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Empowerment Technologies Quarter 1 - Module 5: Collaborative ICT Development This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities. We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at action@ We value your feedback and recommendations. Table of Contents What | Need to Know Icons of this Module . What | Know: Pre-Test . Lesson 1: Collaborative ICT Development .. What's In It: Introduction oo oo eee What's New: Activity No. 1 Crafting of Web Page through online PI What Is It: Different Types of Media Platforms What's More: Activity No. 2: Collaborative Designed Website What | Can Do: Activity No. 3: Evaluating Content on a Website What | Have Learned: Activity 4: Synthesizing Your Learning Assessment: Post-Test Key to Answers . References .... What I Need to Know Introduction icT skills are one of the basic skills that every 21st Century learner nowadays: should possess. ICT empowerment enables everyone connected to even in the farthest parts of the world. With the aid of ICT development, one can establish rorrpections and work collaboratively to maintaining order in the community. | At the end of the two week period, you should be able to develop an online portal ot website to showcase and share existing and previously developed content that can be navigated through the use of gadgets such as cellular phones, computer and etc, These may be in the form of, but are not limited to an online newsletter, Blog, Video log (Vlog), or online magazine. Content Collaborative development of ICT content covers the following topics: 4, Team structure and dynamics for ICT content; 2. Online collaborative tools and processes; 3. Project management for ICT content; and 4. Curating existing content for use on the web. Learning Competencies 4. Evaluate the quality, value and appropriateness of peer’s existing oF previously developed ICT content in relation to the theme or intended audience/viewer of an ICT project. CS. ACT11/12-ICTPT-Hi-j-12 | 2. Share and showcase existing or previously developed material in the form of a collaboratively designed newsletter or blog site intended for a specific audience or viewer. CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ii-j-13 Objectives At the end of the class period, the teacher should be able to: 4. Facilitate learning to allow students to curate previously created content at create a collaboratively designed newsletter or blog site for a spt audience. 2. Assist students so they may practice doing an evaluation on the basis quality, value, and appropriateness of a peer's work and decide on 3. Make the ot nts practi coming . jents practice collective decision-making such as criteria to choose which works previously canted nntie the t 1 ide in the final output (newsletter or blog site); and boratively manage the production of the 4 2 a What | know What's New What is It What's More What | Have Learned This is an assessment as to knowledge to the subject meant specifically to gauge p knowledge This part connects previous that of the current one. ‘An introduction of the new through various activities, before it presented to you These are discussions of the | a way to deepen your discovery understanding of the concept. These are follow-up activities that intended for you to practice order to master the competencies. Activities designed to process have learned from the lesson These are tasks that are d showcase your skills and | gained, and applied into — Concerns and situations, What | Know Multiple Choice: Select the letter of the best answer among the given 1. Itis an online publication that contains information, database and is intended to a special group of viewers. A. Mozilla Firefox C. Web News: B. Web Page D. Google Chrome 2. Which of the following is NOT an aim for online collaboration tool? A. Preventing distance barrier ©. Communication Online B. Productivity D. Able to be physically together 3. A tool classified in the Microsoft office that is use to make document type of files and is usually ends in docx extension. A. Microsoft Excel C. Microsoft PowerPoint B. Microsoft Word D. Microsoft Publisher i 4. A tool under Microsoft office that aims to make calculations through cells packed in a particular workspace called spread sheets 2 A. Microsoft Excel C. Microsoft PowerPoint B. Microsoft Word D. Microsoft Publisher 5, Which is NOT a function of BLOGS as one the collaborative tools? A. Allows admin to read, edit, add and delete posts. : B. Allow blogs that includes media file type like image and videos, C. Allows users to post updates. ’ D. Allows multiple people for contribution. 6. What does ICT stands for? A. Information and Communication Technology B. Information and Copyright Technology C. Information and Connection Technology D. Information and Copyright Technical 7. HTML means “4 A. HyperText Markup Language B. HyperText Mark Language C. HypeTech Mark Location D. HypeTech Markup Location 8. The foll A = les a person to be the fo mmon goals 9. Collaborative IcT enabl —=—pee earners to establish co ples Teamers to establis! B Efrances fate for interactivity C. Give ambiguo! tions and outcome us instru D. Promotes develop! terpersonal communication ment for int 40.The following are platforms use for collaborative ICT deve C. eBooks — ft Office 3 ont D. magazines 41. Online repository of files arranged by folders. ‘a. Cloud storage c. Archive vf d. Logs s b, Database 42. Which of the following does not belong to the group? A. Facebook C. Twitter B. Instagram D. Blogger 08 a 43. Which of the following is designed for web community? A. eBook C. Web Page B. Newsletter D. Magazine 14, What does URL stands for? A. Uniform Resource Locator B. Uniform Residence Location C. Universal Residence Location D. Universal Resource Locator 15.Google apps include the following except Ae ie C. Mozilla Firefox . Gmail D. Translate rec) Collaborative ICT Development in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) that de accessible through e of internet or using an Internet browser. ye is accessed througt of a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) ‘ress and may contain text, gr and hyperlinks to other web pages and files. A web page contain can be in a form of an online publication, online newsletter (such as advertisements or write ups) containing news of interest chiefly to a specific group. A web page is the primary source for information dissemination in the web community. Through it, different platforms made to make users and viewers share information and build collaboration-connection to one another. Below is an example of a web page depicting the owner and users view. i ee ee ee ry pa ena N ee o hec eeoeee * ii ° . Wraeeecaaie™ (catteme Nacy | Megvtanwecsx.,.oragrenaton: _ hemanae deter Photo credit: https:liwww.! rent kinds of platforms. 1s comes in diffe oniine cobaborative (00 rabies users and adimine promote Ih bay platfor™ractiity, establish @ common ga mui a v individual or group. Hence belg gen miaums in collaborative IGT develop of the most Examples of different platforms in ICT Development aie aie al Photo credit: htips:/! &2 What's New ee \ Activity No. 1 Crafting of Web Page/ Blog through online platforms Now it's time to do our own web page using different types of your choice i Do the following instructions listed below: i ae 1. Create a website or use an existing one with the aid of but Google site or any related platforms such as Blogger, Wiki choice is the image next page will ¢ to their webpage to create your own idea and design. ore re Lip elec ell y ete ee eet Fill in this area to create your own blog In the photo guide above you can click “CREATE YOUR BLOG” button to start designing your own blog of choice. hoice is others then please feel free to go jour cl qc onthe ote bag exare for the creation of website is shown, their website or page. WIX fotne ter Sane Create a Website You're Proud Of ro been ena doi, ‘sort plat ta gh mac 4 Sor yw renee Click here )|-—_——— -EED ET —_ Photo credit: https://www.! Click “Get Started” to create your choice of website, as shown in the image above. Fill inthis area to create your own blog Note: Follow instructions written inside the dialog box to he with your work 8 lelp you guide We want your Wix experience to be perfect for your needs. Answer a few questions to help us get to know you better. [estes J Wix CHOOSE HOW YOU WANT TO CREATE YOUR WEBSITE Let Wix ADI Create Create Your Website a Website for You with the Wix Editor Sonepat ine, ey ag e818 te ees .en the link provided to Before creating Your ‘own webpage OP n fs access “rample ‘lt Yor website ; oreaay (https://st : ni he =2321681d~ Up ROT erat 7z697hieenaret_toPi> 2321 yswert Create & nome a Gae 3. To further help you with your website creation or blog form, fill in following blanks which will serve as key points that may contain in your You can write your response in the document file or in a note. Ret these questions may serve as your guide in your website development. “What is it that | want to share to the world ! * The issue that matters to me is advocacy) * [could use my * To make a difference by (Talent) (Action) Take Note: You viewpoi n can add additional information such Ms, pictures, data and others to enhance y« obaia i Beene ea 4. When done creating your site, present to class/ or choo evaluate your work. Use the provided rubric when. work but pay closer attention to the Categories labelled “Cont Purpose”. Open the link and use this rubric to assess your cl t photo credit: http:/ ] Keep ] Getting Got It Working __There ‘Information is | Information is | Information |inaccurate or accurate but | offers a fesearch calls “contains not always comprehensive | on a wide . significant complete and accurate | variety of i | gaps picture of the | resources e | topic & Information _ Limited comes from | research Adequate Content is fewsources scope research fresh, original, | scope Insightful What is it As you are done with your web page creation through your choice of platform, we now go to evaluating the type, design and quality of web page you made. Hence let us first get acquainted with the different types of media platform for online collaborative ICT Development. Platforms that may be currently used to host newsletters and similar ICT content related infon ee which include but are not limited to are as follows for (a) Presentation and (b) cloud computing, e.g. Google Apps. (C) Social Media venues inch Facebook Pages, Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest. Development of (( page in which Wix, Weebly and Google Sites and lastly (e) Blog or sites such as Blogger, Wordpress, Livejournal, Issuu and Google S g 5 What's More Collab website/page ‘Activity No. 2: Using the same the gira Ce me atu. galileo.orgtips/rubrics\webst ] Getting There Working Site lacks a Purpose may sense of be somewhat purpose. —_ unclear No indication Target that the site audience — is | was created identified, and for a target | some choices audience _ are other | teacher-as- | grader | this audience | Tinformation Information is | inaccurate | accurate but or contains not always | significant complete | gaps ur classmate/Pe\ and appropriateness of yin evaluating than | appropriate for orative Designed Website in Activity 1, evaluate the ‘ers’ existing developed IC Jassmate’s designed we rubires ite_rubric.pdf the Got It Site has a purpose Major appropriate the audience Information offers a comprehensive and accurate picture of the topic Adequate elements of the site are ‘through for target - No reference Sources of oforiginal information —_| information are sources are credited in es acknowledged | standard 2 3 formats. 2 | 3 3 Information | Most All permissions joe is copied permissions | are secured | without have been permission | secured f ‘May contain | Some Ideas, themes or | gg | many facts, | interpretation | patterns are § | but they are | of facts developed | not | 54 ‘developed | Connections _ | Makes $ as ideas, with larger connections with 2 themes or —_ contexts are larger contexts | connections | not always creative and _clear comprehensive Home page Home page is |Home page is | Home page is missing, or functional aesthetically draws user into = doesnot pleasing and the site ina & function to gives a clear compelling way 2 bring user | sense of purpose | 2 into the site for the whole site 2 | Home page teadily orients users to the site ] ut of | Page layout Page layout is Page layout is | pages is | may be ‘busy’ | interesting and | creative and confusing, or | or appropriate for | effective cluttered or dull unimaginative Layout does not reflect ideas and content, but Unreflective content Layout is appropriate for the content. Functionality Organization er ~~ Navigation becomes —_| structures may “Tost in be awkward of navigating | difficult to use onor between pages i" | Problems | Some with | elements of ‘functionality functionality frustrate the | may not work “user “as intended, | or may not meet the | needs of the target audience { — ‘Headings or | Headings do paragraph _ not create a breaks | consistent | are not used | hierarchy to create and/or entice ‘hierarchies reader to go | or orient further into the reader to text “text | | Paragraphs | | may be long | or incomplete ~~ | Functionality is appropriate for target audience and accomplishes the purpose simple navigation structures make site quite easy for user Appropriate use of interactivity for the purpose of the site Headings and first paragraphs of Inger text create appropriate hierarchy First paragraphs of longer text interest reader to go further into the text “unctionality intrigues target audience and enhat none % purpos Simple and powerful navigation structures make navigation feel intuitive All functionality, works properly. Creative use of interactivity enhances purpose of the site hierarchy and Headings create intrigue reader. Errors in| Some editing grammar for spelling and usage | and \ interfere with | punctuation is meaning Tequired Many punctuation and spelling errors Writing style is appropriate for the purpose Writing style ‘is not effective for _ the purpose Site requires extensive | editing | | Errors in | grammar and usage “are “noticeable, but do not interfere with Language and Conventions evidence of catetul eating | Whiting style is interesting and effective 103 “inconsistent — | ofgraphic quality of | elements graphic | elements No sense of | Graphics are purpose for used as ‘add- the on's' rather inclusion of | than as an graphic element of elements meaning Little orno | Some evidence of | awareness of graphic design principles is quality Graphic elements are | causes good backgrounds and Graphic elements. exceptionally well contribute to together meaning Graphic design principles are followed Creative design | Multimedia | Multimedia Multimedia [ | Pate on lements are | elements support | elements are an [number of | often and develop integral part of | @%, _ | multimedia | decorative, or | content content | : ; i BF eements are confusing S325 4 mutimedia Too many Downloading is | Multimedia ®ESF8 clementsdo multimedia | acceptably fast _| elements are | 286 yo |notdevelop | elements, or used in a highly Zee : “the topic failure to creative way. Es | causes | | slow download | ‘times As you go through evaluating your peers work, images above shows the content of the rubrics use. Once you are done evaluating each other's works you can proceed to sharing your presentation to the whole class. Make sure to made constructive corrections for the work to further enhance the platform What | Can Do Activity No. 3: Evaluating Content and Interest on a Website 1. Open the link provided, this link directs you to the Gold Foundation Website ( Please see next page for sample weustts that the — class will be using during evaluation). + glee GOLD FOUNDATION Photo Credit: hitp://goldfoundation.weebly.comlabout. htm! 2. Look for a pair or you can be paired with your previous teammate. Together, you exchange ideas on evaluating the content and interest of the sample site given. 3, In evaluation, use the rubric provided by opening this URL, 4, You and your peers’ evaluation should go together to come up with one common rating. @) What I have Learned ‘Activity 4: Synthesizing Your Learning ‘Answer the following questions based on your learning. Be Pref 4, Based on your readings of the discussion what are: the d platforms for collaborative ICT design? a. er d. e. Of the list you provided in number 1, which platform you most often use in sharing your concepts online? Why do you prefer to use this? a 3. In your own understanding, what do you think is the it . importance of staying updated to the online community? How does it nelpreteel vel pee ‘i A. Enables leamers to establish common goals B. Enhances rate for interactivity C. Give ambiguous instructions and outcome D. Promotes development for interpersonal communication 2. Itis an online publication that contains information, database and updates that is intended to a special group of viewers. A. Mozilla Firefox C. Web News B. Google Chrome D. Web Page e . Which of the following is NOT an aim for online collaboration tool? A. Preventing distance barrier C. Communication Online B. Productivity D. Able to be physically together = A tool classified in the Microsoft office that is use to make document. ype of files and is usually ends in docx extension. A. Microsoft Excel C. Microsoft PowerPoint B. Microsoft Word D. Microsoft Publisher © ro . Which is NOT a function of BLOGS as one the collaborative tools? et A. Allows admin to read, edit, add and delete posts. B. Allow blogs that includes media file type like image and videos, C. Allows users to post updates. 2 D. Allows multiple people for contribution, 4 . A tool under Microsoft office that aims to make calculations through cells packed in a particular workspace called spread sheets A. Microsoft Excel C. Microsoft PowerPoint B. Microsoft Word D, Microsoft Publisher does ICT stands for? and Commiuanastion Technical Te 8. HTML means__- ‘A. HyperText Markup Language B. HyperText Mark Language C. HypeTech Mark Location D. HypeTech Markup Location 9. The following are the sources of information EXCEPT ” A. Computer C. Television B. Mobile phone D. Printer 10. Which of the following does not belong to the group? A. Facebook C. Twitter B. InstaGram D. Blogger 11. The following are platforms use for collaborative ICT development except A. Microsoft Office ©. eBooks B. Blogs D. magazines 12. Online repository of files arranged by folders. A. Cloud storage C. Archive B. Database D. Logs 13. Google apps include the following except ‘A. YouTube C. Mozilla Firefox B. Gmail D. Translate ’ 414, Which of the following is designed for the web community? sit A. Book C. Web Page A B. Newsletter D. Magazine 3 15. What does URL stands for? 1 tty A. Uniform Resource Locator t Ai B. Uniform Residence Location at Te C. Universal Residence Location s ewolt, D. D. Universal Resource Locator 1 ot # ovat, Oa, ovo webs ole ion § ni sou PRE-TEST ANSWER KEY: POsT- 2 sb ee ov Brest ob ott web pa oy 2 ‘Ob j pe 8 4 a 2 2 i $ vy 3 5 aq ‘s * ie : Ac hs az, - es} Ff prow jnyr equod | fe CLERYAS HUG exuonnn ‘ADA SUAMSNV 1S31-1SO0d Ker SP2NOMRoONA O>Furowoo00 15.A Bae ot Ovi cn es Ne 0 => KEY TO ANSWER (Vonoy) "TTS Tones Tam SONBTT BURT SOTEpAT OT TT Aq SOUBIayIp 8 aYEW OL « (vere 1) Ora NOUS SINTET OF STE ATaEIHOTI Aw asn pinoo ; « 4© esne2) BUTTER TES ou 1 sionous wig sneer aoe = 7 ueMsuy edweg suoRsenD eping: SUHOREId OULUG YBNOsY) Bojg /aBEd GaN Jo Buyers =p / eI ue eBesn ‘sewieJ6 Ul Sie Jo 884) 6q 0} payipa Ajjnj Ueeq sey ag 4 STTSER anqpeye pue sAjesio Ss! jnoke| abeg *S}BULIOJ PABPUR}s UI Poy!pesd ae UOHEUOJUI yo SeQINEg / “sa0unosai jo AjaURA apiM e UO Sije9 YoResad Ydep-U} “JO} payeaso SEM a}Is a4) OYM jo Bulpueysiepun Buoys: “yndjno ay) Ul peAasgo aq osje pinoys 6 Suan 64) UI paynuap! Ajjeoyioeds puke payejas oq pinoys AYAOY SIM 40} 91SqeM peuBlsaq eAyesoqgeyiog & 10. 3 Collaborative Designed Website pretivity Ni output for this Activity should be related and specifically identif pe following should also be observed in the output. understanding of who the site was created for. 4, Vey ser arch cals ona wide vai of esate Y eetrees of information are credited in standard formats. v out is creative and effective : ae oto be free of errors in grammar, usage and Site has been fully edite [Activity 1: Crafting of Web Page! Blog through Online Platforms Guide Questions Sample Answer: ‘© The issue that matters to me is Global Warming (cause or advocacy) + | could use my photography skills to capture scenery related to it. (Talent) + To make a difference by_| will post updates using pictures with caption on it. (Action) BUE-LEA! yeMeL K KEY TO ANSWER | “Butnyj Jo Aem ayy peoueyue | pue siseq Allep J} papeau sBulyy e4j Jo dinbe eq ‘suogdeouozsau pue | quengjeul] @sneo Aew yey) UoneWoju! Alessaoeuun plone ‘aleme pue paulojul ‘Any 24 0} euokue ejqeue sjueAe yualuno 0} payepdn Bu|Keys Jo eouepoduy aul ‘Gam eu} Jo asn ey} YBnoiuy ajqissodu you si suoAlene 0} payauuod Buleg YoIUM Ul AiNjUeD LZ OU) SpieMo) GuyeeB ere om sKepemou eoulg “~E — “uogsenb Jo adfj aaqoalgns e si siyy aouls aAgoedsied sjuepnjs 34) Uo spuadep uoYsenb Jeinonied sity Jo} JOMSUY “Z - ‘Says Jeysiiqnd Jo Bog “Q bed qem “a BIpa| |e0S °O Buyndwog pnojg “g uoneziensij pue UoNeyeseld “y SUO}E|d Jo SedK| ueLeYI “| :koy samsuy Bujuseey ino, Buziseyyuds sp -———— ‘Activity 4: Synthesizing Your Learnin: 2. Answer for this particular question depends on the students perspective s » .g Answer Key: 1. Different Types of Platforms A. Presentation and Visualization B. Cloud Computing C. Social Media D. Web Page E. Blog or Publisher Sites this is a subjective type of question. ; |. Since nowadays we are gearing towards the 21% Century in which b connected to everyone is not impossible through the use of the we importance of staying updated to current events enable anyone to merned and aware, avoid unnecessary information that may cause it and misconceptions, be equip of the things needed i enhanced the way of living. or

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