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Article 4 – Electronic Cigarettes by Linda Bauld

I Smoking has destroyed the lives of many; the chief culprit being nicotine. For
years addicted smokers have been searching for a solution. After years of
research and technological advances, engineers have come up with the concept
of electronic cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, are battery-
operated smoking devices. They often look like cigarettes, but work differently. 5
With the look and feel of real cigarettes, e-cigarettes are experiencing a boom
in popularity. However, as the popularity of e-cigarettes rises, so do the queries
about their potential impact on public health. As scientific studies on e-cigarettes
attempt to catch up with their popularity, it remains to be seen if the products will
be a boon or a setback to the goal of smoking cessation. 10

II A new study published in the United Kingdom has concluded that e-cigarettes
are nowhere near as harmful as conventional cigarettes. A study by Public
Health England (PHE), found that smoking e-cigarettes is 95% less harmful than
smoking conventional cigarettes and suggested that the National Health Service 15
(NHS) consider recommending them to help people quit smoking all together.
According to PHE, the levels of nicotine in e-cigarettes are far lower than those
in the more harmful conventional tobacco cigarettes. The nicotine in e-cigarettes
is as harmful as that of a cup of coffee and thus we can consider e-cigarettes to
be a better alternative to conventional smoking in all ways. 20

III The study by PHE also highlighted that the greatest benefit of those who shift to
smoking e-cigarettes from smoking conventional cigarettes is that e-cigarettes
do not make use of any fire or smoke. In fact, the smoke created by them is
mere fumes formed due to nicotine that is contained in these e-cigarettes. The
chemical analysis of e-cigarettes conducted by the Food and Drug 25
Administration (FDA) found that another ingredient used in these cigarettes
which is propylene glycol, is not at all harmful to the health of the users. In fact,
it is used in medicines, asthma inhalers, food products, sterilisation of drinking
water and cosmetic manufacture.

IV However, one should not overlook the negative issues that are associated with 30
e-cigarettes as some people believe that e-cigarettes may not be completely
safe. The Centre for the Study of Tobacco Products conducted a study to
examine the levels and types of nicotine in e-cigarettes. They found that the
levels of nicotine contained in e-cigarettes often did not match the label. Not only
that, they also discovered that e-cigarettes contained the strongest form-free- 35
base nicotine which is the most addictive type of nicotine. The researchers
warned that e-cigarettes can cause major problems as they are as addictive as
conventional cigarettes.

V Currently, it is not known what exactly is in e-cigarettes. However, initial lab tests
conducted by Professor Gerald Burns of the US National Cancer Institute found 40
detectable levels of toxic cancer-causing chemicals, including an ingredient
used in anti-freeze in two leading brands of e-cigarettes and 18 various
cartridges. A review of studies found that levels of toxins in e-cigarette aerosol
varied considerably within and between brands. A 2014 study revealed that
aerosol from e-cigarettes with a higher voltage level contains more 45
formaldehyde, another carcinogen with the potential to cause cancer. The
findings are alarming and underscore why the American Lung Association called
so urgently for FDA to look into potential impacts of e-cigarettes.

VI Flavours in e-cigarettes may also be a cause for concern. Kid-friendly flavours

such as mango and pineapple may attract children to try them. Not only are 50
these flavours used to target children, but they may be harmful on their own. E-
cigarette and flavour manufacturers and marketers may suggest that the flavour
ingredients used in e-cigarettes are safe because they have the FEMA (Flavour
and Extract Manufacturers Association of the United States) GRAS (generally
recognized as safe) status for use in food, but such statements are false and 55
misleading. The reality is that FEMA GRAS status only applies to food, meaning
it is safe to eat, and does not apply to inhaling through e-cigarettes.

VII Electronic cigarettes continue to evolve with new models in the absence of
federal regulation. Therefore, rather than limiting access to the product, it is 60
suggested that regulations ensure quality and safety, and prevent advertising to
children. The issue is that we still have cigarettes, and this is the main problem.
Retrieved and adapted from

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