminski, 2017; Quraishi et al., term, before applying intelligence to machines and
2017). In this connection, Quraishi et al. (2017), for describing the compound term “artificial intelligence.”
instance, discuss ethical decisions on whether AI tech- Considering a variety of previous definitions, Legg and
nology and robotics should be promoted or rejected, Hutter (2007); Legg & Hutter (2006) develop an

integrated definition of intelligence, describing it as the (Adams et al., 2012; Nilsson, 2003; Thierer et al., 2017).
ability to interact, learn, adopt, and resort to informa- ANI is usually able to solve one specific problem and
tion from experiences, as well as to deal with uncer- needs to be programed by humans (Rosa, Feyereisl, &
tainty. In conjunction with this,, “artificial” means a Team, 2016). In contrast, AGI is able to learn on its own
replica produced by humans (Patrick & Fattu, 1986). and to transmit its experiences and skills to other tasks
Based on this fundamental understanding, it seems without any human aid (Adams et al., 2012). Thus, a
expedient to develop a more sophisticated definition comparison of human abilities with AI is inevitable. The
of AI in the context of public management for the already mentioned innovative AI application AlphaGo
further analysis. In order to create a comprehensive Zero, for instance, is in the transition stage between ANI
and clear understanding of the term, we identified six and AGI, as it is already able to self-learn, but still cannot
definitions of AI from relevant articles, which are pre- transfer its knowledge base to other tasks.
sented in Table 1. ASI in turn represents the development of software far
All above-mentioned definitions address the charac- more advanced than the human mind. However, to date
teristics of machine-based systems and human-like intel- such a software does not exist, though scientists believe
ligent behavior. AI attempts to replicate human problem- that ASI will automatically evolve from AGI (Kreinczes,
solving practices to achieve solutions that are more effi- 2016). The potentially associated loss of human control, as
cient. A special feature is the replication of human think- well as the transfer of human activities and knowledge to
ing and learning as well as problem-solving capabilities machines gives rise to concerns that relate to government
intended to enhance performance. Based on these defini- policies and ethical issues (Boyd & Wilson, 2017; Johnson
tions, it is possible to derive an integrative definition of AI & Verdicchio, 2017). Against the background of these
that is used throughout this article. Accordingly, AI refers doubts and concerns in conjunction with the prospective
to the capability of a computer system to show human- development from ANI to AGI, it is obvious that the
like intelligent behavior characterized by certain core government’s role should be to act as a technology super-
competencies, including perception, understanding, visor in general and as a technology addressee for specific
action, and learning. In line with this, our understanding AI applications.
of an AI application refers to the integration of AI tech- However, before discussing these challenges associated
nology into a computer application field with human– with AI in more detail, we first consider the specific
computer interaction and data interaction. Against the potential and usability of AI applications in the public
background of recent developments and further innova- sector. Based on the above-described literature search, we
tions, AI can be broken down into three main categories: could identify a set of 16 publications that address AI
artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), artificial general intel- applications related to the public sector. As already men-
ligence (AGI), and artificial super intelligence (ASI) tioned, AI can reduce administrative burdens and
encourages resource allocation (Eggers, Fishman, &
Kishnani, 2017). Despite the reduced administrative bur-
Table 1. AI definitions. dens, there is still little knowledge about the types and
Author(s) Definition
overall potential of AI applications for governments, as
McCarthy et al. “The study is to proceed on the basis of the
(2006, p. 12) conjecture that every aspect of well as a gap between citizens’ expectations and govern-
learning or any other feature of intelligence can in ment abilities regarding AI within the scope of arising
principle be so precisely
described that a machine can be made to simulate challenges (Mehr, 2017). In the following, we therefore
it. ” illustrate AI applications with detailed descriptions and
Rich et al. (2009, p. “[. . .] the study of how to make computers do
3) things which, at the moment, examples for potential use in the public sector. To provide
people do better.” a presentation of contemporary applications in use, we
Russel and Norvig, AI may be organized into four categories: Systems
(2010, p. 2) that think like humans. restrict our listing of AI tools to examples from the last 8
Systems that act like humans. Systems that think years. Against this background, we have identified 10 AI
rationally. Systems that act
rationally. application areas in a public sector context, which are
Adams et al. (2012, “[. . .] a system that could learn, replicate, and presented in Table 2.
p. 28) possibly exceed human-level
performance in the full breadth of cognitive and
Within the scope our analysis, we found that public
intellectual abilities.” organizations and government offices across the globe
Rosa et al. (2016, p. “[. . .] programs that are able to learn, adapt, be
6) creative and solve problems.”
are already testing AI applications but are not able to
Thierer et al. (2017, “The exhibition of intelligence by a machine. An AI keep up with the pace of private business (Mehr, 2017).
p. 8) system is capable of undertaking high-level
operations; AI can perform near, at, or beyond the
Since prospective governmental use cases of AI are
abilities of a human. This concept is further already common knowledge in the private sector, the
divided into weak and strong AI.” respective know-how could be transferred to

Table 2. Potential AI applications for the public sector.

AI Application AI Value Creation and Functional Proposition Public Sector Use Cases
AI-Based Knowledge ● Generation and systematization of knowledge – gather, sort, ● Clinical documentation powered by AI (Lin et al.
Management (KM) transform, record and share knowledge 2018)
Software ● Expert systems can support the codification of the knowledge of ● …
● Use of neural networks enables to analyze, distribute and share
knowledge with others

AI Process ● Automation of standard tasks; perform formal logical tasks with ● Faster and higher quality request processing for
Automation unpredictable conditions in consistent quality immigration application forms (Chun 2007)
Systems ● Complex human action processes (formal logical or dangerous ● Automated image diagnoses (Collier et al. 2017)
tasks) can be transferred to automation systems, which can support ● Human-computer interaction for repetitive tasks like
humans in performing tasks data entry etc. (Jefferies 2016)
● May include rule-based assessment, workflow processing, schema- ● …
based suggestions, data mining, case-based reasoning, intelligent
sensor technology
● Robotic process automation has emerged as a sub-area through
further technology innovations. This leverages the ability of soft-
ware robots or AI-driven workers to mimic human interaction with
user interfaces of software systems

Virtual Agents ● Computer-based system that interacts with the user by means of ● Task allocation according to the respective area of
speech analytics, computer vision, written data input but may also responsibility of a specific agency (smart HR services)
include real-time universal translation and natural language pro- (Zheng et al. 2018)
cessing systems and affective computing ● Virtual nursing assistant (Collier et al. 2017)
● Software that can perform tasks for humans ● A chatbot for helping refugees that seek asylum to fill
● Sub-areas are chatbots and avatars out and search documents (Mehr 2017)
● …

Predictive Analytics & ● These analytics are based on quantitative and statistical analysis of ● Control and performance monitoring in public areas
Data Visualization data. for police departments to determine terror threats
● Processing of big data for reporting, prescriptive analysis and and crime hotspots for preventive action (Power
predictive analysis 2016)
● Machine learning as a technical sub-area based on algorithms that ● Determine high crime-risk situations to secure public
can learn from data transport (Kouziokas 2017)
● Forecast model to predict water levels (Kouziokas
et al. 2017)
● …

Identity Analytics ● Software combined with big data, advanced analytics and identity ● Facial recognition software to verify or identify
access management to control the access to IT systems and auto- criminals in public areas (Power 2016)
mate risk-based identity checks ● AI fraud detection to secure governmental data
● May include deep learning and machine learning, affective com- (Hemken and Gray 2016)
puting and artificial immune systems ● …

Cognitive Robotics & ● Systems with higher-level cognitive functions that involve knowl- ● Electric-powered autonomous vehicles for public
Autonomous edge representation and are able to learn and respond transport (Christchurch International Airport Limited
Systems ● Sometimes in connection with affective computing to determine 2016, Jefferies 2016)
and adapt human behavior as well as respond to respective ● Robot-assisted surgery (Collier et al. 2017)
emotions ● …

Recommendation ● An information filtering system ● E-service for government offices to provide persona-
Systems ● Software-based systems that screen personalized information to lized information for employees (Cortés-Cediel et al.
predict preferences of individuals 2017)
● …

Intelligent Digital ● Software based on speech analytics ● Connecting federal programs to IDA’s to make public
Assistants (IDA) ● Providing an intuitive interface between a user and a system/ service information available for customers (Herman
device to search for information or complete simple tasks 2017)
● IDA-Amelia to help residents locate information and
complete applications forms using speech analytics
and affective computing (Jefferies 2016)
● …

Speech Analytics ● Software for intelligent recognition and processing of language ● Real-time universal translation (Microsoft 2018) to
● Understand or respond to natural language translate speech and text in face-to-face communi-
● Translate from spoken to written language or from one to another cations in public service settings
natural language ● Administrative workflow assistance with voice to text
● May include real-time universal translation and natural language transcription (Collier et al. 2017)
processing systems (Pannu 2015) ● …

(Continued )

Table 2. (Continued).
AI Application AI Value Creation and Functional Proposition Public Sector Use Cases
Cognitive Security ● Additional application for cognitive technologies to analyze secur- ● Applications like Watson for cybersecurity (Dheap
Analytics & Threat ity information through natural language processing and machine 2017) to support human security analysis in the
Intelligence learning public sector
● Interpret and organize information and provide reasoning ● …

governmental tasks. In particular, there are already AI sparked a debate in science and society comprising the
application pilots in the public sector that focus on social and ethical impact of AI (e.g. Bartlett, 2017;
improving public service delivery and support for citi- Johnson & Verdicchio, 2017; Mehr, 2017; Müller,
zens (Herman, 2017a, 2017b). 2014; Quraishi et al., 2017), the implementation of AI
In this connection, the listed AI application areas technology in business conduct in the public sector
“AI Process Automation,” “Predictive Analytics,” (Amodei et al., 2016; Scherer, 2016; Thierer et al.,
“Identity Analytics,” “Virtual Agents,” and “Cognitive 2017), as well as legal conditions including privacy
Robotics” are of high importance and hold great ben- regulations and responsibility (e.g. Boyd & Wilson,
efits for the public sector. These AI applications, for 2017; Power, 2016; Scherer, 2016).
instance, may increase efficiency and lead to cost sav- Based on these streams of debate, we propose four
ings by automating processes, assisting resource alloca- major dimensions of AI challenges, including AI tech-
tion and reducing waiting time and administrative nology implementation, AI law and regulation, AI
burdens (Eggers et al., 2017; Mehr, 2017). ethics, and AI society. These dimensions serve as a
Against this background, opportunities arise for basis for modeling the challenges associated with the
public officials as they may now focus on specified introduction of AI applications in the public sector.
tasks and activities, while machines perform routine Although prior studies consider AI challenges indivi-
procedures. At the same time, however, the threat of dually and the issues are not completely new to science,
human replacement persists, thus raising ethical con- they fail to provide an integrated overview of AI chal-
cerns in connection with the use of AI technology in a lenges. Taking a closer look, we also identified sub-
public context. For instance, the question of liability challenges that are assigned to the four main dimen-
and responsibility in case of faulty or wrong decisions sions elaborated in the following.
made by AI technology is not clarified yet (Boyd &
Wilson, 2017). Accordingly, AI is a two-edged sword:
AI technology implementation
On the one hand, governments can use the potential of
AI applications to improve public affairs and to In general, implementation deals with the aspects of
increase the efficiency of internal processes. On the which an initiative consists when it is provided in a
other, the threats indicate that AI needs policies and particular context (Durlak & DuPre 2008). In this con-
regulation based on principles and core societal values nection, implementing AI in the public sector requires
in order to bring benefits to everyone (Boyd & Wilson, a thoughtful and strategic course of action to take
2017). The following section attends to these considera- advantage of the great opportunities promised by AI
tions, addressing the challenges associated with AI and ultimately create value therefrom (Mehr, 2017).
applications. However, although government organizations
worldwide have launched initiatives for implementing
and applying AI in the public sector, the implementa-
tion of AI technology poses a demanding challenge for
Challenges of AI related to the public sector
the public sector (Cath, Wachter, Mittelstadt, Taddeo,
As can be seen, there are various opportunities to apply & Floridi, 2018). According to Thierer et al. (2017), the
and implement AI technology in the public sector with bulk of implemented AI solutions “will likely remain
great potential to increase its efficiency. However, the weak and highly specialized” within the next decades.
related challenges should not be set aside, as they may This apparent struggle of implementation is associated
inhibit the implementation and use of AI applications. with certain issues that inhibit the progress of AI in the
Within the scope of our literature research, we could public sector. Based on previous research, we could
identify 17 studies that address AI challenges in a pub- identify four issues associated with the major challenge
lic sector context. This research indicates that AI has of implementing AI technology, including AI safety,

system/data quality and integration, financial feasibility, revenues need to be considered in advance in order to
as well as specialization and expertise. assess whether an AI solution is sustainably viable. In
AI safety has been mentioned in previous research this context, there are two main cost drivers that make
as an important risk factor or challenge of AI and refers financial feasibility a major challenge in the context of
to assuring the secure performance and impact of AI implementation. In particular, the investment for creat-
(Boyd & Wilson, 2017). This not merely comprises ing a sophisticated technological infrastructure to store
issues of information security but rather security issues and collect data is huge (Roberts, 2017). In addition,
in general. According to this, complex and safety-criti- there is a high demand for a limited number of AI
cal situations resulting from circumstances such that AI experts, which is associated with increasing cost of
may learn negative behavior from its environment or education and salaries (Bughin et al., 2017).
misunderstands its surrounding are also included in Specialization and expertise is another important
this connection (Conn, 2017). In this context, aspect of implementing AI technology in the public
Bostrom and Yudkowsky (2014) highlight the impor- sector. The rapid growth of AI is accompanied by the
tance and necessity that AI technology be resilient need for specialists and experts with relevant skills to
against adverse manipulation by humans. support and promote AI development (Holdren &
Google, one of the leading companies in AI research, Smith, 2016). Accordingly, the global demand for AI
has identified various security issues that have already experts has increased exponentially in recent years
occurred in practice. In the case of AI applications (Gagné, 2018). However, as already indicated, there is
based on reinforcement learning, it has to be ensured a lack of AI specialists and experts, hampering AI
that the AI system learns without executing cata- implementation and thus representing a great challenge
strophic actions. In addition, it is necessary to avoid in the context of AI development and implementation
negative side effects such as disturbing the working (EY, 2018). In this connection, government plays a
environment, while conducting the tasks for which crucial role and needs to place special emphasis on
the entity is actually constructed (Amodei et al., developing and advancing a well-educated and diverse
2016). For example, a robot assisting a surgery should workforce in order to build and establish a sustainable
be able to learn without endangering the patient by competence and knowledge base with regard to AI
testing cuts or surgery methods. As a result, the imple- (Holdren & Smith, 2016).
mentation and advancement of AI is linked to prevent-
ing accidents and ensuring a safe functioning of AI
AI law and regulations to control and governance
applications to protect humankind.
System/data quality and integration is of high impor- AI law and regulations refer to the general governance
tance because the AI system is only as smart as the of AI and thus concern the overall ability to manage
provided data from which it learns, and data is regarded and control AI technology and its social and economic
as “[t]he fundamental driver of current AI systems” impact. Due to the broad scope of application, the
(Thierer et al., 2017, p. 10). In particular, data of low governance of AI is associated with a variety of legal
quality or untrusted data represent a major challenge for and regulatory issues, pertaining to data, algorithms,
organizations (EY, 2018). Accordingly, the collection, infrastructures, and humans (Gasser, 2017).
aggregation, storage, and usage of unbiased and relevant Governing AI in a responsible and beneficial manner
data is necessary for successfully implementing AI within thus represents a complex task and major challenge,
the public sector, as inaccurate or poor data may lead to which has so far rather been neglected, particularly
failures (Mehr, 2017). In this connection, establishing a when it comes to long-term issues of AI (Bostrom,
sophisticated and high-quality AI system that is capable of Dafoe, & Flynn, 2016). Insights from leading research
integrating data respectively and managing the interde- institutions, such as the Future Society at Harvard
pendencies among data, technologies, and processes is Kennedy School or the Future of Humanity Institute
essential but at the same time represents a great challenge at the University of Oxford indicate the critical role and
in implementing AI solutions (Gerbert, Hecker, necessity of AI-related policymaking (Bostrom et al.,
Steinhäuser, & Ruwolt, 2017). 2016; Miailhe, 2017), highlighting the need for “some
Financial feasibility plays also a critical role in form of global governance board” (Boyd & Wilson,
implementing AI technology and insufficient budget is 2017, p. 40). Clarifying the legal status of AI is essential
one of the biggest challenges organizations face when to remove uncertainty and determine legal responsibil-
initiating AI programs (EY, 2018; PwC, 2017). ity and liability when AI applications cause harm
Accordingly, before developing and launching an AI (IEEE, 2017). Against this background, our literature
application, the total cost associated and the expected analysis reveals three important aspects in connection

with AI law and regulations, including governance of systems due to their lack of control and influence
autonomous intelligence systems, responsibility and (Matthias, 2004).
accountability, and privacy/safety. On the opposite side, De George (2003) argues that
Governance of autonomous intelligence systems humans are always responsible for the consequences
refers to the challenge of comprehending and control- associated with technology. Although there have been
ling the decisions and actions of AI systems and algo- various approaches addressing the challenge of respon-
rithms that are often referred to as black boxes (e.g. sibility and accountability in the context of AI and
Bleicher, 2017; Knight, 2017b). In this connection, seeking to overcome the responsibility gap, there is so
Castelvecchi (2016, p. 21) highlights the opaqueness of far no consensus on how to deal with this major chal-
AI systems and notes that “[i]nstead of storing what lenge (e.g. Anderson, 2011; Asaro, 2012; Nagenborg,
they have learned in a neat block of digital memory, Capurro, Weber, & Pingel, 2008; Santoro, Marino, &
they diffuse the information in a way that is exceedingly Tamburrini, 2008). Johnson (2015, p. 714) indicates
difficult to decipher,” which in turn makes them also that overcoming this challenge is a matter of human
difficult to govern or control. decision as well as political and social consensus build-
Governance is of transnational nature in this con- ing, highlighting “that whether or not there will ever be
text, thus referring to both governmental action and a responsibility gap depends on human choices not
norms or measures including other relevant stake- technological complexity.”
holders such as AI technology companies or NGOs Privacy/safety refers to the challenge of preserving
(Bostrom et al., 2016). Accordingly, governments and humans’ privacy and protecting data and AI-related
all other relevant actors have to ensure certain require- network resources from security threats in the context
ments in terms of explicability, transparency, fairness, of AI. This particularly means that data from indivi-
and accountability with regard to AI systems and algo- duals are collected and processed with the consent of
rithms that govern humans’ lives, taking on the difficult the respective individual and in compliance with
task of introducing mechanisms of governance that respective laws. According to Rössler (2005, p. 9),
minimize risks and potential pitfalls (Gasser & there are three ways in which privacy violations can
Almeida, 2017; Rahwan, 2018). In doing so, govern- occur: “as illicit interference in one’s actions, as illicit
ments across the globe should agree on global princi- surveillance, as illicit intrusions in rooms or dwell-
ples and regulations for AI systems that also ings,” all of which that may arise in connection with
incorporate the prevailing standards of democracy and AI (Calo, 2010). For instance, AI systems such as
human rights (Boyd & Wilson, 2017). Designing and robot applications are vulnerable to cyber attacks,
establishing a global and flexible AI governance system which are particularly dangerous because the attackers
that not only lives up to the diverse aspects of AI but gain access to humans’ physical living environment
also accounts for cultural varieties and different and thus their most sensitive area of life in terms of
national legal systems is complex and thus represents privacy (Calo, 2012). In addition, privacy concerns
a major challenge in the context of AI (Gasser & may also arise, for instance, in connection with AI-
Almeida, 2017). based government surveillance (Gasser & Almeida,
Responsibility and accountability is closely con- 2017). Against this background, a recent survey
nected to the aspect of governance and refers to defin- demonstrates that the vast majority of citizens “are
ing the legal status of who is in charge and responsible worried about the threat that AI poses to their priv-
for decisions made by AI. For instance, the question of acy” (Soo, 2018, p. 1). As can be seen, AI may have a
who is responsible and liable arises when an autono- great impact on peoples’ privacy, making privacy pro-
mous vehicle for public transport harms a pedestrian. Is tection a major challenge in the context of AI (De
the hardware or the software designer, the supplier or Montjoye, Farzanehfar, Hendrickx, & Rocher, 2017).
the operator, the authorities, or even the AI application This challenge particularly refers to technological and
itself responsible and liable for the consequences of any legal issues. On the one hand, AI systems need to
decisions made by the AI application (IEEE, 2017)? contain sophisticated cybersecurity precautions to
Since AI systems learn while they are in operation ensure data safety and privacy (Holdren & Smith,
and act autonomously, their developers or operators 2016). On the other, legislation and policymaking
may not be capable of controlling or predicting their need to be adapted to new developments and chan-
subsequent behavior (Johnson, 2015). Thus, AI systems ging conditions resulting from AI (Krausová, 2017).
may defy direct human control, which leads to the so- This also includes, for instance, the handling of dis-
called responsibility gap, according to which humans crepancies among jurisdictions with regard to privacy
cannot be held accountable for the behavior of AI standards etc. (Gasser, 2017).

AI ethics which indicates the equality of AI systems with humans

(Krausová, 2017). Since AI systems lack these human
An intensely discussed challenge in connection with AI
traits, they may not be entitled to the rights associated
applications in the public setting refers to the ethics of
with constitutional personhood (Solum, 1992).
AI. Major ethical aspects of AI refer to the field of robot
ethics or machine ethics. On the one hand, this Against this background, the question and chal-
includes considerations whether the development and lenge arises whether it is ethical and morally justifi-
use of certain AI applications and their consequences able for AI systems to make the rules for human
are ethical and morally justifiable, for instance, most behavior. In addition, it is open to debate whether it
prominently with regard to lethal autonomous weapons is desirable to put into action AI systems that decide
(Patrick., Abney, & Bekey, 2012; Russell, 2015). On the detached from human traits such as emotion or con-
other hand, this pertains to the matter of how to embed sciousness, especially in situations where humaneness
ethical principles into AI systems to ensure that they should play an important role from a human perspec-
act morally (Anderson & Anderson, 2011). tive and there is legal latitude or scope of discretion.
Ethics of AI do not just follow the codified law but For instance, it is problematic when a decision simply
also recognize social norms and standards referring to changes because a machine decides and not a human
reasonable obligations and those including virtues of being. In this context, self-learning AI systems might
loyalty and honesty. This also requires a continuous decide no longer on a normative ethical basis and
study of moral beliefs and behavior to ensure reason- thereby become unpredictable for human beings.
able and well-founded standards (Velasquez, Andre, For instance, the above-mentioned AI process auto-
Shanks, Meyer, & Meyer, 2010). Against this back- mation system for immigration application forms
ground, our literature analysis reveals that the challenge might reject a query because of biased data, while a
of AI ethics covers a broad spectrum of aspects, ranging human case worker facing the same data might accept
from AI rulemaking for human behavior, to the com- the request.
patibility of machine versus human value judgment, to Compatibility of machine versus human value
moral dilemmas and AI discrimination. judgment is based on the assumption that human
AI rulemaking for human behavior refers to the value judgment differs from prospective machine
consequences for the population resulting from AI- value judgment and is thus closely connected to the
based decision-making and represents one of the great- above-mentioned deliberations with regard to AI rule-
est ethical challenges associated with AI. AI systems are making for human behavior. Given that human deci-
usually designed to reproduce or imitate human beha- sion-making in contrast to that of AI systems is not
vior and make decisions for humans with the objective only influenced by rational principles, but also by fac-
of maximizing effectiveness and efficiency, as well as tors such as emotion and consciousness (Banerjee et al.,
minimizing errors in order to ultimately make the right 2018), it stands to reason that their value judgments
or best decision for them. Accordingly, AI systems aim may differ in certain situations.
“to think and act rationally [. . .] [and] replicate the In this context, previous research has also drawn
natural decision-making process as compared to attention to the challenge of creating ethical consis-
humans” (Banerjee, Pradeep Kumar, & Bajpai, 2018). tency among AI systems and humans, which may
However, as AI systems are not flawless and mis- emerge in connection with AI-based decision-making
judgment from a human perspective may occur, AI- (Mittelstadt, Allo, Taddeo, Wachter, & Floridi, 2016;
based decision-making may pose a threat to human Turilli, 2007). Turilli (2007), for instance, implies the
beings (Krausová, 2017). To avoid misjudgment, AI importance of binding AI systems to the same ethical
systems are reliant upon unbiased data of high quality principles as individuals in order to achieve ethical
whose provision in its own right already represents a consistency for an organization’s overall behavior or
major challenge, as mentioned earlier (EY, 2018). performance.
Another important challenge arises from the circum- However, despite the ambitions in the context of
stance that humans, unlike AI systems, are not merely machine ethics to embed ethical principles into AI
acting instrumentally rationally but are also character- systems to ensure that they act morally (Anderson &
ized by other traits that influence or determine their Anderson, 2011), “ethical principles as used by human
decisions and behaviors, such as consciousness or emo- decision-makers may prove difficult to define and ren-
tion (Banerjee et al., 2018). These traits or concepts are dered computable” (Mittelstadt et al., 2016, p. 11). In
important requirements for achieving what Solum this context, the self-learning algorithm and the result-
(1992, p. 1255) calls “constitutional personhood”, ing machine autonomy play a crucial role. AI systems

might develop their own system of values and create and thus the necessity as well as demand for further
their own frame of reference, which may be incompa- detection and prevention mechanisms remains
tible with the human value system. In the worst case, (Mittelstadt et al., 2016).
the machine judgment will oppose human value judg-
ment and might lead to independent AI technology
causing harm by turning against human beings.
AI society
Moral dilemmas refer to situations in which AI sys-
tems need to choose between conflicting alternatives and AI society refers to the transition of social life and
“no moral choice is without undesirable moral conse- human interaction driven by AI and the social chal-
quences” (Ditto & Liu, 2012, p. 55). Such dilemmas lenges associated with these changes. AI has reached
become particularly relevant when it comes to AI appli- the everyday world, influencing our daily routines and
cations, such as healthcare robots or autonomous driv- many core areas of society, such as healthcare, trans-
ing, which may help or harm human beings and where portation, and finance (Cath et al., 2018). At the same
the AI systems has to make an ethical decision between time, there are also increasing concerns about AI’s
two negative alternatives (Deng, 2015). For instance, if future development and diffuse anxieties emerging in
an autonomous vehicle is about to be involved in an society due to its potentially adverse effects on mankind
accident, its AI system may be faced with a decision that and society (Johnson & Verdicchio, 2017).
has only two bad options. Should it protect the driver of For instance, prominent AI researchers have
the vehicle at all cost if several other humans from launched an initiative in the form of open letters pub-
another vehicle involved could otherwise be rescued? lished by the Future of Life Institute, which have
This example makes clear that some applications, parti- received broad support by famous AI opinion leaders
cularly those involving life-or-death decisions need to and experts, like Stephan Hawking or Elon Musk. In
command an ethical reasoning skill before being applied these initiatives, they address the threat AI may pose,
fully autonomously in the field (Conitzer, Sinnott- expressing their concerns about AI and the harm it may
Armstrong, Borg, Deng, & Kramer, 2017). do to humanity and society, as well as advocating a
As mentioned earlier, the field of machine ethics development of AI that is beneficial to the latter
deals with the challenge of integrating ethical principles (Future of Life Institute, 2015a; 2015b).
into AI systems and teaching them ethical behavior Fears and objections toward the application of AI
(Anderson & Anderson, 2011). However, the great are also present among citizens. The European
challenge remains “to figure out what’s relevant for Commission’s survey on autonomous systems in 2015,
artificial intelligence to reason successfully in ethical for example, shows that a large proportion of citizens
situations” (Deng, 2015, p. 25). have reservations with regard to AI in various areas of
AI discrimination relates to the challenge of pre- application. For instance, the majority of respondents
venting inequality and unfairness caused by AI applica- feel uncomfortable with AI systems providing services
tions. Previous research indicates that AI systems and to elderly people or using AI systems for medical sur-
their profiling may lead to discrimination and thus gery (European Commission, 2015).
violate ethical principles such as equality and fairness Against this background, our literature analysis
(Thierer et al., 2017). Since humans program the algo- identified three important aspects in the literature
rithms of AI systems or serve as their source of data referring to the challenge of AI to society. These
input, AI systems also may pick up their values and include workforce substitution and transformation,
biases (Citron & Pasquale, 2014). For instance, AI sys- social acceptance/trust in AI, and transformation of
tems may absorb gender or racial prejudices hidden in human-to-machine (H2M) and machine-to-machine
human language patterns and amplify human stereo- (M2M) interaction.
types (Bass & Huet, 2017; Devlin, 2017). In response to Workforce substitution and transformation refers
these drawbacks and potentially even illegal discrimina- to the impact of AI on the labor market and represents
tion, respective approaches are increasingly emerging one of the most pervasive challenges to society in the
in the context of data mining and machine learning in context of AI (Bataller & Harris, 2016; Boyd & Wilson,
order to detect and prevent discrimination (e.g. 2017). There is increasing concern that further
Barocas, 2014; Bolukbasi, Chang, Zou, Saligrama, & advancement and implementation of AI will lead to
Kalai, 2016; Hajian & Domingo-Ferrer, 2013). unemployment as work activities and jobs become
However, despite these first attempts at counteracting increasingly subject to automation (Mehr, 2017;
discrimination in connection with AI, the challenge of Thierer et al., 2017). According to a recent study of
eliminating discrimination from AI systems persists PwC, more than one-third of workers were concerned

about a potential job loss as a consequence of automa- negatively influence their acceptance (Hameed, Ten,
tion (Brown et al., 2018). Thomsen, & Xiaodong, 2016).
Various study findings support these misgivings, If citizens feel discriminated by AI or that it threa-
although the expert estimations on this issue vary tens their safety, privacy, or employment, thus contra-
widely. While a study of PwC figures that about one- dicting their expectations with regard to AI, they will
third of jobs are endangered in major industrial nations very unlikely accept or trust it. Moreover, the combina-
(Hawksworth, Kupelian, Berriman, & Mckellar, 2017), tion of unemployment and increases in profit through
studies of the Oxford University (Frey & Osborne, AI may reinforce social inequality and widen the gap
2017) and the McKinsey Global Institute (Manyika between the rich and the poor, which in turn leads to
et al., 2017) reach quite similar conclusions, stating social dissatisfaction instead of social acceptance (Boyd
that about half of the occupations or workforce activ- & Wilson, 2017; Wisskirchen et al., 2017).
ities could be automated and are thus at risk. Other Against this background, the challenge arises to
estimates draw an even more pessimistic picture of reduce social concerns, to prepare the next generation
80–90% automation-induced job elimination within for a digital age by initiating and promoting a social
the next 15 years (Lever, 2017). dialog and to create confidence in AI systems. In this
Although the approaches leading to these figures connection, Hameed et al. (2016) highlight the impor-
have been put into perspective and have received criti- tance of understanding and taking into consideration
cism (Atkinson, 2017), it becomes apparent that AI the factors that drive acceptance of AI systems in
greatly fosters the substitution of human workforce society. However, it should generally be kept in mind
and society is facing technological unemployment on that the acceptance of technology per se is dependent
a large scale. Besides the specific challenge of workforce on context (Petit, 2018).
substitution, the complementation of many jobs by AI Transformation of H2M/M2M interaction is con-
will change their requirement profiles to the effect that nected to the understanding of communication
workers may experience a shift in roles toward a more between humans and machines or among the latter in
supervisory function and will require AI-specific skills the context of AI and refers to the challenges associated
(Bataller & Harris, 2016; Mehr, 2017). The develop- with these interactions. Due to the advancements in
ment of AI also leads to the emergence of completely speech, gesture and pattern recognition, AI can sub-
new job profiles, such as data scientists or machine stantially change our interactions (Cath et al., 2018)
learning engineers, requiring experts with AI-specific and future H2M interaction is said to be characterized
skills, which are currently few and far between on the by systems that can anticipate movements of humans
market (EY, 2018). The private sector and the public and can be steered by voice, gesture and environment
sector must prepare for and address these major chal- communication. (Ice, 2015). However, since most AI
lenges in order to protect the economic systems and systems are designed and developed by technical
society from adverse effects that may arise from this experts who are not familiar with cognitive aspects,
transition. the H2M interaction is not ideal and users need “to
Social acceptance/trust in AI represents another adapt to these machines, often resulting in miscommu-
major social challenge in the context of AI to be met nication and undue anxiety” (Lee & Sathikh, 2013).
that is crucial for AI to be successful. While, the social A great challenge in this connection refers to making
debate about AI and impacts on society has become H2M and M2M interaction more intuitive, which
more intense and has rather moved toward a positive requires stronger consideration of cognitive compo-
end in recent years, certain concerns such as losing nents (Ducatel, Bogdanowicz, Scapolo, Leitjen, &
control over AI, ethical worries, and the negative impact Burgelman, 2005). In this connection, the user also
on workforce have increased (Fast & Horvitz, 2017). needs to understand the way in which AI is actually
Findings of a recent study support this development, influencing the interaction (Holmquist, 2017).
suggesting that citizens are quite favorable toward AI, Furthermore, designing an AI system that harmonizes
but only as long as it does not directly affect them or with the user and realizing the great benefits that AI offers,
their health (Nitto, Taniyama, & Inagaki, 2017). demands many more ways of communication with the AI
Social acceptance and trust in AI is closely con- system (Holmquist, 2017; Mankins, 2015). Besides verbal
nected with and dependent on the resolution of other communication, nonverbal communication is an impor-
challenges such as AI safety, privacy, discrimination, tant attribute of human behavior and interaction.
and workforce substitution that may negatively affect Nonverbal communication represents communication
citizens in a direct way. A mismatch between citizen or aspects “that are not part of the words themselves, includ-
user expectations and the reality of AI systems may ing facial expressions, body posture and gestures” (Dodds,

Figure 1. Four-AI-challenges model.

Mohler, & Bülthoff, 2011, p. 1). The ability to understand interactions but rather assume a moderating role, there is a
emotional expressions may be crucial and poses a severe risk of losing access to these interactions, which thus may
challenge to rational AI systems (Banerjee et al., 2018), defy human control and understanding. As with AI gov-
resulting in a different H2M interaction behavior. ernance in general, the challenge will be to ensure that
This circumstance may also contribute to the homo- M2M interactions in the context of AI are transparent
geneity problem that H2M interaction currently faces, and accountable to, as well as controllable by humans.
according to which AI systems such as robots are only Based on the above-mentioned deliberations,
able to interact with humans in a uniform way and cannot Figure 1 depicts the Four-AI-Challenges Model illus-
approach humans in a variable way in every detail to trating the major dimensions and sub-aspects of AI
accomplish a plethora of interactions (Tanaka & challenges in the public sector. In the following, we
Kobayashi, 2015). In order to supersede human-to- discuss the findings with regard to the AI applications
human interaction, AI will need a genuine understanding as well as their potential for the public sector and their
of how the world works and the intentions of the inter- connection to all dimensions of challenges.
action partner (Holmquist, 2017).
Furthermore, another great challenge pertains to the
rapidly developing and increasing M2M interactions that
Discussion and conclusion
require appropriate human control (Minchev, 2016).
Given that self-algorithms become more and more sophis- The starting point of this study refers to the increasing
ticated and humans do not play an active part in these relevance of AI in science and practice as well as its

groundbreaking potential for the public sector on a helpful starting point for future research endeavors.
global level—both in positive and negative terms. A The categories identified thereby give already first indi-
number of countries in particular the United States cations for the potential application areas and chal-
and China have recognized the great value of AI for lenges of AI, of which many important aspects have
public usage and has launched various cost-intensive AI been admittedly addressed by previous research, but in
initiatives, revealing the broad range of potential appli- an isolated and fragmentary way (e.g. Boyd & Wilson,
cation areas (Holdren & Smith, 2016; Knight, 2017a). 2017; Mehr, 2017; Thierer et al., 2017). Accordingly,
However, for some reason or another no government prior approaches have remained short of providing a
has so far comprehensively addressed the whole AI systematic and integrated description of AI applications
application spectrum. Associated challenges that may and challenges in the public sector. The study at hand
hamper successful implementation of AI in the public makes this contribution, which is particularly impor-
sector are occasionally neglected in government reports tant for a comprehensive understanding thereof.
(Boyd & Wilson, 2017). It seems that despite the great The holistic consideration of applications and chal-
benefits and recent efforts regarding AI, its implemen- lenges also indicates their interdependencies. AI appli-
tation in the public sector is struggling. cations and challenges are closely connected to each
Since the public sector represents a relatively new other, as these challenges may arise when introducing
area of AI application and many applications have been AI applications to the public sector and should there-
employed as innovative pilot projects (Herman, 2017a; fore be considered in concert. There are also interde-
Singh, 2017), governments, and public authorities may pendencies among the challenges, allowing to deduce
not be aware of the full range of AI applications oppor- potential synergy effects when it comes to opposing and
tunities nor of related challenges. This is aggravated by overcoming these challenges. For instance, the chal-
the fact that respective public sector-specific AI lenge of achieving social acceptance and trust in AI is
research is still in its infancy and so far fails to provide dependent on whether other challenges that may nega-
an integrated view of AI applications and challenges for tively affect citizens, such as AI safety, privacy, discri-
the public sector. mination, and workforce substitution, are successfully
In response to this practical shortcoming and the addressed. Moreover, making regulations to control
corresponding gap in research, this study seeks to and govern AI applications requires addressing and
develop a comprehensive understanding of AI, examin- discussing ethical issues or implementation-related
ing its applications and challenges in the public sector. issues in advance. Overall, these interdependencies are
In doing so, this study contributes to AI research by (1) a further argument in favor of an integrative approach.
enhancing the understanding of AI in a public context, Besides the study’s thorough scope, another impor-
(2) identifying AI applications and explaining their tant contribution refers to the level of detail and the
value creation and functional proposition, (3) provid- resulting specificity and reference points for imple-
ing public sector-specific AI use cases, (4) presenting a menting and regulating AI in the public sector. The
Four-AI-Challenges Model that incorporates major description of AI applications exceeds further
dimensions and sub-aspects of AI challenges, and (5) approaches (e.g. Mehr, 2017; Thierer et al., 2017) by
deriving both concrete implications for AI-related specifying their value creation and functional proposi-
research and specific guidelines for public managers tion as well as highlighting concrete field-tested use
dealing with AI implementation. cases for the public sector, demonstrating the broad
The extensive analysis of applications and chal- and multifaceted spectrum of AI applications as well
lenges-related AI literature in this study initially as underscoring the importance of an integrated over-
revealed a lack of a unified integrated definition of the view to reveal their entire potential for the public sec-
AI concept (Scherer, 2016), which is crucial to ensure tor. The identification of various use cases from
an efficient and consistent development of AI research. previous research and governmental programs and the
In this connection, the integrated AI definition pro- thereupon based formation of 10 superordinate cate-
posed in this study contributes to the development gories of AI applications is to the best of our knowledge
and establishment of a common conceptual under- the first comprehensive overview of AI applications for
standing of AI in the public sector, which is an essential the public sector and thus constitutes a central point of
starting point and prerequisite for conceiving AI appli- reference in view of the formerly fragmented state of
cations and challenges. Moreover, the categorization of knowledge. Likewise, the elaborate deliberations about
the pertinent literature within our literature review the challenges of AI go beyond the mere consideration
contributes to research by structuring the respective of challenges by former approaches that fall short of
field of AI research and providing a conceptually providing detailed descriptions of respective issues or

leverage points specific enough to serve as a practical development and create comprehensive regulations,
orientation or decision aid in the context of AI imple- while at the same time meeting the variety of chal-
mentation and regulation (e.g. Bataller & Harris, 2016). lenges, satisfying ethical concerns, building a broad
Prior approaches in the context of AI ethics, for understanding and acceptance of AI in society, as well
instance, strongly focus on the ethical challenges of as creating a sense of security and so on.
AI, neglecting the aspect of how to solve or regulate Against this background, the study findings offer
these ethical issues (e.g. Gasser & Almeida, 2017). Here, several practical implications and carry valuable advice
there a few exceptions that may act as role model for AI for public management. First, the study imparts a thor-
research, such as a recent publication of the IEEE ough understanding of AI and provides an AI applica-
Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and tions checklist for public managers including their
Intelligent that provide concrete highly demanded value creation and functional proposition, which may
recommendations on how to deal with the ethical chal- thus serve as a benchmark for prospective AI ventures
lenges of AI (IEEE, 2017). in the public sector. In addition, the Four-AI-
Against this background, our integrative approach Challenges Model may serve as a reference point to
identified specific AI challenges to the public sector in avoid pitfalls when introducing AI applications to the
the literature and formed four main dimensions to public sector. When considering certain AI applications
which these challenges were assigned, developing the for implementation, public managers should be aware
Four-AI-Challenges Model for the public sector. The that it is critical to simultaneously take into account the
relevance and severity of these challenges may be variety of challenges in terms of risks and adverse
dependent on context. For instance, social acceptance effects that may endanger its success. Acknowledging
may vary across countries (Nitto et al., 2017) and the their interdependencies may also help public managers
challenge of workforce substitution and transition may to identify and realize synergy effects when coping with
have a greater impact on society in terms of unemploy- these challenges.
ment and inequality in countries with larger automa- Moreover, public managers should bring to mind
tion potential than others (Arntz, Gregory, & Zierahn, that a number of challenges is in their direct sphere
2016; Chui, Manyika, & Miremadi, 2017). of influence and can be quite simply addressed. For
Speaking of challenges, prior AI literature has also instance, in response to the lack of specialization and
largely focused on its counterpart, the benefits of AI, expertise, public organizations could initiate educa-
neglecting the challenges associated with AI. Even gov- tional programs such as training courses or workshops
ernment reports are regarded to have an imbalanced for their employees to develop and strengthen AI-spe-
view in this respect (Boyd & Wilson, 2017). Balanced cific skills, which also may smoothen the changes and
presentations of benefits and risks like in the recently mute potentially negative impacts in the context of
published government report of the United States workforce substitution and transition. Moreover, such
rather constitute an exception, but may serve as a useful educational measures for employees may also be pro-
benchmark for AI research in terms of its double-sided mising in connection with issues of IT or data security
perspective (Holdren & Smith, 2016). However, the and privacy in the context of AI, to ensure a responsible
recently kicked off public debate whether AI is good handling of these critical areas that greatly affect and
or bad for society in which famous AI experts and are highly relevant to citizens.
opinion leaders, such as Elon Musk or Stephen Furthermore, sensitive aspects that raise concerns
Hawking, have voiced fears about the threats of AI among citizens, such as workforce substitution or AI
(Newman, 2017), has raised increasing awareness of safety and privacy, could generally be addressed by
the challenges of AI and may result in stronger con- measures that create transparency with regard to poten-
sideration thereof in future AI literature. Against this tial consequences of AI-based changes in the working,
background, the study at hand also represents an initial social, and personal environment, for instance, in the
contribution towards redressing the respective balance form of respective information events. This may con-
in research between benefits and challenges of AI. tribute to allaying potential fears among employees or
Furthermore, the challenges of AI play particularly citizens and to achieving social acceptance and trust in
in the public sector a special role, as the protection and AI. To this end, the implementation of AI applications
education of citizens and their provision with goods should take place gradually in the form of smaller,
and services they cannot provide on their own is a ethically inoffensive pilot projects that are well manage-
central part of governmental duties (Slaughter, 2017). able and readily comprehensible for all actors involved,
Due to the rapid changes in AI technology, it is difficult promising fast success and encouraging social accep-
for any government to keep up with the pace of tance of AI. On grounds of effectiveness and efficiency,

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