Rage of Boko Haram

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Ministersdesignate jostle to head juicy Ministries, ahead of inauguration




VOL. 3 NO. 131

Lagos, Nigeria


River of death


Rivers State communities call for a bridge to link their towns

A river that links two oil-producing communities in Rivers State has become a graveyard, as many are said to have lost their lives in a bid to cross it in boats. The people say contract to build a bridge across the river was awarded by Agip, the international oil company operating in the area, to a traditional ruler in the state. While Agip officials were not disposed to comment on the matter, the traditional ruler says the alleged contract only existed in the imagination of the people.

Rage of Boko HaRam

Sunday, 3 July 2011




Credit Bureaus curtail banks lending risks

The rules of the lending game are changing
The banking industry is still grappling with huge non-performing loans due to previous failure to conduct due diligence on the credit history of borrowers. Experts say the credit behavior of a borrower gives an idea of his ability and willingness to pay. Banks now patronise credit bureaus to determine the quality of borrowers before lending.


Red Hot!
Documentary film showcases 17 of Nigerias best artists
RedHot Nigerian Creativity produced by Communicating for Change profiles some of the best in the countrys creative industry. Artists TY Bello, Peju Alatise, Bruce Onobrakpeya and filmmakers Teco Benson, Tunde Kelani, and Stephanie Okereke are among those featured in the film, screened at a star-studded premiere last week.



All alone, and at a loss


Nigerian widows face enormous adversity in the wake of the loss of their husbands

When Cecilia Alfas husband died five years ago, not only did her in-laws claimed his assets, they also accused her of murdering him. Though extreme, Mrs Alfas case is not uncommon. Widows across Nigeria face financial hardship and social stigmas, even as governments and NGOs work to solve the problem.

From being a rag-tag group coalesced behind an otherworldly preacher, the rejectionist Muslim group known as Boko Haram has evolved into Nigerias greatest security threat. It has former governors groveling in apology over their actions in office and policemen dreamily talking about the mythical powers of its members. The determined assault on government establishments and an almost daily murder of security agents

and ordinary citizens has left security chiefs in twists and gradual erosion of the rights of Nigerians, especially those living in or doing business at the federal capital territory. Yet, the angst of the supporters of this militant group might have been aroused for nothing more than perceived high-handedness of security forces and the perceived absence of justice for the weak. It is something most Nigerians would relate to and

Boko Haram takes on the mythical Robin Hood posture and states injustice of the federal government and security agents as its chief reason for the spate of bombings across the country
points to one of the ways government could nip this growing security challenge in the relative bud, before its tentacles reaches even further into more states in the north.

Full story on page 2

Arsenal Milfielder, Denilson, up for sale




Find a new job, property or simply smile,reading a personal announcement. Make your business sale, lettings or memorial announcement by placing a classifieds advertisement in NEXT on Sunday, today.


NigeRiaN atHletes iN Race agaiNst time

At the national trials in Calabar last weekend, most athletes posted mind boggling winning times, a situation indicating that more work needs to be done to break the over a decade medal drought at the Championships.

Our sprinters are not measuring up

With barely nine weeks away to the World Athletics Championships in Daegu, South Korea, the countrys best leg have not hit the mark expected of medal prospects at athletics biggest event (outside the Olympics).

Arsenal fans have offered to help the club flog midfielder Denilson by putting him up for sale on eBay! The Brazilian has told boss, Arsene Wenger, he wants to end his five-year stay in London to join a club in Italy or Spain after failing to win silverware with the Gunners. He said: I am a winner and I came to Arsenal to win trophies, but Ive been here for five years and won nothing. A footballers career is over very quickly so it is time for me to move on. Denilson has played in 153 games and scored 10 goals during his time at Arsenal, but no offers have been lodged for him. The 23-year-old is much maligned

by supporters because of his cautious style and fondness for sideways passes. And he was further mocked after one statistic revealed just 31 per cent of his passes went in a forward direction. He is behind Cesc Fabregas, Jack Wilshere, Alex Song, Aaron Ramsey, and Abou Diaby in the Arsenal pecking order and a move away from the Emirates is inevitable. But with no firm interest yet, one mischievous Gunners fan has decided to advertise Denilsons services on the internet auction site with the opening bid starting at just 68.70. The sellers description says Denilson has 160+ games on the clock, but dont worry, at no time was this player ever over exerted. It continues: In fact, hes so easy

going, even podgy middle aged referees breeze past him in important games. Hes technically sound, literally never seems to get injured, passes sideways with precision and vigour, and would be perfect for a team that requires a slow defensive midfielder that is less mobile that a beached oil tanker. Bidding for Denilson reached 15,000, but the listing has since been removed from eBay.

photo by feMi adebesin-Kuti

arts & culture/p. 34

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