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Answer the following questions. (Minimum 0f 200 words per question)

1. Why are migrants mostly beneficial for receiving countries?

Migrants are those people who choose to move to their country because of the opportunity
they can get to the country they can move. And by the fact that they move, it means a loss to
the country were they come from as they loss a human power and lobor that could help the
country economically. And that also means that the country where they choose to move to are
the one can receive the benefits of the contribution of the migrants.

It is beneficial for the receiving countries as they can boost their economy with the migrants
contribution to their country. With the skills and manpower that the migrants brings to the
countries it fills the job that are needed to be fill which contributes to the countries economy.
They leave their country for new beginning and that means that they will definetly work hard
and don’t take things for granted. Though some may argue that migrants aren’t beneficial to
their chosen country but the things is they are mostly the one who’ll take the job in which the
natives don’t like to do. Migrants are mostly skillful and can easily adopt they don’t only
bring enthusiasm and positive atmosphere in providing productivity in the field but they also
bring a new experience and culture which brings the interaction among the workers. And
lastly, migrants enhance the innovation of the country it means that country are capable of
bringing opportunities which will lead to globalization which is a way of connecting with
other countries. With them coming in the investment and trades of the country where they
come from and the country they choose to migrate will boost enormously which again
benficial to the counries economy.

2. How do migrants prompt xenophobia and racism in receiving countries?

Many choose to migrate abrad because of the opportunity they can receive in their chosen countries.
And because of that we cannot deny that xenophobia and racism has been severely increasing as the
years goes by. They are attacked and probabdly still are which is morally and emotionally damaging
for them. Not minding is probadly the best choice but things is it will only get worse and worse if
they choose to still silent. As a matter of fact #AsianHateCrime is recently trend on twitter as many
Asians has been physically assaulted and verbally attack by the natives. It is inhumane and
concerning as the government of the country where they currently residing choose to stay silent and
not do anything about it. Migrants are greatly contributing to the counries revenue and economic
power they deserve to be appreciated and to be respected. And to answer the question on how they
prompt racism and xenophobia its either they shrug it off or make a movement about the issue just
like the #AsianHateCrime which trend around the world to make a stand about the social injustice
that the migrants and even those who are only visiting the country. Hate and discrimination has been
dramatically increasing and are very concerning. Everyone in anytime, anywhere can experience this
and we who are capable of fighting and standing up about the issue should make a stand about it and
make an effort to protect someone’s right. We should stand for human rights, stand up for equal
rights and protect people who are experiencing the social injustice of the system. We should know
our rights, the migrants should know their rights and together we should stand up and stop the global
3. What has changed in our communities because of Human Trafficking?

Through out the years Human Trafficking is substaneuly growing, adeveloping nd

Accoriding to GSDRC Publications The impacts of trafficking are felt both in the countries from

which people are trafficked, and the countries to which they are trafficked. And throught out the years it
is continuosly growing even though its is by the world government. It is malignantly happening
anywhere at any time which is scary as we don’t know if it could happen to us. Human trafficking are
mostly happening because of poverty, many used this as an excuse to demonetize the mind and control
the people. Most of the cases of human trafficking involves the illegal act of using forced or enslavery
and sexual violence while some of the worst cases involves the removal of body parts which is so
inhumane and iniquitous. This issues about human trafficking is criticitically disturbing as most that are
being abuse are women and children, they are being threathed and brutally abuse with use of force to
do an illgal act of labor even though they don’t want it. They are being controlled that they are left with
no choice but to follow those human traffickers. It is concerning and alarming to the community as it can
happen to anyone at anytime in anywhere. It changes the preception of the people about something
because of the issues circulating around just like the white van issue way back, which the white van are
kidnapping children and sell their body parts. And the reason why most children before are running and
screaming when a white van passes their area. This issue about human trafficking are needed to resolve
immediately as the issue is so concerning to everyone. The community are the basic structure of the
society and the government should do its job to protect its community, its people in their country.

As a student, what can you do to stop human trafficking?

Write a 600-word essay about the question above. 
In the last recent years, we see how the world greatly develop and evolve. It changes our life, the
way we live. It changes our perception and perspective in so many ways. We see how the world
brings joy and happiness in many of that we fail to see how it bring chaos and disaster in some of
us. Urkhan Alakbarov once said “So often the world sits idly by, watching ethnic conflicts flare
up, as if these were mere entertainment rather than human beings whose lives are being
destroyed. Shouldn’t the existence of even one single refugee be a cause for alarm throughout
the world?” You see the world is greatly developing and evolving but at the same time it greatly
loosing its control. Its like a butterfly effect that we should not ignore as it affects us in a whole.
And as the time passed by, we see how human brings the best in the world, seems positive right
but if there is a positivy in one side, there is always a negativity. And that alone speak so much,
as there are people who uses such manipulation where power and greed is their source of life. As
a student this concept of manipulation and greed is not new to me, because its actually the reason
how I mature and be more open-minded in life. One of the perfect examples of it is human
trafficking, human trafficking the modern-day slavery that involves the use of force, fraud and
deception that aims to exploit the victims in financial or personal gain. It is very alarming and
concerning as everyone can be a victim of trafficking at any time in anywhere. According to
dictonary, human trafficking is the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to
benefit from their work or service. And in said that the most common type of human trafficking
involves sex, forced labor and debt bondage. In 2017 it is estimated that 40 million people
across the world were victims of modern slavery in which most of the victims are woman and
children. They are being moved across country or even international border by the traffickers in
order to exploit them. Exploit them because they are vulnerable and can be manipulated by such
people where souls is barely hanging. As a student this issue might not be my job but it is my
concern as I might be a victim of human trafficking. This global issue about human trafficking
should be stop and condemn not only by the officials but also with the help of people. And as a
student, I know that I can contribute in many ways. First is, to know more about the issue before
sprading to the public. By allowing myself know more about the issue will help me give a proper
response to the issue before spreading it public. Second is, by using social media as a tool to
spread awareness about human trafficking. By creating a content about human trafficking in
these platform can easily hep me raise awareness. Third, by hosting or conducting an event
online and offline with the help of local official and invited speakers. Local community are the
area where traffickers are mostly doing its illegal act of trafficking. By raising awareness in the
local community they can esily identify and know if they are being subjected of human
traffivking. Fourth is by creating an organization where youth

Second one, by public to know that there is so many kinds of human trafficking

Third is by the use of social media facebook, and tiktok where most of the users her

Imagine how human trafficking grows throughtout the years. And I c

There are many definitions of human trafficking but knowing what is right and rwrong
Poverty is one their way to bring such chaos as they act as mighty king but deep-down they are the

see th indiffrences of life of each us, that is sad but

changes our life an

As the time passed, the world greatly developing and evolve. Many things happe

The world is evolving and developing,

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