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1. Among cognitive objectives, what refers to the transfer of knowledge from once
concept to another?
a. Synthesis
b. Application
c. Analysis
d. Comprehension
2. Of the following classroom activities, which best relate to child visual learning and
a. Drawing and coloring
b. Singing and acting
c. Textbook reading
d. Games and sports
3. How can new information to students?
a. Valuing new knowledge
b. Relating it to knowledge they already know
c. Demonstrating novelty of new knowledge
d. Increasing retention of new knowledge
4. How can lessons be made more meaningful by way of learning continuity?
a. Add value to content
b. Introduce new content
c. Stress retention of facts
d. Relate present with past lesson
5. When classes began, Teacher Dan asked student in pairs to interview and
introduce each other to the class. How will this activity be classified according to
Edgar Dale's cone of experience?
a. Purposeful experience
b. Verbal symbols
c. Dramatize experience
d. Demonstration
6. Which of the following is an acceptable teacher-effectiveness practice?
a. Setting of objectives rather than outcomes
b. Directions given sparingly and delivered casually
c. Classroom routines done early in the school year
d. Planning done following monitoring of learning
7. Of the following effects on learning, what is the effect of assigning various sections
of the newspaper, and allowing choice depending on the learner's choice?
a. Changing attitudes and feelings
b. Reinforcing learning
c. Allowing different interests
d. Encouraging participation
8. What is aroused among viewing learners by dramatic educational films in what is
known as "cliff hangers"?
a. Relevance
b. Significance
c. Satisfaction
d. Expectancy
9. While there is modernity and progress through the use of technology in
instruction, what is the greatest danger along the domain of learning that is posed by
a. Using technology to fill in lesson gaps
b. Using technology to lighten up lessons
c. Developing passivity and uncritical minds
d. Developing visual and audial orientation
10. Following Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development, what is the moral reasoning
or perspective of Joy who allows her classmate to copy her test work. so that she will
be her friend?
a. Social approval stage 3 level 2 conventional
b. Punishment stage I level I pre- conventional
c. Obedience stage I level I pre- conventional
d. Law and order stage 4 level 2 conventional
11. In Piaget's Formal Operation Stage in cognitive development, which of the
following is not among the characteristics of the child's thinking ability?
a. Logical thinking
b. Abstract problem solving
c. Hypothesis making
d. Knowing properties (number, mass, volume, etc)
12. In Piaget's Concrete-Operational Stage in cognitive development, which refers to
the ability of the child to perceive different features of objects and situations. e.g.
toughness in stone, elasticity in rubber. etc.?
a. Decentering
b. Striation
c. Reversibility
d. Conservation
13. Which of these is the MOST important principle that a teacher should follow in
initiating a program of positive reinforcement?
a. Make sure the reward comes immediately after the appropriate
b. Punish negative behavior and reward positive behavior c. Provide regular
opportunity for socially acceptable behavior
d. Consider peer approval and recognition
14. A student collapsed in her social studies class. It was found out that he did not cat
her lunch. What principle is shown in the situation?
a. Psychological need
b. Physiological need
c. Somatotonic
d. Safety need
15. The way a child talks, walks of manifest, gestures may have been learned from
models he had been exposed. This explains___________.
a. Affective
b. Social
c. Insight
d. Cognitive
16. Social development means the acquisition of the ability to behave in accordance
a. Social expectation
b. Stereotypes behavior
c. Social insight
d. Universal norms
17. Which of the following may help an adolescent discover his identity?
a. Parents pushing in to follow a specific path
b. Relating to people
c. Decision to follow one path only
d. Exploring many different roles in a healthy manner
18. Among the following terms in technology, which has the broadest concept of
technology for the whole educative system?
a. Computer technology
b. Audiovisuals
c. Instructional technology
d. Educational technology
19. Among unit plan components, to what cluster do models, replicas, charts, graphs,
and specimens belong?
a. Resources and materials
b. Learning activities
c. Evaluation procedures
d. Objectives
20. What does the traditional curriculum and mass education lack that the
progressive curriculum can deliver?
a. Authoritarian role of the teacher
b. Collective discipline
c. Value for individualization
d. Rigid system of grading
21. In the implementation of the curriculum at the classroom level, ineffective
strategies are called "Red". Which of the following belongs to the Red Flag?
a. Integration of problem solving
b. Available enrichment activities
c. Content applied to real-life situations
d. Overemphasis on drill and practice
22. Of goals of education, which relates to the strengthening of our society's sense of
belonging and identity?
a. Autonomy
b. Enculturation
c. Moral character
d. Citizenship
23. Which of the following refer to teamwork among teachers in classroom teaching?
a. Peer evaluation
b. Peer teaching
c. Peer discussion
d. Peer assessment
24. Learning is influenced by social interaction and interpersonal relations. What
must a teacher do?
a. Make students work collaboratively
b. Motivate student to reflect on how they learn
c. Make students feel good about themselves
d. Give more independent study SEEM
25. Someone said, "Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience
is mere intellectual play." This means that:
a. Theory and experience must go hand-in-hand
b. Theory is more important than experience
c. Experience is more important than theory
d. One can stand without the other
26. John Dewey said, "An ounce of experience is better than a ton of theory." To
which does this statement point?
a. The need for theory
b. The need for experience
c. The primacy of experience
d. The primacy of theory
27. Among components in the instructional framework for learning strategies, which
is demonstrated by teacher Jiny who worked together with her students on a skills or
task and figure out how to apply the skill?
a. Independent practice
b. Guided practice
c. Consolidation
28. Among cognitive levels of thinking, what cognitive level is stressed by the Essay
question: "In the light of the facts presented, what is most likely to happen when...?"
a. Inferring
b. Classifying
c. Applying
d. Analyzing
29. Among the following questions, which is not applicable to metacognition?
a. How will I know if I am learning at an appropriate rate?
b. Did I understand what I just hear, read or saw?
c. Do I know what I need to know?
d. What factual information have I retained?"
30. A student strives to work at a given task because of a need. Which of the
following situations can make a student strive to meet his needs?
a. Minimize the unpleasant consequences of student involvement
b. Utilize your own opinion as teacher in making final decisions in the classroom
c. Use unfamiliar materials as examples in order to initially arouse their curiosity
d. Ask pupils to submit test questions or reaction from which you can select topics.
31. Teaching in the cognitive, psychomotor and effective domains is based on the
concept that the learner is a:
a. Moral and feeling being
b. Material and an acting being
c. Thinking, feeling and acting being
d. Spiritual and material being
32. Which of the following is usually considered the most important factor in a
child's observable classroom behavior?
a. Intelligence
b. Heredity
c. Self-concept
d. Cultural background
33. What kind of literary works arc very creative by way of descriptive language and
dramatic episodes?
a. Fiction novels
b. Historical account
c. Biography
d. Autobiography
34. In Grace Godell's Skill Ladder, which step should come last, and only when
a. Using contextual clues
b. Using pans of a book
c. Using the dictionary
d. Using phonetic analysis
35. Now will you make a child memorize the table of multiplication from the point of
view of Pavlov?
a. Make them understand the meaning of multiplication b. Call the child's
attention every time you recite the table for them
c. Model the recitation of the table of multiplication
d. Reward the child with a candy for every correct recitation
36. In Piaget's Concrete-Operational stage in cognitive development, which refers to
the ability to order or arrange things logically on dimension such as weight, volume,
or size?
a. Conservation
b. Reversibility
c. Decentering
d. Seriation
1. Freud expounded that there is a period when young boys experience
rivalry with their father for their mother's affection. This is
a. Oedipus complex
b. Electra complex
c. Achilles syndrome
d. Cassandra syndrome
2. The child cannot distinguish abstracts during the sensory motor period
of development. Which of these techniques should a teacher apply to
accommodate learning?
a. Make use of individualize instruction
b. Explain the lesson very well
c. Utilize concrete objects to clarify concept
d. Provide variety of educational toys
3. In what period of a child development is physical growth
a. Prenatal period
b. Early adolescence
c. Early childhood
d. Prenatal & early adolescence
4. The tendency to emphasize so much on school beautification to the
detriment of pupil’s performance illustrates the:
a. Filipino's lack of seriousness
b. Filipino's lack of reflection
c. Filipino's sense of humor
d. Filipino's love for "porma"
5. The teacher would like to file a case against a principal because of
sexual harassment. Which of the following measures should a teacher do
without violating the relationship of the teacher to her superiors?
a. Present the case before the competent authority & prepare to
prove the charge
b. Write an anonymous letter to a higher school official to denounce the
c. Call a parent-teacher meeting and denounce the superior
d. Encourage the other teachers and students to hold a demonstration to
oust the superior SEM I
6. As a parent and at the same time a teacher, which of the following will
you to do to show your cooperation to a PTA project in your school to be
financed with the proceeds of the sales of the school canteen where food
prices are a little bit higher?
a. Bring food for you and your children, but always make it a point
to buy in the school canteen.
b. Buy all your food in the school canteen but request for a discount
c. Bring food enough for you and your children but do not eat in the
d. Buy all your food from the school canteen even if you cannot afford to
do even day
7. The cultivation of reflective & meditative skills in teaching is an
influence of
a. Taoism
b. Shintoism
c. Confucianism
d. Zen Buddhism
8. A teacher who subscribes to the pragmatic philosophy of education
believes that experience should follow learning in her teaching, she
therefore exerts effort in
a. Encouraging learners to memorize factual knowledge
b. Equipping learners with the basic abilities and skills
c. Requiring learners full mastery of the lesson
d. Providing learners opportunities to apply theories and
9. Who among the following believes that learning requires disciplined
attention, regular homework, and respect for legitimate authority?
a. Essentialist
b. Perennialist
c. Progressivist
d. Reconstructionist
10. Who among the following emphasized the processes of experience
and problem solving?
a. Dewey
b. Hegel
c. Aristotle
d. Plato
11. Which of the following abilities is stressed by humanistic education?
a. Learn the different philosophies of education
b. Develop man into a thinking individual
c. Enjoy the great works of man such as the classics
d. Make man distinctly civilized, educated and refined
12. The main function of a philosophy of education is to:
a. Aid the learner to build his own personal philosophy
b. Reconsider existing educational goals in the light of society's needs
c. Provide the academic background prerequisite to learning
d. Define the goals and set the direction for which education is to
13. A teacher discovers that a product of certain bottling company brings
about damage to teeth. Much as he wants to share the products of his
research, he could not because of harassment from all sides. Which
teacher's right is violated?
a. Right to property
b. Right to one's honor
c. Academic freedom
d. Right to make a livelihood
14. In the Preamble of the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers, all of
the following are true about teachers, except:
a. Duly licensed professionals
b. Possess dignity and reputation
c. LET passers
d. With high moral values
15. Section 5, article XIV, of the Constitution states that academic
freedom shall be enjoyed in
a. Public assemblies
b. State colleges and universities
c. All levels of learning
d. All institution of higher learning
16. The full or partial integration of capable deaf and blind students in the
classroom is stated in which of the following constitutional provisions?
a. Providing citizenship and vocational training to adult citizen
b. Protecting and promoting the right of all citizens to qualify
c. Academic freedom
d. Creating scholarship for poor and descry' students
17. The Constitutional Provision on language has the following aims
a. To make the regional dialect as auxiliary media of instructions in
regional school
b. To maintain English as a second language
c. To make Filipino the sole medium of instruction
d. To make Filipino the national language and medium of instruction &
18 . Which Republic Act provides government assistance to students and
teachers in private education?
a. RA 7784
b. RA 7836
c. RA 6728
d. RA 6675
19. Which of the following refer to teamwork among teachers in
classroom teaching?
a. Peer evaluation
b. Peer teaching
c. Peer discussion
d. Peer assessment
20. Learning is influenced by social interaction and interpersonal relations.
What must a teacher do?
a. Make students work collaboratively
b. Motivate student to reflect on how they learn
c. Make students feel good about themselves
d. Give more independent study
21. Of the following interventions, which is directly aimed at responding
to the transitional gap between academic achievement and employment?
a. Deregulation of tuition fees
b. Voluntary accreditation of schools
c. School networking with business and industry
d. Identification of centers of excellence
22. What is the main focus of the Schools Mean Success (SMS) concept
for lifelong learning?
a. School recognition and accreditation for success
b. Tapping student's potential for success
c. Pillars of instruction, research and outreach for success
d. Mission-vision of schools for success
23. The tendency to imitate elders is very strong in the early childhood
stage. Teachers should therefore be very good
a. Counselors
b. Role models
c. Disciplinarians
d. Facilitators of learning
24. A child refuse to obey orders or displays negativism as a development
How may you best handle him?
a. Take every opportunity to praise him for every positive attitude
b. Detain him after office hours for him to do what he has been ordered to
c. Insist on compliance to the same degree required of pupils
d. Avoid giving him orders or if you do and he object take back the order
25. Which of the following is a quality of an engaging learning
environment most reflective of Education for All (EFA)?
a. Improvised to enhance learning for all types of learners
b. Decentralized governance
c. Student-centered looming activities
d. Open communication for all-teachers, rents, students
26. Teacher Ernie makes sure that he covers the essential subject
content, while treating them sufficiency or in- depth. What guiding
principle is he following for lesson preparation?
a. Balance
b. Feasibility
c. Significance
d. Self-sufficiency
27. Of the following, which is the best way parents can support the
learning development of their children?
a. Buying materials for projects
b. Making calls on teachers
c. Interest and assistance in class assignments
d. Checking report card grades
28. Of the following, which is the most powerful source of values like
beauty and goodness outside the school system?
a. Government propaganda
 b. Nature
c. Commercial advertising
d. Mass media
29. Students must be taught self-responsibility is the desire of the
a. Existentialist
b. Pragmatic
c. Constructivist
d. Utilitarianist
30. Values are subjective your value may not necessarily be my value.
What subscribe to this thought'?
I. Progressivist     11. Pragmatists           III. Essentialist
a. II and III
b. I, II, and III
c. I and III
d. I and II

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