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Hello dear reader! Today I'm going to talk about the use of music and painting in therapy

Title of the article: "The use of painting and music in therapy"

Keywords: Therapy, music, art, painting, human, physical functions, doctor

Abstract: This article deals with the use and importance of music and painting in the human
soul, ie in therapy.

Nowadays, a broad outlook, full competence, a person prone to creative activity

in society. From ancient times, human society has tried to define the creative role
of both the restoration of physical functions and the formation of the spiritual
world of the individual, thinking about the secrets of painting, theater, movement,
music. The visual arts were also seen as an effective means of influencing people.
It was believed that by thinking and admiring beautiful sculptures, a person
absorbs all the goodness they represent. This also applies to the paintings of great
masters. One of the most effective methods used in the field of pedagogy and
psychology in the education of personality is music therapy.

"Therapy" means treatment in Latin, so music therapy is music therapy. Today it is

almost impossible to imagine life without music. Music is with us at home, in the
car, outside, in the office, at work, everywhere. Mankind has long recognized the
healing properties of music. If we consider the human body as a musical
instrument, the heartbeat is the greatest rhythm. At the same time, when a person is
afraid, anxious, or happy, the heartbeat becomes real rhythmic music. It is well-
known that plants that do not have a soul grow quickly and produce good music
with good music. It is not new today that music can affect animals as well.
Kazakhs liken music, which affects a person's nerves, feelings and mood, to the
power of the gods. The great Greek philosopher Democritus said, "The magic
music of the flute can cure some diseases," but Hippocrates used music to cure all
diseases. While Plato, Aristotle, and Pythagoras acknowledged that music has
healing properties, Homer acknowledged that music can help to combat negative

Music therapy is a centuries-old treatment for mental and emotional illness. The
healing power of music was known to the ancient Turks, Egyptians, Indians,
Chinese, Persians and Greeks. The positive effect of music on the human psyche is
also called music therapy. The word music therapy literally means "treatment with
music, melody." For hundreds of years, music therapy has been a source of art for
people to enjoy music, and treatment with the help of art is a relatively new

Music affects a person's health, consciousness and behavior. Musical sounds also
have a profound effect on human organs and cells. Musical sounds have a great
impact on the human body and cells, and various sounds create a large energy field
in the human body. That is, they cause movements in the surrounding space. And
we receive that energy and it affects our body. It is well-known that music has a
profound effect on our lives. Therefore, music has always been a language
understood by men and women, people of different religions and nationalities,
different nationalities. Music is relevant to anyone, regardless of their intellectual
level, income or social status.

Music therapy is a method of psychotherapy used to regulate fatigue and tiredness

of the nervous system, mood. There are different ways to make a positive
impression on a child through music. It is important to be able to use this method
with a specific system. To do this, it is necessary to get acquainted with the child's
age, current condition, mental changes, information about its causes, otherwise, in
any case, the use of music therapy will not work.

There is no nation in the world without music. Music is common to all mankind.
Even the most beautiful, magical word cannot affect the human senses like music.
In fact, if the effect of music could be expressed in words, then there would be no
need for music. Abay Kunanbayev, the great son of music, said, "If you love a
song, you will love it less." The great Abai was able to demonstrate the power of
music and its healing properties at that time.In medical practice, the Chinese doctor
noticed several bright features of the therapeutic features of painting. As a result,
blood circulation is normalized, the body's defenses are increased, and eventually
everything is restored. That is why we know that the role of painting is high.

The great Avicenna in his famous work "Canon of Medicine" described the effect
of painting in therapy. That is, it describes the relationship between color, human
temperament and human health.

From the middle of the 19th century, European physicians began to advocate the
use of painting masterpieces as one of the therapeutic and effective methods after
oriental physicians. An interesting experiment was conducted in one of the largest
hospitals in London. It is: not only the corridors and halls, but also the hospital
wards of the polyclinic are decorated with paintings of different genres and styles.
A few years later, a survey was conducted among patients, which found that 80%
of them believe that drawing improves their mood and avoids health problems.

According to British researchers, a psychoanalyst can be replaced by a safe visit to

an art gallery. Experts say that world and modern paintings have a special effect on
the human psyche. Scientists scanned the brains of a group of volunteers while
looking at paintings by great artists such as Claude Monet and Sandro Botticelli.
According to experts, the function of the brain during vision was similar to that of
the human brain in moments of love. The researchers also found that the hormone
dopamine is released into the bloodstream of subjects due to positive emotions and
pleasure. Therefore, thinking about the masterpieces of painting can help to
overcome fear and anxiety, and even reduce pain. In conclusion, the use of
painting and music in therapy is one of the most effective methods in music
psychology and psychotherapy today, which has a positive effect on the human
body. There are many interesting opinions about the effect of therapy on the
human psyche. For social workers, the perception of empty music helps them to
educate themselves and perform various necessary things. The main goal of
general therapy is to eliminate negative emotions such as anxiety, worry, and
depression, and to replace them with positive emotions. To achieve this goal it is
effective to use works of art and music.

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