Gehl 2011

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Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 101, No. 3, pp. 1101–1108, June 2011, doi: 10.


Accounting for Site Characterization Uncertainties When

Developing Ground-Motion Prediction Equations
by Pierre Gehl, Luis Fabian Bonilla, and John Douglas

Abstract Current ground-motion prediction equations invariably assume that site

conditions at strong-motion stations, often characterized by the average shear-wave
velocity to a depth of 30 m (V S30 ), are known to a uniform accuracy. This is, however,
rarely the case. In this article, we present a regression procedure based on generalized
least-squares and maximum-likelihood approaches that take into account the varying
uncertainties on V S30 . Assuming that V S30 s for various groups of stations are known to
different accuracies, application of this procedure to a large set of records from the
Japanese KiK-net shows that the regression coefficients are largely insensitive to the
assumption of nonuniform uncertainties. However, this procedure allows the compu-
tation of a site-specific standard deviation (σ) that should be used for sites where V S30
is known to different accuracies (e.g., a site only specified by class or a site with a
measured V S profile). For sites with a measured V S profile, this leads to lower site-
specific σ than for a site that is poorly characterized because this technique explicitly
models the separation between the epistemic uncertainty in V S30 and the aleatory
variability in predicted ground motion.

The accurate and robust estimation of the shaking to be motions recorded at individual sites, overall reductions in σ
expected during a future earthquake is a key element in through better site characterization are quite small; for
seismic hazard assessment. For most applications this esti- example, 6% if a term accounting for the average shear-
mation is made using ground-motion prediction equations wave velocity to a depth of 30 m (V S30 ) is introduced into
(GMPEs) connecting the magnitude, source-to-site distance, the GMPE, according to Bragato (2008), who used data
and generally other parameters (e.g., local site conditions) from Europe and the Middle East. Despite this possible
to the expected median strong-motion intensity parameter small reduction in σ through better modeling of site effects,
(e.g., peak ground acceleration, PGA) and its associated it is still an important avenue to explore because any
variability, characterized by a standard deviation σ. For decrease in σ can lead to a dramatic decrease in assessed
active tectonic regimes, these GMPEs are invariably derived seismic hazard at long return periods (Bommer and Abra-
by regression analysis on available strong-motion data hamson, 2006, figure 3).
(Douglas, 2003). The standard deviation of these GMPEs When deriving empirical GMPEs, the strong-motion
has a great impact on the results obtained from seismic databases available are invariably nonoptimal; for example,
hazard analysis, particularly at long return periods, and con- some information that would allow for better modeling of the
sequently there have been many recent efforts seeking to source, travel path, or site is not available. A common exam-
better understand σ and, ideally, to reduce it (Strasser et al., ple of this is that the detail and quality of the characterization
2009, and references therein). Local site effects have been of the near-surface V S profile varies greatly from station to
the focus of many recent studies that address the cause of station. This means that GMPE developers often have to
variability in earthquake ground motions. They are related default to crude site classes when deriving their models
to variations of the near-surface geology or surface topogra- (Douglas et al., 2009). Douglas et al. (2009) present a tech-
phy at strong-motion stations (Lee and Anderson, 2000; nique that takes into account all available information to
Atkinson, 2006; Bragato, 2008). This is a promising area estimate stochastic V S profiles and their confidence limits
in which to concentrate efforts because, in theory at least, for a given site. In addition, they suggest including this site
local site conditions can be well characterized before an information when deriving GMPEs. The issue of the influ-
earthquake. However, most previous studies have concluded ence of specific uncertainties on the variability of GMPEs
that, although site effects due to variations in near-surface has been addressed by Moss (2009, 2011), who used a Baye-
shear-wave velocities can have a dramatic effect on ground sian regression framework for his analysis.

1102 P. Gehl, L. F. Bonilla, and J. Douglas

The purpose of this article is to present a new regression Let us consider a dataset where k earthquakes were each
technique that can be coupled with the approach of Douglas recorded by ni stations, i ranging from 1 to k. Let us define
et al. (2009) to account for variations in the widths of the yi;j to be the common (base ten) logarithm of the considered
confidence limits between stations when weighting data strong-motion parameter (e.g., PGA) generated by earth-
within the regression. The regression technique is described quake i and recorded by station j, with j ranging from 1
in the next section (Proposed Method for Regression to ni . We then assume the following regression model, based
Analysis). The subsequent section (Verification with Data on the one introduced by Brillinger and Preisler (1985) and
from Joyner and Boore [1981]) presents some tests of the developed by Abrahamson and Youngs (1992):
technique using previously published datasets. Then, a data-
set from KiK-net is used to test the sensitivity of the GMPEs yi;j  α  βMi  γ logV S30;j 
and associated standard deviations to assumed uncertainties  fri;j ; θ  ηi  χj  ϵi;j ; (1)
in V S estimates, and the results are discussed. Finally, the
article ends with some brief conclusions. where Mi represents the i-th earthquake magnitude, V S30;j
refers to V S30 for station j, and ri;j stands for the distance
between the earthquake i and the recording station j.
Proposed Method for Regression Analysis Coefficients α, β, γ, and θ are the unknown parameters to
This section presents the regression technique developed be determined by the regression. We introduce the interevent
in this study to account for uncertainties in the V S profile. variations (between-event residual; error term ηi ), the intrae-
The approach presented is based on generalized least-squares vent variations (within-event residual; error term χj ), and the
and maximum-likelihood regression methods. record-to-record error term ϵi;j (random effects regression, as
introduced by Brillinger and Preisler [1985]). We then make
the assumption that all error terms just described here follow
Introduction of Individual Uncertainties a normal distribution with means equal to zero and the
following variances: σ2e for ηi, σ2S for χj, and σ20 for ϵi;j. This
In some GMPEs, site effects are accounted for by the procedure is well documented in appendix A of Joyner and
introduction of a term proportional to V S30 (Boore et al., Boore (1993).
1997). Thus, uncertainties in the near-surface site conditions, The next step deals with the introduction of the uncer-
modeled by uncertainties on V S30 , are mapped into the tainty on V S30;j and is largely based on the approach proposed
standard deviations associated with the derived GMPEs. by Rhoades (1997), who considers individual magnitude
Depending on the recording station, the knowledge of uncertainties instead of uncertainties in V S30 . First, we define
V S30 is highly heterogeneous, ranging from practically none LVj  logV S30;j  and assume here that the distribution of
to a V S profile that is accurate down to many hundreds of LVj for a given station is normal, with a variance equal to
meters (Douglas et al., 2009). Almost all existing GMPEs s2j (unlike the other variances introduced previously in this
do not account for this discrepancy and assume the same article, this one is an input to the regression and is known
uncertainty for all stations, this uncertainty usually being for each station). We can now define L^ Vj to be the exact
based on the lowest degree of knowledge available among value of LVj and δj , its associated error term. Equation 1 then
the recording stations. A more accurate way to proceed becomes
would be to introduce an individual uncertainty on V S30 for
each station, depending on the available site information. yi;j  α  βMi  γ L^ Vj  fri;j ; θ  ηi  ζ j  ϵi;j ; (2)
Accounting for individual uncertainties would lower the
assessed variability of the derived GMPEs. Moreover, this where ζ j  γδ j  χj is also normally distributed, with a
individual information, if properly used in the regression pro- variance equal to γ 2 s2j  σ2S .
cedure, can help to weight the participation of each recorded
accelerogram (depending on the uncertainty associated with
the stations’ V S estimates). Generalized Least-Squares Regression
However, the introduction of individual uncertainties We now focus on the resolution of the problem defined
leads to associating different variances to the random vari- in the previous subsection. Equation 2 can be rewritten in
ables, thus generating heteroscedasticity in the dataset. matrix form as
Homoscedastic models can be solved using ordinary least-
squares regression, which makes the assumption of an error Y  XB  e; (3)
term with constant variance (i.e., a diagonal variance–
covariance matrix with equal elements). Conversely, data where Y is a column vector containing the yi;j values,
presenting heteroscedasticity must be regressed with general- ordered following the earthquake numbers; B is a column
ized least-squares (GLS) regression, which involves weight- vector containing the coefficients α, β, γ, and θ; X is the
ing by the inverse of the nondiagonal variance–covariance Jacobian matrix of Y; and e is the vector of variations,
matrix V, with variable elements. composed of a linear combination of ηi , ζ j , and ϵi;j .
Accounting for Site Characterization Uncertainties When Developing Prediction Equations 1103

According to the GLS regression procedure, the solution Q  ln jVj  Y  XBT V1 YXB: (8)
^ is given by
In this case, as the matrix V is more complex than a diagonal
^  XT V1 X1 XT V1 Y;
B (4) or block-diagonal matrix, no straightforward analytical
expression of V1 can be found (unlike the procedure
where V is the variance–covariance matrix. Here, V is non- described by Abrahamson and Youngs [1992]), and we
diagonal and contains nonequal elements. Diagonal elements numerically invert V at each step and minimize the quantity
of V are equal to γ 2 s2j  σ2S  σ2e  σ20 , and nondiagonal Q using a standard Nelder–Mead simplex method. Because
elements can take the following values: V is a block diagonal matrix with sparse off-diagonal
elements, its inversion using standard procedures is straight-
1. σ2e , if the element concerns the same earthquake;
forward, and there are no numerical issues even for large
2. γ 2 s2j  σ2S , if the element concerns the same station; and
datasets such as used here (more than 3000 records). This
3. Zero in all other cases.
second step enables the definition of the matrix V, which
The problem is solved following an iterative scheme. can then be used in step 1 (GLS regression) in order to update
First, we evaluate F  XB with an initial guess for X and the value of B, and so on. We assume that the algorithm has
B (known as B0 ), and then we estimate the following vector: converged when B is stabilized (less than a 103 difference
between two consecutive values of kBk∞ ).
b  XT V1 X1 XT V1 Y  F: (5) This iterative procedure (alternating between GLS
regression and the maximum-likelihood method) has been
tested on a few well-studied datasets (see Verification with
We then define B1  B0  b, we modify the values of X Data from Joyner and Boore [1981] section), and conver-
and F accordingly, and we repeat equation 5 until conver- gence was obtained within several iterations. Numerically
gence toward a final value of B is obtained. This first step inverting the nondiagonal matrix V within this procedure
assumes, however, that the variance–covariance matrix V can take several hours to run on current desktop computers
is fixed or known in advance, which is not true in this for large datasets. It should be noted, however, that the
problem. One solution is to design an iterative procedure that approach presented here, when the fixed and random effects
performs the following two steps: are estimated alternately, may not be applicable when non-
1. Determine a solution B, given an initial guess of V. linear site amplification is considered (e.g., here we have
2. Given that value of B, estimate the best coefficients in only the term γ logV S30 , which can be easily translated into
matrix V. the linear term γLVj ). If the site term is nonlinear, then the
formulation to consider uncertainties in V S30 becomes less
Once we have a first approximation of B (step 1), it is straightforward. As an example, Stafford (2006, p. 339) pre-
indeed possible to estimate V using the maximum-likelihood sents an extension of Rhoades (1997) when there is a quad-
method (step 2, as described in the next subsection, ratic M term and uncertainty in M, and the expression for the
Maximum-Likelihood Method). likelihood is more complex. To consider nonlinear site
response that is a function of the amplitude of the input
motion, a direct but time-consuming numerical optimization
Maximum-Likelihood Method scheme to maximize the likelihood would have to be used
The likelihood function of the sample of N observations rather than the approach proposed here.
is given by
  Verification with Data from Joyner and Boore (1981)
L  2πN=2 jVj1=2 exp  Y  XBT V1 Y  XB :
2 In this section, a test of the developed regression tech-
(6) nique is made using the data of Joyner and Boore (1981),
which has often been used to test proposed regression tech-
If we take the natural logarithm of equation 6, we obtain niques. As a consequence there are many available results
N 1 1 based on this dataset, and it is possible to verify the imple-
ln L   ln2π  ln jVj  Y  XBT V1 Y  XB: mentation of our regression method against previous studies.
2 2 2
Joyner and Boore (1981) developed a GMPE for PGA using
data mainly from California, with the addition of a handful of
records from Alaska and Nicaragua (182 records from 23
The maximization of the quantity ln L with respect to the earthquakes were used).
variances σ2S , σ2e , and σ20 will then lead to the best estimate of The main objective here is to check the accuracy of the
V. Maximizing ln L is equivalent to minimizing the follow- introduction of intraevent variations along with record-to-
ing simplified quantity (all the noncontributing constants can record variations (i.e., the error term χj  ϵi;j ), without
be ignored): introducing any consideration of site conditions for now.
1104 P. Gehl, L. F. Bonilla, and J. Douglas

This procedure was already carried out by Joyner and Boore
(1993) in their appendix A, using a one-stage maximum-
likelihood method with the following functional form

Moment magnitude (Mw)

(formulation of Brillinger and Preisler [1985]):
y  α  βM  6  log r2jb  h2 6
 γ r2jb  h2  ϵe  ϵS  ϵr ; (9) 5.5

where y stands for the common logarithm of the peak ground 5

acceleration (i.e., logPGA, given in g), and rjb represents
the Joyner–Boore distance, defined as the shortest distance to 4.5
the surface projection of the rupture surface. The coefficients
to be determined are α, β, γ, and h. Because equation 9 is 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
nonlinear in h, we linearize it using a first-order Taylor Rupture distance (km)
expansion in the same manner as Joyner and Boore (1993,
equations 2–4). We can directly use our method, as described Figure 1. Magnitude–distance distribution of the KiK-net data
in this article, by deleting the term logV S30  and setting the used for regression analysis.
variable s2 to 0 for all sites (implying no information is
available on any individual site uncertainties). The results
are compared with those reported by Joyner and Boore It is obvious that the studied dataset lacks large events, but
(1993) in Table 1; an excellent agreement can be seen. the objective here is not to develop new GMPEs for use in
Convergence was obtained within eight steps. seismic hazard assessment but to show the effects of the
introduction of measurement uncertainty on the regression
Application to the KiK-net Dataset
Effect of Uniform Uncertainties in V S30 Estimates
In this section, the procedure is applied to a large set of
data from surface stations of the Japanese KiK-net (see Data Using these data, we can now perform a regression with
and Resources section) to investigate the impact of varying the following functional form, which is a simplified formu-
V S uncertainties on the regression coefficients and associated lation of Boore and Atkinson (2008):
standard deviations. We reuse data processed and provided q
by Cotton et al. (2008) and Rodriguez-Marek and Montalva y  α  βM  6  γM  62  log r2rup  h2
(2010), which includes 3874 accelerograms corresponding to q V
335 events recorded by 537 stations. The moment magnitude  δ r2rup  h2  ζ log S30  ϵe  ϵS  ϵr : (10)
(Mw ) of the events spans 4 to 7.3, and the distance to
the rupture (rrup ) ranges from roughly 0 to 340 km. The
magnitude–distance distribution is shown in Figure 1. An We then use the proposed regression method to carry out
estimate of V S30 is also available for each site: most of the the following analyses:
recordings come from National Earthquake Hazards Reduc- 1. One regression of the model but without the V S30 term;
tion Program (NEHRP) soil classes C and D (2405 and 1022 2. One regression of the exact model (zero uncertainty on
recordings, respectively), while other classes are much less V S30 ); and
represented (399 in class B, 42 in class E, and 6 for class A). 3. Three regressions assuming increasing uncertainty on
V S30 . (All stations are assigned the same standard devia-
Table 1 tion s on logV S30 : first s  0:0434, then s  0:1520,
Comparison of Results between the Method of This
and finally s  0:2171). The value of 0.1520 has been
Article and That of Joyner and Boore (1993)* chosen because it approximately represents the average
uncertainty of logV S30  when only the soil class is
Parameter This Article Joyner and Boore (1993, Appendix A)
known. Indeed, in a previous study, Rathje et al. (2010)
α 0.454 0.454 proposed some parameters to use for shear-wave velocity
β 0.255 0.256
γ 0:00216 0:00217
randomization, which range from 0.27 to 0.37 for σln V S :
h 7.05 7.08 thus, we chose σln V S  0:35 as an average value, which
σln V S
σ0 0.188 0.188 leads to s  ln10  0:1520. Similarly, 0.0434 corre-
σe 0.081 0.085 sponds to σln V S  0:10, and s  0:2171 corresponds to
σS 0.144 0.148 σln V S  0:50 to cover the range of possible uncertainties
*Dataset from Joyner and Boore (1981). in V S30 .
Accounting for Site Characterization Uncertainties When Developing Prediction Equations 1105

For each case, a GMPE is derived for PGA, as well as
90 s = 0.0434
spectral acceleration (SA) at different periods (0.1, 0.2,
s = 0.1520
0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 s). After a few steps, convergence is 80 s = 0.2171
achieved: the final results for SA (1 s) are presented in

σs decrease (%)
Table 2. As shown in Figure 2, the impact σs of accounting
for uncertainties on V S30 is greatest for SA (1 s) and minimal
for PGA. 50
First, it is worth noting that the regression model without 40
the V S30 term leads to higher σs (by 34% with respect to the 30
exact model), which constitutes an argument in favor of the
introduction of the V S30 term in the functional form. We can
also observe that regression coefficients for the functional 10
form with the V S30 term are unaltered by the introduction 0
of uniform uncertainty. This is expected because stations PGA SA 0.1s SA 0.2s SA 0.5s SA 1.0s SA 2.0s
with equal uncertainty on V S30 have the same weight in Acceleration
equation 5. Therefore, the coefficients remain identical. Figure 2. Decrease of σs for PGA and SA at different periods.
Regarding the aleatory variability associated with the
GMPEs, we witness a decrease of σs , the term related to uncertainty on V S30 is mostly noticeable at longer periods.
intraevent variability. On the contrary, terms σe and σ0 are Moss (2009, 2011) reached the same conclusion in his study.
not modified. This is a direct consequence of the structure The reason for this is that V S30 is the parameter used here to
of the variance–covariance matrix: in the models accounting model site effects, and the uncertainties on this value have
for uncertainty, the term σ2s is replaced by σ2S  ζ 2 s2 (s being the greatest impact at periods showing the highest depen-
the standard deviation of log V S30 ), whereas other terms in σ2e dence on V S30 (generally around 1.0 s, which corresponds to
and σ20 remain unchanged. Yet, this decrease in σs has no the period where the highest amplification occurs for NEHRP
consequence on the global uncertainty of the GMPE because class C soils [e.g., Ambraseys et al., 2005, figure 10b] that
p provide the majority of data used here).
σtotal is now expressed as σ20  σ2s  ζ 2 s2  σ2e , thus
integrating the uncertainty on V S30 . In the example of Table 2,
we see that assuming an s of 0.1520 leads to a reduction of
Effect of Individual Uncertainties on V S30
30% in σs , resulting in a 7.6% decrease of the expression
p While the previous subsection shows what happens
σ20  σ2S  σ2e . These results can be put in perspective
by similar studies from Moss (2009, 2011), who used a when the same uncertainty is assumed for all sites, we pro-
Bayesian regression to model the effects of variability on pose here to introduce uncertainties for only a subset of
V S30 on global uncertainty: an average coefficient of varia- stations. We choose to use the obvious distinction of NEHRP
site classes to carry out the following regressions:
tion of 27% on V S30 led to a 7% decrease for SA (1 s), which
is in line with the results shown here. 1. One with all stations from site classes A and B, having
We also plot the dependency of the σS decrease with s  0:1520 (405 records);
respect to the spectral period considered (see Fig. 2). It 2. One with all stations from site class C, having
appears that the effect of the introduction of measurement s  0:1520 (2405 records);

Table 2
Comparison of Results between the Model without the V S30 Term, the Exact
Model, and the Models Assuming Different Values of s for the KiK-net
Dataset for SA (1 s)
Parameter Model without V S30 Exact Model s  0:0434 s  0:1520 s  0:2171

α 3.079 2.855 2.855 2.855 2.856

β 0.731 0.728 0.728 0.728 0.728
γ 0:196 0:191 0:191 0:191 0:191
δ 0:0017 0:0016 0:0016 0:0016 0:0016
h 1.680 1.638 1.638 1.638 1.643
ζ - 0:896 0:896 0:896 0:896
σ0 0.203 0.203 0.203 0.203 0.203
σe 0.220 0.221 0.221 0.221 0.221
σs * 0.255 0.190 0.186 0.132 0.00004
*The numbers in italics are the different values of σs , which are the most affected by the
introduction of uncertainties.
1106 P. Gehl, L. F. Bonilla, and J. Douglas

3. One with all stations from site class D, having
s  0:1520 (1022 records); and
4. One with all stations from site class E, having s  0:1520
(42 records).

SA 1.0s (cm/s²)
For each regression, V S30 at all other sites is assumed to
be precisely known (i.e., s  0).
Table 3 displays the regression results for SA (1 s) and
compares the results to those for the exact model. Again, we
observe a decrease of σs , yet the reduction is smaller than in
the previous case (when uncertainty in V S30 was assumed for
all sites). This is expected, as a smaller number of records are 20
associated with uncertainty on V S30 (for instance, 2405 re-
cords out of a total of 3874 for class C and less for other 10
10 20 50 100
classes). On the other hand, we can see that when uncertainty
Rupture distance (km)
is no longer uniform, the regression coefficients are slightly
different from the exact model. Indeed, this is one of the aims
Figure 3. Predicted SA (1 s) with respect to rupture distance,
of the proposed regression scheme, as it gives more weight to for a Mw 6:5 earthquake and a site with V S30  300 m=s. The dotted
the records from sites with low uncertainty (compared to line represents the GMPE without accounting for uncertainties on
those with higher uncertainty). V S30 , and the solid one is the model with s  0:1520 for class
Plots (e.g., Fig. 3) of the predicted response spectra C sites. The upper and lower sets of curves represent 1σ.
using the different GMPEs show slight differences between
the model assuming no uncertainty and those assuming associated with the log V S30 term, and s is the standard
nonuniform uncertainties. These differences are mostly deviation of log V S30 .
significant if spectra for higher fractiles (e.g., 1σ) are This means that when we assume the same uncertainty
considered. Hence this regression procedure could have an of V S30 for all stations (e.g., s  0:1520), the global
impact on seismic hazard assessments for long return peri- standard deviation of the GMPE is evaluated as σtotal 
ods, which are highly sensitive to changes in σ. p
0:2032  0:2212  0:1322  0:8962 0:15202  0:355, ac-
cording to the results of Table 2 for SA (1 s). For the exact
model (no uncertainty), this standard deviation remains
Discussion of the Results p
σtotal  0:2032  0:2212  0:1902  0:355. Thus, as
A first look at our results shows that the introduction of expected, we find the same value for the final variability:
measurement uncertainty on V S30 leads to a reduction of σs . the introduction of uniform uncertainty does not change
This seems quite counterintuitive because the introduction the global uncertainty of the GMPE, yet it is useful in
of some uncertainty usually propagates to greater variability discriminating σs into aleatory variability and epistemic
in the final result. Yet, one has to keep in mind that the uncertainty.
global standard deviation of the GMPE (usually σtotal 
p Finally, if we use a more refined uncertainty model
σ20  σ2e  σ2S in an exact model) now becomes σtotal  (V S30 s at only a subset of stations are assumed to be uncer-
σ20  σ2e  σ2S  ζ 2 s2 , when some uncertainty to V S30 is tain, as described in the previous subsection, Effect of Indi-
added. In this example, ζ stands for the regression coefficient vidual Uncertainties on VS30), we can obtain different values

Table 3
Comparison of Results between the Exact and the Uncertain Models
(s  0:1520) with the KiK-net Dataset for SA (1 s)
Parameter Exact Model Classes A and B Class C Class D Class E

Nb of recordings - 405 2405 1022 42

α 2.855 2.848 2.868 2.851 2.857
β 0.728 0.727 0.729 0.727 0.728
γ 0:191 0:191 0:190 0:190 0:191
δ 0:0016 0:0016 0:0016 0:0016 0:0016
h 1.638 1.637 1.648 1.638 1.638
ζ 0:896 0:922 0:885 0:888 0:887
σ0 0.203 0.203 0.203 0.203 0.203
σe 0.221 0.221 0.220 0.222 0.221
σs 0.190 0.187 0.180 0.174 0.189
Accounting for Site Characterization Uncertainties When Developing Prediction Equations 1107

of σtotal , depending on the information available for a given is due to differences in the average s for the dataset. Higher
site. For instance, let us use the results of Table 3 when the levels of average s tend to lead to lower estimates of σtotal for
uncertainty is only applied to class C sites. The standard de- the end member s  0. The four-part and class C tests have
viation σtotal can be estimated with the following approaches: almost identical average s and, therefore, can be compared. It
can be seen that it is possible to estimate σtotal by interpola-
1. If the studied site is a class C site, with
tion for values of s not present in the original data; for
no accurate information on V S30 : σtotal 
 example, for s  0:0434. However, this interpolation is only
0:2032  0:2202  0:1802  0:8852 0:15202  roughly correct, and σtotal should not be estimated by extra-
0:374. polation to values of s much higher or lower than those
2. If the studied site has a well-known shear-wave present in the dataset.
velocity profile (no uncertainty): σtotal 
p These results are instructive because they show that the
0:203  0:220  0:180  0:885 0  0:349.
2 2 2 2 2
introduction of individual uncertainties can lead to the esti-
In this example, there are only two different values of s mation of site-specific σs, based on the degree of knowledge
(0 for 1469 records and 0.1520 for 2045 records from class C of the site conditions. This provides a refinement in the use of
GMPEs, compared to the strategy that consists of applying
sites). For different values of s, can σtotal be computed? If so,
the same uncertainty to all sites (usually the greatest, as a
how? To answer these questions, we conducted additional
limiting factor). To conclude, we could say that this regres-
analyses. First, the data were split into two random halves
sion approach does not lead to a reduction in the total σ, but it
(one half with s  0:0434 and one with s  0:2171), and
is an appropriate way to separate the components of varia-
a regression was conducted (herein called the two-part test).
bility, thus giving an opportunity to refine GMPEs by putting
Second, the data were split into four quarters, each quarter
extra effort on the improvement of site characterization, for
with a given value of s (0, 0.0434, 0.1520 and 0.2171), and a
regression was conducted (herein called the four-part test).
Finally, regression was conducted on data with random s
for each station, chosen from a normal distribution with Conclusions
mean of 0.1520 and standard deviation 0.03 (herein called In this article, a new regression procedure has been
the random test). It was found that the coefficients of the presented that allows GMPEs to be developed from strong-
GMPEs and σ0 and σe are similar enough to assume that
motion data recorded at sites characterized to varying levels
the value of σtotal is controlled by σs and s. For each test (plus (e.g., from rock/soil classification to measured V S profiles).
the results for class C reported in Table 3), σtotal s were com- The impact on derived regression coefficients of applying
puted for each value of s present in the input data and the this procedure to large sets of data is limited, but it does have
values plotted (Fig. 4). a significant effect on the separation of standard deviation
The curves in Figure 4 come from the same dataset but into its different components (particularly site-to-site varia-
use different values of s. The first observation is that these bility). In addition, the procedure provides parameters that
curves do not show the same value of σtotal for s  0; this can be used to compute site-specific standard deviations,
difference, which is especially noticeable for the random test, taking into account the accuracy of the available site infor-
mation. These site-specific standard deviations are lower for
sites where detailed site information is available, as com-
pared to locations that are poorly characterized. This shows
the benefit of conducting geotechnical and geophysical in-
0.39 vestigations at a site of interest because these lower standard
deviations will lead to lower ground-motion estimates for
0.38 long return periods. The approach presented here assumes
σ total

a site term that is linear in log V S30 . Further development
of the regression method would be required if a more com-
0.36 plex site term was assumed.
two−part test
By way of a closing remark, a similar method to that
four−part test proposed here to account for uncertainties in site character-
0.34 class C test ization could be used to consider uncertainties in other inde-
random test pendent parameters used within GMPEs (e.g., source-to-site
0.33 distances).
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Uncertainty s on log(VS30)
Data and Resources
Figure 4. The σtotal from four tests for different values of s pre-
sent in the original dataset. Mean s for each test are: 0.0944 (class The KiK-net data used in this article come from the
C), 0.1027 (four-part), 0.1352 (two-part), and 0.1549 (random). National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster
1108 P. Gehl, L. F. Bonilla, and J. Douglas

Prevention (NIED) data management center at www.kik ground acceleration and response spectral ordinates, Earth Sci. Rev. (records collected between January 1996 and 61, no. 1–2, 43–104.
Douglas, J., P. Gehl, L. F. Bonilla, O. Scotti, J. Régnier, A. M. Duval, and
October 2004). More information about the data format E. Bertrand (2009). Making the most of available site information for
can be found at empirical ground-motion prediction. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 99, no. 3,
.html. Information from the Earthquake Research Institute 1502–1520, doi 10.1785/0120080075.
has been used to define distances to the rupture (wwweic.eri Joyner, W. B., and D. M. Boore (1981) Peak horizontal acceleration and
velocity from strong-motion records including records from the Data from the web sites listed
1979 Imperial Valley, California, earthquake, Bull. Seismol. Soc.
here were last accessed in December 2005. These data were Am. 71, no. 6, 2011–2038.
provided by Guillaume Pousse and Adrian Rodriguez- Joyner, W. B., and D. M. Boore (1993). Methods for regression analysis of
Marek. The data of Joyner and Boore (1981) were extracted strong-motion data, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 83, no. 2, 469–487.
from the article. Lee, Y., and J. G. Anderson (2000). Potential for improving ground-motion
relations in southern California by incorporating various site
parameters, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 90, no. 6B, S170–S186, doi
Acknowledgments 10.1785/0120000509
This study was partly funded by a grant from the Réseau Accélérome- Moss, R. E. (2009) Reduced uncertainty of ground motion prediction equa-
tions through Bayesian variance analysis, Tech. Rep. PEER Report
trique Permanent (RAP) of France. We would like to thank Guillaume
2009/105, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, 63 pages.
Pousse and Adrian Rodriguez-Marek for sharing their valuable dataset with
us and Jérémy Rohmer for his comments on an early version of this article. Moss, R. E. (2011) Reduced sigma of ground motion prediction equations
through uncertainty propagation, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 101, no. 1,
Finally, we thank associate editor Peter Stafford, Pier Luigi Bragato, and an
anonymous reviewer for their constructive comments on previous versions 250–257.
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