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A Detailed Lesson Plan

In Science for Grade 8 Students

Prepared by: Val Daryl Anhao
February 8, 2018
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

 how cells divide to produce new cells

 meiosis as one of the processes producing genetic variations of the Mendelian Pattern of
The learners should be able to:

 report on the importance of variation in plant and animal breeding


 compare mitosis and meiosis, and their role in the cell-division cycle

At the end of a 60-minute period, the Grade Eight learners will be able to:

 Identify the different phases of Meiosis.

A. References
PDF: Science Grade 8 K-12 Learner’s Guide/Teacher’s Guide Module
B. Materials
Images, Laptop, speaker, marker, masking tape, visual aids
C. Ideas

 Meiosis is process in which a single cell divides twice to produce four cells containing
half the original amount of genetic information. These cells are the sex cells- sperm cell in
males, egg cells in females.
The major purpose of mitosis is for growth and to replace worn out cells.
 Meiosis is split into two phases: Meiosis I and Meiosis II. In Meiosis I composes of
prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, and telophase I. On the other hand, meiosis II
composes of prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, and telophase II.
D. Skills Process

 Identifying
E. Values

 Teamwork, Unity
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activities “Good morning Sir.”
“Good morning class.”
“How are you today class?” “We are good Sir”
“Alright, good to hear”
“Settle down now because I will check your attendance.”
B. Review Lesson
“Class, what have we discussed last meeting?” “Phases of Mitosis”

“Where do chromosome align at the center of the cell

occur?” “On the metaphase sir”

“Very Good! You really understand our lesson.”

C. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Teacher will ask the students about how organisms
reproduce. Learners then be shown a video about sexual
reproduction. The teacher will ask the following
 What is reproduction?
 How sperm and egg cells are

2. Presentation
What do organisms need for them to reproduce? “Every organism need to have a pair Sir.”
“Sperm and egg cell sir.”
“Good. Take note that during reproduction two cells are
involved. Can someone tell what cells are need for
reproduction? “
“Alright, they are called sex cells. But how are these cell
“Sex cells are made through cell division we called
(Students read the objective)
(Presentation of objective)
The learners should be able to:
 Identify the different stages of Meiosis.
“Class, please read the objective.”
“Thank you.”

3. Discussion
“This morning, we will learn the about the stages of
Meiosis.” “Yes sir, they are similar to mitosis.”
So I have here class the images of the different stages of
mitosis class. Pay attention to the images. “It is a process where a single cell divides
Have you notice the stage are somewhat familiar?” twice to produce four cells containing half
“That’s right! It is another type of cell division that the original amount of genetic
happens inside an organism.” information.”
What is Meiosis class?

These cells are our gametes or sex cells- sperm cells for
males and egg cell for females.
During this stage, the cell undergoes two rounds of cell
division to produce four daughter cells. The cells produces
during meiosis are called Haploids. Meaning, daughter
cells produced 23 pairs of chromosomes each.

Meiosis is divided into sub phases: Meiosis I and Meiosis


Meiosis I composes of: Prophase I, Metaphase I,

Anaphase I, and Telophase I.

First is Prophase I, which is considered as the longest

stage of meiosis. So what happen on Prophase I is:
 Chromosomes condense as the result of
the replication during Interphase.
 Chromosomes stared to line up and pair
up with each other.
 Crossing over happens. Crossing over- a
segment of the other sister chromatid
exchange sections of DNA or traits with
each other. And recombine to create
genetic variation or Recombination. “Metaphase I sir”
 Spindle fibers are formed and visible
 Centrioles are moving towards to the
poles of the cell “Chromosomes line up along the center of

So that’s what happen during Prophase I. what is the next

“Good. Next would be metaphase I. Similar to mitosis,
what happens during metaphase?”

Alright, homologous pair of chromosomes line up in the

middle and spindle fibers connect to the chromosome’s
centromeres. “Anaphase I”

What’s next stage class?

During Anaphase I, the chromosomes separate from each

other and starts to move to the opposite poles of the cell.
And they are pulled by the spindle fibers.

The homologous chromosomes starts to separate from

each through spindle fibers. “Telophase I”

Next is what stage class? (Students look at the picture)

Take a look at the image of telophase I that we have here
class. (Shows an image of the telophase I stage)
“The chromosomes now reach at end
poles of the cells. Two cells are now
What did you notice on the chromosomes class? produced.”

That’s right, they begin to form another cell. “No sir, during cytokinesis cells are fully
After telophase I are the cells fully formed? formed.

Very Good.
“No sir, there is still another stage.”
Is this the end of the process?
That’s right! There is still another round of cell division.
Meiosis II.
“Two daughter cell sir.”
After meiosis I, how many cells are produced?
Now after the telophase class, do you think that the two
cells are now separated?

Two cells will now separate.

After Meiosis I, Prophase II follows.

The same with Prophase on Mitosis, Prophase II follows
the process. Two daughter cells condense again into
visible X- shaped structures. Spindle fibers are now
visible and centrioles moved on the opposite poles of the
cell. “Metaphase II sir”

After prophase II, what comes next?

During metaphase II, chromosomes (pair of sister

chromatids) line up along the equator of the cell. But
instead of homologous pairs of chromosomes lined up at “Spindle fibers connects on the
the center, the chromosomes are not homologous. centromeres of the chromosomes sir;
What happens next?

Good, so that’s happen during metaphase II.

Next is Anaphase II, (posts picture of Anaphase II)

Notice that the homologous chromosomes are not
separated, instead the sister chromatids are separated and “Telophase II sir”
pulled away each other towards the opposite poles.

And the last phase, what do you call it?

The chromosomes reach the opposite sides of the cell and “New cells are now formed.”
new set of cells are now forming.
After cytokinesis, what happen to the cell? “Four cells are made sir.

Alright, how many cells are made?

Very good! Take note that each cells have half of a set of

“No sir, the cell continue to undergo

4. Generalization: Meiosis II.”
Does the process of meiosis end after Meiosis I? “Meiosis I: Prophase I, Metaphase I,
Anaphase I and Telophase I
What are the stages of Meiosis? Meiosis II: Prophase II, Metaphase II,
Anaphase II and Telophase II”

Very good, you really understand the lesson.

D. Evaluation
Multiple Choice:
Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. The chromosomes now reach at the end 2. The paired chromosomes separate from
poles of the cell and two cells are now each other and start to move to the
produced. opposite poles of the cell.
a. Anaphase I a. Anaphase I
b. Metaphase I b. Metaphase I
c. Telophase I c. Telophase I
d. Meiosis II d. Meiosis II
3. Considered as the longest stage of 7. In meiosis II, each chromosomes lined
Meiosis I? up along the equator of the cell.
a. Anaphase I a. Metaphase II
b. Metaphase I b. Anaphase II
c. Telophase I c. Prophase II
d. Prophase I d. Telophase II
4. In what phase does crossing over takes 8. Sister chromatids are separated by the
place? spindle fibers toward the opposite poles
a. Metaphase I of the cell.
b. Anaphase I a. Metaphase II
c. Prophase I b. Anaphase II
d. Telophase I c. Prophase II
5. What kind cells does Meiosis produced? d. Telophase II
a. Growing cells 9. A process in which cells divide twice to
b. Somatic cells produce 4 daughter cells.
c. Sex cells a. Mitosis
d. Repair cells b. Cell Cycle
6. Sperm cells are for male, the kind of c. Meiosis
cells does female produce? d. Interphase
a. Sperm cells 10. Meiosis produced how many cells?
b. Egg cells a. 4
c. Somatic cells b. 23
d. Body cells c. 46
d. 2

Write your answer on ISN.
Explain the process of gametogenesis.

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