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DAILY LESSON Teacher: MAIDA L. GONZALES Learning Area: ENGLISH – Oral Communication in Context
Teaching Dates: September 5-9, 2022 Quarter: First Quarter



A.Content Standards: The learner understands the nature and elements of oral communication in context
B. Performance Standards: The learner designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral communication activities based on context.

C. Learning Competencies/ The learner…. The learner…. The learner…. The learner…. The learner….
(Write the LC Code for each) Explains the functions, nature Explains the functions, nature Differentiates the various Differentiates the various Differentiates the various
and process of communication and process of communication models of communication models of communication models of communication
(CS_EN11/12OC-Ia-2) (CS_EN11/12OC-Ia-2) (CS_EN11/12OC-Ia-3) (CS_EN11/12OC-Ia-3) (CS_EN11/12OC-Ia-3)

Specifically, the learners will be Specifically, the learners Specifically, the learners will Specifically, the learners will
Specifically, the learners will be
able to: will be able to: be able to: be able to:
able to:

1. perform varied activities 1. Identify the models of 1. Identify the models of 1. Identify the models of
1. define the nature of
highlighting the functions communication; communication; communication;
of communication 2. Differentiate the role of 2. Differentiate the role of 2. Differentiate the role of
2. identify the functions of
each model in a each model in a each model in a
communication in
communication communication process; communication process;
different communicative
process; 3. Recognize the 3. Recognize the
3. Recognize the importance of each importance of each
3. distinguish various
importance of each model in various model in various
elements used in a
model in various communicative communicative
communication process;
communicative situations; and situations; and
situations; and 4. Create their own model 4. Create their own model
illustrate the process of
4. Create their own model of communication of communication
communication using its
of communication through collaborative through collaborative
through collaborative activity. activity.

II. CONTENT Functions of Communication Functions, Nature and Models of Models of Communication: Models of Communication:
Process of Communication Communication: Interactive Model Transactional Model
Linear Model
A. Teacher’s Guide Pages N/A N/A N/A N/A
B. Learner’s Materials Pages N/A N/A N/A N/A

C. Textbook Pages Builders for Effective Oral Builders for Effective Oral Builders for Effective Oral Builders for Effective Oral Builders for Effective Oral
Communication (Gloria-Helen Communication (Gloria-Helen Communication (Gloria- Communication (Gloria- Communication (Gloria-
Ilustre-Bayeng and Ilustre-Bayeng and Helen Ilustre-Bayeng and Helen Ilustre-Bayeng and Helen Ilustre-Bayeng and
Hildegrarde Mutong-Tiglao) Hildegrarde Mutong-Tiglao) Hildegrarde Mutong- Hildegrarde Mutong-Tiglao) Hildegrarde Mutong-Tiglao)
pp. 47-49 pp.2-9 and 47-49 Tiglao) pp. 15-23 pp. 24-27 pp. 28-30
D. Additional Materials from N/A N/A N/A N/A
Learning Resource (LR) portal
E. Other Learning Resources worksheet/s Printed worksheet/s worksheet/s worksheet/s
power point presentation laptop, Mastery Test power point presentation power point presentation power point presentation
pictures laptop, pictures laptop, pictures laptop, pictures
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or *Review of the previous Classroom Routines: *A quick review on the *A quick review on the *A quick review on the
Presenting the New Lesson discussion following: following: following:
The teacher provides a box 1. A short prayer Linear Model of Interactive Model of
containing words, photos, etc. 2. Quick Kumustahan 1. Nature of Communication Communication
based on the previous 3. Important reminders Communication
discussion. Then, the learners before they take the 2. Process of A. Shannon-Weaver’s A. Schramm’s Model of
will be picking up a piece of Assessment. Communication Communication Model Communication
paper from the box. The word 4. Examination Rules 3. Elements of B. Aristotle’s Model B. Wood’s Symbolic
or picture he/she will see in Communication (Aristotelian Model) Interaction Model
the paper will be recalled or 4. Functions of C. Berlo’s SMCR Model of
associated based on the Communication Communication
previous discussion. D. Laswell’s Model of
E. White’s Model

B. Establishing a Purpose for the **Group Task **Picture Analysis:

Directions: Suppose your Directions: Analyze each
group wished to convey the picture and share your idea
following information to a about what you observed in it.
person or a group of
individuals. Process Questions:

Situation: Your class is 1. What do you see and

presenting a film viewing to observe in the picture?
raise funds for the feeding 2. Comparing all the sample
program that will be pictures, what do they
sponsored by your class. have in common?
There will be two
screenings on Saturday
morning and another two in
the afternoon at the school’s
computer laboratory.

Process Question:
 How are you going to
inform the following

1. Mother
2. Friend/Classmate
3. Students from other
4. Students from other

**Allow the learners to post

their answer/s on the board
and let them explain.
C. Presenting Examples/ Instances of Transitional Statement: Transitional Statement:
the Lesson
Emphasize that their Connect the picture/s with the
responses could be discussion. Tell the students
converted or associated to a that those pictures show
certain model of interaction between the sender
communication and that and the receiver.
they are actually using a
model of communication
while being unaware that
they are already doing so.

**Show the class the

different classification of
models of communication
D. Discussing New Concepts and Discussion:
Practicing New Skills #1
1. Linear Model of

A. Shannon-Weaver’s
Communication Model
B. Aristotle’s Model
(Aristotelian Model)
C. Berlo’s SMCR Model
of Communication
D. Laswell’s Model of
E. White’s Model


A. Discussing New Concepts and Introduce to learners the Discussion:
Practicing New Skills #2 second type of
communication: 3. Transactional Model of
2. Interactive Model of
A. Helical Model of
C. Schramm’s Model of
Communication B. Becker’s Mosaic Model
D. Wood’s Symbolic
Interaction Model

B. Developing Mastery True of False. Agree or Disagree.

(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Directions: Read and Directions: Read and analyze
analyze each statement and the given statements below.
tell whether the stated is Write agree if you agree with
TRUE or FALSE. the situation and disagree if
not. Write your answer in
1. Linear means one-way your activity notebook.
2. Linear model of 1. Interactive model is a
communication expects convergence model of
a feedback from the communication.
receiver. 2. A person who uses a
3. All models classified as computer is a also an
linear communication interactive
has a sender in its communication.
communication 3. Field of experience
process. affects and influences the
4. Aristotle’s model source’s interpretation of
appeals to emotion, the message.
reasoning, and 4. Communication is only
character. completed when there is
5. A model classified as a feedback.
“mother of all Interactive
communication communication involves
models” belongs to only one communicator.
linear model of

C. Finding Practical Applications of Collaborative Activity: 5 Collaborative Activity: Collaborative Activity:

Concepts and Skills in Daily Living groups
Directions: Instruct each Directions: Assigned each
Directions: Consider any group to analyze a group a sample communicative
communicative situation communicative situation situation. Then, ask the group
that does require any assigned to them. Then, tell to illustrate a specific
feedback from the them to answer the following transactional model appropriate
receiver/s. Using a ¼ size guide questions to be for the situation.
manila paper, create a presented after they
diagram that will illustrate accomplished the activity.
the said communicative
situation. Apply the Process Question: Process Question:
assigned linear model of
communication to your
group. Present your group
output once done in 1. Based on your 1. Based on your conclusion,
finalizing. conclusion, what kind of what kind of situation is in the
situation is in the picture? picture?
2. Based on your analysis, 2. Based on your analysis,
what specific what specific communication
communication model is model is appropriate for the
*Completeness of elements portrayed in the picture? picture?
–5 3. Is it linear, interactive or 4. What are the elements
*Relevance to the topic– 5 transactional? present?
*Teamwork - 5 4. What are the elements 5. Present your output in
*Presentation of Output - 5 present? class.
TOTAL: 20 5. Present your output in

Process Questions:

1. What is the concept of

your output as evidenced in
your presentation?
2. What are the elements
3. Discuss the role of each

D. Generalizing and Abstractions Reflect on the following Reflect on the following Reflect on the following
about the Lesson questions: questions: questions:

1. What does it mean when 1. What is interactive model 1. What is the concept of
we say linear model of of communication? transactional model of
communication? 2. Differentiate linear from communication?
2. What are the interactive model? 2. Discuss the difference
classifications of linear 3. What are the among linear, interactive, and
models? classifications of interactive transactional model of
3. Differentiate its unique models? communication.
features. 4. Discuss its unique 2. What are the
features. classifications of transactional
3. Discuss its unique
E. Evaluating Learning Directions: Read and analyze Test Proper: Collaborative Activity:
the given selection and
analyze the function/s of First Mastery Test will be Directions: Using any recycled
communication used in the administered. The assessment materials which are available at
given text. Use a separate will focus on the following: home, create your embossed
paper to note down your model of communication,
responses. 1. Nature of showing any example
Communication communication sub-models.
Rubrics: 2. Process of Make sure to label your model
Communication using the different elements of
3. Elements of communication present in the
*Completeness – 5
Communication chosen model. Write a short but
*Accurate responses– 5
4. Functions of concise explanation of your
*Presentation of Output - 5
Communication model. Be guided by the

Process Questions:
*Completeness of elements – 5
1. What is the concept of * Illustration– 5
the word function was *Teamwork - 5
evidenced in your *Presentation of Output - 5
presentation? TOTAL: 20
2. How important is
function in our day-to-day

F. Additional Activities for Application or Directions: Look for the old After receiving the (To be announced if any) (To be announced if any) (To be announced if any)
Remediation pictures from the results/feedback based on the
magazine/catalogues. Then, results of the assessment, the
cut at least 2 pictures for each learners will accomplish their
function of communication, “Reflection Form.”
then paste them in your Oral
Communication notebook.
Don’t forget to indicate labels
Process Questions:
for every picture that you
1. What topics did you
learn most?
2. What topics did you
least learn?
3. What is/are your
goal/s based on
your assessment

V. REMARKS Assessment Results will be

the basis for remediation.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation 72 out of 74 students earned 80% in the evaluation.
Two students will be provided with remediation activity. These two students were absent during the discussion
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation of the topic resulting to difficulty in accomplishing some of the test instructions.
Remediation will be scheduled this week after finalizing what specific and appropriate will be given based on
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson the results of their assessment.
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation Not yet identified. This will be monitored after the remediation activity.
I believed that since our subject focuses on Oral Communication, it is effective to allow the learners speak
individually in between discussions. It is also effective that the teacher uses “coding scheme” for every lesson
for them to immediately remember the lesson, while using “real situations” let them explore, analyze and
E. Which of my teaching strategies work well? Why did they work? associate real experiences to their daily lesson. In addition, it also pays off to provide the learners with an
advance reading as an assignment for them to research about the topic which will motivate them to interact in
class and be excited to participate in the discussion.
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? None so far, since classes I have conducted remain tolerable for the teacher to manage.
Experienced-based situations that the learners used to analyze and apply their learning and using situations
G. What innovations or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other that is observable and applicable in their context.
Remarks: Due to time constraints and holiday breaks, continuation of the presentation of their differentiated group outputs will be conducted on Monday.
Note: This reflection was based on the previous week’s lesson.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher III
English, OIC Head Teacher

Noted by:


School Principal III

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