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In general, the article talks about how the country's foreign policy has changed

since the terrorist attacks. It is the policy of the country that regulates the relations
of the country with the population in any international arena.
The article examines the impact of the events that took place in September 2001 on
US foreign policy. In addition, the purpose of the article, the purpose of the study,
the object of the study, and all the methods used are fully disclosed.
On this basis, as tasks that should be performed on the basis of the relevance of the
study, the following were included:
- Consideration of the essence of basic concepts and terms used;
- Study of previously conducted studies, official documents and statements of
government officials;
- Systematization of the received data;
- Justification of the conclusions drawn.
The impact of this mentioned terrorist attack has affected the country's foreign
policy for up to ten years.These changes were called the»war on terrorism». The
September 11 terrorist attacks began the process of active struggle in the United
States against external threats to national security. At the beginning of 2014, the
second wave of countering international terrorism began, which is still ongoing.
Preserving political sovereignty and ensuring the protection of the United States
and its citizens have led to changes in the concept of national security. They
consist in the fact that the search and elimination of terrorist groups, the
destruction of financial support for militants, as well as the adoption by the
president of the United States of Congress of laws that expand the possibility of
using Unlimited and unreported military force and the interference of special
services in the lives of civilians without judicial sanctions. It was these changes in
foreign policy that not only affected the behavior of the United States in the
international arena after 2001, but also influenced the fact that the state leadership
set an active course of war with the enemy, and not intimidation and restraint. This
trend was associated with further military actions against terrorism.
One of the goals of the» war on terror «was to detain Usam bin Laden and other al-
Qaeda leaders. In response to the terrorist act of September 11, 2001, the United
States is conducting a military operation in Afghanistan as part of operation
Unbreakable freedom. Among the officially announced goals of the United States
in the war with Afghanistan:
1) overthrow the Taliban regime;
2) liberation of Afghan territory from Taliban influence;
3) arrest and trial of al-Qaeda participants. However, the real interests of the
United States are as follows: the possibility of confirming its long-term military
presence in Afghanistan and influencing regional processes.
After the war between the United States and Afghanistan, according to experts, the
conclusion of a peace treaty was beneficial for both sides, since no one was able to
achieve a final victory in this conflict. But it cannot be said that the reason for the
withdrawal of troops is only a protracted war, the true goals of the United States
can only be understood after a certain period of time.
The United States has increased its military presence in European countries,hiding
antiterrorist actions, in particular, deploying its radar stations and missiles in the
Czech Republic and Poland. The structure of the system created by the United
States gives reason to believe that it is aimed not at countering the potential threat
of the countries of the «axis of evil», but at demonstrating a hypothetical missile
strike by other powerful states and increasing the importance of the role of the
United States in the international arena. In addition, it is clear that the United
States was trying to expand its sphere of influence in the Middle East and, under
various pretexts, invaded the territory of some Arab countries and launched further
large-scale military operations.
Based on the article, it is worth paying attention to the hidden goals of the United
States. As noted by Boris Dolgov, a researcher at the Center for Arab and Islamic
Studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the
first hidden goal of the United States was to suppress and destroy one of the most
powerful states in the Arab world that opposed the United States. . Other goals
include controlling the country's oil and other natural resources, creating a weak
pseudo-democratic state that remains loyal to the states in the ruins of the former
Another consequence of the terrorist attacks of September 11 was the
destabilization of the situation on the world oil market. Immediately after the tragic
events, the price of Brent crude oil rose from 2 25 to 3 32 per barrel in a week.
In conclusion, the impact of the September 11 terrorist attack in 2001 on US
foreign policy is extensive. First of all, it was an excellent excuse for military
attacks on countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq, which allowed the United States
to expand its area of political influence not only in the Middle East, but also in
Europe. In addition, this tragedy determined the behavior of the United States in
relation to the issue of international terrorism. That is, this event was considered
the main road to the globalization of the state's foreign policy.

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