Activity 3 - Diseases of Circulatory System

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NAME: Angela Rowe P.

Ruedas GRADE AND SECTION: 9-Honesty


Complete the template by searching for information on the identified diseases of circulatory



The thickening or ● chest pain or angina. Once you have a

Atherosclerosis hardening of the ● pain in your leg, arm, blockage, it is usually

arteries and anywhere else that permanent. Plaques, on

has a blocked artery.
the other hand, can be
● shortness of breath.
slowed or stopped with
● fatigue.
medicine and lifestyle


When the blood flow to ● Sudden numbness or The gold standard treatment

Stroke a region of your brain weakness in the face, for ischemic stroke is an
arm, or leg, especially intravenous injection of
is blocked or
on one side of the
recombinant tissue
diminished, brain body.
plasminogen activator (tPA),

tissue is deprived of ● Sudden confusion,

commonly known as
trouble speaking, or
oxygen and nutrients. alteplase (Activase). During
the first three hours, a tPA
understanding speech.
injection is usually
● Sudden trouble seeing
administered through a vein
in one or both eyes.

in the arm.

when the blood flow to ● Chest pain or CHD can be efficiently

Coronary Heart your heart is discomfort controlled with a

Disease obstructed or stopped (angina) combination of lifestyle

due to a buildup of ● Weakness, light- changes, medication,

fatty substances in the headedness, and surgery in some

coronary arteries. The nausea (feeling situations. The

walls of your arteries sick to your symptoms of CHD can

might become furred stomach), or a be decreased and the

up with fatty deposits cold sweat. heart's function

over time. ● Pain or enhanced with the

discomfort in correct treatment.

the arms or


● Shortness of


An genetic bleeding ● Bleeding into the Replacement therapy is

Hemophilia condition that causes joints. ... the primary treatment

the blood to clot ● Bleeding into the

for hemophilia.
skin (which is
improperly. Concentrations of
bruising) or muscle
clotting factor VIII (for
and soft tissue

causing a build-up hemophilia A) or

of blood in the area clotting factor IX (for

(called a
hemophilia B) are
injected or dripped
● Bleeding of the
gently into a vein.
mouth and gums,

and bleeding that is These infusions aid in

hard to stop after the replacement of

losing a tooth.
coagulation factors

that are deficient or



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