Measurements Ans

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Name:______________________________ ( ) Class:_________ Date:___________

Chapter 1: Measurement

Multiple-Choice Questions (10 marks)

1. Choose the correct combination of base quantities and derived quantities.

Base quantities Derived quantities

Electric current, time, amount of
A Weight, mass, area
Electric current, amount of
B Time, mass, length
substance, temperature
Electric current, amount of
C Time, mass, length
substance, temperature
D Time, mass, temperature Density, velocity, charge
( D )

2. Which of the following is not an SI unit?

A Kilogram B Second
C Inch D Mole ( C )

3. Which of the following pairs of physical quantities and their corresponding SI units is

A Luminous intensity (cd) B Temperature (oC)

C Length (l) D Mass (g) ( A )

4. Tom has a bag of potatoes. In an attempt to apply his knowledge of physics, he tells his
customer that the bag has a mass of 3 × 109 µg. What is the mass in kilograms (kg)?

A 0.3 kg B 3 kg
C 30 kg D 300 kg ( B )

5. Express 3.00 m s–1 in kilometres per hour (km h–1).

A 0.300 km h–1 B 0.05 km h–1

C 10.8 km h–1 D 180 km h–1 ( C )

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6. What is the most appropriate instrument for measuring the depth of a test tube?

A Calipers B Metre rule

C Micrometer screw gauge D Vernier calipers ( D )

7. Which of the following readings is most likely to be obtained from the vernier calipers?

A 0.23 cm B 0.23 mm
C 2.3 cm D 0.23 m ( A )

8. Identify the common measurement errors when each of the following instruments is

Vernier Micrometer
Metre rule Stopwatch
calipers screw gauge
Human reaction
A Zero error Parallax error Parallax error
B Zero error Zero error Parallax error Parallax error
C Parallax error Parallax error Zero error Zero error
Human reaction
D Parallax error Zero error Zero error
( D )

9. Determine the reading on the micrometer screw gauge.

A 3.11 mm B 3.61 mm
C 7.11 cm D
11.70 mm ( B )

10. A boy sits on a swing and pushes off the
ground. He times his swing and finds
that he takes 0.5 s to go from the
maximum height at the back to the
other maximum height at the front, as shown in the diagram below. Determine the
period of his swing.

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A 0.5 s B 1.0 s
C 2.0 s D 3.0 s ( B )

Structured Questions (15 marks)

11. Paul uses a pair of vernier calipers to measure the depth of a cylinder. Before
measuring, he records the reading on the vernier calipers when its jaws are closed. He
then proceeds to measure and record the depth of the cylinder. The respective readings
are shown in the diagrams below.

Reading when jaws of vernier calipers are closed

Reading when depth of cylinder is measured

(a) State the precision of the vernier calipers. [1]

0.1 mm or 0.01 cm [1 m]

(b) Determine the zero error of the vernier calipers. Include the appropriate unit. [1]

+0.2 mm [1 m for correct magnitude and unit]

(c) Determine the actual depth of the cylinder. [1]

Actual depth = 15.5 mm – (+0.2 mm) = 15.3 mm [1 m]

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(d) Paul decides to use the vernier calipers to measure the depth of a swimming pool.
Is his decision correct? Explain your answer. [1]

His decision is not correct. The vernier calipers cannot be used to measure the

depth of the swimming pool as it is too deep. / The range of the vernier

calipers is not sufficient to measure the depth of the swimming pool. [1 m]

(e) Suggest one way to improve the accuracy when measuring the depth of the
cylinder. [1]

Take several more measurements of the depth of the cylinder. Then, obtain

the average depth. [1 m]

(Note: Parallax error reduction is not acceptable as an answer because this error is
unlikely to occur when using the vernier calipers.)

12. Aliyssa used a micrometer screw gauge to measure the diameter of a wire. She obtained
a reading of 10.22 mm.
(a) Express the radius of the wire in µm. [2]
Radius of wire = = 5.11 mm [1 m for calculation]
5.11 mm = 5.11 × 10–3 m
= 5.11 × 10–3 × 106 µm
= 5.11 × 103 µm or 5110 µm [1 m for conversion]

(b) Aliyssa then realises she did not check if there is zero error for the instrument.
The diagram below shows the reading on the micrometer screw gauge when it is
closed. [1]

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mm 0


State the zero error, if there is any.

–0.04 mm [1 m for correct sign, magnitude and unit]

(c) Provide an example for each of the orders of magnitude. [2]

Order of
10–4 to 10–3 m Diameter of wire
10–9 m Size of a molecule (or any appropriate answer) [1 m]
102 m Length of a football field (or any appropriate answer) [1 m]

13. A pendulum is set to swing from a retort stand, as shown in the diagram below. Paul
observes the pendulum bob swinging between X and Z.

retort stand
X Z pendulum
(a) Paul determines
Y the period of the oscillation to be 4.0 s. Determine the time it
takes for the pendulum bob to swing from Y to Z, and then to X. [1]
front view side view
Swinging from Y  Z  Y  X is of an oscillation.
Therefore, t = × 4.0 s = 3.0 s [1 m for correct magnitude and unit]
(b) Paul extends the length of the pendulum. State the effect this has on the period of
the pendulum. [1]

The period becomes longer. [1 m]

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(c) Describe the steps Paul should take to measure the length of the pendulum.
Include the following in your answer:
(i) The measuring instrument to be used
(ii) The steps used to measure the length of the pendulum
(iii) The precautions to be taken when carrying out the measurements
You may include a labelled diagram if necessary. [3]

With the pendulum hanging from the

retort stand, measure the length between
the end of the string that is clamped and
the centre of the bob, as shown in the
diagram. [1 m]

Use a metre rule for measuring the length.

[1 m]

Ensure that the string is taut before retort stand

length to
measuring its length. [1 m]
be measured


Table of Specifications side view

Type of Syllabus learning Assessment

Question no. No. of marks
question outcome(s) objectives*
1 1b K 1
2 1b K 1
3 1b K 1
4 1c C 1
5 Multiple- 1c C 1
6 choice 1g K 1
7 1g C 1
8 1g, 1h K 1
9 1g C 1
10 1h A 1
11 1g A 5
12 Structured 1g, 1d A 5
13 1h A 5

*K/C: Knowledge/Comprehension
A: Application

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