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WY he rewmal ined powen pottonn of given by P08), = SEB ( divmensienlese) SCO, Omer bane , . a Sco, d= Rays veel = [ee (ea) * flee) |fz ™ 8(6,9)may = Maximum Value of $000) wen 2s = Intense Empedance of Spe <3 Te Bear uldth = The beam width of & fallow defined © the argullan Beparation bekwesn lus idortend points 27 oppesite Side of Ihe. paler — mratimany Help - sor Beam width (WPbe) plane, conkaining the. direction beam, the mp Bettvaen whic the sradiakion intensity Tha of the maximum of a lwo dizechions im vale of the beam. the a one hallp CFuBed) tt a Benn Nowe Coe Frean hid ange) ty s + Le 425 od >» ¥ oy Tnevemental onan daz (r4e)C *sineda) = Vsinodo 4g 2 av ge Oshene daz aha orga expired in stereblens(cx) ho Spree deseers de =Slidernsle subtended by fhe crea de Spheu of femedede Te xs ef Be thin #” sursinelede) # Area £ Aphare = Orv [Snede = ana Cos” e ~ ear? [-esnscosc] = cone gnc sclid angle subtended by 0 sphou, Sr g Thess, | Steradian = tor = Solid ansle of Apher [or Dee (#2)?(4e9 = 3282.g064 Squow degrees. hit Stensdiane = 3262. 6064 %47 = 4195296 ot Guess + Aquene Assert. = Solid angle in Sphew - Po ee arkenng — & given ee ‘ibesead of The i power paktann Oven 4 phere Cans) qe2r Ger ee Peo O=0 daz Sinodedg ee {J Pa (018) A (sd ber of an artenna an be olen co The. P(e, aySine dedg qe beam area inal trforar of Be angles Sublended by fe mainlebe bh the two prepa Sppsoxi Py Sp Pap (9 Radistion — Tatensity’s | The power sadleted from on anlenna ey jnensity ox pen Ayeare deg) - abe be exprsed Radidbion Entensily. eaing cle, @) ' _ Us Waa a ' frags fi vd=[f'rsneded — ane chow, do. sinededf CO Cwatts per Sheadian Fee temic pom pattern con Pale. @) = ule.4), uae Beam Effiecency'- The dotel bears anon Son (oe bear eid angle) consis of fh train beam neg ally lar the reinet Lobe aneq . Sm! Thus , 6 2d Sine Shy ony the sobio of te oe ee a ee lel Vaan anid, tala a hoor be efiuency, Eye BEM (diester taa) eam afficranty, Eh i , lo Of Ite rh bbe tug fo Ihe dotel Haws, lana A tuo tw very fooes, lin Tiny Ens Divedkivily D od Gan G&- The directivity 9 ord te Gar’ probably the mest Unpeotant paramstens of The, directivity of on antenna equss 6 te Patio of Ie — marimmm — owen density Pl Ames te tls ~ owenage!. Value over & sphere ws bsened tn the fe fietd ap an antenna. PCO: DV x a De FE Dany Diveclivity fro pation Thos, hee. directivity ol Arcelie ato >) a Sphere & Puen by ‘the oumege pouen esiy er gran eer PE Mavy = 2 ( if Pc6.9) sine dede gre gre ie (f [ pees) Pe pe there, fy ees of Hae EA thus, the — diveekruity the Sakio of Aphone (ters) to te | beam aren (tha). he Smaller the beam area, fie Aivectivily D+ tie Larger antenna cre now, Gp the help poser feamevidta fa” ite ditcchividy , niente De By bn Trp whew, gasa> he f 1ne~ descees. én) Sphere Op = halfe power eam one ponepal plane Gup = hay. power hearourdth in olfan priveipal plore mee actual ow The gain G ef on aakenng 5 on the dinochividy D Gabbiced — ucnlily which & Aem than duc to ohmic Lutes in The antenna + Ircze Losses — rvelve. power fed padiaked buk feob | Stn beat tirg, denna ubich ot Ao mtimatch tn feeding shudue , Sroduee. Ire gar. Nuc | gD g Gain cl an antenna & ~ delined os Iie feahte Ef maxionven tredialien infencity in fiver disuction fe gianna, 9» Prodied tn Me « tame” dircclion thy” Sane Renee fo the | maxirwm radiation intensity from a power inped « Got a Radiation inrersly cfam abjedlen Test errlonrer Matiown Bale intensity peo 4 Paeference. Cisdapic) erlenng wil some power inp Artes of bigneel pawn Aeccnad by 9 Becenan of & distot point in Iie — diacchion Gf marine Aadiahien, te gain of an aabenng Can be difineh 0s Tg | eee precetved from Aubject ovterna Manrnwn Power Aeccivad fen Aeerence, Se tilly same inpul poser Grain to antenna & Mosely — tuclated fo ston ia eguel do darcchiily brevided wey, an elherweads . foo carbene ms gato and divwcbviy ore long expressed by Ga kp y fect (oshks ) | = suchive Jain’ The inte gain (G{) % 4 sim dirchin | & ddied cs Ie Selle of Ire Siadiabien inrlensity (in tit direction fo Ihe awerge. — Srerditted power | te. discctre gain da porctio éf anfes 9 onda, | yg = Radishon inesily_io 9 parader divert Pvewge — Sadiated - power Gis (0.9) = VCO) Vang : Average ratinlion tnlersly Usy® “gar thee, Wy 6 the Stadated pewer | baler) = ClO Aa 0a) . Parser goer W/o Wr Posen gon bo Yvan disection Can cle he _— dttiaed the Subic qf the Sadichon —Urtamsily to bat dindrien Be euenege. ote) inpadb power, Radiaheo intently in a iver dberchion Pree tote) Capid> power Ul6,@) Wr/ tr We = Wy 4 We Op = Wy -- Tobe? bxpub pe wen ! Wre Radialed Poesy - eee Gk oe vloe) rae Geko there, Ke qfreieney forte Coke), dimenricalens be adermes miny Cs Iran D {lo mang wall! Aoce do unity + Sy practice, A alvoays Gioia can be measured by Coesposing Pe ee forse densidy of te Antennas Under ‘Text Chur) witha Suelerence. ontenng of been gain, Pae AOT. Gain Gx ET eG Caefvent) Pras (2x] ents) Antenna Apertures > Consider a — Pueceiving — ardonna whidn b 4 rackangudan clechemagnetic bern — trmensed itn the. fey ¢ trier plane wave . Let ta — Ryrthng Veclr, or power be S calls pen suman, physical opertine. op Hast born, 4 Ae bev erdvacts « Te power from Re tate we Ws ating phywea! epertee, Ban Re fob! pre P ahsovhed from We Wave. a _ Ps ps Sap eu \t Bas, Se tntel pacer extracted a Pewee Fs 1 a. G : Dewtrmtene The gpevione ~ on of tt hen 7 Fetes meth Fag Rechans ala Hom Antenna Sut he field Resperse cf the [ee ee tt rider = gewecs the partie A beroure ct te Adena, mt uel Zew. Ths, the fee spot fe of fe tere x deus Yan ie plypicad cgedun fp ™ Giver by (drenterlecs’) Cpodse frecency eros, affictency rs crtlerng , Zap 9 80 fo Bo v, Sy ormey Sap ob ha rt | Consider new an antenna wilh an fedive opertune he, which radieles ald 4 Ke 4s power 1m @ conical Fg Radiation oven boom onea potter of beam ana a, hea fprem aperdine Me Aesurning a cafe fietd Fa oven the aperture, the power Padiated ee w) = —OO Zo . i p= there Z ~ — inbunsye trpedance Of medium Aasserning g un fosen field Fe Mee ferdiet at 4 distance ¥, fhe pasey Sredisted alto giver by e pe & ya, (w—) ee Ea fe _(s) nA | Fyuctiy 1) 2) pipe. FAR Ra, Zz kee AR antennas hone en affective operduse which | Cerbe calculated ow ~—meatuned. for (deabbicad \ 9 techapic — @rvtenna, fer which 921, has an effective. ae. oe Ae = A” 2 0. oN 4r an = E Htedive height: The Pleckive height may be dhfioed as the Aabio of the trdueh vote te tneidonk fet he coy “he tndueed —vethege & oblaired by malhiplyng — Ihe effective ix eight the treldont -fuld & es E fe. (Percent cussed dishsbation yp vith sinseidaf coment Aistib ution with triangular cunnerd — dishibution

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