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Name : TIALIBA JAMIR Tariff Cat. :DOMESTIC Due Date:22.03.2022

Address : P.W.D.HILL. Kohima MRU :M004A01E
KOHIMA. 797001 Pole No. :00401E11D Consumer ID : 54000074211
Cont.Load :1000 W Installation : 5000100069
Acc. Month:FEBRUARY,2022 SMRD :01.02.2022 Bill No. : 402006385795
Bill Date: 07.03.2022 MR.Status :Normal Meter Phase : 1 PH

Customer Care Center No . 03862-237531

Meter Reading Details

Meter No. Unit Previous Present Previous Present MF Days Units
Reading Reading MR Date. MR Date
005135 KWH 12485 12485 01.01.2022 01.02.2022 1.00 31 0

Billing Details
Unit Rate Energy Total Min. Meter Public Arrear CR/DR Advance Amount Surch Amount
(Kwh) (Rs.) Charge Energy Charge Rent Lgt (00/0000 (ADJ) Amount Bef. Due arge After Due
Charge Charge 04/2022) Date Date
0 200

200.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 -0.40 229.60 0.00 229.60

0 229.60 0.00 229.60

Consumption History Bill Amount Payable

From To Days Units Amount ` 229.60
04.12.2021 01.01.2022 29 0 229.60
03.11.2021 03.12.2021 31 0 229.60 ( TWO HUNDRED TWENTY NINE RUPEES SIXTY
02.10.2021 02.11.2021 32 0 229.60 PAISE )ONLY
03.09.2021 01.10.2021 29 0 229.60 If bill payment is made after the due
03.08.2021 02.09.2021 31 0 229.60 date,Surcharge(Rs. 0.10/Kwh) shall be
02.07.2021 02.08.2021 32 0 229.60 charged in the same bill.

Last Payment ` 230.00 on:15.02.2022 vide Rt.No.310000151402 by Cash

Important Information:
1.Login to www.dopn.gov.in to pay your electricity bill online.
2.Pay your electricity bill on time to avoid disconnection.
3.Theft of electricity is a criminal offence and punishable with fine or imprisonment.

---------------------------Tear from here----------------------------

Counterfoil(For Office Use Only). Department of Power,Nagaland
Consumer name : TIALIBA JAMIR Bill No :402006385795
Consumer id. :54000074211 Acc. Month :FEBRUARY,2022
Inst.no :5000100069 MRU :M004A01E
Bill Date :07.03.2022 Pole No. :00401E11D

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