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Gabriel Neves

Address: Rua Edise Cardoso Moreira, Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, BRAZIL


2011 - 2015 Bachelor in Information Systems, Polytechnic University of Uberlândia
Modules include: Introduction to Machine Learning , Software Engineering ,
Software Engineering Practice and Group Project , Computer Systems
Distinguished Individual Project : ”Machine Learning For Healthcare -
A Really Interesting Thesis” - NLP project involving dataset preparation, exploratory data
analysis, multi-view NLP model design and predictions using Feedforward Neural
Networksand k-NN(k-nearest neighbors algorithm)
Relevant Experience
Started in 07/2019-now ”Backend Java Senior” at Timestamp
•Used SQL commands to filter, sort, & summarize data
•Created an end-to-end pipeline that reads data, transforms it, and saves the result
•Learnt how to work with distributed applications - worked with Spark architecture and
Spark DataFrames,
•Built/development in intellij or eclipse
•Automatically recalculated of the reports in Java, Scala, Python, Docker and Airflow
• Client: Santander Totta
•Projects: • NewDefault(now), Profitability, Manual Ingestion (Upload file to HDFS: jdk8,
postgres, kafka, spark, api rest),
Microservice Spark Ondemand, Client fusion

Started in 02/2019 until 07/2019 ”Backend Java Senior” at PDMFC

•Used SQL commands to filter, sort, & summarize data
•Created an end-to-end pipeline that reads data, transforms it, and saves the result
•Learnt how to work with distributed applications - worked with Spark architecture and
Spark DataFrames
•Built/development in Databricks
•Automatically recalculated of the reports in Java, Scala, Python, Docker and Airflow
• Client: INCM Project (Casa da Moeda de Portugal)
•Project: SEDR

Started in 06/2018 until 02/2019 ”Backend Java Senior” at CedroTech

•Used SQL commands to filter, sort, & summarize data
•Created an end-to-end pipeline that reads data, transforms it, and saves the result
•Learnt how to work with distributed applications - worked with Spark architecture and
Spark DataFrames,
•Built/development in Databricks
•Automatically recalculated of the reports in Java, Scala, Python, Docker and Airflow
• Client: Toro, Santander, Lerosa
•Project: MetaTrader Interception

Started in 09/2016 until 06/2018 ”Backend Java Senior” at TQI

•Used SQL commands to filter, sort, & summarize data
•Created an end-to-end pipeline that reads data, transforms it, and saves the result
•Learnt how to work with distributed applications - worked with Spark architecture and
Spark DataFrames,
•Built/development in Databricks
•Automatically recalculated of the reports in Java, Scala, Python, Docker and Airflow
• Client: Santander, Multiplus, Product of TQI, Itaú UNIBANCO
•Projects: Produban DashBoard Indicator, Frontside/Mobile Multiplus, LogControl, Appus

Started in 09/2018 until 09/2016 ”Backend Java ” at Kyros Technology

•Used SQL commands to filter, sort, & summarize data
•Created an end-to-end pipeline that reads data, transforms it, and saves the result
•Learnt how to work with distributed applications - worked with Spark architecture and
Spark DataFrames,
•Built/development in Databricks
•Automatically recalculated of the reports in Java, Scala, Python, Docker and Airflow
• Client: Algar Telecom
•Projects: SGPI (Anatel’s Problem and Interruption Management System), Portal Algar
Languages English (intermediate), Spanish (intermediate)
Programming Python, SQL, Java 8(9/10/11), Scala(11), Kotlin, Bash, Spark, Databricks
Data Science pandas, numpy, sklearn, PyTorch, NLP (fastText, BERT)
Environment BigDataCloud Cloudera and Azure(Databricks)
Methodology Kanban and Scrum
Relational DataBase Oracle DataBase 11g, PostgreSql, MySQL, MSSql, DB2
Servers CentOS Server, Linux Server Ubuntu 18.04
Tecnologies Jenkins, Openshift, SonarCube, Docker, Airflow, Hive , Kafka, HBase
Tecnologies Impala, Mainframe, Control-M
Tecnologies Jira, GoCD, PaaS OpenShift RedHat, Gradle, Maven, JAX-WS, Rest, Soap
Tecnologies SpringFramework/SpringWebMVC/SpringContext/SpringSecurity
Tecnologies Slf4J/Log4J, Kafka, MongoDB, CosmosDB, PowerBi, BigQuery
Tecnologies React, AngularJS, Junit, Apache TomCat, Sonar, Avro, Impala, Hadoop, HDFS

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