Contemporary World Paper

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Roy Louise D.




Midterm Paper

Module 2:

1. One day, you receive a letter from the neighboring island of Tortoise, seeking to trade

with you. The president of this island is very arrogant, he claims that the only way to

resolve this request is to either go to war, or to agree with their trades. Using any of 3

theoretical approaches to globalization, provide a short letter as a response; identify the

theoretical perspective being used. 20 points.

Module 3:

2. Some of the people of Douglas are unhappy with how the economy has been

performing.Some of them feel that they have lost their jobs as a result of outsourcing and

they have been noticing that goods in the market are more expensive than ever. Some of

them also feel burnt out from having to work extra hours to keep up with the demands of

other countries. Using the concepts and ideas from economic globalization, which

elements of economic globalization can explain what the people are feeling? 20 points.

Considering that market incentives and trade are the most important thing for the island,

People of Douglas island, specifically the laborers, would feel overworked just to satisfy

the demands of other islands. This points out that there are uneven benefits of economic

globalization; The rich only get richer and the wages of laborers shrink. Additionally, it

would raise the island's national economy to a global one since the standards and

production of goods are being internationalized. This makes the island’s economy look

broken to the people, thus voicing out their experiences of overworking and uneven


Module 4:

3. [Think and analyze carefully] The island of Douglas, the island of Tortoise and Chicken

Island are in a dispute. The people of Tortoise Island are angry at Chicken Island

because of the ships that pass by that allegedly is an eyesore for the people; the ships

include shipments from neighboring countries and they also use it to ship chicken feed

to the Island of Douglas. As a result, the president of Tortoise proposes to start a war
with the two nearby islands in order to settle this dispute, it is not certain if the people of

Tortoise Island have any war capabilities. Alternatively, the president of Tortoise will be

satisfied if he gets involved with the trade: Tortoise island supplies the chicken feed to

Douglas Island and some of his people get hired at Chicken Island. Which International

Organization would prove to be the best to aid in this situation, or what concept about

international governance might prove to be helpful in finding a middle ground? 10


The International Organization(IO) that would prove to be the best aid in this situation is

the ASEAN, as its purpose is to promote economic and cultural exchange among its

member countries. Since the proposal brought up by the Tortoise island mainly concerns

trade, the ASEAN is the association of nations that could help arrange trade of chicken

feed between them and the Island of Douglas. Not only that but this IO also fosters job

opportunities, which they can assist with since Tortoise island is also proposing to send

workers to Chicken Island. In addition, to help with the making of policies the concept

of internationalism should be considered. As the different islands have different

executives, the chief architect of foreign policy of each one should intervene and work

together to create clear policy goals that would be agreeable for everyone.

4. From question #3, how can these three islands find a middle ground to achieve

Internationalism? What are the considerations to take account of? 10 points.

The Island of Douglas and Chicken island should first make a conference regarding the

issue so they could talk about the moves they’ll make regarding the proposal of the

Tortoise island. Assuming that they wouldn’t resort to war for the safety and peace of
their people and their land, the dimension to consider in terms of what the Tortoise

islands are proposing is international demands vs local interest since the proposal in

regards to trading and international labor between the islands. As for the proposal, the

only one benefiting is Tortoise island since they get to send laborers to Chicken Island

and chicken feed to Island of Douglas. To fix the supply of chicken feed from the Island

of Douglas, Chicken Island would no longer send them chicken feed. The Island

Douglas should then give chickens to the Chicken Island since there would be a surplus

of laborers from the Tortoise island. This would maintain the peace, economy and

supply and demand between the islands.

Module 5:

5. About two kilometers south of Douglas Island is Duck Island. In Duck Island, it's

roughly the same in terms of geography, climate, and even people. And yet, people in

Duck Island are poorer than those in Douglas Island, the quality of life in Duck Island

also isn’t as good either. The people of Duck Island are also very racist and slightly

homophobic. Additionally, the island, while rich in natural resources and chickens,

cannot seem to find the means to join the trade that is prolific in the region; moreover,

they do not partake in globalization. A reason for this is due to the fact that the people

of Duck Island all wear the color blue and have a poor fashion sense: other people in

the region do not like their racism and slight homophobia. From our lecture, what might

be the reasons for these differences in economics and quality of life? 5 points.
The main reason would be Sociological since the Island of Douglas and Duck island

have different cultures and prejudices. Though both the islands have the same resources,

geography, climate, people, etc., they clash in terms of their view of life as individuals.

As mentioned, all the people in Duck island wear blue while the Island of Douglas

people hate blue. This stops them from achieving a common ground to achieve a

flattened world.

6. From question #5, assuming a flattened world is achieved, how would a flattened world

look like for the case of Duck Island? What would be the major reasons why a flattened

world is unachievable? Use the Latin American experience to substantiate your

answers. 15 points.

Assuming that the flattened world is achieved, it doesn’t mean that the Duck island

should follow the same standards of living as the Island of Douglas. They could thrive

the same by partaking into globalization like the other islands. Trading information,

resources, and products would help the people not be stuck with what they have in the

island. Through supplying the resources they have, and demanding the resources they

need they can raise their standard of living but still stick to their own prejudices. Thus,

the trading concept of a flattened world is not about homogenization, it’s more on

making the playing field balanced so other islands like Duck island would not be left

out, and that they could participate in globalization as much as the other islands. In

relation to the case of Nogales, Mexico, and Nogales, Arizona, the border states and

municipalities between these cities are not allowed to carry out joint programs of mutual

interest. This causes trouble on the interdependency between borders, as the trade of
information and products between states proven advantageous, it can be said the same

for the case regarding Nogales, Mexico, and Nogales, Arizona. Both borders survive off

one another, and if these are cut off, both economies will wither since there are many

businesses in the U.S.

Module 6:

7. A big tidal wave is threatening to wipe out the islands, but there might be a chance to

survive it if the islands decide to band together to employ scientific measures against the

tidal wave. What is the logic of regionalism with regards to this? 10 points.

Incorporating the concept of regionalism into the situation, the islands must give up

their political, economical, and sociological differences and agree to help one another.

That means that to survive the tidal wave, there's a possibility for each individual island

to lose their respective independence and/or identity. In this case, regionalism is a

disadvantage since it can be too inclusive and leave new individuals out of the island.

8. Given the varying differences between islands, what are the factors that we can consider

that can lead to greater integration in the region? 10 points.

Every island should partake in globalization since it is significantly evident that trading

helps with the economy of both the supplier island and the consumer island. Though on

a regional level, it should also empower the locals such as incorporating cultures and

languages into the advancement of technology. Additionally, if some issues arise

regarding the assimilation of trade and policies, it is better dealt with on a regional basis

since it would be different on every island. Overall, regionalism encourages cooperation

and partnerships, “while making possible feats that ordinarily might not be attainable

and creates opportunities that may not otherwise be available” (Reports, 2020).

Bonus questions: if the bonus exceeds the total, it will be added to the pool of bonus points.

1. What is the exact definition of globalization that we have been using in class? 3 points.

There are two: ‘integration of capital, product, and labor markets across the borders of

politics.’ (Diamond, 2018), and ‘a long-term historical process that denotes the growing

intensity of worldwide interconnectedness: in short, a “shrinking world”’ (Mcgrew, 2010)

2. Alex had 10 apples. He gave 4 to his friend, Molly. He gave 1 to his boyfriend, Jack.

How many oranges does he have? 2 points.

Sir, I’m guessing na namention niyo ‘to sa discussion pero ‘di ko na maalala. The

answer is memo+ gold.

No points for this one but type in below what are your thoughts on our subject so far. I would

like to hear your thoughts about it so that I can improve the overall management of the class.

What are the things that work for you, what are the things that don’t work, what are the things

that need improvement?

I’m actually surprised that what I wrote in the student profile in the beginning of the term

regarding expectations from the professor and the course was actually met. Like not to be fake

or anything but this is the first time that I genuinely enjoy learning during class discussions,

considering that the cases and examples that are used are very relevant and relatable which

makes it more interesting, everything works for me (especially the teaching style).

Reports, S. (2020, July 06). What are the benefits of regionalism and what are the drawbacks?

Retrieved from


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