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Stefan Arteni

The School of Paris - A Visual Essay III Form

SolInvictus Press 2007

Jean Lurat


Ceramic plate




Decor in ceramic



Ceramic tile

Ceramic plate

Le Chant du Monde (tapestry), detail

Le Chant du Monde (tapestry), detail

Le Chant du Monde (tapestry), detail

Plateau d'Assy, Haute-Savoie, France, glise Notre-Dame-de-Toute-Grce

Fernand Lger, mosaic

Interior view

Jean Lurat, tapestry

Saint-Francois-de-Sales by Pierre Bonnard

Ceramic by Marc Chagall

Flagellation, stained glass window by Georges Rouault

Stained glass window by George Rouault

Saint-Dominique by Matisse

Marc Chagall

Chichester Cathedral, David, Psalm 150, Maquette for stained glass window

Tudeley All Saints Church, Maquette for stained glass window

Moses saved from the waters, Mosaic and detail, Vence cathedral

Christ surrounded by the symbols, study stained glass window for Metz Cathedral

Expulsion from Paradise ; Eve and the serpents; Metz, Saint-Etienne cathedral

Windows, Hebrew University, Jerusalem

The Tribe of Naphtali, from The Twelve Maquettes of Stained Glass Windows for Jerusalem, lithograph

The Tribe of Dan, from The Twelve Maquettes of Stained Glass Windows for Jerusalem, lithograph

Leonard Tsuguharu Foujita

Chapelle de la Paix, Reims

Aristide Maillol

Kees van Dongen

Michel Kikone

Cham Soutine


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