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General Trias City, Cavite


Course Learning Kit
Subquarter C

November 3 to November 27, 2020

This set of modules was prepared by Ms Josefina C. de Castro, Senior High School faculty member of the
LPU International School. The author of the modules may be different from your actual subject teacher.
Please refer to the Class Orientation Guide for details and instructions from your subject teacher.

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In this lesson, you will learn the derivative of a function and relate the derivative of a
function to the slope of the tangent line.

This lesson is equivalent to one class meeting.


At the end of this lesson, you will be able to

 Illustrate the tangent line to the graph of a function at a given point.

 Apply the definition of the derivative of a function at a given number.


Derivative Increment Delta

Slope of a Tangent line Differential calculus Difference quotient
differentiation integral Rate of change
Differentiable Differentiating operator Limiting value



The derivative and the integral are the two central concept of Calculus. In fact, calculus
as a formal course of study deals primarily with the systematic development of these
two concepts and their numerous applications.

The process of finding the derivative of a function (algebraic, trigonometric, exponential

or logarithmic) is called differentiation and the branch of calculus dealing with process
is called differential calculus. Differentiation is an important mathematical toll in
physics, mechanics, economics and many other disciplines which involve change and

See also the power point presentation on derivative.

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Lesson Proper

The Symbol Δ

Any change in a variable quantity is called an increment. The symbol Δ(read “delta”) is
customarily used to denote this change or increment/ we regard x as the variable, then
the symbol Δx (read “delta x”) denotes the increment of x. Note that while Δ is not a
number or a variable, the symbol Δx is a variable. Note also that Δx may either be
positive or negative, but not zero.

Suppose y = f(x). A change Δx produces a corresponding change Δy in y. That is,

( ) ( )

( )

( ) ( )

This notation is graphically illustrated as:

The Derivative of a function

Let the function y=f(x) be a continuous function of x in some interval containing x. we

said that a change in Δx in the independent variable x produces a corresponding change
Δy in the dependent variable. If we divide both member of the equation by Δx. we have
( ) ( )
( ) ( )

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( ) ( )

Slope/ rate of change

Note that this ratio is the difference of the function values divided by the difference of
the x-values. For this reason, it is often referred to as the difference quotient. It also the
average rate of change of f(x) between x and x + Δx. That is is a measure of the rate
at which y is changing with respect to x for the interval Δx.

Suppose we regard as a fixed and then let Δx vary and approaches zero. Then we
define the expression
( ) ( )

as the instantaneous rate of change of f(x) at x or simply the rate of change of f(x) at x.
if the difference quotient has a limit L, then that number L is called the derivative of y
with respect to x. this derivative is denoted by the symbol .


The derivative of a function f given by y=f(x) with respect to x

at any x in its domain is the number

𝑑𝑦 𝑦 𝑓(𝑥 𝑥) 𝑓(𝑥)
𝑑𝑥 𝑥 𝑥 𝑥 𝑥
provided the limit exists. If the limit exists at x = a, then we
say the function f is differentiable at x = a.

The symbol is to be considered as a single symbol. It should not be regarded as a

fraction or a quotient of two quantities. Instead, it should be regarded as the limiting
value of the fraction as Δx→0. Note that the symbol may also be interpreted as
( ) . Then the expression indicates the process of finding the “derivative with
respect to x of “. This expression is sometimes called the “differentiating operator”.

In addition to , other symbols for the derivative of y=f(x) are: ( ) .

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Study the following examples.

Example 1. Find the derivative of y = x2 + 3

Solution: Since y = x2 + 3, then y + Δy = (x +Δx)2 + 3

Δy = (x +Δx)2 + 3 – y, substitute , since y = x2 + 3

Δy = (x +Δx)2 + 3 – (x2 + 3)


( ) –( )

( ) –

( )

( )

= = 2x + 0 = 2x

Thus, the derivative of y = x2 + 3 = 2x or y‟ = 2x/

This step of getting the derivative of a function is called The Three Steps- Rule.

Step 1. Write down the expression for f(x + Δx) – f(x) and simplify

Step 2. Divide the result in Step 1 by Δx, again simplify.

Step 3. Find the limit of the result in step 2 as Δx approaches 0. The

obtained limit is the derivative.

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Example 2. Find the derivative of y = 5 – 7x

Solution: y + Δy = 5 – 7(x + Δx)

Δy = 5 – 7x – 7Δx – y

Δy = 5 – 7x – 7Δx – (5 – 7x)

Δy = 5 – 7x – 7Δx – 5 + 7x

Example 3. Find the derivative of y = 4x2 – 5x

Solution: y + Δy = 4(x + Δx)2 – 5(x + Δx)

Δy = 4(x2 +2xΔx + (Δx)2 – 5x – 5Δx - y

Δy = 4(x2 +2xΔx + (Δx)2 – 5x – 5Δx – y

Δy = 4x2 + 8xΔx + 4(Δx)2 – 5x – 5Δx – (4x2 – 5x)

( )

( ) ( )

( )

Derivative as Slope of the Tangent Line

Consider a continuous function y = f(x). Let P and Q be any points of the curve which
( ) ( )
determine secant ⃡ . We know that the slope ⃡ will be .

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From the figure, we can see the point Q becomes nearer and nearer to point P at the
same time that point Q approaches P the secant ⃡ rotates about the point P, which
means that the limiting position of the secant ⃡ as Q approaches P is the position of
the tangent line to the curve y = f(x) at point P.

As point Q approaches point P, the slope of the secant line also approaches a limiting
value. This limiting value of the slope of the secant line as Δx → 0 is the slope of the
tangent line at P. in symbols,
( ) ( )

This shows that the derivative of y = f(x) at point P is equal to the slope of the tangent
line at the same point.

Let us have the examples.

Example 1. Find the slope of the tangent line of y = x2 at the point (2, 4).

Solution: Since y = x2, then y + Δy = (x + Δx)2

Δy = (x + Δx)2 – y

Δy = (x + Δx)2 – x2
( ) ( ) ( )

( )

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Therefore, the slope of the tangent to the curve at point (2, 4) is

|( ) ( ) m=4

(2, 4)

Example 2. Find the slope of the tangent line to the curve y = 5x2 – 3 at point (-1, 2)

Solution: Since y = 5x2 – 3 , then y + Δy = 5(x +Δx)2 − 3

Δy = 5(x +Δx)2 − 3 – y, substitute , since y = 5x2 − 3

Δy = 5(x +Δx)2 − 3 – (5x2 − 3)


( ) –( )

( ) –

( )

( )

= = 10x + 5(0) = 10x

Thus, the derivative of y = 5x2 − 3 = 10x or y‟ = 10x/

The slope of the tangent to the curve at the point (-1, 2) is |( ) ( )

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For Practice

A. Find the derivative using three-step rule.

1. y = 5 – 2x
2. y = 7x2 + 4
3. y = 3x2 – 2x

B. find the slope of the tangent to the curve at the given point
1. y = x2 – 5 , (3, 4)
2. y = 2x – x2 , ( 2, 0)


 Any change in a variable quantity is called an increment. The symbol Δ(read

“delta”) is used to denote this change or increment. Δx means a change in x.
 The ratio is the difference of the function values divided by the difference of the
x-values is called difference quotient.
( ) ( )

 The expression is the differentiating operator that indicates the process of

finding the derivative with respect to x of .
 The Three Steps- Rule is used to find the derivative of a function.
Step 1. Write down the expression for f(x + Δx) – f(x) and simplify
Step 2. Divide the result in Step 1 by Δx, again simplify.
Step 3. Find the limit of the result in step 2 as Δx approaches 0. The
obtained limit is the derivative.
 The derivative of y = f(x) at a point P on the curve is equal to the slope of the
tangent line at P.

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This activity will be recorded as Seatwork #1 for Written Work.

A. Find the derivative using three-step rule.

1. y = 3x + 1
2. y = x2 – 4x
3. y = x3

B. find the slope of the tangent to the curve at the given point
1. y = 3 – x2 , (2, -1)
2. y = 7x2 – 1 , ( 1, 6)

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This lesson is about finding the derivative of a function using the theorems on

This lesson is equivalent to two class meetings.


At the end of this lesson, you will be able to

 Evaluate the derivative of a function using the rules of differentiation.


Derivative Rules of differentiation

The constant rule The Sum Rule
The identity rule The power rule



Let us have a review of the previous lessons by answering the following questions.
Choose the correct letter.

1. The process of finding the derivative of a function is called

a. Definition b. integration c. differentiation d, summation
2. Which of the following is not a symbol of the derivative of a function
a. y‟ b. f „(x) c. d. dydx
3. the slope of the tangent line to the graph of a function of x is defined as the
a. intercept of the function c. limit of the function
b. integral of the function d. derivative of the function
4. increment means
a. double b. change c. slope d. derivative
5. a line is tangent to a curve if it touches the curve at
a. one point only b. two points c. several points d. no points at all

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Lesson Proper

The process of finding the derivative of y = f(x) using the three-step rule is very time-
consuming and tedious. Fortunately there are standard formulas called differentiation
formulas or differentiation rules which will enable us to find the derivative of even
complicated functions.

Rules of differentiation

1. (The Constant Rule)

Examples: a) b) c.

2. (The Identity Function Rule)

3. ( ) ( )

Examples: a)

b) c)

4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) , Sum Rule ( simply means derivative

of each term in a given function)

Examples: a) (1) + 0 = 2


c) find y‟ in y = 9x−4, answer y‟ = 9

5. and (Power Rule)

Examples. a) b) c)

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d) e)


g) = (hint: to get the , numerator minus the

denominator over the given denominator) and remember that negative exponent is not
in simplified form.

h) = i)


k) √ , change the radical form to fractional form, and then perform

the derivative. Therefore,
√ √
, if the given is in radical form the answer

be in radical form.

Recall that in radical form: √ and √

Applying rules 1-5, Study the following examples






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3. √ √

Rewriting first the given,

Final answer
√ √



Find the derivative of the following functions..

1. y = x15
2. y = −2x3 + 5x – 11

7. √ √


Rules of differentiation

 The Constant Rule

 The Identity Function Rule

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 Constant Multiply to a function Rule

( ) ( )
 Sum Rule
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
 Power Rule

 For radical functions, change the radical form to fractional form, and then perform
the derivative.


This activity will be recorded as Assign #1 for Written Works

For the following functions find the derivative or y „. Show your step by step solution.

6. √ √

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This lesson is about finding the derivative of a function using the theorems on
This lesson is equivalent to two class meetings.


At the end of this lesson, you will be able to

 Evaluate the derivative of a function using the rules of differentiation.


Derivative Rules of differentiation

The product rule The chain rule
The quotient rule



Let us have a review of the previous lessons by finding the derivative of the following
functions. Choose the correct letter.
a. b. c.

a. b. c.

3. √
a. b. c.
√ √ √

a. b. c.


a. b. c.
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Lesson Proper

Let us continue the rules of differentiation.

Rule #6: The Product Rule

Where u and v are two functions.

Examples: Find using the product rule of differentiation.

1. ( )( )

Solution: let , therefore

, applying the formula

( ) ( ) By distributive property

Combine like terms.

2. ( )( )

Solution: , then

and applying product rule we have,

( ) ( ) by distributive property

combining like terms

is the answer.

3. (√ )( √ ) rewrite into ( )( )


Recall how to get the derivative for radical form from the previous lesson.

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= applying product rule

( ) ( ) then

( recall the law of exponent: )

+ combining like terms

then we have now

change to radical form

√ √

4. If ( ) ( )( ) ( )

Solution: Find first the derivative ( ) ( ) ( ) , simplify

( )

From the derivative substitute – 2 to x, therefore

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

Rule #7: The Quotient Rule

, where u and v are two functions.

Study the following examples.

find y‟

1. , let , using
the formula

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( ) ( )
( ) ( )
(notice the minus being distribute and
multiplied to 4) and 20x – 20x = 0

( )

2. , let

( )( ) ( )( )
Applying the formula ( )
(distribute one by one
and notice the minus being distribute also.)

( )
, combining like terms
( ) ( ) ( )
( )

( )
is the answer.

3. , then

( ) ( )
by distributive property
( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

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4. ( ) ( )

( ) ( )
Find first f‟(x), ( ) =
( ) ( )

( )
( )

( )
( )
( ( ) ) ( ( )) ( ) ( )

Rule #8: Chain Rule

, where u is a function and c

is constant.

Study the examples.

Find the derivative of the following functions.

1 ( ) , let applying chain rule

( ) , therefore ( ) is the answer.

1. , rewrite the function into ( )

( )


( ) ( ) simplifying

Is the answer.
( )

2. ( ) , then ( ) ( ) and simplifying

( )( ) ( )( )

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3. √ , rewrite the function ( ) , then

( )

( )
( )

√( )

4. ( ) ( )

Rewrite the function into ( ) ( )

applying the formula

( ) ( ) , simplifying into

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( )
(√ )

( )
(√ ) ( )
(√ ( ) )

( )


This activity will be recorded as Seatwork #2 under Written Works and to be

submitted on or before Nov. 27, 2020
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Apply the product rule to find y‟

1. ( )( )
2. ( )(
3. ( )( )
4. if ( ) ( )( ) ( )


 Given two functions , we have the rules of differentiation

a. The Product Rule

b. The Quotient Rule

 The Chain Rule

Where u is a function and c is constant.


This activity will be recorded as Assignment #2 under Written Works and to be

submitted on or before Nov. 27, 2020
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form or by any means without approval from Lyceum of the Philippines University Cavite is strictly
prohibited, and may be subject to disciplinary and/or legal sanctions.

A. Apply the quotient rule to find the derivative

1. 2.

3. 4. ( ) ( )

B. apply the chain rule to find the derivative

1. ( ) 2. ( )

3. √ 4. ( ) ( )

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