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Pasca ATT

2. Monitor compliance with legislative requirements

1. Prior to entering service on a vessel in foreign trade for the first tme you are required to have a
health certificate not
older than?
A. Three months
B. Six months
C. Five year
D. One year
E. I Don't Know
2. Any person serving on board who wthout the permission of the shipmaster leaves the ship in
distress or other
danger while the master stil on board shall be liable to
A. imprsonment for a term not exceeding 12 months
B. Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 month
C. Fines or imprsonment for a term not exceeding 12 months
D. Fines
E. I Dont Know
3. What is supervision of martime service of seafarers?
A. The masters employers control
B. The interview by the employerimastor of the seafarer prior to service
C. A formality The signing and stamping of employment agreement and report on seamen by the
D. Control by the mastot omployer and public supervisory authority that the requirements of law
or agrooment
conceming the employee's service on board are satisfied
E. Dont Know
4. Which ships does the ISMM code apply to
A. Only passenger vessels
B. All passenger ships, all cargo ships of 500GRT or above
C. Only tankers and Ro-ros
D. All craft above 300GRT
E. I Don't Know
5. Do you confirm that personal safety provisions of the Seamen's Act cannot, as per the NiS Act be
deviated from in
a collective wage agreement?
A. The NiS Act does not regulate this questions
B. No
C. Patly
D. Yes
E. I Dont Know
6. Who shall check the ship's medical supplies?
A. The master shall ensure, at regular intervals, that the medical supplies are suficient taking due
respect to the areas in which the ship is operating
B. The master, or an officer authorised by him, shall chock all medical equpment at least twice a
year and order supplements to thestock from an approved pharmacy
C. A pharmacy authorsed or accepted by the Norwegian Board of Health or if no such phamacy
is available, the master and doctor aproved by norwegian consulate shall perform inspectio
every 12 months
D. The inspection shall be undertaken by a Norwegian phermacy or by a person holding a degree
in pharmacy
and approved by the Norwegian Maitime Directorate
E. Dont Know
7. Shall the seefarer receive a statement showng the caculation of his wages?
A. Yes, showing how it has been calculated and with possible deductions
B. He shall be told and make a note himself
C. Only for payments for overtime
D. Yes, but only at the request of the seafarer
E. Dont Know
8. What are the average total working hours per week that must be exceeded over a period of at most
one year on
board NIS ships?
A. 48 hours
B. 56 hours
C. 40 hours
D. 63 hours
E. I Dont Know
9. Which documents shall the master submit to the consulate for supervision of maritime service of a
Non- Norwegian
A. Employment agreement, report on seamen and documentation that the seafarer has the
qualifications, health certficate, record of service etc
B. Employment agreement and report on seamen.
C. Health certificate and record of service. The master can rely on that the employment
agreement and report on
seamen are made out by the consulate
D. A letter asking the consulate to preform a supervision of the seafarer
E. I Dont Know
10. Shall every seafarer bring with him a valid health certificate issued as per Norwegian provisions?
A. Only if he has had a contagious disease during the last month
B. Yes
C. Any health certificate will do
D. Not if the seafarer has a certficate of competency
E. I Dont Know.
11. In case of a pollution in US waters, who shall notify the cleaning up contractor (OPA 90)
A. Emergency response team
B. The ship owner
C. o Qualified Individual
D. The Master
E. I Don't Know
12. What is the book named. "Excerpts from the Norwegian Passenger and Cargo Ship Legislation,
A. The SOLAS convention, only.
B. An unofficial translation of "Den norske skipskontrolls regele
leaving out some provisions, such as speed Iimits, relating to local Norwegian waters. (The
authonised Norwegi an original applies in cases of discropancies
C. The International Classification societies instructions
D. Internationally adopted conventions for safety at sea and adequate manning of ships
E. I Dont Know
13. What is the minimum age for a seafarer on a NIS ship (foreign trade)?
A. There is no foxed minimum age
B. The minimum age is 16 years
C. The minimum age is 15 years
D. A person may serve on board as from the 17th. calendar year
E. I Dont Know
14. MARPOL Annex V Disposal of garbage outside "Special Areas". After unpacking spares, you are
left with a limited amount of packing materials. is this prohibited, if not what will be the nearest
distance to land for disposal into the sea of these materials?
A. 25 miles
B. 3 miles
C. 12 miles
D. This is prohibited
E. IDon't Know
15. What are the duties of the master, specially stated in the NIS act chapter 3?
A. To ensure that all necessary safety precautions are taken
B. To carry out safety and emergency drills at regular intervals
C. To make a copy of the NIS act and the CBA accessible to the crew it referred to in a contract
D. To control that all necessary documents requested by the NIS office in Bergen have been
E. IDon't Know
16. Does the employer have to give a reason for a notice of termination?
A. Yes, if grounded on factors relating to the seafarer and the seafarer demands it
B. Yes, if the notice of termination is grounded cn factors relating to the owners
C. The circumstances shall only be disclosed to the manning agent
D. Yes, if the seafrers demands it
E. I Dont Know.
17. You are on a vessel 10 nautical miles off the coast of Aigeria, in the Mediterranean Sea. Are you
allowed to dump
food waste overboard?
A. Yes, the food waste can be dumped if it is ground so that the resulting particles can pass
through a screen with
25 mm openings
B. No, food waste can not be dumped oveibcard
C. Yes, the food waste can be dumped if it is ground so that the resulting particles can pass
through a screen with
50 mm openings
D. Yes, all kind of food waste can be dumped overboard
E. IDon't Know
18. You are taking fuel on your vessel in the US when you notice oil on the water around your vessel.
You are to stop
taking fuel and
A. Notify the US Coast Guard
B. Begin clean up operations
C. Leave the area
D. Notify the Corps of Engineers
E. I Dont Know
19. Who is responsible for the ship being safely manned?
A. The master and the shipowner are responsible for the adequate manning of the ship.
B. The shipping company shall ensure that informaton on the number and composition of the
crew is posted in the ship and has the sole responsibility for the ship being adequately manned
C. NMD is responsible for the ship being at all times adequately manned in accordance with
Norwegian acts and
D. The manning agent is responsible for supplying the ship with adequately qualified seafarers
E. IDont Know
20. What are the duties of a master if a seafarer gets ill at sea?
A. Put him to bed and await the situation
B. All the other mentioned altematives according to the situation
C. Seek medical advice over radio (Radio Medico/Radio Medical)
D. After observation and checking the medical books, check the medicine chest to find suitable
E. I Don't Know
21. To achieve safe maritime operation, the Norwegian Manitime Directorate works in compliance
A. The Norwegian Shipowners' Association
B. The SOLAS convention
C. Det norske Veritas (Dnv)
D. The International Maritime Organization (IMO)
E. I Dont Know
22. Do regulations on the scope of the Seamen's Act apply
A. to both passengers and cargo ships? Yes.
B. to Norvegian and foreign ships opcrating solcly in Norwegian waters? Yes
C. to cargo ships only? Yes
D. to ships and mobile ol drilling offshore units? Yes.
E. I Don't Know.
23. What shoukd you do with the ashes from your vessels incinerator which had burned garbage
containing plastics?
A. Discharge at sea providing you are more than 25 miles offshore
B. Discharge at sea providing you arc not in any nver or estuary
C. Discharge at sea providing you are more than 12 miles offshore
D. Discharge to a shore facility only
E. IDont Know.
24. Anyone who without valid reason places, removes, changes or conceals nationality marks or
registration marks of a
registered ship shall be liable to
A. Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months
B. Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months
C. .Impnsonment for a term not exceeding 6 months.
D. Fines
E. I Don't Know
25. Which Act has a provision that reads as follows The shipmaster shall take care that a copy of this
Act and of the
regulations issued in pursuance of the Act is to be found on board"?
A. The Mantime Act
B. The Seaworthiness Act.
C. The Seamen's Act
D. The NIS Act
E. I Dont Know
26. Can an agreement of employment for service on a NIS ship be verbal or has it to be confirmed in
A. It can be verbal if the agreement is for a specified voyage
B. he company has to ensure that an agrcement is aways confirmed in writing
C. it can be verbal dunng the probationary period, if any
D. It can be verbal if the seafarer agrees to it
E. IDont Know
27. What does ISM stand for?
A. The International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution
B. Internal Ship Safety Management
C. Intemational Ship Measurement and Pollution Control
D. International Safe Manning Certification
E. I Don't Know.
28. Will an individual contract of engagement for service on NIS ships be legally accepted?
A. Yes, there are no legal differences between a CBA and an individual contract
B. Yes, if signed by the agent
C. No, it is not allowed
D. Yes, provided it appears, amongst others, the wages and overtimepay and that it is subject to
Norwegian laws
and courts, but may be brought before a court in the employee's country of residence
E. I Don't Know
29. Where is the master's responsibility for cbserving the provisions related to supervision of
manitime service stated?
A. In the NIS Act Section 3.
B. In the Regulations concearning supervision of manitime service, section 12
C. In the Act relating to the enrolment of employees onboard ships.
D. In the Guideline for the supervision of mantime service
E. IDon't Know.
30. Notification logging procedures (OPA-90)
A. Every report or message must be logged including time and date
B. Only verbal reports for documentation
C. Only initial reports to be logged
D. Only commumcation with USCG
E. IDont Know

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